Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2035

Chapter 2035 Group Wedding ([-])

Song Yingsheng suddenly understood why Australians are so keen on "painting slogans", "singing songs" and "holding conferences"-they call it "propaganda". "Win the hearts and minds of the people".

On the other hand, if they spend a lot of money today, what is the point of spending this money?Not to mention that most of the money is not paid by them, even if they are, spending tens of thousands of taels of silver to buy the hearts and reputations of the people can't be exchanged for no amount of money.

Song Yingsheng sighed secretly.He suddenly realized that for many years, the ruling and opposition parties have always hoped to use moral articles to "educate" the people, but they forgot that the Master said long ago that "little people are better than profit".And the common people—it is too bitter...

He looked at the river surface of Baietan, which is so lively and joyous, even compared with his hometown that can still be called "Taiping", it is nothing more than a piece of paradise on earth.No wonder the Australians landed in Qiongzhou less than ten years ago, and they can win the hearts of the people in one place. With only a few hundred people, they can earn this corner of southern Xinjiang and look at the Central Plains like a tiger.It seems that he has the courage to compete with Daming.

In his silence, one paddlewheel of the Octopus slowed down and the other sped up.The paddle wheel hit the river surface, churning up turbulent waves, and the Octopus began to slowly turn, heading southeast.

As the Octopus turned, Huaweidu also turned around clumsily—the sailors shouted and waited nervously with the poles: this kind of ship has a high center of gravity, and the hull is clumsy, and it is easy to capsize.Be very careful when turning.

The fleet following around also turned around.After the entire fleet circled the White Swan Lake for a week, they sailed to the Great World Wharf.

The Great World Wharf has been completely refurbished.There are also many flower beds and colorful buildings.On the Great World Square, a bright red carpet was even spread out.On this carpeted passage, twelve arches were built, all decorated with flowers and vines.The arches are connected by iron wires, and are covered with decorations such as flower baskets, flower balls, and colored lights.Full of creativity and aesthetic taste of the 21st century wedding company.

On the square, with the department store, the main building of the Great World, as the background, a stage was built on the basis of steps.At this time, a group of "VIPs" are sitting on it, waiting for the arrival of the new people.

In order to maintain order, except for the wedding guests and some selected naturalized people and indigenous representatives who "watched the ceremony" could enter the square, the onlookers were blocked outside the colonnades on both sides of the square.Hundreds of national soldiers armed with bayonet-mounted rifles formed a cordon. Although there was a lot of people, they were in order.

The spectators were eager to see what this "Australian-style group wedding" would look like, so people started to occupy their seats from the early hours of the morning.Up to now, it is already a sea of ​​people.In fact, the people crowded in the back couldn't see anything at all, they could only feel the noisy atmosphere present.

Wen Desi is now wearing an unmarked white U.S. Navy uniform decorated with gold thread, sitting in the middle of the chair.Although some people thought that his wearing a white military uniform at the wedding was a bit "shocking", but in the end he was stunned by the words "changing customs".

"In my opinion, the bride should wear a snow-white wedding dress, and the groom should wear a black military uniform, so as to be imposing!" Wen Desi said, "This way we can demonstrate our courage to establish a new society, new culture, and new customs..."

Of course, his plan was not approved in the end. Although it was necessary to change customs, it would be too "shocked by the Chinese people" if the changes were too big.No one would chime in with him about his white navy tux, though.

In addition to Wen Desi, there were several elders sitting upright in the reception hall preparing to accept the ceremony. Naturally, Liu Xiang would not miss this great opportunity to be "close to the people", but with Wen Desi present, he could only take the second place.Wang Jun and Du Yibin were the initiators and handlers of this matter, so naturally they had to reserve two seats next to Wen Desi.These few were all dressed in rigid "cadre uniforms", and the last one was Cui Hantang - he, as the main fundraiser of the wedding, naturally cannot be forgotten.Although the Australian-style marriage is the first time it has been "opened up".But this robe is also really eye-catching.For a while, he and Wen Desi became the focus of discussion among the onlookers.

Because it was a wedding, it was a bit too serious to be all men, and it was not conducive to improving the status of women, so Zhang Yunmi was specially invited to the rostrum as an embellishment.Zhang Yunmi was young, and she wore a red dress specially ordered for this occasion, which caused a lot of discussion among the onlookers below. Many of them were "a flower stuck on a pile of cow dung" and "the waist of the little Australian lady is thin." " and other politically incorrect words.

Since Wen Desi took this seat, he couldn't help yawning -- it was too boring.However, he was really not interested in chatting with the elders beside him.Because everyone wants to "report" to him in order to transfer a bunch of problems up or see if he can help to go to the "central" activities.As for Cui Hantang, every time I see him, I have to talk about "the danger of monotheism", "Taoism is the orthodox native religion of China", "New Taoism can and should definitely become the pillar of the Senate's founding of the country".Wen Desi was so annoying, so this time he was specially arranged in the position farthest from him.

"You can't even swipe your phone in this damn place!" Wen Desi secretly slandered.

I was bored, and suddenly there was deafening firecrackers from the direction of the pier, and everyone on the rostrum who was already drowsy suddenly regained their spirits——finally it started!

There is a distance of several hundred meters from the pier to the main entrance of the Great World.The distance of several hundred meters not only leveled the ground and cleaned it, but also laid a red carpet.

There is a red carpet under your feet, and soldiers and policemen in full armor on both sides. The "Mandichun" firecrackers are crackling non-stop, and the drums are ringing in your ears.The accompanying staff threw candy to the crowd from time to time, setting off waves of waves among the crowd.

The bride and groom's faces were flushed at the moment, and they were intoxicated.As if he didn't know where he was at all, he followed people forward in a daze.The bright red blanket was so soft that it just stepped on her feet.I have brand new clothes at home—I have lived for so long, and I have never been so beautiful and happy.Recalling the past, it seems that now I have been reincarnated and become a human being.It would be great if parents were still alive and could see their daughter getting married in such a beautiful way.

I saw the bell tower from a distance in front, and I have heard others say that this is the bell tower built by the Senate.It is big and imposing, and every time the clock strikes, half of Guangzhou City can hear it.The main entrance below the bell tower is never opened, and it is said that it can only be opened to greet the big people when they come.This time the door was open, and the red carpet was laid all the way.Wearing a red dress and walking through the door, things that I never dared to think about when I was smiling at the door in the past-if you can be a good person, you will be lucky, how dare you expect such things.The firecrackers kept ringing, people seemed to float up, the sun was so bright...

"Captain He! Someone has fainted!" There was a sudden commotion in the queue, and He Xiaoyue followed her body and rushed over a few steps, only to see a bride in the queue lying limp on the ground, and the groom beside her looked at him helplessly.The queue around him also became chaotic, with many people watching.

"Don't look, hurry up and follow the team! Don't miss the time." He Xiaoyue touched her nose and chest while evacuating the crowd. She felt that there was nothing serious, and was about to take out a bottle of Xingjun San from her satchel. The bride The son opened his eyes.

"I...Where is this...?" The bride asked with her eyes wide open, a little confused.

"Where else can you go, today is your day of great joy! Get up!" Seeing that the team of newcomers was about to pass, He Xiaoyue quickly helped her up, and by the way, she gave the groom a blind look: "I don't even have eyesight! It's your wife, help me!"

The groom hurried over to help, He Xiaoyue asked: "How is your body? Can you still walk?"

"It doesn't matter." The bride stared at her with wide eyes, "Are you...He...Captain He?"

"It's me." Now it was He Xiaoyue's turn to be dumbfounded.Is this insanity?She hurriedly said, "Today is your day of great joy, get up and keep up with the team!"

It didn't matter, the bride covered her face and started to cry. He Xiaoyue was in a hurry - it was very inauspicious to cry at a wedding.However, no matter how she comforted and persuaded her, the bride cried more and more fiercely, and the groom was also at a loss.It made her very embarrassed.The policeman next to him was wise and said: "This bride is so happy that she can't get up with a mouthful of phlegm. Just give her some marching powder."

Hearing the reminder, He Xiaoyue quickly took out the marching powder, sprayed some into her nose, and comforted her well, and it took a while to comfort the bride.It's just this tossing, and the hair and makeup on the face were all worn out. He Xiaoyue carried a comb and powder in her satchel, so she had to temporarily take the couple to a rest tent by the roadside to re-dress their makeup.

Naturally, this little episode was not seen on the rostrum.A group of people were looking forward to it, and Du Yibin came in a hurry - he ran all the way after getting off the boat, just to get to the rostrum before the bride and groom entered the arena.Wang Jun quickly moved the place for him, and said: "I told you not to go on a flower boat parade, you are in such a hurry!"

" way..." Du Yibin panted heavily, "I will never be reconciled if I don't educate Song Yingsheng well."

"Educated?" Wang Jun knew that he had spent countless efforts on this old man, but he had already given up hope for it.

"Hey, today's made a lot of progress!" Du Yibin beamed with joy, like an otaku who finally added a goddess's WeChat account, "The old man's tone is relaxed, and he seems to have a lot of feelings about today's wedding. Besides, I have something extra to gain. "

Next update: Volume 150 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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