Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2024 Looking for the True Kun

Chapter 2024 Looking for the True Kun
"I see." Li Suiqiu nodded.I thought to myself, this Australian has so many tricks.

He had already seen the report on the group wedding in the newspaper, and it was still a full page.He seldom read this kind of braggart articles carefully, but he also knew that the Australians had once been an "official matchmaker", and a group of "frugal women" and good prostitutes were matched with them.

"Festival women remarrying again" sparked a debate among scholars in Guangzhou, with some in favor and some scolding.Li Suiqiu has nothing to do with this-it has not been easy to keep the festival since ancient times, and if he is willing to marry again, it is nothing more than being unable to keep it, so it is better to let nature take its course.

Li Suiqiu knows: Australians always like to make a fuss about major social events in order to give themselves money.This group wedding was about the same, the Zhang family came forward to perform this ceremony, it was just for fun.This is also reasonable.

However, the ceremonies and rejoicing are usually relatives and friends of the host family. The Zhang family used to be just a small shop owner, and they had no contact with their own family, let alone friendship. How could they suddenly invite their family to "rejoice"?
The Qing policeman probably saw his doubts, and said with a smile: "This is not what Uncle Zhang meant, but the host of the temple, Cui Daochang, sent Xiaodao here. This is a happy event for the whole world to celebrate, everyone, please come to celebrate and be blessed... "

For this sake, the meaning is already very clear.That's what Australians mean, just not in public.

Li Suiqiu cursed secretly: You really have a lot of money!He is very clear: in the current situation, how many big households in the city are eager to have this opportunity to gain even a little bit of relationship with the gangster.This Qing policeman had a lot of contacts on weekdays, and he knew all the big gentry in the city. He walked around, not to mention a few hundred taels of silver, tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Thinking of this, he smiled "hehe" and said: "It seems that this Daoist Cui has a lot of money. Since you are in my house, you didn't run away for nothing, right?"

Hearing the meaning of this, the Qing police hurriedly bowed to accompany him with a smile and said, "What did Uncle Li say! This rejoicing at the wedding is just a matter of fate, and it's all a matter of fate. Xiaodao is determined not to fight too much."

The Qing police didn't dare to deal with him any longer, so he hurriedly said: "Retire", and hurried out.

Li Suiqiu was upset, went in to see his mother, and went back to the study outside.His valet was already waiting for him.

After returning to the city, Li Suiqiu generally lived a "reclusive" life, never going out except for small gatherings with teachers and friends and celebrations between relatives and friends.Also rarely stay on the street.But he is very concerned about the news on the street. Every day, a special servant goes to the street to buy newspapers for him, copy announcements, and bring back various market rumors and private "posts" by the way.

Today, the boy brought a lot of news as usual.Li Suiqiu looked through the "Yangcheng Express" first, but there was not much new content, and the local news continued to report news of blind dates and group weddings.In addition, it is "My heroic Fubo army won another great victory in such and such a place, killing the bandit XXX..."

On the contrary, the domestic news is quite interesting. From this newspaper, it can be seen that the Australians know the situation of Daming very well, not only the affairs of the court, but also all kinds of events in various places.It is even possible to quote the original texts in pond newspapers, dichao, memorials and various official documents in paragraphs.This is what confuses Li Suiqiu and others the most—even if the Australians have arranged a large number of detailed operations in Beijing, and there are "telegrams" to transmit messages in an instant, can't the two capitals and the thirteen chief ministers arrange detailed operations everywhere?In particular, some things involved rogues, and the news was more detailed than that of the imperial court.

Although Li Suiqiu had no way to prove that what the newspaper said was correct, he instinctively felt that the Kun thief had a very strong grasp of the news, and it would take less than three to five days for important news from all over the country to reach them.

After reading a few articles of this domestic news, he couldn't bear to read any more: the whole article was bad news.Floods and droughts locust plague, thieves flocked.

I didn't expect the country's situation to be so bad!Li Suiqiu secretly sighed in his heart.In the past, he had no access to Australian newspapers, so he only had a vague sense of the overall situation.He has been to the capital, and he has been to many places, and seeing the situation along the way, he knows that the country is getting worse.But I never realized that Ming's crisis is so common and serious.Now that there are newspapers, disasters in various places are often published. Not only are the texts detailed, but they are also accompanied by various woodcuts, which vividly describe the tragedy.

This kind of impact day after day made Li Suiqiu feel more and more confused about Daming's future.What is the future of Daming?

The answer is that it is impossible.Li Suiqiu vaguely realized that he had seen the future, but deep down in his heart, he was extremely resistant to this answer.

With this melancholy mood he put down the newspaper and picked up a mess of papers.These are all kinds of "tabloids" sold privately on the street.It's not Australians who make a living in this line of business, but hawkers who used to use clay type, soot, water and thick paper to reprint and sell newspapers in mansions.The various tabloids for sale are full of short story books with crude writing and vulgar language. Li Suiqiu has seen servants read these stories in their spare time before, and he didn't take it seriously at first, but recently discovered that this There is something different in the vulgar thing!

This world started when a tabloid serialized the storybook "Biography of the Heroes of Tai O".A few days ago, he accidentally saw the opening paragraph beside the valet. Although the handwriting was illegible and the words were crude, the content immediately caught his attention.

Although the whole story of "The Legend of the Great O Heroes" is obviously alluding to the thieves, and although the whole story is "fake history", it is quite intriguing to imitate the introduction of "Water Margin" and fabricate the origins of Australians.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, there were loyal ministers and righteous men who protected the Song Dynasty against the Yuan Dynasty, but things ended in disharmony, and they crossed the sea to show their ambitions.

A fairy took pity on him, opened the gate of the fairyland, rescued him with an iron boat, brought him back to the fairyland of the earth, and placed him in Da'ao, East China Sea.
The teaching of immortality has lasted for nine generations, and there are more than five hundred descendants of Miao, all of whom have learned the methods of the immortal family.

One day the fairy said:
"You were originally mortals who were rescued by my big iron boat in the last days. Now that the last days are coming, it is difficult to see the Dao without ending the cause and effect. You should use the big iron boat to save the people of the world. After completing the cause and effect, you can prove the Dao. "

Then the fairy gate was opened again, and 500 people came out in a big iron boat.

Zan said: Loyal ministers and righteous men repay the king's kindness, and the gate of heaven is opened in the Song room.Five hundred banished immortals rescued the catastrophe, and the iron boats were everywhere.

Li Suiqiu, as a disciple of Confucianism, naturally does not believe that Australians are "immortals", but he understands the meaning behind these words-they are smearing "divine grant" and "destiny" for their actions of usurping the country. powder.

He thought of the prophecy rumors on the street brought to him by the boy not long ago.

"A piece of purple rose from Yunnan and the sea, and the Emperor Qin frequently chiseled Ma'anshan. The dragon's energy through the ages could not die, and Guangnan reopened the Great Song Dynasty."

This is extremely plain, and it became popular a few years ago, so it goes without saying that it was secretly fabricated and distributed by the thieves.

"A solar eclipse collapses, a lunar eclipse cracks the earth, and the eclipse of the sun and the moon disappears."

This passage is quite meaningful.Because since the first year of Chongzhen, the celestial phenomena have been changing.There was a solar eclipse in the first year of Chongzhen, and then there were solar eclipses in the second, fourth, and fifth years of Chongzhen, and until the seventh year of Chongzhen, there were continuous solar eclipses in March, July, and October.Although Li Suiqiu didn't understand astronomy, he was quite convinced of the "response between heaven and man". This continuous "vision" has long made him uneasy.

He remembered that there was a gathering in the last years of Tianqi, and someone mysteriously mentioned an astronomical vision in Bingyin in July of the fourth year of Tianqi: "Five stars are in a row, Ziwei star is out of position, the guest star is transiting the sun, and the emperor star is dim."

In the past, they only regarded it as a sign of Emperor Xizong's immortal life--it was indeed confirmed later.However, recently people on the street say that this is a harbinger of the imminent collapse of the Ming Dynasty and a change of dynasty.

Ren Li Suiqiu is a disciple of the Holy Cult, and he will inevitably be shaken in the face of these prophecy rumors--is Da Ming really going to die?

He lowered his head in pain, and stopped reading these horrible posts.He has read history books. It has been more than 260 years since the founding of the Taizu. Since Zulong unified China, except for the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasties and the Great Song Dynasty that relied on half of the country to continue its life, no dynasty has enjoyed the country for so long.As a man grows old, so do the signs of the last days of a dynasty appear,

The words "When a country is about to perish, there must be evildoers" suddenly flashed in his mind.good!Isn't the Australian who came here on an iron boat a "monster"?Even the Donglu Jurchens have their roots and foundations. Only this Kun thief, apart from pretending to be the Great Song Dynasty and his appearance, how can he be half like Huaxia?Even the source is secretive and refuses to say.

You can deceive the ignorant people, but you can't deceive me!
When Li Suiqiu thought of this, he couldn't help but feel that his whole body was full of fighting spirit—he wanted to fight this gangster who pretended to be a Miao descendant of the Song Dynasty!
However, this excitement was followed by a burst of emptiness: how to fight?Li Suiqiu is not a weak scholar, he is proficient in the "six arts" and is also quite good at swordsmanship. He is a Confucian scholar who can write and fight.In the history of old time and space, he led his troops to rescue Ganzhou, where he fought hard and died.But at this moment, what he was thinking of was not fighting or assassination, but to understand the inside story of the Australians and find a corresponding method.

Mr. Liang runs the Yuyuan Club, which specializes in the study of kunology.Li Suiqiu knew a thing or two.However, he didn't have much contact with the Liang family. Since the Liang family was involved in the witchcraft case and was punished in the tax rectification case, the Yuyuan Club had been disbanded. Land, waiting for no one to come to the door.Naturally, it is impossible to go here.

What's more, this method of just collecting materials and listening to others tell what they have seen and heard is a bit scratchy.

It would be nice to be able to interact directly with Australians!At least you can get first-hand news from the other party.

However, although there are many real kuns in the city of Guangzhou, none of them have anything to do with him.Li Suiqiu searched for a long time, but he didn't think of a person who could be recommended.

Next update: Volume 139 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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