Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2033

Chapter 2033 Group Wedding ([-])

In September during the Little Ice Age, the weather has turned cooler. Although it is still hot under the sun, the river is open and the breeze is blowing, which makes people feel refreshed.

Facing the wind in late summer and early autumn, the mighty fleet sailed on the broad Pearl River, colorful flags and streamers fluttered in the breeze, and flowers swayed.The sound of drumming and beating all the way comes with the wind, which really makes people feel like they are in the air.The rich and wealthy people who watched the excitement were all drunk, and they took out food boxes and put out food and wine.It is more convenient for those big households who hire flower boats. The boat owners have already prepared banquets for them to enjoy the rare "Australian scenery" while drinking and having fun.

Baietan was originally a place where rich and powerful households feasted and enjoyed themselves. I heard that the Australians were going to hold a "flower boat parade" here. Some wealthy households had already chartered flower boats in restaurants and teahouses along the coast, set up banquets, and brought Ji Concubine and maidservant.Dancing girl Ge'er, drinking and having fun here early, just waiting for the flower boat to arrive.

As long as they have not capsized in the tax wave, they are gradually adapting to the rule of Australians.Especially for the merchants in the city, although their taxes have been doubled several times, they have lost the filial piety to the "big threshold" and the incense money for "the gods of all walks of life". many.Since Wen Desi put forward the slogan of "building the country through industry and commerce" several times in the newspaper, the status of businessmen has risen sharply, and social pressure has dropped sharply.So not to mention the merchants who were included in the twelve sponsors this time, even if they were not included, they also regarded this matter as a good opportunity for their own business to "make a name for themselves".

Naturally, the main venue of the Great World can only have the names of twelve sponsors, but there is no such saying at the edge of the White Swan Lake. Some have to learn from the Australians and pile up flower beds.The flower farmers in Henan sold out their stocks of flowers and trees almost overnight and made a small fortune.

At this moment, there are one or two hundred archways and flower beds along the White Swan Lake, all of which are full of flowers.All kinds of auspicious words inlaid on it, such as a hundred years of good luck, phoenix flying, and raising eyebrows... There are all kinds of words and sentences, and some people have specially invited people to write Douda's "Long Live the Senate"" Slogans such as "Long live the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty" and "Serve the Senate and the people".Naturally, the brand name of each family is also indispensable - after all, this winking eye has to be seen by someone.

Gao Jujia is naturally one of the twelve sponsors, and he is also the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the number one "old man" in the Senate. How can such a thing not come for fun.Although the amount of sponsorship is limited to only [-] yuan per family, the flower bed and color building by the White Swan Lake can be used by him.He was also generous, taking care of Yan Xiaomao to hire the best color tie craftsmen and gardeners in the city at high prices, and built two number one archways beside the White Swan Lake.

One is in the name of the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the other is smaller, in the name of the name held high.These two archways are among the best in terms of size and luxury.Under the two archways, a flower bed nearly two people high was piled up, on which a model was made by a skilled carpenter according to the poster of the "Holy Ship" in the magazine, floating on the sea of ​​flowers, and the background was made of A round of red sun made of red grass flowers.

Most of the big gentry suffered heavy losses in the tax investigation.I am also afraid that talking more and doing more in troubled times will violate the taboo of Australians, and most of them can't avoid it.However, the young children of each family are always playful, and they don’t take the worries and situations at home seriously. They still invite friends to come here to see the "Australian View", and they all enjoy themselves-such a gorgeous spectacle. Even the well-informed dignitaries seldom see it.Aside from the admiration, I feel that the Australians are "crazy"—they do not hesitate to support a few low-level prostitutes. Is this because there is too much money to spend or is the brain sick?

In a private room of a restaurant, a few rich men like brothers were talking while looking at the fleet of drums and music that was sailing in the river.

"Such extravagance and waste, how do Australians make money?"

"What do you rely on to make money? You rely on your family business and fields." The person who spoke was sour.

"You don't know about that. It really didn't cost the Australians any money—all the big families in the city spent money to join in the fun."

"Isn't it just exalting the twelve families?"

"Not only that," the speaker smiled slightly, "If you go to the Temple of the Five Immortals right now, you will be holding a big feast of Luotian. There is almost no room for the sign of Suixi, and many big households in the city are rushing to get money Send it to Daoist Cui—if Daoist Cui refuses to accept it, the head of the family will almost cry—look, is this an anecdote?"

"This Australian's gathering technique is really invincible in the world. He can still come up with such a method!" There was a burst of laughter in the box.

The people on the fleet naturally didn't know what the people on the shore were talking about, and the whole fleet sailed slowly along the river.The bride and groom bathed in the cool river breeze, no matter what mood they were in at the beginning, they were all broad-minded at the moment.Such a life experience is really impossible to dream of!A few women couldn't help crying with joy, and the makeup on their faces was washed out, and they had to touch up makeup temporarily.

Du Yibin is currently on a painting boat in the fleet. Originally, he didn't need to participate in this parade - most of the elders attending the wedding are waiting in the big world, but he is still worried about the "baby bump": Song Yingsheng.

Since the blind date meeting, Song Yingsheng's attitude has softened a lot, but he still refuses to let go on key issues.Du Yibin had no choice but to seize every opportunity to let him "feel a new life".So Song Yingsheng was once again dragged by Du Yibin to participate in this collective wedding - not only that, he also specially reserved a seat for Song Yingsheng in the fleet and accompanied him personally.

"I was never so enthusiastic about chasing my girlfriend back then." Du Yibin couldn't help complaining.

However, Song Yingsheng refused to admit his feelings, and said that he was "slightly ill" and could not go out, and then excused that he was "seasick". After being exposed by Du Yibin, he made it clear that he did not want to appear in such a large-scale event.

However, Du Yibin said that you also contributed to this group-you wrote the words for the first blind date meeting in Guangzhou.These words are beautifully written, and he plans to write a detailed article introducing Song Yingsheng's inscriptions in the special issue of "Yangcheng Evening News" on group weddings, and also add appreciation.

Song Yingsheng wanted to cry but had no tears - it is true that a single mistake will cause eternal hatred.I wrote a few words by myself, but now I am being held hostage by this gangster, using this as a threat.So I "reluctantly" came to participate in this "unprecedented grand ceremony".

At this moment, he was sitting on the "first-class seat" of the painting boat. This is the pavilion on the second floor of the painting boat. It is open on all sides and has a good view. The seat is not only comfortable, but also equipped with tea, food and snacks.If the amount of "Suixi" is not so high for ordinary large households, they will not be able to sit in this position.Song Yingsheng was dressed in shabby clothes, but accompanied by an elder, he sat down at the first-class seat.From the very beginning, it aroused the attention and discussion of the big households on board.Song Yingsheng immediately understood Du Yibin's intentions when he saw the happy big households on the same boat looking at him with various eyes, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clear it up!In case anyone recognized him, the charge of "throwing a gun" would be firmly established!
Seeing him sitting on pins and needles, Du Yibin knew what he was thinking.He also didn't want to provoke him too much, so he comforted him: "Sir, don't worry too much, most of these big households are locals, and they don't know Mr...."

Song Yingsheng snorted proudly, expressing that he did not agree with Du Yibin's nonsense.Then he sat upright without saying a word.

Although he didn't speak, he could see the beautiful scenery along the way.The scenery and layout along the way are magnificent and magnificent, but in Song Yingsheng's mind, it's too ostentatious and too wasteful!If the blind date party is suspected of "making a fuss out of a molehill", then this group wedding is simply suspected of "making a fuss out of a molehill".Even with Du Yibin's theory of "human relations" overwhelming, he couldn't help it.

"It's too luxurious, too luxurious!" Song Yingsheng shook his head involuntarily, "This is a beautiful thing, why make it so ostentatious! These are all the people's anointing! Although Guangzhou is now stable, the whole of Guangdong is still There are endless disputes, and the people are in dire straits—even in this city of Guangzhou, there are probably many poor people who have no food to eat and no food to sleep at home. Why bother to spend all this money on such a fake appearance.”

Du Yibin was not angry after hearing his words.In his opinion, the old man's simple view of right and wrong fit his moral sense very well.This kind of compassion for the poor comes from the heart, not an act.The point is that he can care about the affairs of Guangzhou and Guangdong, which shows that he still has considerable recognition for the regime of the Senate.

"Mr. Song, don't worry, the money was donated by the big businessmen in the city, not from tax donations..." he comforted.

"That's not right." Song Yingsheng shook his head and said, "Although it's not from tax money and food, in the end, it's also from the people of Shengdou who exploited it? Those big businessmen don't farm or work, and they make profits from the circulation of department stores. The money of the common people! He donated it here, and then exploited it from the common people with his backhand..."

Du Yibin thought that Song Yingsheng's way of thinking was too outdated, right?Not at all the "advanced nature" of his third brother.It seems that it will take a lot of effort to convince this old man to use me...

He thought for a while and said: "Sir, what you said is wrong. It is a good thing for merchants to sell goods in all directions, circulate goods, and exchange what is needed. It is only natural to make profits from it."
Next update: Volume 148 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

 From 12.21 to 12.24, attend the 2018 Annual Meeting of China Popular Science Writers Association.Update paused.

(End of this chapter)

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