Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046

Seeing that the situation that had just improved was about to slip into chaos again, Xiao Zishan quickly stood up, "Everyone is right, but I didn't think carefully just now. Then... can this work?" Xiao Zishan calmed down and waited for the surrounding voices After getting a little younger, he continued, "First, we still need to build dedicated official ships. Second, everyone's private yachts can't be delayed. But everyone has heard about the situation in the shipyard just now. It is full. Let's talk about the ship It’s time-consuming to design. So the current method of authority is to use the big boat, and everyone has been on it. You can book a VIP cabin or charter the boat for everyone. At that time, the key positions on the boat will be replaced by guards. As for going to the dangerous sea area, if it is inconvenient for the big wave, you can take a non-combat naval ship..." Xiao Zishan looked in the direction of several veterans of the navy, and said in his heart that I gave you the ladder, and it would be a shame if you continue to fight to the death. No wonder others.

"Except for transport ships, there are ships in the non-combat order of the navy, as well as traffic ships and detection ships. The speed is good but the environment is average. If you take it, we will specifically instruct the captain to put the safety and mission of the elders as the first priority. , but the veterans accompanying the ship must also obey the captain's arrangement. Our navy will also send out combat ships to escort you all. When encountering enemies, everyone's ships will withdraw first and let the warships board. As for those who are willing to board the warships, they must obey unconditionally Captain, don't intervene in combat." The half-step back statement of the navy caused another buzz, but this time it was more reasonable, and no one stood up to criticize them.

"Why do you have to be divided into two types of treatment when taking the Dabo liner? If you have a private cabin, what if there are some dead men who are so cute? Didn't all the crew members of Dabo pass the high-standard investigation by the Political Security Bureau? .It is much easier to kill a person at sea than on land." Some people turned back to the original topic.

"There's no need to charter a boat every time, it's too wasteful..."

"I also think it's too wasteful to charter a boat at every turn. It's okay if there are cargo and personnel to transport it together, but it's really a waste to charter a boat just for Mr. Guang Yuan alone..." Apparently some people think it's better to save money and start a revolution.

"I don't think it's better than this. How about learning from the maid subsidy practice at the time. For those who travel on private boats on business trips, the general office will allocate travel subsidies according to the cost of chartering the boat?"

"Give it per person or per visit?"

"Of course it is based on the head." "What about non-official business? For example, I want to take my children to Guangzhou to play..."

"Pay by yourself." Just when everyone thought this confrontation was over, Wu Nanhai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said that he had something to say, "I think Director Xiao's principle is very good, if you don't use official vehicles and boats for business The Office of Private Affairs will pay for it. The Office of Private Affairs will help arrange the contact, and the General Security Bureau will be responsible for the security. These expenses will be borne by themselves. Otherwise, wouldn’t those who are too busy to get away suffer from it?”

Wu Nanhai's words also caused a buzz. Everyone was chattering, but obviously everyone was saying that they belonged to the type of "too busy to get away from themselves", so they naturally praised the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture.Wu Nanhai continued: "There is also the matter of self-built private yachts that you mentioned just now. I think the general office can rent your idle yachts for a fee when you need a boat for travel. Of course, it is all voluntary. This is also a public-private relationship. convenient."

"We can design and manufacture several sets of modularized standard cabin kits for veterans, which are convenient for disassembly and assembly, and save everyone from having to worry about cabin problems when choosing a ship..."

"This part of the cost will be included in this year's extra-budgetary expenditure as a priority, and it will be allocated as soon as possible..."

The meeting was quite successful.The navy avoided the destruction of the rule of "fighting against the enemy"; the soy sauce veterans satisfied their self-esteem and sense of security; Cai Jinkou avoided paying large dividends... Everyone is happy.The only one who was not very happy was the tax department—Selina's affairs were inexplicably messed up by this irrelevant matter.

Although it was a mess, Ai Zhixin believed that there was still a chance: after all, the opposition was not as loud as he expected, but Zhang Xiaoqi said in the letter that she was always like a cultivator, except for doing her job well, she didn't seem to care about these things, let alone Care about where to work.

"Maybe she hasn't really planned to accept us people." Zhang Xiaoqi wrote at the end.

"If you don't accept it, then you don't accept it," Wang Qiyi thought, "However, Mr. Cheng's calculation is really shrewd, and he takes both pros and cons. But the navy gang, not to mention carrying the sedan chair for others, are happy to be sold." Of course. Whether this matter is clear or not, Wang Qiyi murmured in his heart while taking his thoughts back, and turned his gaze to the report from the Lin family that Yao Yulan and the others sent on the table last night.

Wang Qiyi picked up the report on the table and went through it again.This is the third time he has watched it.On the whole, the writing is a bit awkward, and there are a lot of typos and wrong sentences.Fortunately, the organization is clear and straightforward, and the description of the matter is detailed, especially without the boots and hats in the old time and space report materials, it feels refreshing to read.

The main transactions of the Lin family are basically the gathering of nobles, but in those restaurants and tea shops where the Lin family has a large share of the actual transaction parties, whether it is purchase or supply, many parties use handwritten notes stamped with Luo Zhixiang's private seal, and the prices are ridiculously chaotic. .In the account, both income and expenditure are accounted for, but it is a big one and a small one. There are cases of 10 taels and 20 taels of silver per stone meter everywhere.When asked, the answer is that it is expensive to manage poorly... The Lin family did this simply because the bulk of their industrial profits did not come from this kind of goods trading.Large income and small output can effectively increase operating costs, so that even if the revenue of various industries is recorded normally, the calculated profit is very little, or even operating at a loss.As for the Lin family, there is naturally no dividend to take, and it is naturally poor.Pay taxes?impossible.

"Hehe, it's still debt management—the concept is quite advanced." Wang Qiyi looked at the Lin family's balance sheet transcribed on the attached page and thought that he didn't pay much attention to the Senate. With?It seems that it is more appropriate for the catering service industry to levy according to the turnover...

"Little Hu!"


"Call Captain Yao and the others to come to my office!"

Wang Qiyi's office is not big, and after Yao Yulan and the three of them are seated, it looks full.

"I've read your report. It's very good. It's clear and organized. Then what do you think about this job?" Wang Qiyi went straight to the point without talking nonsense.

"Report to Director Wang, we..."

"Captain Yao, sit down, sit down and talk."

"Okay..." Seeing Wang Qiyi gesturing for herself to sit down, Yao Yulan straightened her clothes and sat back on the sofa in embarrassment. "After discussion, the three of us agreed that we can start from two aspects."

"Well, which two aspects. Briefly talk about it." Wang Qiyi listened intently.

"First of all, make tax adjustments on current accounts, especially costs, and re-approve profits. The purpose of this is to find out how much dividends the Lin family has paid. However, the workload is relatively large, and it is necessary to temporarily dispatch personnel with accounting background to cooperate."

"That's no problem. I can arrange for some of the next-line rotation trainees from the approval and accounting department to go there."

"Thank you, Director Wang. The second aspect is to expand the scope of investigation and check the long-term large receivables that have been pending. This is to accurately grasp their operating income and find out how much business tax they have evaded. We use a cash system. This method of posting accounts should be severely cracked down."

"Where does the expansion extend to."

"The payer with a large amount receivable shall prevail. Excluding those who are not under the control of the Senate, there are about twenty households left. But some of these people are not on our inspection list, and some are in other places."

"It doesn't matter. Those in the Ming Dynasty don't care about it. You have the right to inspect everything under the Senate's rule that needs to be investigated. If you are out of town, you can make a list and I will sign a transfer letter for you. Is there anything else?"

"Director Wang..." Yao Yulan hesitated and said, "When we were downstairs just now, Comrade Chu and Comrade Xu also said something, I didn't hear it clearly. Let them report it to you."

"Then let me talk about it first." Seeing Wang Qiyi turned his gaze to himself, Chu Xiaoran did not give in. "Actually, there is a more reasonable and legal way to get money, which is to pay for nothing..."

Empty pay?Wang Qiyi thought to himself that he really hadn't thought about this level, and habitually thought that only the army and agencies had such crap.

"Some stores have more than a dozen people in their account than the practical one, because most of the guys in the Ming Dynasty don't have a monthly payment, so the number of people can't be verified at all..."

This situation has actually been reflected in the "Report on the Basic Situation of Industry and Commerce". The employees in the catering business in this time and space - that is, the "enterprise hall" and "tea house", the boss generally does not pay wages, and the small accounts of the guests are shared with others. In-store revenue is revenue.Naturally, the boss will not issue a salary statement.

But on the current tax registration form, these shopkeepers and waiters who had no wages in the past suddenly have wages, and the wages are not low.

"...These people generally receive higher dividends than those who actually work, and most of them change their names every year. Some shops simply create a few old masters in them, and offer outrageously high monthly money and three-day rewards And the profit distribution at the end of the year. The profit distribution to others in the store has just been removed from some fake directories." Xu Zhewei added.Apparently, the shop where he used to be the counting house was much bigger than Chu Xiaoran's, and he knew more about the way inside.

Wang Qiyi nodded. There is nothing new under the sun. The 17th century gameplay is still the same in the 21st century. "What's your suggestion?"

"We suggest coordinating with the police station to cooperate with the verification of the number of workers employed in several large restaurants and teahouses. The basic information registered during the liberation of Guangzhou is only a summary number transferred from the police station, but I read the notes that the police station has every shop. The number of employees and family members. I think this can be used as a draft.”


Next update: Volume 160 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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