Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2032

Chapter 2032 Collective Wedding ([-])

Fang Fei is the commander-in-chief, so he arrived at the pier early in the morning and saw the crowds of people on the pier, which can be called "a crowd of spectators".I didn't expect the impact of this group wedding to be so great!Although Zhang Haogu said a long time ago: Don't underestimate the energy of human beings to "watch the fun".But he really didn't expect so many onlookers to come at once.

With great difficulty, his sedan chair was carried to the signal tower next to the pier through a passage opened by the national army. Fang Fei climbed up the tower, where he could overlook the entire Tianzi pier.Who said that there are people everywhere outside the pier, but the security circle seems to be in order.

The Octopus and Hanao Wataru trailing behind it were even more dressed up like a parade yacht in a beauty contest. Not only were they adorned with flowers, but they also used a lot of silk and satin.This was made by local craftsmen according to Fang Fei's design drawings. Although the appearance is roughly similar, it is somewhat inconsistent due to the material problem--traditional flower farmers plant and sell mostly flowers and trees, and there are rarely as many as in the old time and space. Fresh cut flowers, naturally there are not a lot of horticultural roses planted here.The artistic conception of this flower boat is just a little bit worse.

The specious flower boats are not the only ones with poor artistic conception. The noisy percussion class can vibrate his brain with an unusually sharp frequency under such a noisy background, which makes his head hurt all over his body—and the folk music in his mind is fundamental. It's not the same thing!
An awning was set up on the pier, and the bridegrooms were waiting anxiously below. The grooms were all dressed in formal "kunfu" and a navy blue "national dress"-this is also the usual male naturalized worker cadres. Get the most credits.However, as a "dress" today, the fabric used is not soft cotton, but thick hemp fabric, which is not only crisp, but also cheaper and cooler than woolen fabric.It is very suitable for the current weather.In order to highlight their "groom" status, no one has flowers on their chests. Compared with the brides looking around and chirping in the long queue, the grooms under the awning seem a little shy, holding their breath and pretending to be calm waiting for his wife's arrival.

Opposite them, there is another awning, but the people inside are in pairs, and they are also wearing the clothes of the bride and groom today.These dozens of couples are naturalized couples who fell in love and got married freely at the beginning. Because the weddings in the past were relatively simple or they were not held at all.They are all "old couples", so naturally they are not as shy as the "newcomers", and they can't help looking around.From time to time, he pointed to the flower boats moored on the pier.

The atmosphere was much warmer than expected, and the festive mood infected Fang Fei. However, as the planner of the entire wedding, he still tensed up - the larger the scale, the more links, the greater the possibility of problems .This is the experience he has gained from working in cultural exhibition companies for many years and hosting countless exhibitions, conferences, large-scale events and weddings.

"Chief! The five dragons are here!" the secretary beside him whispered.

Fang Fei then turned to the secretary's point of view - without a telescope, he could see five long dragon sampans with colorful lights approaching.To be cautious, he raised his binoculars to confirm, and immediately gave orders: "Stop the music", "Firecrackers prepare", "Dragon and lion dance team prepare"...a series of orders continued.

As his orders were transmitted to the beacon, several semaphore bearers immediately transmitted each order to various positions.But after a while, orders were received everywhere.As the drums stopped, the crowd of onlookers seemed to realize what was about to happen, and stopped chatting one by one.The originally noisy pier suddenly became quiet, only the sound of colorful flags fluttering in the air.

As the dragons gradually approached the shore, the Tianzi Wharf specially cleared the berths, leaving an empty berth of several hundred meters so that the five dragons could be at the same time.The sailors used are also carefully selected from the big wave shipping, and it is guaranteed to be in place at one time.

Under the control of the sailors, the five dragons turned around in unison, turned sideways and moved closer to the shore. The signal tower issued an order, and suddenly a sharp suona sound broke out from the originally silent pier. "Tune", all the wind and percussion instruments start to move instantly.Although the melody played is completely different, the elders can roughly recognize that it is "Today is a good day".

Immediately afterwards, there was the "cracking" sound of dozens of strings of long whips that had been hung on both sides, mixed with the dull sound of firecrackers.The firecrackers are all specially purchased "full of red" - red paper is used inside the firecrackers, and the red paper is scattered all over the place after being blown up. It is very beautiful and festive.

The lion and dragon teams on both sides also danced with the firecrackers. The dragon and lion dances of Guangzhou citizens and people in the surrounding suburbs are considered traditional sports and entertainment. The eight teams that came to this wedding were all voluntarily requested to serve, which means that all the team members only eat Take no money.The purpose is nothing more than to "show their fate" in front of the Australians and all the people in Guangzhou.

A gangplank was set up on the boat here, and He Xiaoyue was the first to disembark. She is not Dajinjie today, but she is just like Dajinjie, directing more than a dozen female staff to help the brides disembark and land by the gangplank.

The crowd was like waves rising and falling, and it boiled instantly—the newlyweds are here!These low-class prostitutes in the past all had gloomy complexions when they entered the shelter. They were tormented by years of low-level life and prostitution, and most of them suffered from various diseases.In the past few months, they have been cured of their illnesses, and their regular and orderly lives have taken care of their bodies again.At this moment, they are wearing brand-new outfits: high-quality clothing, slim tailoring to set off their graceful figures, and red velvet flowers on the sideburns, which reflect the radiance of each face.


"Australians really know how to train women, and they all get like fairies!

"Ah, this girl is not the chicken who used to be at the bamboo fence..."

"Nobody knows what they do."

"Oh, it doesn't matter what you're doing, the key is that Australians like it! If you look at it, it's like chickens and dogs ascending to heaven."


These discordant sounds were quickly drowned out by the loud drum music, and the common people rushed to see these brides.They are really lucky, dirty and lowly women like dirt, but now they are praised so highly by the Australians, and they are so beautifully dressed!As for the pleated red silk dress on their bodies, only daughters of wealthy families can wear it when they get married.Jealousy, envy, anger... all kinds of emotions spread among the onlookers.But what does their perception have to do with this scene?

The brides went ashore, and the groom was led out of the awning to find his mate.To be honest, this partner is really strange.Because from the blind date to the present, it is actually only the second meeting.At this moment, the woman has gone through some elaborate dressing, which makes the grooms' eyes blurred by the thousands of flowers. Many of them are almost unable to find their wives, so they have to rely on the numbers on the bouquets on their chests to match.

The husband and wife hold hands, relatively silent.Although he is about to become a close relative and spend the rest of his life together, he seems to have a lot to say, but he feels that the person in front of him is so strange, and he doesn't know where to start.

Fortunately, there are naturalized civilian cadres like He Xiaoyue, who yell at the whole team from time to time, which dilutes the embarrassment of this chaotic scene.

"Everyone lined up according to the number, ready to take pictures."

Flower beds and colorful doors were set up on the Tianzi Wharf, and the words "Guangzhou's first mass wedding" were spelled out with potted flowers.Wooden steps were set up in front of the flower beds, and the naturalized cadres ordered the bride and groom to stand according to their numbers.This tossing took ten minutes.

"Everyone look at my hands, get ready, and smile..."

Following the "one, two, three" of the elders in charge of photography, the camera clicked and took this unprecedented first group wedding photo.

The photo was taken with a professional-grade digital camera and a wide-angle lens. However, limited to the chemical level of the Senate, this photo with historical significance has been kept for decades: whether it is hung in a museum, printed in a book, or treasured by the newlyweds. At home, it's all black and white.It was not until many years later that color photos were printed, and most of the couples in the photos were in their octogenarian years.

At this moment, the music on the pier changed again, to the out-of-tune "All the Best", but fortunately, no one could hear it except the elders, and they only felt it was lively and festive.There have been staff here throwing candies towards the crowd, attracting children's scrambling.For a while, there was a lot of people's voices, and the entire Tianzi Wharf was indescribably joyous and festive.

After taking pictures, they boarded Octopus and Huawei Ferry one by one under the guidance.A whistle sounded on the Octopus, a pair of paddle wheels turned, water splashed, and the anchor slowly lifted and sailed towards the White Swan Lake.

The route of the flower boat parade is not long. It roughly starts from Tianzi Wharf, travels westward along the Pearl River to Bai'etan, and then cruises around Bai'etan, and then returns to the original road and arrives at the Great World Wharf.

The Octopus dragged the heavy Huawei Ferry slowly heading west at a speed of less than three kilometers per hour.They didn't sail alone, and there were more than a dozen painting and flower boats beside the boats—these boats were all provided by Ziminglou Company, which were originally confiscated from prostitutes in Guangzhou.At this time, it is also newly decorated, full of staff, "sponsors" and family members - they all paid for "rejoicing", so it is natural to be "happy".

Outside these ships, there are more than a dozen patrol boats of steam engines and Zhongfa escorting them.Although black smoke billowed, it was mighty and majestic.For this grand parade, the Coast Guard conducted traffic control on the waters of the Pearl River from Bai'etan to the Great World Wharf.Foreign ships are prohibited from entering.However, this is no longer a problem for people who like to watch the excitement.Many Guangzhou citizens who have money and leisure, either drive their own pleasure boats, or hire Danjia boats, and sail together with the fleet, watching the excitement that has never been seen in a thousand years.

Next update: Volume 147 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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