Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2043 Covenant Chapter 3

Chapter 2043
"...So, Song Yingsheng agreed to surrender?" Wen Desi asked in surprise seeing Du Yibin with a spring face coming to talk to him about "Song Yingsheng".

"That's right, but he didn't fully agree." Du Yibin, who came here specially to report, said, "He just said that he is willing to 'work' for me personally - there are still three chapters to be agreed."

"Go ahead."

"First, he does not receive any reward from the Senate."

"Don't take free labor for nothing, agree."

"Second, the Senate cannot use him as a call."

"Well, is he famous?"

"That's right, Fengxin Second Song Dynasty..." Liu Xiang added.

"Oh, that doesn't matter much."

"His family still has some appeal in Jiangxi," Cui Hantang interjected, "His great-grandfather was a prime minister."

"So it's a local family—but it doesn't matter."

"Third, he will not do anything that is not good for Daming."

Wen Desi didn't speak, and several other elders were about to explode: This is simply a loss of power and humiliation of the country to invest in the treaty!

Du Yibin quickly added: "However, he also said that as long as it is beneficial to the people and the region, he will do it."

Wen Desi thought for a moment, and said: "You promise him. In this case, he can be regarded as your personal staff - this is my special approval."

"Thank you, President Wen!"

"But even if he doesn't want to surrender, it's impossible for us to pay him a salary..."

"All his expenses will be paid by me."

"Okay then." Wen Desi nodded, "You can file an application for this matter, and the district will report it to you for record after signing."

Looking at Du Yibin's back, Liu Xiang complained: "Xiao Du has put in so much effort... I don't think he is so diligent in chasing his girlfriend."

"I almost knelt and licked."

"Hey, don't be so mean, okay? We are all comrades," Liu Xiang said, "Isn't it because of the Senate that he put in so much effort?"

"Exactly!" Cui Hantang was full of wine and food, patting his belly and said, "Song Yingsheng is my big man's scientist! It's better than a group of people eager to kneel down and lick Newton, Descartes and other foreigners..."

"Since when is Song Yingsheng a scientist? It's his brother!"

"Song Yingxing is at best a popular science writer, what kind of scientist is he? Has he discovered any laws?"

"It's really embarrassing to say. In the 17th century, the European scientific community was already full of stars, and we still regard Song Yingxing and Xu Xiake as treasures here!"

"Fart! When I ruled East Asia, Europe was still a savage in the woods."

"This is all the merit of Manqing!"

Seeing that the elders were about to quarrel, Wen Desi frowned, and Liu Xiang hurriedly said: "Everyone, stop talking about things in another world. Pay attention to the impact!"

"Xiao Du is sincere, but Song Yingsheng is an old guy—he committed suicide. Du Yibin made a fuss, so don't make a fuss about fetching water from a bamboo basket." Wang Jun hurriedly brought the topic back.

Wen Desi nodded: "One hundred, half ninety, Xiao Du wants to make Song Yingsheng completely surrender through this wedding, and it's really hard to control these celebrities." He stretched his waist, and the life secretary immediately gave him Served a cup of black tea.

Wang Jun said: "The celebrities that Du Yibin likes are all technical celebrities: Song Yingxing, Wu Youxing, Fu Qingshu, Bi Maokang and other technical celebrities can still play their strengths under the rule of my Senate, and maybe they can still play their best. The potential they couldn’t bring out in the Ming Dynasty. It’s the ‘celebrities’ that the Senate likes to talk about and want to win over—I think they’re all reactionaries…”

This is short of naming Dao's surname as Cui Hantang.Wen Desi smiled slightly. This kind of debate is a commonplace in the Senate, since the "Jasmine Xuan Work" back then.

"It can't be said that these celebrities from the old era are more or less influential. If they can be recruited and used by me, it will be good for our rule." Liu Xiang said, "We can start a United Front/Ministry... ..."

"No, there aren't that many people in the Senate dedicated to this job, and most comrades are very wary of the 'United Revolutionary War' - it's not their fault, after all, there are too many lessons learned from the past." Wen Desi Smiled, "So this work can only be done semi-officially, not as a specialized agency. I think the routines of Cui Daochang and Xiao Du are fine--anyway, they are all personal behaviors. If there are any changes in the future, we can't say No credit."

While talking, Zhang Yunmi came back from the stage. She had already removed her make-up, changed her clothes, and wiped off her sweat with a towel.

"You were really dazzling on the stage just now!" Liu Xiang got up to greet him, "No wonder you are the pillar of the plaid skirt!"

"Sorry, I haven't danced for a long time, and I'm a little rusty."

"Where is it, it is very rare for you to participate in the performance." Wen Desi laughed, "Come on! Let's toast Xiao Zhang together! Congratulations to her and the Plaid Skirt Club for the Senate's first shot in the new literary and artistic front! "

All the elders responded loudly, only Cui Hantang was unhappy, but he also raised his glass.

He raised his heart and thought: This Australian woman is not shy at all—not only is she not shy, but she also drank with everyone openly!No matter how wild a prostitute in a brothel is, he has never seen such a style.

Australians don't rush to compete for the world, what are they doing every day.Gao Ju suddenly became very worried about the future of the Senate.

"Brother Zhang, look at this Australian song and dance, old brother, I really don't understand it..." Gao Ju whispered to Zhang Yu, "You are young, and you are close to the elders, do you know the secret behind it?"

Zhang Yu actually didn't understand either.However, he reads a lot of Australian magazines, knows a thing or two about the term "new literature and art", and usually contacts the elders, and he has heard some small talk in his ears when chatting.I vaguely understand what the Australians are thinking.But he dared not speak out his thoughts openly. "Predicting God's will" is a great sin.

He thought for a while, and said: "Master Gao, from my younger brother's point of view, the administration of the Senate has always been from a high position, with far-reaching vision. It is far above us. Things that are strange or even absurd in our eyes, we only know their decisions afterwards. How right. If you don't understand why, just do it!"

Holding it up high, he thought to himself that although this little brother is young, he is quite reasonable in seeing things!Why bother to explore what Australians say and do?As long as you follow it, support is it!After all, since the Australians came to his backyard, as long as they acted according to their requirements, they went smoothly and never suffered a disadvantage!

"My little brother is right!" Gao Ju said while raising his wine glass to Zhang Yan, and the two drank each other.Gao Ju was thinking in his heart: I don't know if there is a suitable girl?
Just when all the people in the big world were jubilantly holding a group wedding, and Wang Qiyi was still staying up late to clean up Tianrui Garden's account books.In an ordinary small courtyard in Nanchengguan, Guangzhou, whispers could be heard faintly from the wing room. If someone got close, they would find that the windows of this room had been carefully sealed with cloth, obviously to prevent the light from leaking out of the room.

"Second brother, this time it's my younger brother who was negligent and credulous at the time. The "law" is all deceitful."

"Oh? Then tell me how this gangster coaxes people?" The middle-aged man called "Second Brother" shook his folding fan lightly, twirling his beard and looking across the table with a half-smile.The person sitting across from him was none other than Master Liao, who was gathered by the nobles of the Luo family.

"The so-called law, the yelling of the kun thieves, in my opinion, is nothing more than due filial piety, and the Luo family has offended Zhang Ji, the kun thieve's dog, and has been given eye drops..."

"If that's the case, how can it be easy to slip through by confiscating more than 100 taels of silver?"

"Second brother, this gangster has yet to gain a firm foothold in Guangzhou. It's not that you don't know that there are many big families in the city who have shares in the same relationship. Although the Luo family is not big, but they are involved in the whole body. Naturally, the gangsters have to weigh it. Weigh it. More than 100 taels of silver is not too much, it seems that the officials of this gangster still have the intention of leaving a line for their subordinates to meet each other in the future. I know that in the future, it will be more "flexible"..."

"Stupid!" The middle-aged man called "Second Brother" snapped his folding fan shut, and pointed at Mr. Liao's nose, "All the laws of thieves are announced in the newspaper, and the government office and the salt department are also posted. You I don’t even look at the killing, and I’m still talking about filial piety here!”

Master Liao looked astonished. Brother Yi has always taken good care of him, and the number of times he lost his temper in the past ten years is even more rare.Today I was obviously complaining about the Kun thief, the Kun thief that everyone hates, and my righteous brother not only scolded me for being stupid, but also said something good for the Kun thief?
"Second brother scolded you." Although Master Liao was dissatisfied, he could only sit here. If he hadn't been supported by his brother-in-law, he would still be working as a low-level accountant in Liang's mansion. "Tomorrow I will send someone to copy it. Come back and read it carefully."

"No need." The middle-aged man took out a booklet from his sleeve and handed it to Master Liao, "You can read it."

Master Liao took the booklet with both hands, but saw "1636 Collection of Taxation Policies of Australia and Song Dynasty" written in vulgar characters.He unfolded the booklet again and took a closer look under the light of the Australian wax on the table. There were tax laws in the front and explanations in the back, and everything was listed clearly and straightforwardly.Aside from the uncomfortable reading of Kun Bandit's horizontal sentences from left to right, this is a good book.Reminiscent of how the subordinate officials used to keep the fish-scale account books in their hands in secret, the Liang family probably took a lot of effort to get this book.Now the gift is obviously to reuse yourself.

Thinking of this level, Master Liao beamed with joy: "Thank you second brother, I will definitely read this precious book and do things well..."

"Precious book?" Seeing Master Liao's appearance, the middle-aged man knew that he was thinking too much, and he couldn't laugh or cry, "You, third brother, are also literate. I don't mind you. The book market on Zhezi Street only costs one penny." Master Liao's eyelids drooped, and the middle-aged man quickly turned back to the topic, "Third brother, do you know about the Lin family?"
Next update: Volume 157 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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