Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2047 There is nothing new under the sun

Chapter 2047 There is nothing new under the sun

"Well, your ideas are very good. I will coordinate with the police station..." Wang Qiyi said.But I was thinking how long it would take to copy the materials from the police station—there is no copier in this time and space.The various basic social information obtained from the "household investigation" of the Guangzhou Police Department have been handed over to the municipal government's printing office for typesetting and printing under the order of Liu Xiang-I don't know how the progress is...

It should be said that these naturalized civilian cadres have done a very good job, and the suggestions they made are also on point.But Wang Qiyi knew that the real boss would not be able to find out if he did this.The reason is simple. Even in the old time and space, some people circumvented supervision through verbal agreements (such as not exercising due creditor's rights and paying the other party in other forms through oral agreements).However, in the Ming Dynasty in the 17th century, this era when verbal agreements were not necessarily less effective than contracts, this situation can even be said to be very common.According to his speculation: The Lin family's shareholding in various industries can be fully covered by debts and no money to distribute dividends to major shareholders, but when the Lin family really needs money, these restaurants and teahouses can come forward to pay for it with just a note, and even go further and send the money directly to them secretly. When you arrive at Lin's house, you can only smuggle the account and not take the public account.

Wang Qiyi has been thinking about this issue for a long time. When talking about this matter last night, his wife also raised a few ideas.After seeing Yao Yulan's report today, he became more certain of his thoughts.He picked up a pen and pondered for a while, then wrote on the blank space of the first page, "I agree to expand the scope of the inspection and assign personnel from the Approved Accounting Office to cooperate with the work. Consideration should be given to focusing the inspection on wines in which the Lin family has more shares..."

Ok? ... How many times to the left of the restaurant's restaurant?After he stopped writing, Wang Qiyi raised his eyelids, and found that the three naturalized cadres on the opposite side were sitting there with their backs straight and serious, staring at him intently. The word was crossed out, "...a lot of industries, especially the shops with definite evidence that the actual manager is Lin Zunxiu." Yao Yulan, this job should be something you are good at.Wang Qiyi twirled the pencil in his hand, thinking to himself.

"Report, Director Wang, Captain Zeng and Comrade Investigator Huang have come and said they have work to report to you."

"Let them in." Wang Qiyi put down the signed report and greeted the three people in the room, "Let's listen together. Xu Zhewei, please borrow a stool from Director Zhang in the next room."

Zeng rolled open the door and entered the room, only to find that there was only one empty chair in the room. Yao Yulan and Chu Xiaoran were sitting on the three-person sofa. ... Just as Zeng Juan was thinking about the small theater, Huang Ping walked over to Yao Yulan's side carelessly.

"Sit first, Captain Zeng, Xu Zhewei has gone to move the stools, there is room to sit." Wang Qiyi said while taking out a box of white shell special offering holy ships from the drawer on the right hand side, knocked out one and threw it to Huang Ping, " Xiao Huang, then..."

"Hey! Thank you, Director Wang!" Huang Ping hurriedly got up to catch the flying cigarette with both hands, but he knew that no one smoked in this room except him, so he clipped the cigarette to his ear.

"Xiao Huang, let me ask you, where did you learn the habit of pinning cigarettes to your ears?"

"Ju Wang, I learned it together when I was studying smoking in a vocational school. He said it was the style of the chiefs. It is very popular and everyone thinks it has an Australian feel. Actually, I don't know if it is true. You know Fangcaodi prohibits smoking..."

Just as he was talking, Xu Zhewei came in with a chair.

"Let's start when everyone is ready. Team Zeng will tell you about your trip to Hong Kong."

"Yes, Director Wang!" Zeng rolled up and handed the report to Wang Qiyi with both hands, then returned to his seat and began to report, "After arriving in Hong Kong the day before yesterday, Comrade Huang and I inspected the warehouse rented by the historian in Hong Kong according to the regulations. Due to the relationship between time and manpower, we selected several relatively large transit warehouses for spot checks after getting the cooperation of the local customs. Generally speaking, no problems were found, and the list filled by historians was completely consistent with the results of spot checks on warehouses. We checked again According to Deputy Commissioner Wei, he believes that the ships, shipments, and voyages are all basically consistent. The last page of my report has a statement signed by him.”

"Well, does this mean that historians can basically be regarded as all right?" Wang Qiyi felt that this was expected, otherwise that Smith probably wouldn't be so confident.

"From the point of view of business, there should be no problem." Zeng Juan pondered for a while, as if he was thinking about how to word it, "But Director Wang, Comrade Huang and I feel that the warehouse rented by his family is a bit abnormal."

"How to say?"

"His family rented a total of eleven warehouses, and the property rights are all under the name of Luo's noble family. However, after asking the person in charge of Qiwei, who is in charge of shipping goods at the wharf in Hong Kong, two of them seem to have never been used, and they did not come from there. The goods have been shipped out and the goods have not been shipped there. Especially one of them is very short. When the nobles gathered together, the wharf warehouse management area proposed amendments, but the Luo family did not adopt it..."

Ha ha, this is rare.Wang Qiyi wanted to turn to Wumu for them to see?Anyway, the Luo family is doomed, if something else is scraped out, it will be a profit.But there is no need to tell Zeng Juan and the others about this.He glanced at Yao Yulan, damn it, you have a dead fish face again, I don't believe that you, a person from a political security background, don't feel this way.I'm afraid I'll have to find that Yangcao again to report to work at night.Thinking of this level, Wang Qiyi suddenly became angry: Whose soldier is this?
"There is another place." Zeng Juan's suddenly raised voice startled Wang Qiyi, who was wandering, "We found that there is a big problem with the rental fee paid by Tianrui Garden to the nobles. According to common sense, there are a lot of people like Tianrui Garden. There should be a tacit long-term contract between the manufacturer whose goods need to be transshipped and the nobleman who owns a large number of warehouses at the wharf. Give it to Tianrui Garden, and both families will cause trouble and suffer losses..." Zeng Juan calmed down, looked at Wang Qiyi again, Director Wang's approving eyes made him continue with confidence, "But the strange thing is that Tianrui Garden The lease contract with the nobles is signed every six months! Every time you sign a contract, you have to pay a large amount of "intermediary fee". Tianrui Garden also counts this fee in the lease fee and lists it in the details of the account book on the side of the transit warehouse Next. If you don’t go to Hong Kong, you won’t see it in Sanya. In addition, since the Senate took over Hong Kong, more and more people use Hong Kong Island as a transit point. The rental price of warehouses on Hong Kong Island has risen. It is much higher, so the money is not particularly abrupt. Although it is completely reasonable and does not violate our regulations, I always feel that something is wrong. We asked the person in charge of the transfer warehouse to understand this problem. Oh, the situation of the intermediary, he said that he didn't know, and he didn't handle the money, he was only responsible for registering and making accounts."

"What does he rely on to make accounts without proof?" Wang Qiyi thought, this is a common fictitious expense in tax evasion, and it is not surprising to increase the cost, but there are more articles later.

"He has the certificate, but he can only manage the accounts but not the money. The cashier is sent by Tianruiyuan. He comes from Sanya with tax invoices every quarter to collect money from business transactions, and then take the tax invoices to the customs to deduct and pay taxes. After paying the money, he will return to Sanya. On weekdays, he does not send or receive money there.”

"..." Wang Qiyi was bored, this is really an opponent, Mr. Shi is really talented! "Have you found out about the intermediary?"

"No, we don't have the ability..." Zeng Juan shook his head regretfully.

"Director Wang, this kind of person who only has good looks but incomplete social identity information needs the cooperation of the police to start the investigation from the roster of incoming ships and hotels in Hong Kong. We don't have enough time." Huang Ping received law enforcement training in Lingao. Know a little more about this kind of thing.

It would be great if there is a computer and the Internet, and big data is fragrant... Now, I have to check the archived files.He has seen the card-type mechanical computer that Director Ai regards as a treasure: it is very clumsy to use.It takes a lot of people just to punch the card and input it, and it takes a long time to check a project... The key is that you can only search according to the fields that have been set, and you cannot perform vague keyword queries
"How much is the large intermediary fee you mentioned just now?"

"Not necessarily, it's different every time, but there are several hundred yuan. Last year, there was a sum of thousands."

Hiss, thousands of dollars!Wang Qiyi took a breath.Unlike those who think that the ancients spent thousands of taels of silver like playing, because of business, Wang Qiyi is quite clear about the actual economic situation of Ming society, let alone the world in film and television dramas. Even compared with the later Qing Dynasty, the purchasing power of silver in the Ming Dynasty was much higher.

Although the yuan has been abolished, the new currency is still based on silver.Purchasing power is strong.Land prices around Guangzhou Great World are rising. Zhang Yu only spent about 80 yuan to buy 300 acres of land. Miss Dong's shop is so prosperous that it will be very good to have a total operating income of more than 100 yuan in a year.If the thousands of yuan were enough to buy hundreds of acres of fine land in the countryside, the owner would be able to buy it.

But it doesn't matter if you can't find an intermediary, Wang Qiyi thought about it, the monk who ran away couldn't escape the temple, "You two go to the Shijia tomorrow,..."

Jingle bell... the phone rang.

"Yes, I'm Wang Qiyi! Oh, Director Wu...wait a moment..." Before Wang Qiyi raised his head to speak, Huang Ping asked, "Director Wang, why don't we go out and wait?"

"Okay" Seeing that all the cadres of the naturalized people in the room had gone out, Wang Qiyi took off the hand covering the microphone and continued, "Director Wu can do it now, tell me... what?!"

Next update: Volume 161 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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