Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2051 Hurry Up

Chapter 2051 Hurry Up
Wang Qiyi's head is getting bigger, this kid Wu Mu might have already sent someone to Hong Kong.With all the news, even I can see that this historian is not just a big problem, but a big problem.

He suddenly discovered that this case involved many parties, but in fact all parties have jurisdiction.Especially if the case involved the "anti-Senate nature", as long as the Political Security Bureau found substantial evidence, it could take it in and handle it, and it became a "co-organizer" on its own side.

Don't make trouble for a long time, I have put in a lot of effort, and the credit has been taken by others.Wang Qiyi
Now don't care how much crime this Smith is guilty of, and act first. If this kid is really a member of the gang, then the Finance and Taxation Bureau will arrest him first.Thinking of this level, Wang Qiyi turned to Yao Yulan and asked, "Is there any more?"

"Basically that's all. The police station over the counterfeit currency is also investigating, but Section Chief Lian is not in charge of this, so I don't know the progress very well."

"Well, I see, Captain Yao has worked hard." Wang Qiyi looked at Chu Xiaoran and Xu Zhewei again, "How is your visit to the Shijia? Did you see Smith?"

Xu Zhewei glanced at Chu Xiaoran, saw her signal to him, and replied angrily, "Report to Director Wang, the historian is very cooperative. We met Smith and passed on the instructions of the chief. He expressed his affirmation to the Senate. I feel very honored and will definitely participate in the training actively. He asked a few policy questions, and Sister Chu answered them all for him."

"Is there anything else?" Seeing Xu Zhewei stop talking, Wang Qiyi asked.


Very stable, Mr. Shi, Wang Qiyi thought to himself, but soon I will let you know what it means for someone to be in trouble at home.He calculated in his mind the time it would take for Wu Mu's people to travel back and forth from Hong Kong, and then took a look at the situation on his side.

"Okay, I'm assigning tasks now. Xu Zhewei, go and get all the information about the historian, the old store, the Sanya store, and the Hong Kong warehouse. Anyway, get all the information from the bureau now. We will work in a centralized manner. Everyone must take care of these Do it with all your heart. We only have 24 hours!"

"Is Director Wang going to thoroughly investigate the historian?" Huang Ping's mind turned quickly, and when he heard Wang Qiyi say 24 hours, he immediately knew that the leader wanted to arrest someone, and it was time for him to act again, looking very excited.

"Yes, just because the historian's possession is deep doesn't mean that our Finance and Taxation Bureau can't do anything about it. We're going to fight a good fight, and don't let others take away the credit." Wang Qiyi encouraged everyone.

"Then... Director Wang, do you think the historian has a big problem?" Chu Xiaoran's question made Wang Qiyi frowned. It seems that you shouldn't ask me such a question, but he didn't take it to heart, waved his hand and said: "The historian's problem is serious. I think it is enough to hang a few street lamps. You forgot Director Ai's instructions when the task force was established? This Guangzhou is the world of the Senate. You should go and investigate, and investigate hard. Why, Could it be that you feel distressed?"

"Hahaha, how is it possible." Everyone in the room burst into laughter, "Director Wang, we promise to complete the task!"

"Okay!" Wang Qiyi nodded heavily, "What I want is this energy. Xiao Hu, you go and get coffee to refresh everyone. We..." These four words circled Wang Qiyi's mouth all night today He ate it back again.

Seeing that Chu Xiaoran's face was gloomy, Zeng Juan and Huang Ping's faces were full of fatigue, and Yao Yulan looked normal but he had stayed up for more than one night, he changed the subject, "We will try to review the case in the afternoon and sleep at night. Good night's sleep, tomorrow will continue to spin!"

In Guangzhou in the early morning, the sky has just turned white.The citizens who got up early just started to wash up, and the whole city seemed to be still immersed in last night's dream, appearing peaceful and comfortable.

Suddenly there was a rush of wheels and horseshoes on the street in the mist, and several carriages with dark blue exteriors broke through the fog, and stopped at a stone wall of a vermilion gate with the driver's low "wow". next step.

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, the door was opened, and the strong men jumped out of the carriage one by one, with their lips tightly closed and their expressions solemn.They wore full-face steel helmets, dark blue uniforms of the same color as the carriage, black combat vests, and military boots. The sound of metal collisions on their bodies when they ran showed that their weapons were obviously more than the "six-star lances" in their hands.

Without warning or shouting, those who got out of the car quickly dispersed to occupy the attacking position.Then the vermilion gate crashed down under the impact of the hammer, and the team that had already prepared for it rushed into the mansion one by one.The sound of hurried footsteps awakened the people in the courtyard, screaming and crying into chaos.

"The Investigation Office of Serious Economic Cases of the Yuanyuan of the Great Song Dynasty!" Yao Yulan and Huang Ping held guns in their right hands and showed their IDs in their left hands, and each led an elite team to rush through the crowd and head straight for the backyard.On the back of the battle vest, the bright white characters of "Tax Tax Glory" are particularly dazzling in the morning sun.

A moment later, Wang Qiyi stepped over the threshold and stood on the steps unhurriedly with a Glock in his hand, looking down at the historians squatting on the ground in the front yard and huddled together: "The investigation office handles the case! Men stand on the left, women stand On the right! The shemale stands in the middle!"


Uh... Director Wang's dream is so full of arrogance, of course it is just a dream.Last night, Director Zhang strictly ordered him to set a good position as a good commander, to give young people opportunities to exercise, and to know how to delegate power.

Drowsily shaking his head, Wang Qiyi recalled the good dream again.Hmm... Shouldn't the back of the vest be written "Taxation Glory", the authority of the Serious Case Investigation Office is not limited to taxation... How does "Economic Guard" sound?Feeling that he had eliminated a BUG, ​​Wang Qiyi licked his lips contentedly, and suddenly remembered that these four words were used by the domestic economic police in the early years.Speaking of it, it secretly fits the purpose of the Economic Investigation Bureau.

Yao Yulan and Huang Ping stood in front of the table, ready to go. "Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore. It's 5 minutes to 6 o'clock." Wang Qiyi looked at his watch, "You must arrive at Shijia to arrest before 6:[-], and cooperate with our political security and police to Already set off... let's go!"

Last night Wang Qiyi thought over and over again, and decided to call Mu Min and Wu Mu each.To arrest Mr. Shi, the two members of the Economic Serious Cases Investigation Bureau alone may be risky, but as a veteran, he can bypass the political security and the police and directly coordinate with the National Army to help, but it would be too ugly to do so.It's not rude to come and go, Wu Mu called himself when he was arrested last time, even if it was just because of face, he had to inform the other two this time.Besides, all three families met at the meeting of the city government, so everything must be balanced, and the summary after the event must have "full assistance" and "close cooperation".

After explaining what should be explained, Wang Qiyi wanted to stand up to see them off, but he didn't get up after holding on for a while.

"Director Wang, are you okay?" Huang Ping took a smart step forward and reached out to support Wang Qiyi.

"I'm fine. It's not too late, you go, pay attention to safety, let their people go first if there is danger." Wang Qiyi waved at them and sat back in embarrassment.

Watching the two of them close the door, Wang Qiyi picked up the cup and poured strong tea, heaved a sigh of relief, and then slowly stood up while supporting the table.

After exercising his waist and drinking the "kidney rejuvenation ointment" specially provided by Runshitang, Wang Qiyi paced back and forth slowly in the office, wondering if he should go to Ai Zhixin's place first when he gets to work.In fact, according to the virtues of the Senate, everyone is a senator, and he is older than Ai Zhixin, so there is no need for this kind of "request early and report late".But after discovering that there seemed to be no hostility between his wife and Ai Zhixin, Wang Qiyi still felt that he should praise this young man who was half a rank higher than himself.Ai Zhixin can be regarded as a capable and motivated person. The current smooth operation of the Finance and Taxation Bureau in all aspects is inseparable from his capable comprehensive coordination, not to mention that he is still a donkey, and he has arranged for the "deputy" director in public and private. The location is the best choice.

Thinking about it, Wang Qiyi suddenly felt an inexplicable chill, and his eyelids began to twitch.Damn it, did the jump in the right eye come from a disaster or a fortune?After clearing the table, the whistle to go to work also sounded.Wang Qiyi picked up the summary of the progress of the case that he wrote last night and went through it again. Seeing that there was no major problem, he put it in his notebook and was going to find Ai Zhixin.Just then the door knocked.


"Please come in."

Seeing Nan Wan'er come in with Liu Cuihua who was full of anxiety, Wang Qiyi was shocked.Don't let there be any "life" in the girls' dormitory.

There are mostly girls in the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and it has always been a place where the naturalized male cadres peep.Before this group of girls set off from Lingao, Ai Zhixin found two "dormitory management aunts" very "intimately", and even set up a decent "self-management" system for the dormitory. Set up a five-person management team, which will be rotated every six months.If Wang Qiyi remembers correctly, the current leader of the five-member team is Liu Cuihua.


"Director Wang, there is something I need to report to you," Nan Wan'er saw Liu Cuihua lowered her head and dared not speak, so she had to speak for her, "Chu Xiaoran in dormitory 2 on the second floor asked for leave last night and went out this morning. Did not return on time."

"Hmm," Wang Qiyi snorted casually.He knew why Liu Cuihua dared not speak.According to Ai Zhixin's self-management regulations, when the dormitory closes at 11 o'clock every night, the team leader is responsible for checking the number of people, and reporting the results and the situation of the people who asked for leave to go out to the duty room of the city bureau.Obviously Liu Cuihua did not do this.


Next update: Volume 165 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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