Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2056 Office Meeting

Chapter 2056 Office Meeting

Ever since the Finance and Taxation Bureau checked the accounts at home, Mr. Lin has not been idle, looking around for news.Generally speaking, it is nothing more than the Kun thief "according to the law" and "killing people without punishment", which gave Mr. Lin a reassurance.Although I have some contacts with Mr. Liang, and I know a little about those things, but it's all lip service, and there are only a few pages left, let alone doing something real.Some money was given, but it was all given to "Yuyuan Club", so it shouldn't be a problem.The gangsters have been in the city for almost two years, and there were not many scholars who scolded them on the street, and they seem to be safe now, and what's more, they have become fake gangsters... It's really shameless.

Thinking of this, Mr. Lin was quite angry.But after thinking about it, my family's business seems to be booming for more than a year, and the rules and filial piety have been exempted.In this way, it seems that it is not bad to do business honestly under the Australian rule.But as long as the thieves don't wantonly get involved, they can barely survive this test with their own family background.At the beginning of the new dynasty, the right should be to save money and avoid disasters.Mr. Lin let out a long sigh of relief.

It was night, and the director's office meeting was being held in the director's office of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau.

Ai Zhixin put down the "Interim Regulations on Tax Collection, Management and Punishment of the National Fiscal and Taxation System" compiled by Zhang Xiaoqi, and grinned. "Sister Xiaoqi, you have strengthened a lot..."

"Adjust measures to local conditions, adjust measures to local conditions."

"Isn't it too harsh?" Ai Zhixin pointed to a paragraph "...a fine of five times to twenty times is fined. I have no problem with raising the penalty standard here. You changed the late fee from the old time and space. I think five ten-thousandths can be mentioned as five-thousandths per day. But in the latter sentence...if the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than thirty times but not more than fifty times will be imposed, and a fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment or death penalty will be imposed.”

"something wrong?"

"According to what you said earlier, the tax evasion of 50 yuan will be reported to Fu Youdi. This is not the old time and space. Once a man enters, even for a month, the whole family will completely collapse, and there will be no recovery. It’s possible. This is forcing people to their death.”

"Dead end? My Ai Ju, do you know how much our annual tax is the highest among the middle-level merchants in Guangzhou City? It's only 32 yuan, and 50 yuan is almost enough for him to escape for two years. Those who can do this, the last It is possible that those big households. This rule is for them!"

Ai Zhixin turned his head to look at Wang Qiyi, and found that his face twitched unnaturally, and asked meaningfully, "Brother Wang, I remember that you participated in the whole process of the penalty regulations for Miss Xiaoqi?"

"This is mainly for her. We discussed some things, and I remember sending a telegram to ask for your opinion." Wang Qiyi still bowed his head and flipped through the second volume of the "Regulations" in his hand.

"Director Ai, let's put it this way. After you assigned the mission, Qiyi and I frequently traveled to various counties in Hainan. We asked the cadres we trained ourselves, and we also asked the old officials we retained. They are all front-line personnel in collection and management. If you don't believe me, there are notes in my dormitory that you can get..."

"No, no, no." Ai Zhixin waved his hands repeatedly.

"Before the draft was finalized, Qiyi also reminded me to make the matter of the Finance and Taxation Bureau into the matter of the Senate." Zhang Xiaoqi picked up the cup and took a sip, and continued, "I found Cheng Dong and Ma Jia respectively. . And reflected. In addition, when we finalized the draft, you said that this regulation well embodies the basic principle of strictness and strictness, and strict codes in troubled times." Regarding the documents that have been promulgated, Ai Zhixin found faults afterwards, which made Zhang Xiaoqi feel that I feel a little bit upset in my heart, and I can't help but have guns and sticks in my words.

"Hehe, Bureau Zhang, I have no other intentions. I was the only one in Guangzhou at the time, all kinds of miscellaneous things were messed up, and these details were completely forgotten in a hurry. You are right, I have to give these dogs It's just me who is forgetful, I am forgetful!" A trace of displeasure flashed across Ai Zhiqi's face, and he quickly changed into a sincere face of "I was wrong" with a smile.

The less "harmonious" discussions in the conference room stemmed from the way the Luo, Lin, and Shi families who had already entered the urn were dealt with.Needless to say, the Luo family, economic issues alone include forged bills, white papers, false debts, etc. Seven or eight items are solid. Master Liao also took Luo Zhixiang's note to participate in the underground anti-Senate gang and provided funds. It's enough to copy the family and exterminate the whole family.Historians have almost no flaws in economic issues. The only suspicious large amount of intermediary fees and the issue of warehouses on Hong Kong Island are obviously not the concerns of the Finance and Taxation Bureau. They can only wait for Wumu's news.Comparing the two sides, on the contrary, the Lin family, who was the first to be dug out by the Finance and Taxation Bureau, became the focus of conflict.

For one thing, there has been news from the Political Security Bureau that Lin Zunxiu is a peripheral member, and there is no evidence to show that he actually participated in the activities of the underground gang.Second, Mr. Lin separated his family last year and set up a separate family. Although it was not registered, most of the shares in the shops on the street have been transferred to his name. The family only left houses and rural properties.As a result, the Finance and Taxation Bureau seized the entire Lin family and suspected of being implicated.The third is that the Lin family has a very good attitude in pleading guilty, and there is no doubt that they should be punished.In this case, Ai Zhixin meant to let the Lin family spend their money and save their lives, and Luo and Shi would be enough to be chickens. The Lin family's handling of it just reflected the "rigorous laws" and "several killings" of the Senate.

"But Bureau Zhang, let me tell the truth. The Lin family is not a son of Guang Lin Zunxiu. He is separated now, and all the things found out are under his name. If you insist on messing with him, if their family simply stalks their necks, we At most, the assets under Lin Zunxiu's name will be seized and auctioned off, and then Lin Zunxiu will be hung up on the street lamp. How much money can this be? What Liu Xiang urgently needs is not these real estate. If he is let go, Mr. Lin can still fill the hole for his son without money ? This is living money. Just like the old time and space, there are many examples of using money to obtain forgiveness from victims and mitigate punishment. I think we can learn from it to some extent.”

"Aren't you just staring at the little money in their hands, and still reluctant to part with the beautiful skin of 'Law'?"

"That's right. 'King of the Mountain' is of course cool, but isn't it against our spirit of 'ruling the country by law'?" Ai Zhixin spread his hands, looking respectful and respectful.

"Hehe, 'ruling the country according to the law', tsk tsk, there are also legally begging concubines and sleeping with female secretaries. The 'law' of the Senate is really all-encompassing and caring enough." Zhang Xiaoqi didn't know what stimulated him, and started to rant again.

Now, before Ai Zhixin's face changed, Wang Qiyi's face also became very ugly.Don't take this sentence as reasonable, but it is a criticism of the Senate - it is also suspected of criticizing Ai Zhixin.If Ai Zhixin wants to make trouble, go back to Lingao and spread the word, there will be no good fruit for him and his wife.

Now that they are important technical cadres, naturally no one will do anything, but taxation is not high-energy physics after all, and naturalized civilians can get started within a few years.But I can't take back what I said, and I can't guarantee that in another ten or twenty years, someone will pull out the list of their husband and wife!
"Oh, my Director Zhang," Ai Zhixin said quietly, "don't talk about it. This is the rule of law. It is the national policy of the Senate. It was passed by the Senate, so let's not be too distracted. Let’s talk about things, let’s talk about things.”

His reaction made Wang Qiyi even more worried.Say hello to yourself -- that's not a good sign.

"Lin Zunxiu is playing tricks on the storefront, and he is losing money every day, so he has long been insolvent." Zhang Xiaoqi picked up the Lin family's inventory and dragged it, "Directly check and auction. Isn't he playing tricks on us? Let's be firm this time. I want to let him see what it means to be clever and be misunderstood by cleverness. The money from the auction is not stored in the treasury, but a temporary deposit. I want to see how those masters and shopkeepers who made nothing out of nothing came to ask for this debt. Wait for a year Once the deposit period expires, the account will be reconciled and transferred directly to the treasury. As for taxes owed, overdue fees and fines, the auction money is temporarily deposited to wait for debt repayment, so how can there be any left over to pay? The amount is huge and even a penny of taxes owed is worthless. Don't make up, this Mr. Lin is definitely serious enough... Lin Zunxiu is the most promising and eldest son of the Lin family. But if there is a chance, can the Lin family not save him?"

"That's it. You go around in a big circle, isn't it what I said to ask the old man to spend money to eliminate the disaster for his son?"

"Ha! Spending money to eliminate disasters?" Zhang Xiaoqi laughed triumphantly, "If you don't go around this circle and directly auction off the assets under Lin Zunxiu's name, according to the regulations, the auction proceeds can be offset against taxes, and he only needs to pay another part. But such a Now he has lost a penny, and he has to rely on his old man to fill it in. I really love the reputation of our Finance and Taxation Bureau in accordance with the law and dig out a lot of money for you."


Zhang Xiaoqi usually gave Ai Zhixin the impression that she was a nosy, gossiping middle-aged aunt, but today's sudden twists and turns made Ai Zhixin feel strange.But after a short silence, he still put on a smiling face, "You're just playing tricks."

"Haha, thank you Bureau Ai for your compliment. Spending money to avoid disasters is nothing, we have to let the Lin family spend money to buy disasters." Zhang Xiaoqi was quite proud of his actions, and pointed out a few numbers to Ai Zhi on the account book in his hand Xinkan, "Director Ai, have you seen that these numbers are very important-Mr. Lin's unpaid taxes, late fees, fines, and the basis for the property tax calculation of the Lin family's daily declaration. The money that the Lin family has to pay back for Lin Zunxiu is far greater than The amount of property declared daily by his family... Isn't this false declaration suspected of tax evasion? Our Finance and Taxation Bureau never tells lies, and we don't impose double punishment for one case, but we..." Zhang Xiaoqi brushed his hair and said slowly To, "Anyone who breaks the law must be prosecuted."

Next update: Volume 169 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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