Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2050 New Clues

Chapter 2050 New Clues
In the evening, the office of the director of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau was filled with smoke.Ai Zhixin looked smugly at the briefing on the table.

"Old Wang, have you seen that there is nothing wrong with hanging up street lamps one by one by these big dogs."

"Yes, we must deal with it strictly, the nature is too bad!" Wang Qiyi was a little embarrassed.Before today's report was sent, he felt that although the second son of the historian was not very righteous, he had a flexible mind. If he was guided by such a person, he should be able to become a good benchmark for abiding by the law.Unexpectedly, just now, the guard Xiao Hu sent a surprise interrogation briefing from the Political Security Bureau to the Finance and Taxation Bureau and the police station. It's a fake tax invoice.According to Mr. Ju Liao, the nobleman who confessed first, he got these tax stamps from the depository of the Qiwei Escort Bureau at the Guangzhou Wharf according to the instructions of Mr. Mai of the Liang family. Said that Master Mai had told himself many times that as long as he took good care of the historians, he could just sit back and watch the jokes of the Guangzhou robbers.

Fortunately, he hadn't mentioned his "expectation" for this Smith to Ai Zhixin. Wang Qiyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said bitterly, "The Liang and Shi families have hidden deep enough, but they have brought out the Lin family."

"Looks like we're going to have a good time this time." Ai Zhixin put his hand in the air and squeezed it tightly again. "No one is missing! I want them all!"

"Ai Ju, this matter is no longer our family's business..."

“It was not our family”

"Yes." Wang Qiyi looked at Ai Zhixin's expression, paused and continued, "Then how do you think we should be positioned?"

"We are in charge of money matters." Ai Zhixin said firmly, "No one is allowed to intervene. We can't just use it as an introduction. They want people's heads to pay credit, and we want money to fill the treasury! The wind in the Senate Criticism must not be let down."

"Okay." Wang Qiyi nodded heavily, and wrote a few sentences in his notebook, "Then I will proceed in this way. In addition to the Lin Luo family, historians also need to thoroughly investigate, starting with the rental fee of the warehouse in Hong Kong... "

"Old Wang, you are just too gentle. What are you looking for from the rental fee? If you want me to say that after the detailed report is back, if there is no major discrepancy, then I will directly summon that Smith in the name of the Economic and Serious Investigation Bureau. After arresting him, a few hundred Thousands of intermediary fees, who are you fooling?"

"Yes, yes, Ai Bureau thanks to your reminder." Although Wang Qiyi felt that Ai Zhixin's idea sounded like a good idea, he completely forgot that the investigation department only had 24 hours of compulsory power in the approval of the Government Affairs Council, but he still nodded and said yes, "Look at me This old problem is happening again, and I forgot that our Finance and Taxation Bureau also has a knife in its hands. Okay, we will take the initiative to attack this matter, don’t worry. We will study it immediately when Yao Yulan and the others come back, and we must pay close attention to everything.”

At noon the next day, when Wang Qiyi learned that Yao Yulan, Huang Ping, and Zeng Juan had returned to the bureau and were having lunch in the cafeteria, he immediately had someone inform them to meet in room 114 on time at [-]:[-] p.m.In the past, with Wang Qiyi's temperament, the three of them should go to catch up on sleep and rest first.But now I can't take care of so much, Ai Zhixin has already set the tone, then he must lead his subordinates to race against time to "grab the limelight". political task.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. There are two things today. First, let Captain Yao introduce the situation of their cooperation with the political security and the police station to arrest and interrogate yesterday. Second, let's look at the historian's problem. Yao Yulan, you start, Choose what is important, and everyone listen carefully." After Wang Qiyi finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to read the detailed report they sent today.

"Yes! In this operation, Zeng Juan, Huang Ping, and I participated in the operation. Among the targets of arrest were the accountant's personal servants of several big households that our bureau focused on. Among them, Liao Rushen, the nobleman of the Luo family, was the key One of the characters. After a surprise interrogation, Liao Rushen confessed that he was under the instruction of Maidami, the master of the Liang family, to connect with a person code-named "Shi Weng" this time, and distributed the forged tax stamps he received earlier. The counterfeit money is brought back by these people who think it is "not easy to use" and "difficult to spend".

"Wait..." Wang Qiyi raised his head and seemed to find something wrong, "Yao Yulan, you said just now that Liao Rushen was meeting with "Shi Weng", why are these people here again wanting to return the counterfeit money to "Shi Weng"?"

"Yes, after interrogation, the people from the Political Security Bureau said that they could preliminarily determine that they all got instructions from "Shi Weng" from various channels before rushing to the East Gate Guanxiang, and then they thought each other was sent by "Shi Weng" of."

"...There is no one in charge?" Wang Qiyi thought to himself what kind of routine is this, to have a tea party?

"That's right, Director Wang." Seeing Wang Qiyi's questioning face, Yao Yulan hurriedly added, "According to what Liao Rushen said, they are all against us, and most of them have some energy in their hands and thoughts in their hearts, so instead of saying "Shi "Weng" is the mastermind behind the scenes. It is more appropriate to say that he is helping the flames. Of course, Liao Rushen also said that "Shi Weng" will still send people at critical times, but his level is too low to participate. There are only some hearsay news."

Take the mass (gentry) route?This Shi Weng has a good brain.Wang Qiyi became more and more curious, "Go ahead"

"The part that involves us is mainly profit transfer and forged tax invoices. According to Liao Rushen, Maidami asked him more than once to take care of the historian's business, which has also been confirmed in our previous investigation. As for the forged The tax invoice was obtained by Liao Rushen from the depository of the Weiwei Escort at the Guangzhou Wharf. He first took the tag from Maidami, and then went to the depository to receive the package directly. In addition to the tax invoice, there is also an instruction for filling in the package. I took three tickets and put them on the last page of the report."

Hearing what Yao Yulan said, Wang Qiyi quickly opened the report from the back, took out the tax stamp and spread it on the table, and took another copy and handed it to Xu Zhewei and Chu Xiaoran.

"Tsk tsk, don't say it's really decent." The two held the two copies of the tax payment certificate and rubbed them with the belly of their fingers for a while, and then held them up to shine against the sun.Soon Xu Zhewei discovered the problem, "No, our tax stamps are self-replicating, they are plain paper, and a little thick." Xu Zhewei picked up the tax stamps and shook.

"Yes, we first suspected that there was something wrong with the tax stamps from these two aspects. I read the instructions, and they used carbon paper directly when filling out the fake tax stamps. Carbon paper is sold in Lingao. And the used tax stamps are generally Taxpayers only have the second copy below, so this problem is easily overlooked. As for the paper problem, they have also thought of a solution, binding the real and fake tax payment certificates into a book in a way that is true and false, and when checking It's hard to find the problem..."

"Then the dark flower on it..."

"Report to Director Wang, the comrades in the police station who interrogated with us said that there are counterfeit coins on the market in Guangzhou, and we have also seized some in this arrest. It can be confirmed that this underground gang has the ability to make paper with dark patterns, although it is not as good as The manufacturing process of new coins, but it can still be used on tax stamps."

In fact, the printing of tax invoices by the Finance and Taxation Bureau did not have a high positioning at the beginning.No matter Cheng Dong or Ai Zhixin, the request made by Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi is only that "general aborigines can't easily imitate it".The reason why the requirements are so low is that apart from cost reasons, more importantly, the importance of the tax stamp itself cannot be compared with that of banknotes.Banknotes are bearer and directly participate in circulation as general equivalents.However, tax invoices have detailed information on enterprises and issuing agencies, and have clear tax payment records, so they cannot participate in circulation.Besides, with the tax invoice issuance system of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, it is easy to check the true status of this tax invoice just by relying on the printing number in the upper right corner.The use of fake tax invoices by taxpayers is nothing more than exploiting a loophole in the poor information exchange between multiple departments, and using forged tax invoices to offset the tax payable by other departments or foreign tax authorities.However, as long as the tax inspection, the bills, accounts, and taxation records of the Finance and Taxation Bureau are compared, the truth will be revealed immediately. In addition, people who use fake tax stamps usually fill in large sums of money in order to "recover their capital". It has further led to multiple crimes and heavy penalties once the incident occurs. It is not worthwhile for large-scale taxpayers to take this risk.Therefore, in the old time and space, there were a large number of cases of false tax invoices, but there were few cases of false tax invoices (false tax invoices were mostly concentrated in individual taxpayers or one-time personal transactions such as buying and selling house deed taxes).

However, this reminded Wang Qiyi that forged tax invoices would not cause any big waves, but if the Senate plans to implement invoices in the next step, it must be careful.

"Comrades from the Political and Security Bureau went to investigate the storage place of Qiwei at the Guangzhou Wharf, because not long had passed, and the person in charge of the counter still remembered that the person was wearing the clothes of the Guangzhou-Hong Kong liner boatman, because he had to store it for three days. Longer ones have to be paid..."

"Oh..." Wang Qiyi didn't lift his head and continued to read the report while turning the pen in his hand.

"Director Wu specifically talked to Captain Zeng and Comrade Huang, and asked about the gathering of nobles rented by the historian in the warehouse in Hong Kong."

"Xiao Zeng, what did Chief Wu ask you?" Wang Qiyi was startled and remembered the transfer report written by Zeng Juan and Huang Ping that he had passed on to Wumu.

"It's mainly about the problems in that day's report." Zeng Juan thought for a while before continuing, "Master Wu was very interested in the two warehouses we mentioned that historians had never used, and asked me and Comrade Huang a lot. detail."

Next update: Volume 164 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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