Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2017 Please help Cui Hantang

Chapter 2017 Please help Cui Hantang
It is very easy for Fangfei to undertake such an event in the 21st century: tell the partner how much each guest pays, and the partner will bring the menu to review.But now Liu Xiang's instructions to him are vague, even saying that you should contact Wang Jun and the others about the budget.

Celebrations without money are nothing more than sponsorship. Now Mayor Liu has blocked the door of sponsorship. Twelve designated sponsors sound like a lot, and the industry also involves all aspects.There are thunderous presences in the city of Guangzhou, and it is not difficult for them to come up with such a sum of money - once this "sponsorship" proposal comes out, these twelve shops will definitely rush to send money , probably have to "do everything" to express their determination to "follow the dragon".

But Liu and Lin are still hypocritical, saying that "the amount of sponsorship should not be too large, it is easy to open but not easy to close", "These stores are in the stage of rapid development, and the money is relatively tight. The sponsorship is just a matter of intention, don't mess it up." The turnover cannot be opened"... These ambiguous words made Fang Fei very embarrassed: how much should I charge?
After thinking it over and over again, I decided to discuss it with Wang and Du. After all, they were the ones who started the wedding.See what they have to say.

"The city government requested that we not be allowed to attract sponsorship from big households, but those big households will naturally not let go of this great opportunity to 'connect' with us. I think that instead of letting them dig around outside and stuff dog holes with money, it is better for us to start our own A small hole..." Du Yibin said.

"It's easy to speak up on your own, what did Mayor Liu say?" Fang Fei wasn't afraid that Liu Xiang would hold him accountable, but the specific principles were passed at the city government office meeting. Openly speaking up by himself was tantamount to contempt for Liu Xiang and the Guangzhou Municipal Government. lead.

"Curve to save the country," Du Yibin choked out an idiom for a long time, "Look for Taoist Cui..."

"We are holding a wedding, not a white matter, what do we ask him for?" Fang Fei has a bad impression of Cui Hantang - because he criticized Fang Fei's mass activities and major ceremonies on "Venus" several times as "" A chimera of the Third Reich and Lao Maozi", without "inheriting and carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture", it is "foreign slave philosophy" and "dogmatism".In addition, the monks and priests to be seen in the old time and space are all doing rituals for funerals, so it has nothing to do with this group wedding.

"Although you don't need a Taoist priest to get married, don't forget that the executive vice chairman of the Guangzhou Red and White Council is Taoist Cui." Du Yibin reminded him, "As the executive vice chairman of the Red and White Council, it is justifiable for him to attend the wedding. Let him donate in the name of the Red and White Council, which is nominally sponsored by the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism, and Catholicism in Guangzhou-naturally, we don't care where the three of them get their sponsors from.

"It's feasible." Fang Fei thought that this idea is not a bad idea.Except for the slightly "official" color of the New Taoism, these three families have little to do with the Senate. They can make donations in the name of the local Red and White Council, and they can handle everything. past.

"I'm going to talk to Fatty Cui right now!" Wang Jun volunteered—because he has more free time on weekdays, he usually goes to the Temple of the Five Immortals to find Cui Hantang to blow water on, and Cui Hantang intends to build the Temple of the Five Immortals into a The base of the new Taoism has carried out many projects of its own, and it is inevitable to ask Wang Jun, a miscellaneous expert who "knows a little about all aspects" of mechanics, electricity, and electronics, for help.The relationship between the two parties is good.

At night, the small square in front of the Temple of the Five Immortals is bustling like an amusement park.Since Cui Hantang had spent [-] days at the Luotian Dajiao after the public sacrifice meeting, and he was so tired that he lost three catties. Mayor Liu also took good care of Cui Hantang. The construction has also given a lot of covert support.The small square in front of the Temple of the Five Immortals was expanded by Mayor Liu after he "demolished the illegal construction".

Although the Temple of the Five Immortals is the largest temple in Guangzhou, with a magnificent inner hall, the actual land area is not too large. It was built in the past dynasties, and the land in the temple has long been used up. Cui Hantang wanted to build an outdoor mass activity place, but he couldn’t find it. Find a place - the largest outdoor open space in the temple belongs to the side of the pond where the "fairy footprints" are located.

In terms of expansion, the place where the Temple of Five Immortals is located is the busy city of Guangzhou, and there is no gap on all sides.Not to mention the open space, even the main street is occupied by dilapidated shantytowns, leaving only a two or three meter wide passageway.Thanks to Liu Xiang's demolition of illegal construction projects, the old view of the street has been restored, but there is still no way to expand - if you want to expand, you have to demolish.Cui Hantang did not dare to mention demolition for the expansion of Taoist temples, and Liu Xiang did not dare to criticize them.Finally, taking advantage of the fact that many buildings in front of the gate of the Five Immortals Temple do not have title deeds, which are considered "illegal construction", a vacant lot was demolished.

Cui Hantang also spent money to "compensate" the people whose houses were demolished, and hired people to prepare and pave the ground, and built some wooden fences to surround the square—it is said to be "easy to manage."I made a few more flower beds, planted trees, and arranged some benches. It took a lot of money and effort, and I finally got this "missionary field".

Now that he has this position, Cui Hantang naturally wants to make full use of it.In the morning, Taoist students are organized to practice Tai Chi, during the day it is open to the masses to rest, and at night they hold some "propaganda" activities here.

This publicity activity is essentially "missionary", but this square can be regarded as a "public place" to some extent. The anti-religious sentiment of the Senate is still very strong. There has always been controversy. Because of Liu Xiang's incident in the previous stage, Cui Hantang has fully experienced the strength of the various trolls in the Senate, and now he can only carry out some activities in a relatively low-key manner.

Today's event is "Australian Movies".Cui Hantang originally intended to use movies as his "magic", but then thought that Lingao had already set up a movie theater, and many people among the Guihua people had seen it. This cowhide is easy to pass through.I have no choice but to not mention this.However, the films he chose were as close to the theme of "Taoism" as possible.

The news that an Australian movie will be released today has spread in the streets and alleys.According to people who have seen this movie in Lingao and Ziminglou, it is a rare Australian scene-much better than the "Lao-Australian movies" on the street.Everyone wanted to see something new, and before it got dark, the square in front of the watch was crowded with people.Children from nearby came to yell, run, and jump one after another, and the whole square was full of noise. Even the wooden fence around the newly installed stone unicorn in front of the view was full of people.Some big families even let their newborn children occupy a seat in advance and then come to watch in a sedan chair.Vendors even took the opportunity to sell food and tea, crowding the gate of the Temple of the Five Immortals.There are hundreds of people.The Taoist students in the Taoist temple were dispatched to maintain order in the streets and squares.

Two pillars have been set up in the square, and a white square cloth curtain with a black border is hung on it with ropes.

There was a lot of people outside, all anxiously waiting for the opening, but in the palace inside the pass, Cui Hantang lay sprawled on the bamboo couch and chatted with Fu Meng. It was still early and the sky was not yet dark Can't play movies either.

The content of the chat was naturally about the development of New Taoism in Guangzhou.Although Xin Taoism has made a lot of money these days: from image to material, but the development is still not smooth.The elders in Guangzhou suppressed them from time to time, and the Senate's yelling and killing made Taoist Cui lose more than half a catty.

Although he has established a reputation as a "real person" in Guangzhou by virtue of his "hand lottery" tricks and a good tongue, and he has almost attracted many scholars and gentry, but he has not made any major progress. .

His efforts to recruit believers from scholars, especially famous local scholars, were not successful.Cui Hantang painfully discovered that no matter how many "magic skills" he revealed and how many "shocking" theories he talked about, these scholars were always separated from him, not to mention "opening their hearts", even the word "respect" It's not even close.In particular, he tried his best to win over the few scholars who he hoped they could convert to. Almost all of them have tenacious aspirations, and they cannot be fooled by a few words at all.

Fortunately, the activities among the common people and the big households are relatively smooth.Many people come to the Tao purely for the purpose of "relationship" with Australians.Cui Hantang earned a lot of "gifts" from the big households who taught him, and he was praised by Daoist Zhang as "income-generating".

"...Old Tang, although your method of playing movies is good, it can't hold up to consumption. Not to mention the regulated projector bulb, but your notebook—the one in Lingao is broken, but a lot of them are broken."

Cui Hantang curled his lips: "Those guys play games and watch small movies all day long, so it's no wonder it's not bad! My little notebook is very precious, and I cherish it at ordinary times. It will be no problem to use it for another ten or eight years."

"Then what kind of film shall we show? The founding ceremony or the military parade?" Fu Meng asked.

"Cut, why don't you say that your brains in science are so ridiculous! Is this what the Taoist temple can send? You just debug the machine and listen to me. I have a lot of good things in this USB flash drive." Cui Hantang proudly Dao, totally ignoring Fu Meng's embarrassing expression.

"No problem? Will you reveal our background?" Although Fu Meng was a little annoyed at him, he still cared more about this straight-hearted fellow. Chatting, I feel very relaxed and there is no pressure at all.

"Don't worry, I've edited everything. I've removed the beginning and end credits, the producer, the studio, and so on. Okay, let's go out, it's getting dark." Cui Hantang said nonchalantly, Standing up and beckoning him to go outside.

Next update: Volume 132 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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