Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2049

Chapter 2049

"Second Master!" Huang Ping blurted out.

"Woooooooooooo..." Apparently the man on the ground who was pressed and gnawed on the ground also recognized him, and responded desperately.It's a pity that his mouth was blocked and his face was red and blue veins protruded.

After Huang Ping yelled, he regretted it. Everyone in the room looked at him. Yao Yulan had a playful smile on his usual cold face. Yang Cao from the Political Security Bureau even stared at him intently with the corner of his mouth raised. .He has heard of the Political Security Bureau. There are rumors that they have the power of ghosts and gods from the chiefs, and they specialize in the detection of important criminals and rebels. Even if you have a conversation with the "four knowledges" in the secret room, the Political Security Bureau will also get the news .It is rumored that when he was detained, he "went in with his clothes on and came out covered with a white cloth".Now Yangcao looks unfriendly, if he suspects that he has some shady business, just "take it down" and he will have to spend the night in the cell of the Political Security Bureau tonight!What can I do? !
"Report leader: I am Huang Ping, a native of Huangjiazhai, Lingao County, Hainan Region. He was originally a servant of Huang's family. He studied in Fangcaodi in 1631 and then transferred to a vocational school for finance and taxation. After graduating in 1635, he has worked in the Finance and Taxation Bureau of Guangzhou Special City until now. , is currently an investigator of the Economic Serious Case Investigation Division of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau." Huang Ping's brain twitched and he didn't know where he made a mistake, so he stood at attention and recited his resume in a calm manner.

In fact, he only came out of Huangjiazhai to study and work for four or five years, but he always felt that the village he had stayed in for more than ten years was getting farther and farther away from him, and every time he passed by the village, he found that it was getting less and less like it. The way I remember it.At the beginning, he was looking forward to the weekly vacation. When he returned home, he only needed to talk to the second young master about school things, even if he didn't understand it, and he would get a few delicious snacks and a few compliments in exchange.

Then things gradually changed. The simple truths in the book didn’t make any sense to the second young master. Sometimes I was used to the way of speaking in school, and if I didn’t pay attention, I would be reprimanded, and I was reprimanded as “disrespectful.” "No line".The second master is also more and more careful about himself. Every time he goes back, he has to listen to his more and more lengthy "admonitions".

Huang Ping naturally knew what the second master was thinking, he was afraid that he would be "poisoned by the Australians" - that's what the second master taught him when he first went to Fangcaodi.This made him tense for several months when he first went to school. He always felt that "the thieves want to harm people", and he was on guard against everything. He was regarded as a "weird" and marginalized for a semester.

Gradually, he realized that Fangcaodi was not what the second master said. Both teachers and classmates were very good people.Although the heavy studies made him feel out of breath, the relationship between people here is rare and pure.He gradually integrated into the group and felt the charm of Australian schools more and more.Especially after he played rugby, he became famous in school and became a "celebrity" in Fangcaodi...

He didn't want to go back more and more, and he would rather not see his parents than go back.After more than a year of enrollment, the second master suddenly said that he would not pay the tuition fee, and he wanted to drop out of school and return to the village to continue to be his personal servant.Even though Huang Ping was unwilling in every possible way, as a self-funded student, he could only go home in tears, and the little ambiguity with the daughter of the Lianghu family came to an end.Unexpectedly, after returning home, his father Huang Shoucai wanted to support him to continue his studies.

Since Huang Shoutong, the head of the Huang family village, joined the Lingao County Council, the Huang family took the initiative to evacuate Ding Zhuang and smash the wall. Huang Shoutong himself was sure to attend the county meeting, and he was very active in implementing the instructions of the Senate. .When cleaning up the fields, he also set an example and took the lead in reporting the facts without concealment, which was well received by many elders.As Huang Shoutong's distant relative who has gone out of the fifth service, Huang Shoucai naturally followed suit, but his family's land was too small, so he directly handed it over to Tiandihui when Tiandihui replanned the land of Huangjiazhai for replacement, and he relied on His "qualifications" of taking care of several horses for Huang Shoutong were recommended to Nick by Tiandihui, and he became a racecourse employee.The situation of Huang Shoucai's family is much better than before.

Both Huang Shoucai and his wife don't know a single word, but they are not stupid.Earlier, I saw that among Huang Shoutong's three sons, although the eldest is in charge of the family business, the third is wielding guns and sticks to lead the country. They are all majestic.But only the second child has a talent, so he spent the little money he had saved so hard to get his son to Huang Tingkun's side as a personal servant.The purpose is that the son can have a good future in the future, and the servants who are in charge are better than the mud legs who plan food in the soil.

Later, when the kun thieves came ashore, although the couple didn't quite understand why the kun thieves in Mr. Huang's mouth became short-haired, Australians, and finally the Senate in just a few years, but after the arrival of the Australians, They could see the changes clearly. They heard that their son learned their skills in school, and the old couple were even more proud, thinking that their son would be more than just a long-term follower.Now that his son was forced to drop out of school, Huang Shoucai's heart sank.He could listen to newspapers being read every day at the racecourse, and learned a few words along with him, knowing that the senate’s aura is definitely not a king, especially when the news of Chengmai’s victory and the burning of Wuyangyi in Guangzhou came, He started from Dragon Heart like everyone else.It's a pity that even though I am getting old, I still work for the Australian master now, after all, I have no future to speak of.Only rely on the son.He gritted his teeth immediately, and told Huang Ping that even if the family pawned his trousers, he would still have to study for him.

In terms of the financial capacity of Huang Ping's family, even if the whole family doesn't wear trousers, they can't afford him to study.In the end, Huang Shoucai went to appeal to Nick. Under his mediation, Delong released the first small loan for aboriginal individuals since its establishment: "Fangcaodi Student Loan", with a maximum loan period of five years and one loan per year. The money was paid directly by Delong to the school, with an annual interest rate of 10% without compound interest. The borrower was Huang Ping's guardian Huang Shoucai, and Huang Shoucai's horse farm wages and Huang's house were mortgaged, and the guarantor was Nick.

As soon as the money was borrowed, a sensation landed in Huangjiazhai.Borrowing money to study has existed since ancient times: but most of them are funded by the private school of the family and the clan, or the gentry in the village help. I haven't heard of anyone borrowing "sharp money" to study.This Lingao has always been full of literary spirit. Since Tang Jian County, there has been only one Jinshi, Liu Dalin, and only a few people. In addition, the people in the poor villages and remote areas are poor, and the interest on private loans is extremely high. , Borrowing children to study is really a loss-making business.What's more, in the peaceful years under the Australian rule, whether it is farming or working, they can benefit from them. It is very easy to eat and drink without worrying about it. Even if you borrow money, you should go to the world to borrow chickens and piglets. money.

Huang Ping went back to school amidst the turbulent discussions. He gave up his favorite rugby and began to teach himself extra lessons like those outstanding students in the class. Results never improved.When he was about to graduate, he heard that the vocational school could enjoy subsidies from various departments. Huang Ping obeyed the arrangement without hesitation and went to the vocational school.The family lived frugally, and Huang Ping's expenses were reduced by more than half after he arrived at the vocational school. It was not until the beginning of this year that he managed to repay the loan.

Their family had already moved away from Huangjiazhai and settled down in the racecourse. The memory of the second young master who he had served for five or six years had gradually faded with time, and he hadn't even remembered it in the past two years.For Huang Ping, those days in Huangjiazhai were more like a dream than an experience, and now he and his family are completely different from the past.The gratitude I had when I taught myself how to read and write and went to school have long been exhausted by the days of studying hard all night under the pressure of loans.The teachings of the chiefs and the knowledge in the books also let him know how ridiculous it is to be proud of others' servants.

But it still surprised Huang Ping to meet in such a scene today.

"Understood Investigator Huang. The Senate understands and trusts you. Don't be nervous." Yang Cao put on a pleasant expression.Huang Ping also stabilized his mind and looked at the captain Yao Yulan next to him, seeing her smile even wider.Thinking that it should be nothing serious, he let out a long sigh of relief, "Serve the Senate and the people!"

"But you should not participate in this case anymore, you should go out first." Yang Cao said, "You just wait outside."

The whining voice of the man on the ground subsided, and he felt that he had read it wrong. How could that sturdy young man who shouted "Serve the Senate and the people" be the servant who was close to him back then?Definitely not, definitely not...

However, Huang Ping's appearance was what he saw growing up when he was a child, and it has been ten years since he started working as a servant for himself.Who is he if he is not Huang Ping!Huang Tinkun sighed inwardly, still remembering the timid little boy behind Huang Shoucai back then, who softly called himself "Second Master" under his father's urging.

Huang Ping is clever and lovable, and he is happy to teach him to read and write in his spare time. In those years, the two of them, master and servant, got along very well.Huang Ping also became his "little tail", his most trusted servant in the family.It is precisely because of this that Huang Tikun presented the advantages and disadvantages in front of his father Huang Shoutong, and sent Huang Ping to study in Fangcaodi to "teach Kun to learn skills to make Kun".How do you know that the situation has changed in just one year!I think the kindness of my master and servant for several years is not worth a few demagogic words from the thief!Later, he simply quit his job and devoted himself to studying Kunshu.

He also remembered that he was entrusted by Mr. Liang to contact the righteous men, but he was bumping into walls everywhere, and he couldn't help feeling sad, looking around, who else in this room remembers loyalty, integrity and shame!
"Okay." Huang Tikun was feeling angrily when he saw a leather boot stepping in front of his eyes, "Everyone, don't waste time. We should go and see what we can get out of their mouths. Officer Lian, Captain Yao, How many people are you going to cooperate with us?"

"Two people from the police station."

"Three people from the Finance and Taxation Bureau."

Next update: Volume 163 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

 Book push: Zichai hates the harem to save the country and has released a new book: "Rebirth: Torrent Life"

(End of this chapter)

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