Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2027

Chapter 2027
"May I ask what the disadvantages are?" Li Suiqiu was born in Guangdong, and he has been to Jiangnan and the capital. Although he knows the environment and climate in the north, he knows very little, and he just passed by when he passed by.

"The disadvantage is that it destroys the environment." Cui Hantang said, "Mr. Zhou probably doesn't know that although Guanzhong used to be a fertile land with fertile wilderness, it is actually in a zone of little rain... It is all nourished by trees and grasslands. The vegetation is sparse. Then neither the water nor the soil can be preserved..."

Cui Hantang saw more and more "perplexity" on Li Suiqiu's face, and knew that if he continued to say this, he would be playing the piano to the cow-after all, Li Suiqiu didn't know what the "400mm drop belt" was or the "Little Ice Age". People living in a subtropical monsoon climate like Guangdong probably don't understand what "soil and water conservation" is.

Therefore, Cui Hantang had no choice but to mention his high-level theory, first explaining some professional terms.Li Suiqiu originally had the idea of ​​"just listen to it", but after hearing it, he felt quite reasonable.Although he has not been to too many places, he has also been to the capital. He has experienced the scenery and environment from south to north. He knows the winter and summer in the South of the Five Ridges, the excess warmth in the south of the Yangtze River, and the drought and sandstorm in the north. , I only knew that the climate was different, but I never considered why it was different. Cui Hantang's words were a little inspiration for him.

"...The students basically understand what the Taoist priest said. The climate of a place depends on water and heat, isn't that true?"

"Exactly!" Cui Hantang breathed a sigh of relief. Although this answer was a bit crude, it was much more efficient than teaching Taoist students in Lingao.

"The weather is cold and warm, and there are reincarnations. It's like the cycle of the four seasons. It's cold every [-] years, and it's hot again every [-] years. When it's cold, it's dry, and when it's hot, it's flooding. Now it's time for cold and drought again?"

Talking to smart people is really not tiring... Cui Hantang thought to himself.

"Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province was originally a place of drought and little rain, but now it has encountered a 'cold season', with very little rain. Therefore, there have been nine droughts in ten years. Water and soil conservation is especially important." Cui Hantang talked eloquently, "To conserve water and soil, only vegetation... ..."

Although the ancients had the idea of ​​"leveling the mountains to control the water" and the administrative order of "forbidding the mountains", the environmental protection is generally at the level of agricultural needs. Most of the governance is carried out around irrigation and soil improvement. Insufficient knowledge of water and soil.Coupled with the huge official and private demand for timber, in order to feed a large population, tax increases had to encourage reclamation.

"...Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, the forests have been cut down and the grasslands have been reclaimed. Day after day, year after year, the forests and grasslands have been completely destroyed; since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, they have been reclaimed in Guanzhong, reaching 3000 million mu. Although it took a while Although the vegetation is completely destroyed, it will cause endless harm to future generations."

After the vegetation in arid and semi-arid areas is destroyed, the water storage function of the land is lost, and the local humid microclimate created by forests no longer exists.Further exacerbated the deterioration of climate and soil.In areas lacking irrigation conditions, it has become a complete dependence on the sky.Agricultural output per mu dropped sharply.In North China, Northwest China and other places, before 49, the yield of wheat per mu was only a few tens of catties, which was normal.
"...Since the production is scarce, the people can only cultivate more land to survive. The more the land is cultivated, the less and less the product is. Repeatedly, the rich land of thousands of miles of fertile fields has become windy and sandy, and the barren hills are barren. The land of the Ming Dynasty. Now that the power of the Ming Dynasty is shrinking, and the gentry and the government are not sympathetic to the people, how can the people not rebel?"

After a long detour, I finally returned to the argument that "natural disasters are also man-made disasters".Li Suiqiu savored the taste in secret, but there was something new in it.Since ancient times, commenting on the gains and losses of the past dynasties is nothing more than "not sympathetic to the people" and "the master is faint and treacherous".After all, the reasons for natural disasters were beyond comprehension at that time.

Sui Liqiu pondered for a moment and said: "That's what the Taoist priest said, presumably the Senate has extremely clever means to avoid this man-made disaster?" "

Cui Hantang proudly said: "Naturally!"

Li Suiqiu thought to himself that this Taoist priest is not only fat enough, but also boasting one of the best.Now that it's all said here, he wanted to listen further, so he asked: "Then I need to ask for advice."

"The ancients said: One force will drop ten times..." After saying this, Li Suiqiu's face showed a puzzled look, and Cui Hantang remembered that this sentence only came in the Qing Dynasty, so he quickly changed his mouth and said, "It's true. People who are capable don't care about those little tricks—the root cause of this natural and man-made disaster lies in 'productivity'!"

"What is productivity?"

"This... is like the same one mu of land. The world under my Senate will plant it. If the same rice is planted, it will charge a few hundred catties more than the local people-if the whole world can harvest five dollars more per mu Ten catties, you don’t need to cultivate everywhere, you can make people have enough food and clothing, and even if there is a disaster, they will not be starved to death.”

Li Suiqiu thought to himself, this fellow is such a big talker!Although he does not directly manage the land himself, he has lived in the village and knows the rent collection situation like the back of his hand. He knows that farming depends entirely on the weather.However, such a year may not come once in ten years.Even in a good harvest year, only a few hundred catties of rice can be harvested per mu. Is there any secret method of farming that can increase the yield of several hundred catties per mu?Really unheard of.

He didn't doubt that Cui Hantang was bragging, because the news that the thieves had a "secret method" in farming had already spread.People who have been to Qiongzhou Mansion and Lingao will all come back and tell about the fields they saw.

If the Kun thief can be used by Da Ming, the current crisis of Da Ming can be resolved.Li Suiqiu couldn't help feeling a pity secretly.Not to mention that their boats are strong and their guns are strong, but their ability to work in the fields and manage business affairs is also rare in the world.pity!
"Students are not talented, this productivity is probably a way to make the land more productive?"

"Exactly. In all walks of life, there is nothing like this. The development of productive forces is the first priority in everything. The Ming Dynasty has fallen to the current situation. In the final analysis, the productive forces are not enough. Population breeding is a good thing, but it also has countless more people to eat Mouth. In the past, 100 mu of land fed 1000 people, everyone was fed and clothed, and they could have a meal of wine and meat and wear a few new clothes during the festivals; now the whole land is opened up and planted with only 1000 mu of land. However, the population to support has become [-] people. The yield per mu is still the same." Cui Hantang said enthusiastically, "Besides, there are dozens of people out of the [-] people who are not satisfied with food, but eat meat and drink every day. Going to buy fish, meat, and silk, naturally many people will starve to death..."

"In this way, if the productivity of these 1000 people is high, even if it is only [-] mu of land, as long as the production can be increased, even if some people want to eat meat and buy silk, no one will starve to death?"

"Maybe a few unlucky people will starve to death or not have enough to eat, but it will not be like this now. Everyone will starve to death. They can only rebel and grab food or be killed and don't eat... Let's say that I am under the rule of the Senate. Although we dare not say that everyone is well-fed and warm, at least no one starved to death in Qiongzhou." Cui Hantang sighed, "Since ancient times, the people's desire is the lowest, and what they want is nothing more than food, clothing and safety. If you can't even do this, what else is there? Sitting face to face in the hall?"

Although Li Suiqiu will not be able to fully understand this "productivity supremacy theory" for a while, but the last sentence is clear-obviously condemning Long Live Today.

To be honest, although today's Wansui is a little too harsh on the teacher, it is unavoidable to be "blocking the way of speech", but they have also heard from the teachers and friends in the capital that: the emperor worked hard to govern, and he eats and clothes. It can be said that in recent decades never had.Therefore, although many people, including Li Suiqiu, have various opinions and dissatisfaction with Chongzhen's administration, they still hold great hope.

"My master said: 'Long live today, he is a generation of sages who are not good at money and sex, diligent in government and love the people', but the world is full of swords and soldiers, and the people are boiling? Apart from the lack of productivity, there are other reasons ?”

"Diligence? Hehe." Cui Hantang couldn't help laughing: "Although Ming's predicament is not his responsibility, but now not only has it not improved at all, but the situation is getting worse day by day, and more than half of it is his fault." Qinzheng made a fuss! The more diligent the government, the faster the Ming country will perish!"

"how do I say this?"

"He is in a hurry to seek treatment! The so-called doing bad things with good intentions - if you have no ability, the more you want to do good things, the more bad things you will do! I think his governance over the years is exactly what he said: he is suspicious and he is scrupulous, he is rigid and arrogant. Ren Censor is harsh. He is ungrateful, but Shangqi is in a hurry. Such a capricious person became the emperor, in the eyes of the poor, his hard work is just a toss! He first punished Wei and rebelled against Wei, and then suppressed Donglin—that’s all, everything It's a remnant of the previous dynasty. But what's the matter with changing the chief minister every year? The country's major policies are changing day by day, making local officials at a loss. Such a person becomes emperor, and he has no knowledge of people. It's all a tragedy." Cui Hantang spoke up, held up the teapot, and began to comment on the emperor in a chatterbox.

"As the saying goes: 'Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs'. This master is good: if you use a general, you must rush to fight, and if you lose, you must investigate thoroughly. In the second year of Chongzhen, Yang Gao, the Minister of the Ministry of War, was killed; in the third year of Chongzhen, Ji Liaodu was killed. Yushi Liu Ce; Chongzhen killed Yuan Chonghuan, governor of Jiliao in the third year of Chongzhen; governor Shen Chi was killed in the fifth year of Chongzhen; Sun Chuanting was imprisoned, and Sun Chengzong was demoted back to his hometown to wait for death. Although these people were defeated, they were considered capable. If they can let go of their trust, they may not be able to make meritorious deeds. They were killed just because of a failure, and those who survived were scared. They had to commit suicide one after another. The emperor who was killed so easily, all the capable ministers and good generals must be killed by him, no matter how talented people are, people will panic, and no one dares to take responsibility!"
Volume 142 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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