Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2044 Talent Smith

Chapter 2044 Talent Smith

"I heard rumors on the street that the house was being ransacked. I followed your instructions and didn't go to investigate."

"Well, that's right." The middle-aged man sighed deeply, "This gangster looks vulgar, but he is actually thinking deeply and everything is planned, and everything is intertwined. You must see what they want to do to the gentry in the city." Come out, remember that the more you and I have to act calmly and carefully at this time, if we are not careful, we will be doomed."

"What I save is the Lin family..."

"Don't worry about it. Mr. Liang has his own arrangements."

"But Mr. Lin didn't spend less money and effort, I'm afraid it will chill people's hearts."

"The Kun thief is so easy to get along with? A few days ago, when he went to the Liang Mansion, he led the team. How can he let go of such a mobilizing force without scraping some meat? He doesn't stick to small things when he does big things, and besides, Mr. Lin doesn't know anything at all. The Kun thief is cruel. The Lin family offends Xinchao and avoids disaster, so it’s okay.” Seeing what Master Liao wanted to say, the middle-aged man interrupted him with a wave of his hand, “The account settlement at the beginning of the year was done very well. The little boss hasn't found anything these days, and I'll sell a few loopholes tomorrow and let him hand over the work. But here, do you still keep the account books for the money exchange?"

"According to the second brother's order, burn them all..."

"Really? Let's say something personal. If you really burn it, hurry up and make another copy..." The middle-aged man whispered meaningfully, "It is necessary to guard against others. Cook, this private account is the last life-saving talisman."

"Save it, save it." Master Liao said again and again, squinting at the middle-aged man, "Second brother, will you come back tonight?"

"It's time to go back. Except for the police, the street is full of gangsters. Are you trying to trick the second brother?"

"Haha, the second brother lives here." Master Liao took off the curtains, went out and clapped his hands twice, "Guard Zhou, call those two girls over to Master Mai to relax..."

There is nothing worse than dreaming about a man in a dream. If there is, it will be remembered after waking up.Wang Qiyi thought angrily.

Originally, my wife came to Guangzhou with great difficulty yesterday, and the two of them should have a comfortable sleep after having a few in-depth exchanges happily in the evening.I didn't expect to see Smith in my dream.

I'll go to your uncle's.The more Wang Qiyi thought about it, the more awkward he became, and he regretted why he was looking for trouble when he had nothing to do. Yesterday he had to call this "talent" into the office to do a "heart-to-heart talk with tax companies".This person really looks like a shame to the audience, not to mention being fat, he still looks a little lame?At the beginning, Wang Qiyi was worried that he would pretend to be stupid and tried to trick him.But he soon realized that he was worrying too much. This Second Master Shi did not shy away from his understanding of the various policies and technologies of the Senate. He even knew the importance of newspapers, and he could read the meaning behind the article. This made Wang Qiyi Eyes opened.

It was not that there were no smart people among the aborigines before, but when talking with them, except for the chief's "reasonable words", it was very boring for him to be "lack of thinking" and "playing around with others".Unlike this Smith, he is quite confident, and he talks about why his family's business is run in such a way, and he is not at all like a slave in the past, who kowtowed and confessed immediately when the elders asked questions.At the end of the conversation, Wang Qiyi mentioned the Lin family. This Smith also said frankly that the Lin family still operates according to the usual practice. He has persuaded Lin Zunxiu, but he is not the head of the family. There is no more money exchange, and now the accounts are being cleaned up.

He is still a good person, even if he sells his teammates, he sells them too fast. Aren't you all from the "Yuyuan Society"?While admiring his knowledge, Wang Qiyi deeply despised these gentlemen and sons in his heart.

But in the final analysis, the interests of the family are always the greatest, let alone such "teammates".

Second Master Shi's open-minded expression made Wang Qiyi very upset.In the final analysis, he was just "exploiting loopholes in the regulations" and did not "break the law."

"This person is really talented! But if you use his words, I'm afraid it won't be as reassuring as other native collaborators."

Indigenous collaborators like Gao Ju and Zhang Yu, although they each have their own little calculations, are actually in conflict with the Senate.Still attached to some kind of "personal relationship", they attach great importance to the personal relationship with the elders they are connected with, and do everything possible to "maintain" this relationship.Although the laws and policies of the Senate were also studied, they were not thorough.More is to ask the elders to do a private "explanation".There will also be doubts about the laws and policies of the Senate, but they are implemented quite hard.In short, the relationship between them is based on the trust of a mixture of "interests", "personal affection" and "partnership for many years".

The Second Young Master Shi's routine is completely different. They know that it is difficult for them to cling to the Senate in a short period of time, let alone "trust", but they understand the mystery of the Senate's governance faster than other traditional businessmen, and make full use of "" the rule of law of the Senate" and profited from it.

Such people, in fact, compared with the merchants supported by the Senate, although they are suspected of "growing barbarously", they are undeniably the most energetic and thoughtful group of people.

If such a person can be controlled, it will be very helpful to the great cause of the Senate, but once the horse stumbles, it will become a super-sized time bomb, causing a big mess-this kind of thing, in the old time and space, Wang Qiyi will see it. Been there a lot.

It's really embarrassing, Wang Qiyi looked at Smith's materials on the table, secretly worried.

This is not the only bad thing.Wang Qiyi got the exact news from Ai Zhixin when he was having dinner in the morning, that Selina's application to work in the Economic Serious Case Investigation Division was rejected.After getting the news from Cheng Dong that the Government Administration Council initially agreed to Sarina's appointment more than half a month ago, Ai Zhixin and he have been making preparations including the positions of institutional personnel and office space, hoping to give Selina a place of importance. I feel that I can continue to work steadily in my new position.After all, among political freaks like the Senate, one more senior in the department is not just equal to one more worker.It is also equivalent to strengthening the department's voice in the Senate in a disguised form.Now this back and forth made both of them feel a lot of frustration.What's even more bizarre is that the reason why the Government Council rejected their applications was that Selina's position was too important to be transferred or part-time.If Wang Qiyi hadn't known what happened in the Senate through his wife's letter, he would have thought that the leaders of the Government Affairs Council didn't even bother to make up a suitable reason.

In fact, in the eyes of the leaders of the Government Affairs Council, this matter was a very suitable personnel transfer, but when it was implemented, it inevitably caused disputes among the hilltops.

At the very beginning, their application encountered some resistance. First, the Royal Han Party questioned that Xue Ziliang and Sarina were too important for the positions held by ABC's new Baiying group.The special investigation team and the Veteran Security Bureau (commonly known as the Secret Service) are conspicuous enough, and now they need to be added; many people think that Selina must be the "North American gang" and the "house party", and the "house party" center With Qian Shuiting, Xue Ziliang and Qian Shuixie in the army, Pan Pan in the publicity department, Zheng Shangjie in the business, and Selina's appointment as the head of the Economic Serious Case Investigation Division is equivalent to occupying a core position in the financial department.If the "house party" is allowed to stretch out their hands smoothly this time, then they will have all the power, money, guns and mouthpieces, and it is a certainty that they will sit big.This makes a lot of people uncomfortable.

Such noises did not affect the judgment of the Government Council at the beginning, and Selina's application for transfer was approved at the first review.It's just that something unexpected happened later, which caused a storm in the Senate, which directly smashed the calculations of Caijingkou.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Navy of the Senate, all the sailors aspired to build an imperial navy far beyond the old time and space UK (British Empire) to sail the seven oceans.Naturally, as the goal of imitation and surpassing, the British Navy's "fight against the enemy" regulations are also regarded as the standard. "The principle of fighting against the enemy has witnessed and guided the British Imperial Navy from being weak to powerful, from the North Atlantic to dominating the seven seas. Now, we, yes, we, want to engrave it in our Imperial Navy genes. Let us The warriors are brave and brave to fight! The crown of the sea supremacy can only be built with naval guns!" Wang Yuanlao, who was then the staff officer of the Navy Command, said when he first explained this principle of warfare at the elders meeting.At that time, when the Navy of the Senate defeated Zheng Zhilong in one fell swoop, and Liu Xiang raised his gang to surrender, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of domination.After hearing Staff Wang's impassioned "explanation", some emotional veterans even jumped into their seats, waved their fists and shouted slogans to express their support for the Navy.The matter of the navy was easily passed and no one mentioned it anymore, except for Wei Aiwen and Zhang Bolin and other members of the "Young Officers Club" who were present, whose faces were a bit gloomy.

However, passionate emotions cannot be eaten, nor can they solve practical problems.Just over a month ago, a certain sauce-flavored word (soy sauce, leisure and other words suspected of discrimination have been identified as sensitive words by the Senate) was on his way back to Qiong on a business trip to "Eunuch Zhao" in Hangzhou. When I looked out, I found an unidentified ship.The star officer immediately rang the bell to assemble in accordance with the regulations. Because he could not visually judge the enemy and us, when there was no response to the first light signal inquiry, the captain immediately commanded the warship to seize the attack position in accordance with the combat principle of "encountering the enemy must fight". attack.At this time, the ship veteran who was awakened also came to inquire about the situation. When he heard that the warship he was on was about to go into battle, especially when he heard that the speed of the opponent's ship should not be as fast as his own, he immediately quit and asked the captain to rely on his own safety. For the most part, he gave up the battle and immediately turned around, threatening to remove the captain's command.During the wrangling, the opposite ship had already entered range, and the captain Guihuamin ignored the elder's threat and ordered to fire.The other party stopped the ship immediately after firing the guns, and the navy went to check and found that it was a smuggling ship that had not purchased a sailing flag.
Next update: Volume 158 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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