Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2055

Chapter 2055

Mu Min is in a bad mood today.

After being tired for several months, I finally have nothing urgent to do today. I can take a day off and get together with the female elders in Guangzhou—although they call themselves "sisters" affectionately, but Mu Min knows very well that We are just plastic sisters.

But plastic sister flowers can also have a good time.Especially when someone is very good at being a host.There is no doubt that Pei Lixiu will enjoy the "tea party" arrangement in Ziming Building today

How did he know that he was intercepted halfway by the bureau before reaching the Ziming Tower.Said "a political case".Seeing that the party was turning bad, she had no choice but to go home alone.When I arrived at the bureau, my buttocks were still warm, and the first inspection report had already arrived.It was Zhang Xiaoqi's subordinate who died!

Although the official forensic report has not yet come, according to the on-site inspection, the deceased Chu Xiaoran died of "mechanical suffocation". Combining the traces at the scene and the autographed suicide note left behind, there is no doubt that he committed suicide by hanging himself.

Of course, she could also order a forensic autopsy to further confirm, but Mu Min felt that it was unnecessary.

The case is surprisingly simple and does not require any "solve", but Mu Min knows that the follow-up matter is not that simple.

Just thinking about how to write this case, the people from the Political Security Bureau sent a notice, saying that Maidami, the master of the Liang family, accidentally slipped and fell to his death while playing in Yuexiu Mountain, and asked the police station to pay attention to suspicious places when handling it.

What kind of mountain do you climb on a hot day that is not year-round!Mu Min put the note in the file box.Annoyed, he stood up and walked around the office a few times, returned to his desk, took out his Glock 17 and started maintenance.Over the years, all kinds of troubles have been countless, and she gradually developed the habit of using this method to drive away bad moods.

As for the matter of dead people, Mu Min has long been indifferent to the matter of being a policeman for many years.Since he came to Guangzhou to officially perform his duties, there have been major incidents such as the purge of law and order, the witchcraft case, and the Guandi Temple one after another, and the death penalty execution order signed and approved by himself is indispensable in the end.That's the case with murder, let alone two people who died by themselves?

It's just, this Chu Xiaoran.Mu Min thought of the woman who committed suicide again.Sighing, don't you know that the appearance of a hanged death is not good-looking, don't you know that your death will bring bad luck to your three bureau chiefs.Obviously already a cadre of the Senate, good days are ahead, what can't you think about?Don't earn yourself a "criminal" hat.

If her death was not due to business but personal life, Mu Min was thinking for Zhang Xiaoqi in her heart, should she ask Dean Deng privately for a certificate of Chu Xiaoran's long-term depression?With Dean Deng's shrewdness, selling a good one to the God of Wealth will not be a loss no matter what.The only troublesome thing was the handwritten letter—now it was in the hands of the scout, and if she wanted to withdraw it, she would have to fulfill her "command authority".Although there is no need to explain specific reasons for exercising command power, only saying "for the benefit of the Senate and the people", the exercise itself is recorded.

If some people in the Senate couldn't understand her and wanted to punish her, then once this record was read, it would be an excellent reason: "cover the criminal."

She suddenly remembered that the suicide note was first handed over from the Finance and Taxation Bureau along with Chu Xiaoran's clothes.Obviously, the three leaders of the Finance and Taxation Bureau have already read it. If they intend to give Chu Xiaoran's death a "depression", wouldn't it be better for this letter to be directly withheld by the Finance and Taxation Bureau?
Why wasn't it deducted?Slowly pressing the withdrawn bullet back into the clip, Mou Min felt more and more calm, and the speed in his hand also began to increase.Those unreliable thoughts just now seemed like oil floating on the water, and they didn't affect the further thinking in her mind at all.

"Xiao Zheng!"

"Director Mu!"

"You go and inform Director Ai of the Finance and Taxation Bureau that I have something to interview with him and Wang and Zhang. I will be there in an hour."


As soon as the sedan chair entered the gate of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, Mu Min saw Zhang Xiaoqi standing in front of the office building, talking anxiously with the people next to him.

"Xiaoqi." Mu Min jumped down before the car stopped and held Zhang Xiaoqi's hand, "It's okay."

"No." Zhang Xiaoqi waved to the people around him to send them back, "Let's go to the small conference room on the second floor."

"Are you all right?" Mu Min and Zhang Xiaoqi asked in a low voice as they walked side by side on the stairs.

"Qiyi and the others are trying to find a way." Zhang Xiaoqi didn't answer directly but told Mu Min a new news, "Wu Muqianjiao also came just now, and he's also in the conference room right now."

"Wu Mu? Ha..." Mu Min couldn't help laughing, "I'm looking for him on something, so there's no need to make a second trip."

The small conference room of the Finance and Taxation Bureau is actually quite spacious.But now a large simple blackboard is placed on the platform made up of four tables in the middle, which makes the space a bit cramped.Mu Min and Wu Mu stood on both sides of the blackboard, holding lime pens in their hands.The blackboard has been smeared with various lines and circles drawn by the two of them.

"Hey, I'm talking about you two, let's stop for a while. I'll cut in for a digression." Ai Zhixin couldn't stand it anymore, "You all say that the Finance and Taxation Bureau lacks experience in investigation and analysis. I think our serious case investigation department Can I go to your place to learn from you? You see that your manpower is tight, and if we can do some initial basic investigation and analysis here, it can also help everyone share some work pressure?"

Mu Min and Wu Mu paused slightly when they heard Ai Zhixin's proposal.

"Of course I support it." Mu Min agreed without hesitation after a little thought, and Wu Mu followed suit, "Of course I personally support it, but I still need to ask Director Zhao for instructions."

"That's all I said, thank you both first." Ai Zhixin saw that Wumu was a little embarrassed, and then realized that he had slipped up just now, "We're still talking about business. Listening to your analysis, this nobleman from the Luo family with the least flesh is actually a key point?"

"That's right. Whether it's the accounting transactions that your Finance and Taxation Bureau has investigated, or the whereabouts of people we have monitored, there is always one end around the Luo family." Wu Mu picked up a lime pen and drew a few lines horizontally, drawing The entire blackboard is divided into three layers, and the middle is where the nobles gather.

"This is the historian, this is the Lin family..." Wu Mu emphasized the direction of the arrow, and wrote the word Mai Liao beside it, "This is the Liang family. We can say that we obtained a lot of useful information from the sudden trial of Liao Rushen. He and Liang Cunhou The personal master Maidami is sworn brother, ranking third..."

"But Madami died."

"It's the right time to die, and now the Liang family is really clean." Wu Mu smiled helplessly, "At that time, our monitors could only follow him from a distance, and couldn't confirm how he fell. Bureau Mu I also said just now that her people did not find any traces of fighting during the on-site investigation, and those who accompanied Maidami up the mountain were all his close relatives and nephews. Therefore, we can only temporarily deduce that it was suicide."

"It's suicide again." Ai Zhixin was in a bad mood when he heard this word, "The ancients always liked this tune."

"Okay, don't complain about Ai Ju, let's take a look back." Mu Min added three vertical lines on the blackboard, "Although the Luo family is the key, the Lin, Shi, and Liang families seem to act independently and only have money. The above is centered on the Luo family. Wu Mu also showed you the record of the sudden trial of Liao Rushen. He basically knows nothing about the actions of the other three families. This shows that they have other channels to communicate with each other..."

"I thought I could uproot the Luo family if I caught it?"

"Actually, I also thought that Luojia was the "transportation station" of Guangzhou at first, but now it can be regarded as a "grain station" at most. Lin, Shi and Liang are actually three lines."

"Didn't you catch that Smith?"

"I was only caught this morning. The trial has just started, and he is much tougher than Liao Rushen."

"I said Director Wu, I can only work hard for you to go through the trial slowly, and I will definitely ask you about the fake tax invoices."

"Okay, I remember. What about you?"

"We're not good at interrogating people. Of course, we'll seal up the historians together with Bureau Mu." Ai Zhixin stood up and handed a cup to Wu Mu and Mu Min respectively. You can directly ransack the house. Bureau Mu, let's start to act now.

Two women, Mu Min and Zhang Xiaoqi, led the inspection team—Wang Qiyi was detained by Ai Zhixin to discuss "more important matters".The operation went smoothly, the historians and the Lin family seemed to have expected it long ago, and the servants and maids in the whole house were silent.During the whole process, Master Luo Zhixiang shouted a few words, "I am a law-abiding citizen of the Song Dynasty" and "I have done business with the Senate" when the dignitaries gathered together.

Standing under the steps, Lin Zunxiu raised her eyelids slightly.The two girls at the entrance of the main hall were tall and strong, with fair skin and a dignified look between their eyebrows and eyes. Although they wore small "Australian guns" hanging on their waists, they did not look like those vicious men.Mr. Lin has heard and seen many cases of the imperial court ordering officials to handle the case, but today it is his turn, which is quite different from the past.The two girls are standing side by side, with expressionless faces, neither talking nor laughing at each other, as if each has a lot of preoccupations.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the sound of a carriage outside the gate, followed by greetings of "Hello, Mayor Liu!"When passing by his side, Mr. Lin quickly lowered his head a little more knowingly, held his breath and stood silently on the spot.

There was a lot of voices in the distance, Lin Zunxiu strained his ears, but he could barely hear Liu Dafu saying "Okay, okay, okay" three times in a loud voice and a few nasty compliments.

Hearing this, Mr. Lin couldn't help but sneer, a dignified man, the lord of a city wants to flatter two women so much, isn't this gangster just a rough guy?
In addition to disdain, Mr. Lin is also very puzzled by the behavior of today's kun thieves.He, Mr. Lin, is quite well-informed, and according to common sense, the day the house was confiscated was the day when the house was destroyed, but the two daughters were only sealed up by his subordinates, and neither the property was moved nor the ground was dug three feet.This is rare tight.Could it be that there is still a chance to turn this matter around?


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