Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2028

Chapter 2028
Cui Daochang was frothing, and Li Suiqiu was very disgusted, especially when he said so badly about the emperor, which shocked him even more.However, my heart resonated with what he said.He also slanders the current emperor a lot.In particular, the conviction of several of the ministers has been discussed in the circle of teachers and friends who have made great efforts to complain.What's more, there is also my own teacher, who was convicted for no reason, not only received the imperial scepter, but also sent to prison, and suffered a lot of torture. If it wasn't for the friend and the queen mother who pleaded for mercy in the same year, he would have "died" long ago.

Li Suiqiu suddenly thought: Although this fat man speaks vulgarly, there are often things that don't make sense.But every sentence hits the point, especially the four sentences commenting on the emperor, "Ren Cha is suspicious in nature, rigid but arrogant. Ren Cha is harsh and ungrateful, but he is in a hurry when he is angry." It is concise and incisive, and it is by no means that this speech is vulgar What a fat Taoist priest can say-it is not the insight that ordinary literati in this dynasty can have.

One is that some great Confucianist has already taken refuge in Kun Bandit—this person is not only knowledgeable, but must have held official positions in the court.

Thinking of this, he felt worried.Naturally, with the extreme financial resources of the Kun bandits, it was not difficult to buy a few more high-ranking officials when they could buy the Guangzhou defenders to hand over the city.

Skills are not as good as people, and even people's hearts are slowly dissipating.Li Suiqiu couldn't help feeling sad secretly.

Originally, I wanted to say a few more words to Taoist Cui, but at this moment, I have completely lost my interest.Besides, the purpose of my coming here is to find out the facts of the Kun thief, why should I argue with him?He snorted a few times and stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, Cui Hantang became even more energetic, and then uttered nonsense: "...the world of the Ming Dynasty was originally at stake. It is like a terminally ill person who cannot be cured, but with careful treatment, he can always prolong his life for a few years. However, the administration of the poor Taoist temple in these years has indeed been rushing to the doctor in a hurry, abusing the medicine of tigers and wolves, as the saying goes, putting out the fire with the salary, and fighting the fire with the salary, is the right way to kill the dead!" Cui Hantang said bluntly, "No In ten years, the bandits will surely enter the capital. At that time, the three armies will open the city to surrender the bandits, and the city will be full of civil and military evasions. Even if you hit the Jingyang bell, you will not be able to summon the ministers. Only one will die, and there will be only one eunuch by his side..."

"Nonsense!" Li Suiqiu couldn't bear the Taoist's nonsense any longer—it was enough to say that Ming Dynasty was going to perish, and he described the day of the country's subjugation so vividly, as if he saw it with his own eyes—and couldn't help refuting, "Although the Ming Dynasty is full of wars and turmoil, and the state affairs are in turmoil, the kindness of the Taizu's rebuilding of China is still there, and the people's hearts are still useful. Although the Taoist priest is an Australian, he is an enemy country with the Ming Dynasty, so there is no need to make such alarmist remarks!"

Cui Hantang smiled "hehe" and said: "Mr. Mei Zhou, don't be anxious. You are lying, even if you are poor, it is nothing more than lying. However, facts speak louder than words, and it has only been ten years. Let's see who is lying today."

"This guy is extremely rude!" Li Suiqiu secretly resented.However, this visit can be regarded as benefiting a lot, especially after listening to the high-level theory of "productivity only", I basically understood the basic concept of governing the country of the Kun Bandits-to put it bluntly, it is just "seeking profit".No wonder people who have been to Qiongzhou say that Australians are "defensive to men and women" and "customs are obscene and extravagant".

However, he has no intention of getting entangled with this Taoist priest at this moment. After all, the two sides are already enemy countries, and it is not possible to tell right from wrong with a few empty words.Why don't you take yourself and the whole family in first.

Cui Hantang originally thought that his high-sounding theories would surely make the peony number one scholar explode in three views. Even if he didn't just bow down, at least he had some "respect" for himself.Unexpectedly, Li Suiqiu had no expression at all after spending a lot of saliva, and always kept an indifferent tone-by comparison, he seemed quite anxious.Can't help feeling annoyed.However, for his "big plan", he still has to be patient and urgently need to speak about "the superiority of the Australian system" and "the system problems of the Ming Dynasty".

Li Suiqiu listened carefully and asked a few questions from time to time.However, just like a guy in love talking with a girl he likes on QQ, when a long paragraph of text is sent, only a few emoticons and "hehe" are always replied, Cui Hantang can't hold it anymore.Had to roll up their sleeves.

"MD, these sours should be killed! No! They should all be sent to dig sand!" Cui Hantang cursed in his heart as he watched the Li family brothers leave.What comforted him a little was that the Qing police went out and gained a lot this time. Suixi had already received more than 500 yuan in money, and many wealthy households heard the news and offered to come to the temple to "Suixi".In addition, Fu Meng obtained money from Buddhism and Catholicism, at least 1000 yuan can be collected.

With the 1000 yuan in hand, in addition to organizing banquets for Fang Fei, decorating the venue, and repairing the new house... at least half of it can be left.It is possible to repair the old houses everywhere.If it is done well, the start-up fee of the Taoist primary school he planned can also be taken out of it-the people from the education department have already visited Guangzhou and are planning to run a local school.I have to take advantage of this enthusiasm to get things done quickly, so that I don't have to worry about not having backup human resources in the future...

"Host, the seminar is about to begin..." Daosheng came to report.

"You tell them to wait a moment, I will come right away."

"A few newcomers came today, brought by Mr. Li Qiushui..."

"No matter who brought it, just treat them with tea, don't be negligent."


"Fortunately, scholars don't have so many brains..." Cui Hantang muttered.He suddenly discovered that his united front against celebrities in Guangzhou was generally not very successful. He originally planned to recruit some local young talents, including brothers Li Suiqiu, painter Zhao Huoxiangfu, Chen Zizhuang's eldest son Chen Shangyong, Ou Biyuan's eldest son Ou Jiaxian, second son Ou Sixian, South China Sea scholars Dai Zhu, Lu Feixiong, Tao Biao...

Under his deliberate win over, most of the people here have more or less contact with the Taoist temple.It should be said that as an "Australian veteran", as long as he still intends to live in Guangzhou, he will generally not refuse his invitation.What's more, most of his invitations are conducted in religious forms, and he is a "Taoist priest", which can be regarded as "semi-civilian", and these scholars have much less worries about dealing with him.

However, no matter how he wins over, "doing ideological work" has actually made very little progress.Although he is very polite on the surface, listening to him preaching Taoism and various "science popularization" and discussing with each other seems to be very enjoyable and harmonious.However, when they come into contact with substantive issues, they always "look left and talk about others", and have no intention of "turning to the light" at all.

In contrast, some impoverished children and scholars are much more active, not only actively studying, but also constantly expressing their willingness to "progress" in all aspects.Cui Hantang also organized a symposium for them, and the results were not bad.It's just that Cui Hantang feels dissatisfied - he still has an addiction to collecting celebrities in his heart, and he is not too interested in those unknown poor scholars.

Now it seems that no matter how much effort I spend on these "celebrities", they are nothing more than hypocrisy at best.After all, most of these talents come from wealthy families with conservative ideas, and they have no motivation to rebel against the Australians.

At this time, it began to drizzle, and the wind was blowing chilly.He hastened to sort out his mood and put on the demeanor of an outsider,
The place where he preached was in the apse.Naturally, the scholars in Laide are not the "Dao students" who study here.More like a loose symposium format.His preaching here is not entirely to reserve talents for the new Taoism, but more to attract people's hearts for the Senate and hold a cultural salon.

Cui Hantang greeted everyone to take their seats in the East Pavilion of the back hall, and asked with a smile after the Daoist served tea, "You all came here today despite the rain, you must have something to ask?"

Li Qiushui is a poor scholar, because he has the oldest qualifications, he stood up and said: "Master Cui, I had a very good conversation with you last time. After returning home, I thought about what you said for a long time and felt that what you said made sense. I discussed it with the villagers the day before yesterday. I came here to ask for advice if I have any doubts. These few are all talented people from the nearby villages, and I heard that the Taoist leader spoke in a humble way and came here to ask for advice."

Cui Han Tangxin said: "The last time they criticized Confucianism, they probably shocked them too much—well, there are quite a few good seedlings here. Although their fame has been checked, they are not famous at all, but they are still smart and capable. Daoist wants to fight Get up and scare them away, and take in a few more direct disciples..."

Immediately cheered up and talked about the subtle meaning of the Dao:

"... Tao is the fundamental law of the operation of the universe, the birth and death of all things, and it contains two meanings.

"First, the Tao is the realm of our thoughts, that is, the dialectical analysis of thoughts is how to solve problems! This thing cannot become a god or immortal. It teaches us how to sublimate our thoughts to the spiritual realm in the material world full of material desires. So as to liberate our minds from the ideological burden of lusting for profit and chasing fame and wealth. Cultivating Taoism allows us to maintain an aware heart. If we can understand the meaning of practice, having a pure heart in the world of mortals is the highest state. Of course, Meditation, reading, and thinking can all speed up the pace of progress; wearing cassocks and chanting Buddha's name, this is the cultivation of karma, and it is the use of the external environment to bless our minds. If we can understand, everything is a prop for practice.

"The purpose of cultivating the Tao is to open our eyes and purify our hearts. It is not to eat fast and chant Buddha, not to eliminate emotions and desires, but to learn to control desires, understand our own desires, and increase some wisdom. It is by no means to leave life. Most of the time for practicing Taoism is in the ordinary In daily life, accumulate the understanding of life bit by bit, and realize the greatness of life in the trivial details. The real hard work is not the torment of meditation, but the pursuit of truth all the time. Behind every distress and suffering, you can still maintain the pursuit of ideals and the truth of life, which is the best practice.

Volume 143 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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