Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2034 Perseverance

Chapter 2034 Perseverance

"Furthermore, now they use the money to build these archway flower beds and sponsor weddings. Who will get the money?"

Now Song Yingsheng was stunned - he had never thought about this question.

"The money spent is still in the hands of the poor and ordinary people?" Du Yibin knew that few people in China in the 17th century could understand the routines of "stimulating consumption".Most people still adhere to the thinking of "agriculture-oriented" and "emphasis on agriculture and low businessmen".For them, the main function of currency is to store value, and it is good to hide silver in a jar and bury it in the ground.

"To build these many flower bed archways, first let the flower farmers in Henan earn a sum of money. To build the flower bed archway also requires a lot of colored tie craftsmen, carpenters, and handymen... The money is in the hands of the craftsmen in this way, and everyone is not involved. Is the light of mass wedding?
"Mr. must also know that it is much easier for the rich to make money than the poor. The rich and the rich merchants, fingering the abacus, looking through the ledger, every day there is a lot of money in the account. It is the rich man in the countryside who has no income on weekdays. When it was time to collect rent, relying on the family’s fields, they got a lot of money and rice without spending a penny. Poor people worked from daybreak to sleep, and worked hard all day without earning much money. Copper coins can only barely maintain food and clothing. No matter how frugal you are, you can’t save a little money. If there is something troublesome, you have to find someone to borrow money to live. Nowadays, rich people spend money to buy face, and artisans and flower farmers get benefits. Everyone There are benefits, why not do it?"

Song Yingsheng nodded unconsciously.

"If these old rich people are extremely frugal, they will hide everything in the ground except for their own food and clothing. Today, these color tie-makers, carpenters, handymen, gardeners, and flower farmers in Henan will not be able to make money. .Can't afford food, can't feed his wife and family..."

"In this case, squandering is a good thing?"

Although Song Yingsheng agreed with his words a little bit, he was still dissatisfied in his heart.In his opinion, flowers, trees, and colorful tie-ups, "you can't eat when you're hungry, and you can't wear clothes when you're cold", and they will all be reduced to useless waste after they are demolished.He can't stand this kind of waste.

Du Yibin thought to himself: You are changing the concept secretly!However, he could only say with a pleasant face: "Spending money and squandering are not the same thing, please pay attention, sir."

In Song Yingsheng's view, this is the same thing.The Song family was in Jiangxi, and they were typical landowners who were heirs of farming and studying.This type of landlord family holds a certain amount of land, has a stable income, and some family members are famous or have been officials, but they are not very prominent.In terms of economic strength, it can only be regarded as a medium level.Therefore, the family rules and traditions all advocate "frugality" and strictly control consumer spending.Song Yingsheng is in this type of family, so naturally he can't understand the extravagance of the Senate.

"...Even if it's squandering, sometimes it's a good thing. Everything has two sides." Du Yibin ignored the scenery along the coast, and continued to chat with the old pedant, "I have a little story here: There was a scholar who was rushing for an exam. Go to the hotel to stay, take out a tael of silver to choose the best room. If you are satisfied, you will stay, if you are not satisfied, you will leave. The scholar went to see the room. The owner got the silver and immediately used it to pay at the rice store next door. The owner of the rice shop turned around and went to the butcher to pay back the money for the meat. The butcher took the money to the pig farmer and paid the pig money. In this way, a tael of silver came into the hands of the shopkeeper. At this time, the scholar said that the room was not suitable, so he asked for the money back and left. You see, the shopkeeper didn’t make any money, but everyone paid off all the debts. Everyone has benefited. Money is circulated back and forth like this, and spent countless times, it creates a lot of wealth out of thin air and feeds countless people. If you are frugal and manage your family, you just hide the money at home and bury it in the ground. What's the use of it? ? It’s just a piece of stuff!”

This is a short story told by Ma Yinchu on economics back then, expressing the "circulation" of currency in an easy-to-understand manner.However, this concept was a bit too novel for Song Yingsheng, and he couldn't help being a little ignorant. He pondered for a while and tried to find out the mystery, but he couldn't figure it out.

Du Yibin managed to gain the upper hand, quite proud, and quickly said a few more words: "Our Senate held this collective wedding, and the rich sponsored it. It is also helping the poor. Everyone is satisfied, the society is harmonious, and it can be called a happy event... ..."

"There are so many poor people in the world, can the Senate really save them?"

OK, good question!Du Yibin thought to himself, he must follow the traditional routine of time travel novels, this is proof that the other party's heart is shaken.

"There are tens of thousands of poor people in the world. It is a lie to say that everyone in the Senate can be saved. However, my Senate has returned to China, and I am determined to let the poor people in this world live like 'people', not generations. Be a 'two-legged sheep'!" Du Yibin is full of pride and feels good about himself.

However, Song Yingsheng didn't show his due "excitement" or "worship", he just lowered his head and sighed slightly, as if he didn't believe his words.Du Yibin had no choice but to continue:
"It's like this group wedding. Although not many people benefited from it, it is also an attitude expressed by the Senate. As long as the people are willing to bid farewell to the old society, live in accordance with the order of the new society, and work diligently, no matter their origin , age or gender... The Senate will take care of their well-being: not only to make them have no worries about food and clothing, but also to live a good life, have their own families and children, and have endless descendants..."

He originally wanted to add: "Those stubborn die-hards who still hold the idea that starvation is a small thing, that injustice is a big corruption, and don't choose to purify, let them die quickly." But thinking about the threat in this sentence Song Yingsheng, who was able to sacrifice his life for the people in the old time and space, was very firm in his heart, and this kind of threat would arouse his resentment instead.He swallowed the words again.

Song Yingsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he knew that the reason he kept touting the Senate was to get him to surrender.He had no choice but to cut to the chase:

"Director Du, in the past you forced the students to stay on the grounds that you wanted to manage Enping well. Although it was not the students' wish, it was barely enough. It's just that the banditry in Zhaoqing has been calmed down now. The students are just scholars, and they can't shoulder it. I can’t lift my hands, I can’t move my limbs, I can’t distinguish five grains, I don’t know astronomy and calendar, and I’m not good at business and trade. At best, I can write a few stereotyped essays. What’s the benefit of forcing foreign students here to the Senate?”

Du Yibin thought he had finally made some progress!Who told the textbook to call your third brother a great scientist in the East in the 17th century, and "Tiangong Kaiwu" is an encyclopedia of Chinese craftsmanship in the 17th century.

Although quite a few members of the Senate disapproved of Song Yingxing and his works—after all, based on the knowledge they possessed, this achievement was insignificant.However, most of the elders believed that there were very few intellectuals with scientific awareness like Song Yingxing in medieval China.Although his knowledge is insignificant to people in the old time and space, such a talent has a great benchmarking effect, and there may be considerable potential that has not been developed.

Du Yibin thought it was good, everyone just opened the skylight to speak honestly, he thought for a while and said:

"First of all, you are an official in office. You have integrity, ability, and contribution to the local area. You are a qualified administrative talent. When the Song Dynasty is employing people, I naturally hope that talents like you will stay and benefit the people. Second, you don't have to After a long time, my Senate will restore Jiangxi—the Song family has a long history of prestige and reputation in the local area, which will help us stabilize the situation in Jiangxi. The third one is your third brother Song Yingxing."

The first and second points are not surprising, Song Yingsheng guessed it all right.Only about the third brother, he has always been puzzled: why these Australians are so interested in the third brother, so much so that Ai Wu and Wu want to detain him, spending a lot of thought to persuade himself to surrender.

"We saw the book written by your third brother Song Yingxing when he was studying as a teacher in Fenyi County. The talent of your younger brother Song Yingxing is really amazing! So I very much hope that all of you brothers can work for my Senate instead of letting your talents Buried in the hands of the Ming Dynasty."

These words made Song Yingsheng terrified.Although I and my third brother stood out in the Jiangxi Yimao Ke Township Examination in the 43rd year of Wanli, the third brother was the No.3 candidate in the province, but I was ranked sixth.Even among the entire Fengxin students, they were the only ones elected by their brothers. They were called "Fengxin Second Song Dynasty" for a while, and they were famous for a while, but since then they have made no achievements in the examination field.Not really a "talent".As for the articles written by the third brother on weekdays, they are nothing more than agricultural methods and various crafts, not "wonderful articles".

He smiled wryly: I really don't know what the Australians like about his brother?Yet he was vaguely proud of it.

Speaking of which, since he was captured, seeing the Australians governing all the way, everywhere he went has a new look.When I arrived in Guangzhou, this feeling became even stronger.Although he sees a lot of new things on weekdays—especially those related to women—Song Yingsheng can't help but mutter to himself.But the common people are indeed better off than in the past.Walking on the street, I feel that the complexions of the people are better than before.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they have both "benevolence" and "capability".Different from the views of some elders in the Senate, traditional officials like Song Yingsheng did not regard Australians hanging on the gallows all the way and the subsequent large-scale raids and executions as "cruel"-because these were considered normal in medieval society.What's more, Australians kill and arrest people, most of them are well-founded, they don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, and they don't get involved in widespread affairs-it is not an exaggeration to say that they are "benevolent".

As for "can", let alone the well-organized governance of Guangzhou, the huge effect of this group wedding that is satisfactory to all parties is immeasurable.Probably many poor people will make up their minds since then: shave their hair and throw their hair on.
Next update: Volume 149 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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