Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2054

Chapter 2054
"Hahaha..." Although he knew it was a joke, but with such an old man standing firmly on his side, Ai Zhixin was relieved a lot, "Old Wang, then you say—"

"Hey... If you want me to tell you, let's not keep thinking about sliding over without saying a word. We have to..." Wang Qiyi turned his head to look at Zhang Xiaoqi, then turned back, and nodded slowly with a half-smile He pulled his head and said in a long voice, "We have to treat the funeral as a happy event, and we have to make a big deal."

"You just died, be serious!" Zhang Xiaoqi said dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes." Wang Qiyi nodded hastily, changing his solemn face.He pulled a piece of paper and scratched while talking.

"First of all, we have to characterize it. This matter is serious. It was caused by our inadequate management. The three of us have leadership responsibilities. The attitude must be sincere. But! We also need to explain that there are still some objective and irresistible reasons Tragedy happened..."

"Tragedy?" Ai Zhixin lightly tapped the table and smiled thoughtfully.

"Isn't it? A determined cadre of the naturalized people who was rescued by the Senate committed suicide. The child lost a kind mother, and the Senate lost an excellent cadre. Isn't it a tragedy?" Wang Qiyi also laughed. "No one wants this kind of thing to happen. And this tragedy can be avoided completely, if we can know the relationship between Chu Xiaoran and Smith in advance. It's just..."

"It's just that when Chu Xiaoran joined the job, there was no mention in the file, and the political review was no problem. Old Wang, you are planning to blame Wumu, why don't you talk to him."

"How can it be dumping the blame? It sounds so ugly to see what you said. This is called risk sharing, and it is also called responsibility sharing. Law, no, responsibility, everyone." Wang Qiyi said word by word, "You can privately Inform him, but don't cross the road. You still have to contact Zhao Manxiong about this matter, Wu Muzhuang doesn't know if it's best. Anyway, as long as anyone with a normal mind can see this matter, I can't blame Lao Zhao."

"No matter how easy it is to pass the test, there is no need for Fatty Zhao to take the blame for us. One more thing is worse than one less thing."

"He didn't carry the blame for us. They carried it for us. We didn't dump it on him. The political review of naturalized citizens is managed by the Political Security Bureau. We don't know Chu Xiaoran entirely from archives and political review materials. What? Now that something happened to Chu Xiaoran, how could the matter of the Political Security Bureau be missing? We dragged him to tide over the difficulties together, not just throwing the blame away—everyone in this business is a thief, so it’s not unexpected .”

"Bureau Zhao will definitely help me with this matter." Zhang Xiaoqi added, "You two are just squatting in Guangzhou to do taxes, and you don't carefully read the letters I sent. Since last year, the funds for their special operations have been included in the budget. This is a special project. The amount of money can be large or small, and there is a lot of discretion. Zhao Manxiong offended Wudaokou because of a trivial incident. He is not afraid of being stuck? Why don’t we exchange favors for a win-win situation for both of us? .”

Wang Qiyi nodded vigorously, turned over the paper in his hand, and began to write while talking.

"Ai Bureau, let me tell you: First of all, since the police station, Qiwei, and the Finance and Taxation Bureau all know about Chu Xiaoran's suicide, and the Political Security Bureau probably knows it too, then we really don't need to cover it up. ——We can’t hide it. We have a big business now, and it’s hard to keep things under wraps like before. Rather than gossip flying around, it’s better to open the lid and talk about it.

"Secondly, how to deal with it specifically, I think it can be done like this. First, besides Zhao Manxiong, I have to trouble you to communicate with Mr. Cheng as soon as possible, and let him coordinate the vest. I will go to Shen Ruiming and Liang Xinhu. This matter It is estimated that no matter how it is handled, it will eventually fall into the hands of the legal affairs officer. It is best to take it down from the county magistrate and the current management, and try to win their understanding and cooperation; second, the person who tied the bell must be untied. The key lies in Chu Xiaoran. Since she almost starved to death at the beginning, she must have experienced a lot of hardships. I heard that she still has children who starved to death..." Wang Qiyi turned to look at Zhang Xiaoqi, "Why don't you go to the girl first? Inquire about Chu Xiaoran over there, and then look through the files to find as many miserable things as possible. Then Smith’s bowl of rice will be worth a fortune, and it’s enough to write an excerpt.”


"Yes, then you go to Pan Pan, remember to go to Pan Pan directly, not through Ding Ding. Give her these, and tell her that Chu Xiaoran has a child, and one of them starved to death on the way. With Pan Pan's character , she will definitely help make a tearful manuscript."

"Old Wang, what are you doing?" Ai Zhixin became more and more wrong as he heard it, and felt that Wang Qiyi had started to digress.

"I'll talk about it later." Wang Qiyi continued writing without raising his head, "After Chu Xiaoran's incident is published in the newspaper and forms public opinion, Ai Bureau, you can go to Ding Ding, or Ding Ding may come to you. If he wants a press release at that time , I will write it. Of course, this will have to be after the case is pronounced. But with Smith running away like this, I don’t think it will take a few days before the net is closed.”

"no problem."

"Thirdly, as soon as the conclusion of the investigation comes out, we will immediately fire Chu Xiaoran from his official position, transfer the matter to Shen Ruiming for the crime of leaking state secrets, and tell him how to prosecute him, and Liang Xinhu doesn't need to release any water."

"People are dead..."

"It doesn't matter whether you die or not. You don't need to prosecute if you die, but you can still be convicted. Fourth, my wife, after Wumu and the others read the letter, you can go back to Lingao in the next two days and find Principal Zhang to arrange Chu Xiaoran’s daughter: She should not stay in Fangcaodi anymore. Take her back to Guangzhou to go to school—Guangzhou will soon open a national school, and we will find a reliable and kind-hearted naturalized family to adopt her and change her name— ―Don’t let others know who her mother is. I don’t think it’s appropriate to give her this letter for the time being, and talk to her more. "

"Actually, I think there may not be a few people in the school who know who her mother is, and they may not need to be brought back to Guangzhou..." Zhang Xiaoqi said, "Guangzhou's national school is definitely incomparable to Fangcaodi..."

"Chu Xiaoran's final characterization must be 'suicide in fear of crime'. She will continue to stay in Lingao, and according to regulations, she will be admitted to the No. [-] Reformatory. No matter how good Fangcaodi is, it has nothing to do with her." Ai Zhixin said, "Still go to Guangzhou Come on, at least under our wings. Changing her name and surname to enter a new family is not only good for her growth, but also avoids the issue of political review in the future."

"But the child knows who her mother is... What kind of evil do you say this is, she is the only one left in the whole family. Alas!" Wang Qiyi sighed deeply, full of distress, and suddenly remembered Ai Zhixin's question just now. Then, he sat up straight and said, "Ai Ju, let me explain the second point just now. What do you think Lingao's trolls will spray us with?"

"Well, the discipline education is not enough, the subordinates are not strict, the management is chaotic, and the subordinates' thinking dynamics are not grasped enough... There are too many, and you can spray whatever you want. Who made us have an accident."

"Also, there is no strict isolation system before important tasks are carried out. The night before you arrest Smith, let them go back to rest." Zhang Xiaoqi added another knife to her husband.

"It's all appearances, appearances, understand? Now there are not many naturalized people under his control, and the management is lax and the system is chaotic. It's all bullshit." Wang Qiyi didn't care, "You have to think about their psychology. We are the elders Ah, Tianlong people. From hundreds of years later, with advanced technology, knowledge of the prophet, powerful industry, advanced management system and ideas. Facing a group of indigenous people, how could we make mistakes? Of course not. We educated Cadres, especially those rescued from life and death, all owe us a great debt of gratitude, and they should be so utterly incapable of repaying it, how could they make such a serious mistake, and how could they go against the Senate? Of course not. That’s right, it’s a glass heart. Whoever touches their glass heart, they’ll have to cover you with broken glass shards. If you can’t die, you’ll be disgusted.”

"So..." Wang Qiyi stood up and walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, "Pan Pan's article is to let the natives know that the cadres of the Senate are strong women who will repay their kindness, and they are good people. Single women hang themselves, but It's easy to be used as a talking point, Ai Bureau, are you not afraid of rumors on the street that you forced widows to death?"

"Don't...then where are you looking for Ding Ding?"

"Ding Ding's main point is from our point of view, there must be a law, no matter whether Chu Xiaoran repays his kindness or commits suicide because of a dilemma, if he is guilty, he is guilty..."

"Smart score, you!"

"What am I good at?"

"You read what you wrote..." Zhang Xiaoqi took the paper on the table, "It's all reported by our official media, how do you let the common people see it? The same person doesn't even have a unified caliber of evaluation. He is both a good person and a sinner. , Australians fight among themselves?"

"Hey, you're right. That's what you want." Wang Qiyi nodded, "This will cause discussion. For the natives, this is a reminder that the Senate now has the final say on the code of ethics. But it is useless, and they think it is useless to be a good person. Of course, the more important thing is that in the Senate, some of us despise all aspects of the cultural and moral aspects of Ming society, and some people think that they can be integrated and retained. So how to reform? This It's not a management problem, it's not a system problem, it's a brain problem, it's a big problem!"

"That's right, this is a big problem. It wasn't Smith or us who killed Chu Xiaoran, but the old things in her mind. If this problem can't be solved, there will be Li Xiaoran, Liu Xiaoran, and the future without Chu Xiaoran. We will rule hundreds of millions of people. So the matter of our Finance and Taxation Bureau is not a crisis, but an opportunity." Ai Zhixin had already understood what Wang Qiyi meant, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Online again..." Zhang Xiaoqi gave the two men a look.The two men looked at each other with a smile, and they had to go online to divert their attention. The dispute between the old and the new culture, the Senate can't play a dog's brains?

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