Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2018 Congratulations

Chapter 2018 Congratulations
The people outside the door were waiting impatiently, when suddenly they saw a fat Taoist priest come out, it was Cui Hantang, the Envoy of Lifting the Five Immortals, holding a teacup in his left hand, with five fingers stretched out in his right hand, fingertips pointing up Pinch the ring finger with the thumb to make a Qingjing Jue. After the fourth fingertip of the right hand is dipped in water, clasp the fingertip with the thumb to eject the Dharma water.He muttered in his mouth: "The Qionglun is brilliant, full profit and no loss. Xuanjing is clear, the gods open the door, and there is a high-ranking person in it, Qiongguan Yuyi, wishing to send spiritual energy to meet my return date." Then read again: "The first step is the light of the sky, the second step is the light of the earth, the third step is the light of people, the fourth step is the gods, the fifth step is the five elements, the light gathers the sun in the north, the sixth step is the brilliant light of the South Dipper, and the seventh step is the bright circle of the Big Dipper." .The fat Taoist priest suddenly yelled: "Start the film!" Fu Meng quickly connected the projector and "Zhong's No. 5 mobile power pack", and a beam of light shot out from the open door and projected on the big screen.

To follow Cui Hantang's original plan, he would have to shout: open the five directions, collect the sunlight, and reveal the yin and divine light.Then point to the screen with your hand to cast a spell, and then turn on the projector - fully expressing that this is your own spell power.However, he was summoned to the city government after playing this set of "spells" once. It turned out that someone wrote a letter to the Senate and accused him of "using the pretext of popularizing science to be famous and occupying controlled materials. In fact, he used this to engage in feudal superstition." , not only made Cui Hantang disgraced, but Zhang Jiaozhu was also embarrassed-after all, the missionary purpose of the new Taoism of "propagating science" was set by him.

The Religious Affairs Office and Planning Institute over there wanted to take back the projectors. After Cui Hantang scolded countless MMPs in his heart, he had to ask Liu Xiang to accompany his smiling face to promise that he would never associate film technology with magic again.This is considered to keep the projector.After I came back, I made a few complaints and was complained by Fu Meng: There are movie theaters in Lingao, and many of the naturalized people have seen movies. If you do this again, won’t you be playing against the Senate?In the future, if another movie theater is established in Guangzhou, you will go there every time the screening starts?
As soon as Cui Hantang heard what he said made sense, wouldn't he be blatantly slapping himself in the face if he really wanted to create a Guangzhou cinema?So every time the film was opened, this section was canceled.However, he is not willing to give up the big killer of movies like this, so he still has to perform some "Taoism" before starting the film, so as to hint at the relationship between them.

The onlookers saw that the Taoist priest had finished his practice, and scenes of figures appeared on the curtain, and the voices of the figures in the mirror could be heard in their ears—fortunately, this was not the first screening, and there was no longer the general uproar at that time. It works.But everyone is still curious, from time to time someone turns behind the curtain to see who is performing such a realistic shadow play.It turned out that the image was the same regardless of the front and back of the curtain.

Puzzled, they all praised the fat Taoist priest for his miraculous spells, but after a while they all enjoyed watching it with gusto.

Today's show is a very unpopular old movie "Legend of the Eight Immortals".It tells the story of seven gods in the Penglai Fairy Pavilion, Lu Dongbin, Tieguai Li, He Xiangu, Han Zhongli, Han Xiangzi, Lan Caihe and Zhang Guolao, who transformed Uncle Cao.

Uncle Cao Guo, who was demoted from the palace, was enlightened by the Seven Immortals one after another, but he didn't take it seriously. He didn't wake up until he was demoted again after admonishing the faint king.Disappointed in his official career, Cao Guojiu seeks immortality wholeheartedly. He goes through countless tests during his travels. Under the enlightenment of the Seven Immortals, he sees through the dung of fame and the inconsistency of the world. Then he is enlightened, becomes an immortal, and walks away with the Seven Immortals...

The film was shot in the 80s. From a modern point of view, there are no special effects, no ups and downs in the plot, and even more crude costumes and art.However, this movie is already "shocking" to ordinary people who usually see that "earth opera" performed in vernacular is a great entertainment.

Although the people in the play can't understand Mandarin well, with the subtitles produced by Fu Meng, there seems to be no obstacle. On the contrary, it plays a role in promoting Mandarin.

The story of "Eight Immortals" was finished in less than an hour:
Cui Hantang walked to the bottom of the screen, raised his hand to cover his face with the sleeve of his robe, and said through the loudspeaker hidden in the sleeve: "Life is full of hardships; the prosperity of the world is fleeting; fighting for fame and fortune, where can you feel at ease? Lu, it is hard to be strong; it is better to go to the Tao and live freely for a hundred years."

Talking about the sword formula and pinching it, the picture changed into another scene: a majestic palace surrounded by green mountains and green bamboos, stone paths shuttled between the jungles, Taoist priests in green clothes walked through the bamboo forest with buckets and loads, and all of them walked vigorously With a smile on his face...the middle-aged Taoist beside the ancient temple on the mountainside has fluttering beards and a red face. He pours tea and plays chess, reads scriptures, and writes a big word "Tao" with splashed ink...The old Taoist priest has a childlike face among the clouds and mist on the mountain top, Light in body and healthy in body, crossing mountains and ridges like flat land, practicing Zen and discussing Taoism, or practicing sword and boxing...

The fat Taoist said again: "Dear neighbors and elders, from now on, this temple will teach the way of fitness after lectures every morning. Welcome all high neighbors and Youdao Fang's family to visit and participate in the supreme avenue. Convey..."

After calling out the advertisement, Cui Hantang turned around and went back to the viewing room. Qing Yun took a few students from Xiaodao and hurriedly took off the screen and carried it back to the viewing room.

"Ma Yangchun, this stinky bastard, dares to compete with the fat man for his followers!" Cui Hantang was proud.Ma Yangchun was newly promoted as the bishop of the Guangzhou Diocese, and he received the approval from the Religious Affairs Office, allowing him to build a new church outside the southern city.It is inevitable that there will be friction with Cui Daochang.

"Religious reform is a good thing, but it is very inappropriate to reform and change to make it cheaper. This foreign religion is very inappropriate!" Cui Hantang changed his clothes and lay down on the bamboo couch to drink tea. On the contrary, they took the opportunity to buy a few properties! They said they wanted to set up a charity house! Shit! We don’t know how to run a charity house ourselves? Isn’t it just to get people to join the church.”

Fu Meng didn't take it seriously: "Is it okay if he wants to run charity? We can't ask the Senate to do it all--we can do it if he does it."

Cui Hantang slapped his thigh fiercely when he heard it: "Old Fu, you are right, we will do it too! Aren't we allowed to run a primary school? It is always right to run a philanthropic hall, right?"

Fu Meng said: "If we want to do it, there will be no objection from the top and bottom. It's just that there is no room in the Temple of the Five Immortals. We have to find another place."

"There are always places, and we have them under the Taoist Council." Cui Hantang thought for a while, "It's just hard to find people." He put away his usual face of laughing and cursing, and held his chin, "There must be a responsibility. People with heart and love will do it—otherwise it is better not to do it.”

I was concentrating on thinking, and suddenly a Taoist came in to report that the king and elder had come.

"Invite them in quickly." Cui Hantang was a little strange, because this Wang Jun rarely came to the Temple of the Five Immortals on weekdays - his place of work was in Huangpu, some distance from downtown Guangzhou.Usually, he is specially invited for things like computer repairs.

After asking him to come in for a talk, I found out that the prince came here for alms.

"...The thing is roughly like this. We want to use the name of the Red and White Council to get some sponsorship from the Three Sects for this group wedding—it is best to give the bride some dowry."

"This Liu Xiang just likes the trick of taking off his pants and farting," Cui Hantang snorted, "If you want the fat man to say that you want these wealthy gentry to pay, that's to look down on them! It's good for him to push the money out, and we can't piss on gold and silver." , you're so noble and you're doing nothing!"

When Wang Jun heard it, he felt like a confidant.Nodding again and again.

"... Don't worry, this matter is on the fat man." Cui Hantang slapped his chest loudly, "Just tell me how much it will cost. I will arrange it."

"Two or three hundred yuan is enough—the money for the banquet." Wang Jun is not completely sure whether his "curve to save the country" is suitable, "You don't need too much money, just enough."

"I see, you must be afraid of Liu Xiang and the others making blind comparisons." Cui Hantang pondered for a moment, in fact, he understood Liu Xiang's idea of ​​not wanting big family sponsorship, "Don't worry, I will definitely get this done for you, and I can't let you You eat and hang up."

Wang Jun and him have a lot of contacts on weekdays. Although Cui Hantang usually talks big, he will try his best to do what he promised.With his statement, the matter is settled.Immediately said: "Then we can rely entirely on you."

"Don't worry! I can't get this little money, and I'm still the deputy director of the Red and White Council." Cui Hantang laughed, "Just wait for the good news."

Wang Jun left satisfied, but he had to think carefully about getting money.Although these days he got quite a bit of incense money, but this money is the capital he is planning to show off in Guangdong, and he is reluctant to take it out.After thinking about it, I have to think of another name.After thinking about it, it's impossible to go directly to the family of the rich gentry to beg for alms - it's too much of a loss, and they have to rush to give money.He thought and thought, and it seemed that there was only a funeral.

He also thought about the name of the ceremony, since it was to raise funds for a collective wedding, then the title could be considered "marriage ceremony".Taoist rituals include everything from praying for blessings, celebrating, rewarding gods, and transcending salvation. It is not an exaggeration to perform this kind of marriage ritual.As for the organizer of the ceremony, since Wang Jun and the others are inconvenient to come forward because of their official status, they just ask one of the twelve sponsors to come forward.Then invite other big households to "rejoice".This group of wealthy gentry and gentry are all good people, and they can always be seen with a wink.It is more than enough to raise a few hundred yuan.

After listening to his thoughts, Fu Meng applauded again and again, and added: "The person who came forward to do the funeral, I think it is called Zhang Yuhao, a small opener of Zhangji Food Company. His family is a shop that we single-handedly supported and promoted after we liberated Guangzhou. The color of the Senate is the strongest, if his family comes forward, how can other big families and gentry not understand?"

"Xiao Fu, you are right. But we can't just let us contribute to this matter, can't we? The monks and foreign monks also need to have some blood—after all, they are also members of the Red and White Council."
Next update: Volume 133 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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