Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2048 Reunion

Chapter 2048 Reunion

"Is that so...Need we send someone? It's no problem...Oh, the police station will also send people. Director Wu, your action is not small...Hehe, it's no problem, we will definitely have them arrive within 15 minutes!" On the phone Although Wu Mu still maintained a rigid and indifferent voice, Wang Qiyi still heard a little excitement.That's right, he can be regarded as a foreign official who was "exiled".Now that there is such a good opportunity to make meritorious service, it is normal to be emotionally high.And this brother doesn't eat alone, and he didn't forget to notify several brothers' departments to send someone when he was so nervous.Well, he can be regarded as a person who can deal with, Wang Qiyi thought to himself while writing a note.The dislike for Yao Yulan also decreased a bit.

"Come in, all of you!" He shouted at the door, calling everyone in.Without further ado, time is pressing now and Wang Qiyi didn't "talk about it". He simply explained the new task and arranged directly: "Yao Yulan, Huang Ping of the second team, you and Captain Zeng rushed to the assembly point immediately. Take this note, There is a meeting point above, go downstairs to get weapons and protective gear, act quickly, and be sure to arrive within 10 minutes!"

"Yes! Serve the Senate and the people!" The three naturalized cadres all touched their heels and stood at attention as they replied.

"Okay, let's go. Pay attention to safety, let the police and political security go to dangerous places first, we are not the US Internal Revenue Service..." Wang Qiyi waved his hand and shouted to the guard outside the door, "Xiao Hu, go upstairs Get out of your wagon and go with them—all armed!"

When Yao Yulan and the others went out, Wang Qiyi turned to Xu Zhewei and Chu Xiaoran: "Let's let the line of the historian go, and you two return the few books that you have read from the old store of the historian a while ago, and you don't need to do anything else." Talk more." Wang Qiyi pondered for a while, "Also, you must see the second son of the historian, that is Smith, and tell him to see if he is interested in participating in the next batch of taxpayer training courses. Speaker."


After Chu Xiaoran responded, he asked hesitantly: "Is the Bureau going to deal with the historian's line lightly? If so, we should have a standard when we conduct investigations."

"It's a shame that you excel in every tax training exam," Wang Qiyi said with a smile, "Investigation and handling are two different things. Investigation only focuses on objective issues, and how to deal with them is the only way to judge! The historian's matter is a bit complicated, and I'm afraid it has to be reported to the city and the Ministry. There are more important things here and now, so I can't take care of them. You should sort out the historian's materials first, and do as I say."

When Yao Yulan and the others arrived at the assembly point, the team led by Lian Nishang from the Security Division of the police station had just arrived.The officials of the Political Security Bureau who were waiting here checked everyone's IDs and slips and led them to a small road without saying a word.Zeng Juan habitually wanted to say politely: "Comrade has worked hard, I don't know how to address it." Just as he started, he saw Yao Yulan put her finger on her mouth and made a silent gesture, and quickly swallowed the second half of the sentence go back.

Everyone just hurried on their way without saying a word. Fortunately, it was not far away, and after a while, they saw a tall and straight female cadre standing at the entrance of the alley.The cadre of the Political Security Bureau who led the team stepped forward and stood at attention to salute. After the female cadre returned the salute, he turned and trot into the alley.During this period, the two of them didn't say a word, Huang Ping and Zeng Juan were secretly wondering what kind of trick this was.Could it be that the Political Security Bureau is all dumb?

The female cadre stepped forward to shake hands with the team leaders Lian Nishang and Yao Yulan respectively before saying, "I am Yang Cao from the Political Security Bureau. In the past few days, important targets have come to the back yard one after another, and some of them are involved in this stamp duty case." People. The leaders demanded an immediate arrest and surprise interrogation. Come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the depths of the alley, the arrogance in his body was so strong that he grinned.According to Yang Cao's opinion, this arrest operation is very simple, and the Political Security Bureau can complete it independently without any assistance.But since Director Wu made arrangements and emphasized the need to highlight cooperation, it makes sense, and it is enough to be responsible for the implementation.Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't think what you shouldn't think, this is Yang Cao's long-standing habit in the Political Security Bureau.

The anti-riot team dispatched by the police station is already in place. Unlike ordinary police, they are equipped with full-body protective gear and helmets, but their weapons are generally "non-lethal". There are firemen with issued shotguns and Hall rifles for suppression.In the practice of the national police, in addition to riot control and riot control, the anti-riot team is also responsible for part of the tasks of the SWAT team.

The leader of the anti-riot team is communicating with Yang Cao at the moment, and the two members are ready to hit the door.The team members behind were all ready to attack.

Huang Ping looked at the small courtyard in front of him, it was really an ordinary household in Guangzhou.But this location is really good, it is hidden in the Guanxiang outside the east gate, the first two rows are houses and the city wall behind it, it would be really hard to find this place if it wasn't for someone to lead it.Now he is standing beside Yao Yulan with his body curled up, and the six-star lance in his hand has already been loaded with ammunition.He felt himself trembling slightly with excitement, and his body began to sweat.

Yao Yulan's vague body fragrance made him even more distracted.The last time the two were so close was when they were training in Lingao.Huang Ping's renju shooting results were ugly, a burly young man couldn't hold a small renju steadily.As the captain of the two-person team, Yao Yulan had no choice but to take Huang Ping to "extra class" on the training ground after class.Once Huang Ping was probably out of breath, and without much thought, he grabbed Huang Ping's dangling arms from behind and yelled at him to stabilize him.Huang Ping really stabilized that time, and he also remembered the soft and elastic feeling from his back.

He glanced at Yao Yulan in front of him again. She didn't wear "protective gear"——The Finance and Taxation Bureau borrowed a few sets of simplified anti-riot suits from the police station. The Economic Serious Cases Investigation Office could choose to wear them when they were on duty, but obviously Yao Yulan hadn't considered them at all.The police officer on the opposite side also only took a renju gun.On the contrary, he was a big man, Huang Ping pushed the rattan helmet on his head, feeling a little ashamed in front of women.But he immediately felt relieved, that kid Zeng Juan was left waiting for news at the entrance of the alley without missing any helmet, chest protector and gloves, wouldn't it be more embarrassing than himself.

"Report!" A figure quietly came to Yang Cao, "The secret whistle has been taken down."

"Where's the yard dog?"


"Okay, act!"

Following her orders, two police officers from the riot squad cooperated with each other and quickly climbed over the wall.After a while, the door of the small courtyard was quietly opened from the inside.

"Let's go, Lian Lian asked your people to watch the wing room." Yang Cao ordered in a low voice, and then led everyone straight to the main room in the courtyard.

Huang Ping swarmed in with the anti-riot team. When he entered the courtyard, he found two dead dogs lying in the courtyard, which must have been dealt with beforehand.

It may be that they noticed something strange outside, the main room suddenly became noisy, and there was a sound of dragging and ping-pong of objects.Some people lowered their voices and shouted: "Quick!"

"National police! Listen, people inside, you are already surrounded. Resistance is useless...Leniency for confession and strictness for resistance..." The police station is familiar with this kind of thing. Immediately when the blockage was blocked, someone began to "persuade surrender".

Of course, Yang Cao and the others didn't have the patience to talk slowly with the people inside. Shouting was just a cover to attract attention. The anti-riot team had already reached under the window and prepared pepper tear gas bombs, and the door-breaking team was also ready to fight.

Yang Cao and Lian Nishang looked at each other, they nodded their heads lightly three times and then waved their hands at the same time.With the sound of violent coughing in the house, the door was also knocked open with a battering hammer.The people who had already put on their masks rushed in one file at a time, and they were familiar with the way to control the people in the house who had already been smoked and were in a mess of tears.

"Hold your head with your hands, face the wall, and squat down! Come one by one." Lian Nishang is quite skilled in how to deal with this situation.Facing the "six-star blunderbuss" who was pointing at his head, it was obvious that the group of Xu Ze in the room did not intend to show their integrity, and obediently squatted on the ground as required.Some of those who had already crouched didn't dare to get up, so they scrambled to the base of the wall like ducks, causing a few little policemen to laugh softly.

"What are you doing! Don't move!"

"Be honest!"


"You guys... woo woo woo woo..." Just as the smoke in the room gradually dissipated, while Huang Ping and the others took off their masks, a strong man who had been squatting on the ground suddenly burst into a rage.From his point of view, the two behind him are just girls, and it should be easy to knock them down with his own strength, and then snatch them back and forth, there is still a chance in this situation.He never thought that a girl would grab his joints as soon as he made a move, but he still held on with a brute force, and then he heard the wind from the tip of the stick, and he was hit hard on the waist, and he staggered. Reeled back to the ground again.Then he was beaten seventeen or eight times in a row, and he fell to the ground.His hands were cut behind his back and his mouth was stuffed with a rag from nowhere, and a smell rushed straight to his forehead.

Yang Cao walked over, slowly squatted down in front of the man, grabbed his hair bun and lifted his head up.Then he took out a photo from his pocket and began to look at it carefully.

"It's you..." Yang Cao let go of the man's bun, stood up, clapped her hands and said to the officers of the Political Security Bureau beside her, "Take care of him—don't let him seek death."

Huang Ping, who was guarding the door, heard Yang Cao's words and turned his head to see who this man was on the list of the Political Security Bureau. Why did he seem to hear a familiar voice just now?
But when his eyes fell on the man's face, he was stunned.


Next update: Volume 162 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

 Book push: Zichai hates the harem to save the country and has released a new book: "Rebirth: Torrent Life"

(End of this chapter)

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