Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2029 Cui Taoist Discussion

Chapter 2029 Cui Taoist Discussion

"Secondly, 'Tao' is used by Lao Tzu to explain the origin, ontology, law, principle, realm, ultimate truth, etc. of the universe. Tao follows nature, that is, Tao imitates or follows nature, that is to say, the operating rules of all things are Obey the laws of nature. The word that best expresses "Tao" is the law of nature. Similarly, we can conversely say that the word that is closest to the laws of nature we are talking about here is "Tao". This includes the way of nature, the way of society Tao, the way of human beings. Tao is the law of the operation of all things in the world, and morality is the law of the world that the Tao of heaven and earth maps to and should be followed by humanity! This is the so-called morality..."

What Cui Hantang said was wildly colorful, unfortunately, except for Li Qiushui and others who listened with gusto, there were a few children who were born as children who couldn't understand at all, so they had to casually echo "the master's words are exquisite".

After this extravagant sermon, Daosheng brought refreshments, and everyone rested and chatted.The refreshments here are quite famous. In the beginning, a few scholars actually came here for the refreshments—after all, for them, the Zhang family's "Australian-style refreshments" were not very close to the people.

It is a "rest" in name, but it is actually a "current affairs lecture".There is an old saying: women and politics are the topics that men love to talk about.For these scholars, talking about women is somewhat "improper", so "current affairs" has become the most common topic during breaks.Cui Hantang also intends to move closer to this aspect. On the one hand, it is to broaden the horizons of these "actively demanding progress" scholars, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as "brainwashing".

Recently they talked about mainly domestic rogues.To be honest, since the bandits started in Shaanxi in the last years of the apocalypse, their influence has grown more and more in the past seven or eight years. Recently, they even directly captured Fengyang, set fire to the Ming Zu Mausoleum, and shocked the world. But for these people, they have been living in Guangdong and have never traveled far. For the low-level scholars, it is a matter of another world.Some people have read Australian magazines and know something about them, just like they did in the past, but most of them don't know anything about the ins and outs of this rogue.Cui Hantang started from the riot of Wang Er in Chengcheng, Shaanxi in March of the seventh year of Tianqi, to the eighth year of Tianqi, the riots of hungry people by Wang Jiayin, Wang Daliang, Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, etc., all the way to Yang He, the governor of the three sides. Appeasement mainly, supplemented by suppression", temporary appeasement under both soft and hard measures; and then the "36 Battalion" formed by the "[-] Battalion" started in the fourth year of Chongzhen... Various people talked about it day after day.Fortunately, Cui Hantang is a fan of storytelling, and he was able to explain this mess of things in detail and clearly.It attracts people like listening to a book, and one day they will feel uncomfortable if they don't listen to it.

Today, Cui Hantang was talking again. Of course, he was not completely "telling the story", but more to guide the scholars to "think about problems".Moreover, this question of thinking should not be too superficial, and it cannot be analyzed simply by the dualism of "the ruler is dark and the government is dark".There has to be some depth.

Naturally, this requirement is a bit high for them, but Cui Hantang thinks this is not a difficult task - as long as they can read more background materials, they can naturally develop the ability to analyze materials.As for background materials, there are plenty of them in his library.

Based on his high-sounding remarks, everyone chattered and began to discuss.The content of the discussion ranged from the gains and losses of the imperial court's administration, the strategy of the peasant army's actions, to the considerations and specific actions of the imperial court's several times of suppression.Cui Hantang was full of reading papers and monographs, and he could come up with all kinds of viewpoints and materials at his fingertips, and he could say many rules and regulations at will, which naturally made the scholars admire him.

After a while of drooling and refilling the tea several times, Li Qiushui couldn't help interjecting and asked: "Last time the Taoist priest said that 'Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty will be killed by the bandits sooner or later' I don't know if he said it casually or not. The words of the gods?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the scholars showed concern.

In fact, this sentence was accidentally leaked by Cui Hantang when he said it last time - he is usually only willing to disclose this kind of "secret" to people of Li Suiqiu's level, and Li Qiushui and the others really can't enjoy it.But since it is said, there is nothing to hide.As a commoner who lived under the rule of Ming Dynasty not long ago, it is natural to pay attention to this issue.What's more, many of them are scholars who were admitted in the Ming Dynasty. Although they intend to vote now, they have a somewhat good impression of this "old country of the former dynasty" in their hearts, and they can't bear to see its destruction.

Cui Hantang knew that these Confucian scholars were still interested in Daming, so he thought it would be better to give them some strong medicine to cut off their thoughts, so he closed his eyes and said nothing but pinched his fingers and said after a while: "In the year of Jiaxu, Haifeng The rain and blood, the earthquake, the stars fell into Datong, and the luck of the Ming Dynasty has gradually collapsed. On September 25 this year, Yinghuo committed the crime of Taiwei, a sign of the king's loss of position. It is already lingering, as I expected, if it is good, there will be another ten years at most, and there must be something unbearable for Daming and Emperor Chongzhen!"

"What?" As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and one of them lost his voice: "Impossible! My emperor has been on the throne for eight years, and he is not polite, persuasive, vigilant, and dedicated to governing. How could it end like this? "Before he finished speaking, his mouth was covered by the person next to him.Someone secretly complained: This is trying to die, where is my emperor!Your emperor is the emperor of Song Dynasty!

Li Qiushui's expression changed drastically, he cupped his hands towards Cui Hantang and said, "Brother Yang's unintentional words, please don't blame me..."

When the others reacted, they broke into a cold sweat and pleaded guilty one after another—Australians are merciless in killing people!

Cui Hantang waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, knowing that it would be very difficult for him to change their beliefs in a while.There was a mocking look on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a smile: "My emperor? Haha, the current Guangzhou is the territory of my Great Song Dynasty. Well, let's not talk about him. Let's say that when Chongzhen succeeded to the throne, the party bureau of officials and bureaucrats had already been established. Kusano The material resources of the country have been exhausted, the laws of the country have been broken, and the scrambles on the frontier have become serious. Although Chongzhen is determined to reform and verify the name and veracity of the government, the talents, the right and wrong of the discussion, the gains and losses of political affairs, and the success or failure of the military aircraft have not been seen clearly. In the middle, it does not shake from the outside. And when you are suspicious, Rencha is so rigid and arrogant. Rencha is harsh and ungrateful, while Shangqi is in a hurry. When husbands and robbers fill the mountains, there is a turmoil everywhere, and those who appoint political power are not mediocre That is to say, sycophants, suppressing and pacifying both ends, there is no calculation. The internal and external ministers have saved but not given, and people have a heart of rules and self-sufficiency. The words are straightforward, and those who hit the ground will be destroyed. He is appointed as the commander-in-chief The one who loses will kill a general, and the city will kill an official. The rewards and punishments are too clear to be punished, and the control is too strict to be controlled. Natural disasters are common, and famine and famine are perfect. , the government is heavy and the government is heavy, external strife and internal rebellion. For example, a person with weak vitality, gangrene and poison is complicated, and the fatal disease is already very dangerous, but the doctor is good or not, and the medicine is hot and cold. The disease is terminal and hopeless , why not die?"

Cui Hantang recited the conclusion of Chongzhen's coffin in "History of Ming Dynasty" in one breath, but everyone was dumbfounded and speechless, knowing that they should not be too exciting.

Immediately comforted: "You are all outstanding people at the moment. You should know the truth of 'a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to do things'. In the affairs of the world, the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. The northern captives have robbed the Central Plains for many years, accumulating evil and misfortunes, and the reason is to die. The Ming Dynasty is cunning and abandoned by the sky. , the general and the imperial bandits are often blamed, and they are tortured and hang their heads on the street. Husbands and scholars must be stereotyped, and officials must read four books, so the ministers in power must be promoted by stereotypes; The clear flow of the hall must come out of Donglin. The affairs of Donglin are all based on mouthpieces. It is not the fault of the king and his ministers who are dead today in the Ming Dynasty. .

"At this time, my great Song Dynasty was ordered by the way of heaven, revived and the South China Sea, to get rid of the old governance, to adapt to the current situation, to reform the new government, to work hard to govern, and to aim at the world. All workers are paid for their work, and the people do not have to worry about freezing or starving. It is clear at a glance which is better and which is worse. You all have the heart to make contributions and benefit your hometown. You should abandon the darkness and turn to the light, encourage good plans early, protect the family, save your life, relieve the downfall of the people, and leave the name of the world. This is what I said today. , I hope everyone will think carefully about it!"

Cui Hantang's rhetoric obviously calmed down these scholars, and they all acted awe-inspiringly taught.It greatly satisfied Cui Hantang's vanity: he once again painted the Senate and himself with the color of "God's will".The only regret is that the same rhetoric did not play much role in front of Li Suiqiu.

After the break, he continued his lecture on the Fa.Cui Hantang was showing off extraordinarily today.He first talked about the theory of exploring the great way of heaven and earth, declaring that Taoism not only requires self-cultivation to find the truth of the original mind, which is called self-cultivation;Cui Hantang claimed that the omniscient is omnipotent. The more mortals know the truth of heaven and earth, the greater their ability to grasp. grasp.

"As the saying goes: 'The way of heaven is permanent, it does not exist for Yao, and it does not perish for Jie. If it is governed, it will be auspicious, and if it is met with chaos, it will be evil.' Everything I have learned in Australia is the study and induction of the way of heaven—— This is where the 'Tao' of our new Taoism exists." Cui Hantang concluded.

Seeing the skeptical look of the crowd, Cui Hantang simply performed a few magic spells such as igniting fingers, igniting ice cubes, and turning sunlight into rainbows.

"If you are a foreign traveler, you must claim that this is his profound magic power, but it is absurd!" Cui Hantang talked eloquently, "These are actually the way of heaven. I just got a glimpse of it and learned to use it. Argument."
Volume 144 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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