Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2025 Peony Champion 1 Exploration 5 Immortals

Chapter 2025 The Peony Champion Explores the View of the Five Immortals
Think again, there is a ready-made opportunity in front of you!The younger brother of this family is going to have a funeral, and the Qing police come from home to rejoice -- needless to say, my mother will definitely help with such things.It's better to go to the Temple of the Five Immortals to meet the "Taoist priest" of the bandit for a while under the name of "Suixi".

Thinking of this, Li Suiqiu suddenly became energetic and shouted: "Come on!"

So, this morning, brothers Li Suiqiu and Li Suiqi came to the Temple of the Five Immortals to "pilgrimage".

As he expected, as soon as he entered the Guanmen, Qing Huan was perfunctory with him, but at the same time said something to the little Taoist beside him, the little Taoist took a look at the Li family brothers, and ran in quickly.

"Needless to say, this is to report to the Australians." Li Suiqiu thought.

Qing Huan led the two brothers on a tour. Although it was said to be "incense", in fact Li Suiqiu didn't bring incense candles - he had prepared them when he came to the temple.However, when I came here, I realized that New Taoism does not pay attention to burning incense for offerings. Although it does not prohibit it, it does not encourage it.Only talk about sincere worship and flowers.No incense is allowed inside the temple, only a large incense burner is set on the stone majesty.Each person is only allowed to burn three sticks of incense sticks. High incense sticks, stick incense sticks, and gold and silver ingots are not allowed to be incinerated.

So they walked all the way, and they didn't have the feeling of many temples being smoky and cigarette smoke.Although there are many people who come to worship, they are in good order.In the halls with a large number of people, there is another Taoist who guides the evacuation, entering and exiting in an orderly manner.

"No wonder everyone says that Australians are the most orderly, and it really lives up to their reputation." Li Suiqiu commented secretly.

Swimming to the nave, there is a door behind you that cannot be opened, but you can hear the sound of books, and the sound of children playing and singing, and you can't help but wonder, is it possible that this Australian is still running a social school here?When I asked Qing Huan, it was true.I couldn't help feeling secretly in my heart: Although it is easy to do, not everyone is willing to do it.

The biggest attraction of this tour of the Temple of Five Immortals is to climb to the first floor of Lingnan.Li Suiqiu visited this bell tower more than once in the past, and once held a poetry meeting with his teachers and friends on it.However, this is the first time for Australians to enter the city, and I am quite emotional.

When I climbed on it, I saw a fat Taoist priest waiting on it with a pleasant smile.

"Supreme Daobao Tianzun," I saw the fat Taoist bowing, "Is Mr. Li Kunzhong the one who came?"

"It's the student." Li Suiqiu thought in his heart: He really appeared.

This person is the "Australian Taoist priest" he has seen in several ritual activities.It is said that he is also the elder of Zhen Kun.In Guangzhou, it seems to have the meaning of leading monks and Taoists.

Li Suiqiu is very confident, as long as he appears in the Temple of the Five Immortals, the Australian Taoist priest will definitely come out to meet him - after all, he is a well-known Guangzhou celebrity in the southern country.

"Poverty Road is hosted by the Temple of the Five Immortals, and the envoy of the Temple of the Five Immortals in Guangzhou, Cui Hantang, has been promoted. I have long admired Mr. Ming's name."

Don't look at Cui Hantang's carelessness and indifference, he is still very cautious about being a celebrity - this is completely different from many veterans who dismiss celebrities in this time and space, and even regard them as enemies.This is probably because, as a lover of traditional culture, he naturally has a good impression of traditional celebrities, not to mention a celebrity and national hero like Li Suiqiu, who has his own fan filter.

Cui Hantang looked at the elegant young man Pian Pianjia with white beard and elegant demeanor in front of him, and secretly sighed in his heart: According to the history of the old time and space, he will die in battle in Ganzhou in more than ten years——I can't imagine that such a romantic young man can Abandon everything without fear and die generously!Can't help admiring a little more, Zhili became more respectful.

If Cui Hantang's appearance was seen by some elders at this time, he would definitely be scolded for "losing his position" and "kneeling and licking the remnants of usurping the Ming Dynasty".

"Don't dare, dare not." Li Suiqiu returned the salute.I muttered in my heart, what is the way of this gangster Taoist priest?Why are you so respectful to yourself?
To say that he is famous, he does have some reputation in Guangdong - a talent for poetry and prose.In addition, the moral article is not outstanding, just an ordinary celebrity.He had heard that the Australians were all extremely arrogant, claiming to be talented.Not to mention the great contemporary Confucianists, even the most holy teachers are often called "Confucian Second" by them.

"Come on, Pindao has prepared tea, sir, please drink tea." Cui Hantang greeted them to take a seat on the bell tower.

He had already driven out the policeman who served as a surveillance post, and put the "English garden style" rattan tables and chairs, as well as a set of tea sets for Kung Fu tea.There is also a small wind stove next to it, and there is an iron pot, steaming "gurgling".Daosheng was busy fanning the flames.

These rattan tables and chairs are not uncommon—Zichengji has sold a complete set for a long time. It is said that it is made of red and white rattan in Qiongzhou, and some are also equipped with iron bones. .There are also several sets in Li Suiqiu's house, which are divided into gardens, study rooms and other places.

As for the tea tray and tea set, he also recognized that they were "Kung Fu Tea" brought by the Australians.It was first developed in Ziming Building.Gradually, it became popular among rich people.Although Li Suiqiu didn't catch up with this trend, he drank it quite a few times.Although this kind of Kung Fu tea is not a rare thing, but the tea that matches it must be the Australian "Li Mushan Oolong Tea", especially the top grade "Dongding", which has a faint orchid fragrance in the tea flavor, and its price is very high. .Tea merchants from all over the world wanted to explore the secrets of "Limu Mountain Oolong Tea", but the Australians blocked it so tightly that even if they sent people to Qiongzhou, they couldn't find out why.

Li Suiqiu and his brothers sat down, while Cui Hantang washed the cups and warmed the cups, and brewed Kung Fu tea.The three of them were silent and drank a round first.

"Sure enough, it's good tea." Li Suiqiu knew after tasting it that the tea served by Cui Hantang was of the highest quality - he had never tasted it even in Ziming Tower in the past.It is probably a high-end item specially used for the real kiln products of the elders.

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear.People like Li Suiqiu spend far more money on food and clothing than ordinary people, and are from a family of local gentry, so they have long been indifferent to life enjoyment and flattery.However, what is in front of us is the famous "maritime giants" who are rampant in Guangdong and Guangxi. No matter how disgusted they are with their "non-sensuality" in their attempt to "take Zhu Zhu", the hospitality they respect is still very useful.

"Good tea. Good tea." Li Suiqiu put down the teacup.

"This is the tea specially provided by the general office for the Senate. You can't buy it outside, so it's very good." Cui Hantang leaned back, with a full moon face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. "Brother Li came to the temple this time to offer incense, and the temple... um... this... is full of splendor..."

Cui Hantang intends to take this opportunity to subdue, or at least let Li Suiqiu have a little affection for Xin Taoism himself, so that he can start working next.

In fact, the Senate has completely different opinions on the attitudes of these famous historical figures of Ming Dynasty.Some people think that they should try their best to use them for their own use and absorb them into the system, while others want to eliminate them quickly.Most of the soy sauce veterans think it doesn't matter, neither intend to recruit nor eliminate - as long as they live a peaceful life behind closed doors, don't get in the way.

Cui Hantang belongs to the first point of view.Of course, he is slightly different from other veterans who hold similar views, that is, he has some selfish thoughts, hoping to convert Li Suiqiu, the peony champion, to New Taoism, and then convert his teacher Chen Zizhuang and Nanyuan Twelve Sons one by one. pull in.Strengthen the power of New Taoism.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone about this idea, because if he said it, he would definitely be criticized by the Senate: win over the gentry, corrupt the team and so on.

But today, his opening remark was immediately despised by Li Suiqiu: The Kun thief is indeed a barbarian who doesn't even know how to be polite.

Although he thought so, Li Suiqiu also politely said: "Where, where. I just sit at home and have nothing to do. I heard that brother Zhang is going to have a funeral in Guiguan to pray for blessings. The students come to watch the fun."

Cui Han and Tang Yizheng then thought that the Qing police must have gone to Li's house to invite Suixi.He secretly praised "nice job" in his heart, so he took the trouble to talk about this blind date and group wedding.

Li Suiqiu heard his bragging, but it was the same as the news published in "Yangcheng Express". Seeing this fat Taoist priest's mouth was spitting, his words were vulgar, and his face was full of complacency, he couldn't help but feel secretly disgusted.

He has excellent self-cultivation skills, and listened to the "official announcement" calmly.Then he asked slowly: "The Taoist priest is right, and the students also read it in the newspaper. This group wedding is a good thing, and the widows and widows have their own support. It is also in line with the righteousness of the Senate to save the people from the fire and water." .However, the world is in dire straits, and countless people are in dire straits. How can the Senate save them?"

Cui Hantang thought to himself, this Li Suiqiu not only came prepared, but also went straight to the point, without any pretense.

In Li Suiqiu's view, what kindness and widowhood are just small things.Now that the Australians have invaded Guangdong and put on the stance of aspiring to win the Kyushu, we have to see what their ambitions are.

For Cui Hantang, this answer was extremely difficult to answer.Fortunately, he has already imagined how to answer similar questions when dealing with these Confucian scholars in Guangzhou.

"What is the general trend of the world, Mr. Mei Zhou must have seen it more clearly than Pindao." Cui Hantang said, "To be honest, the current situation of Daming is just the opposite of the right time, location, and harmony of people."

"How do you say that?" Li Suiqiu became interested.Talking about major national affairs and commenting on the gains and losses of governance have been the things that intellectuals have been talking about since ancient times. Cui Hantang's views are quite novel, and they immediately scratched his itch.

"Mr. Mei Zhou has read a lot, and he probably knows that since ancient times, great things have to be accomplished, as well as being lucky. The so-called plan is up to people, and it is up to God to make things happen. God's will cannot be violated." Cui Hantang began to play tricks, "What is God's will? It’s mysterious and mysterious, but in fact it’s mostly human affairs, it’s just that ordinary people are used to it and don’t care about it.”
Volume 140 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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