Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2045

Chapter 2045
Originally, the matter should have passed like this, neither threatening the personal safety of the sauce-flavored elder nor delaying his itinerary.But when he returned to Lingao, he quit. After listening to the description of adding oil and vinegar, the sauce-flavored veteran quit.They asked the Standing Committee of the Senate to convene an enlarged meeting and ask the navy carefully, is this navy the army of the Senate or the army of certain people?He dared to put the regulations above the safety of the elders, and he insisted on dragging irrelevant non-military elders up to find trouble in a battle that could be avoided.Where is the principle of eldership above all else?As the matter fermented, more and more non-sauce-flavored veterans also joined in. After all, judging from the current stalls of the Senate, long-distance travel must not be bypassed by boat.And because the navy ships are armed and have high-quality personnel, they have always been the first choice for the veterans to travel, but if it is true that "the enemy must fight", wouldn't I become a meat bun on the ship, and the naturalized captain has the final say on life and death? up?
The navy argues that the navy is different from the army, and it is better to attack than to flee at sea.This was ridiculed by the veterans of the army, especially the young veterans in the army. They pointed out that with the scientific and technological power of the Senate, large and medium-sized ships can guarantee that the enemy will be discovered first, and the speed of the ships is also higher than that of the natives. The situation is fundamentally different. The navy’s rote rigging is just to establish a set of dignitaries who look like the navy is superior to the army. It is just like treating white gloves, which is a devious plan.The navy also stated that the senators represent the senate on the ship, and they are timid when they see the enemy. Fleeing in the wind is tantamount to disregarding the face and demeanor of the senate and the senators themselves, which makes it difficult for the naturalized people to believe.But this made many elders even more angry. Why did they travel back and endure hardships?If you lose your life, you will lose everything, and your face is nothing.

"If you want to save face, you navy, what kind of heroes are you when you pull us? Are you using the blood of our non-military veterans to paint the top of your navy?"

The navy's advisers, pillars, and backers, Wen Desi, are far away in Guangdong and Guangxi. The navy, which lacks strong support from the top, finds that the situation is getting worse and worse for them.Lost in this great debate.Naturally, this is also the accumulation of grievances against the navy from various hilltops over the past few years.The navy, the gold-swallowing beast, has eaten countless resources.It is inevitable that all departments have grievances, and this is a good time to make use of them.

"In the last inspection of Shandong, some key documents were damaged during the battle on the way back to Lingao. You know, if the current account books are wet, they will be ruined if they are not cleaned up immediately." Yifan of the Cheka did not know when They also raised their hands to speak, obviously the people in Wudaokou are still in the same spirit.His tone was calm and he did not criticize the navy like those before him, but anyone who understands can hear that his words are tantamount to expanding the scapegoat of the navy.

"Several batches of spare parts transported to the Hangzhou Silk Reeling Factory were also lost due to battles on the way..." This is the emperors at the industrial gate adding oil and vinegar.To be honest, these losses are insignificant, and they are just an excuse.They have always expected the army to go north to fight the Manchus instead of the navy to go south to fight the monkeys, and this opportunity of eye medicine will naturally not be missed.

Seeing that the navy was about to collapse and everyone pushed, Xiao Zishan, who had been holding his breath and concentrating on it, suddenly spoke.

"Everyone be quiet first, can you listen to me? I have been listening to everyone's opinions just now, and they are all right. It is indeed a problem that needs to be solved...Why do I want to say a few words? Because the core is related to everyone As for personal safety, this is a problem that our office must solve. We can’t let everyone worry about whether they will lose their lives while traveling hard.... I think we can solve it from two aspects. Listen to this, everyone. Can't you?" Seeing Xiao Zishan slowly stretch out two fleshy fingers with confidence, the voice in the auditorium immediately dropped by tens of decibels.

"Director Xiao is going to get married again?"

"Hush... Listen to what he has to say, and it's too late to spray."

"First of all, we must affirm the navy's combat principles. An army that is brave enough to fight is a good army." Before the words were finished, there was a lot of "Woo..." in the venue, and the sparse applause from several members of the navy seemed very embarrassing.However, Xiao Zishan took a sip of tea indifferently, spit out the tea stem with a puff, and then said slowly, "But, but! We need to see that the main conflict is neither the navy nor everyone, but the incident that the navy brought along during the battle." Everyone, right? Here, as the person in charge of the general office, I would like to apologize to you first. It is because we did not consider carefully the trips and official business trips of the elders... In the past, we had few resources and heavy burdens. The main goal was to pave the way for many things. Cong Quan, everyone sitting here is not multi-purpose? Many facilities and equipment, including naval ships, are also like this. They need to fight, patrol and transport. There is really no way to do it. Please understand.”

"Director Xiao, don't take it upon yourself. Everyone knows what the conditions were before. Complaints over the years are nothing more than complaints from the brothers."

"That's it."

"Director Xiao, go on..." Seeing that his plan to delay the attack had succeeded, Xiao Zishan still held back his heart and put on a heartbroken look, but someone below would start shouting.

"Today's matter is different. In the future, not only will I be on a business trip, but I may even take a bunch of my wives and children to Nha Trang and Maldives for a vacation. Good guy, you Navy, no matter what, drag a whole family of men, women, old and young to fight with others , How can this work? I don’t care about anything else, the navy has to listen to me, safety first!”

who is it?How good is this joke?Xiao Zishan quickly looked up and looked around, it was him!
"This is the second aspect I'm talking about," Director Xiao smiled like a flower, "We need to strengthen the Veteran Security Bureau. Every veteran is the most precious, and nothing is more important than the safety of the elders. I can’t afford to lose even one. I think we can choose one or several suitable warships from the navy as special ships for the veterans to take care of everyone’s sea trips.”

He glanced at Wei Aiwen, who was about to get up to speak, and quickly added: "Of course, these ships are no longer part of the navy, but are dedicated to the general office. In this way, there are special ships at sea, and special carriages on land. As for the sailors and Soldiers in the navy are selected and selected according to the standards of the General Guard Bureau. After selection, the establishment is assigned to the General Guard Bureau and is no longer affiliated to the Navy. This not only ensures the navy's "fighting against the enemy", but also greatly improves everyone's travel safety and security. Comfort level. Change to a navy ship every time you travel, even if you live in the captain’s cabin, it’s not as good as a special ship for veterans with dedicated service personnel... In the future, no matter whether it’s land or sea, or whether it’s official or private, the veteran’s travel will be done by guards What do you think of the unified dispatch and unified responsibility of the elders of the bureau Selina?"

Xiao Zishan's proposal got the response he expected, and when the hat of "Director Xiao is really our caring person" was flying around, Cheng Dong was very sensible and spoke after muttering with Wu De for a while.

"I've been on a navy warship a few times. To be honest, it's a warship. It's uncomfortable. What about the transport ship? It's too slow." Cheng Dong glanced around and saw that the veterans showed sympathy for me. The expression went on to say:

"I suggest building one or two special ships for veterans with appropriate armament, faster speed, and higher comfort standards instead of directly receiving and transforming old naval ships." He deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "old", "As for the funds, I After communicating with Wu De, we can list it as an extra-budgetary expenditure for this year, and the preliminary estimate will not affect the safety of the total financial revenue and expenditure. And everyone's safety is really safe..."

"How long does it take to build such a ship from design to launch? Besides, the shipyard is already full. Your idea is far from quenching your thirst." Someone saw through Cheng Dong's "empty promise" at a glance.

"What kind of budget is there! It's been seven or eight years, what about Lao Tzu's shares and dividends? In addition to sending me a list every half a year to show me the number on it, what did your Ministry of Finance use all this money for... "

"Everyone's money is managed in a special account, and we will never touch it! Didn't you all spend this money when you bought special offerings?" Under the special supply policy of the time-travelers, all kinds of things that were taken for granted during time-traveling" The "income" plan has become the hottest potato in the Ministry of Finance. The daily expenses of the cross-travelers to purchase special goods and services are not large, so most of their income currently exists in the form of paper assets.In the eyes of people in Caijingkou, the money saved on the books is a huge currency bomb, but Cheng Dong dare not say it clearly. It is also a good way to spend part of it on shipbuilding. "If you want to build a private ship, We certainly don't have any power to prevent people from spending their own money."

However, when he said this, the faces of the people at the industrial port stretched, because shipbuilding is a long-term project, and small yachts also take several months to produce.Considering the safety and comfort of the veterans, this yacht is at least the level of the Haitian scout ship.This would occupy a formal slipway and require specialized equipment—especially steam engines and boilers. The current production capacity is simply not enough.Let alone a dozen veterans or dozens of veterans, it is difficult to make only one or two.But if you want to say "no" directly, this pair of naval firepower will be pulled on your head...

"I don't care what your Ministry of Finance and Economics does. Anyway, I have decided to use my own money to build a private yacht..."

"Yes, let's make it ourselves. I want the same style of Feiyun!"

"It's all fiberglass, we can't make it at all!"

"Don't get a Xiaocang number to deal with it."

"I remember Lando's boat was very good..."

"Hush! This matter should be kept secret."

"Secret fart, it's been a few years. The Spaniards in Manila know about it, and you still keep it a secret? Director Xiao, don't worry about it. What do you think if we need a private boat in the future?"



Next update: Volume 159 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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