Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2057 Land Tax

Chapter 2057 Land Tax

Zhang Xiaoqi said the four words lightly, but Ai Zhixin knew that if he followed the penalty regulations in his hands, the late payment fee of more than half a year would kill the old Lin family, not to mention the fifty times the fine later.If this chain account is fined, the Lin family will hang themselves without others doing it.

"Do you think the Lin family should be saved or not? I think it is. I don't believe they can think of this level. Even if they think of it, it's just a small bite for us. It's not a problem. Anyway, his family has no property in the city. I will become a landlord in the future, and there are plenty of opportunities to clean up." Seeing that Ai Zhixin was silent, Zhang Xiaoqi picked up the cup and gently blew away the tea leaves on it, took a big sip, and then spit the tea leaves back into the cup with a puff, " Bureau Ai, I think we can’t just focus on this case. We also need to work with businesses to invigorate the economy and cultivate tax sources. I have seen the situation of the Lin family. In the city, it is catering and entertainment plus housing rent, and outside the city is land and property. Typical Big dog, not to mention a little bit of technical content, but also stubborn and disobedient. If we want to prosper the market and build our own economic system, we must first knock down such people."

Zhang Xiaoqi's attitude towards the Lin family is not without reason.When they had dinner with Zheng Shangjie and Pei Lixiu before, the two mentioned more than once that in the catering and entertainment industry in Guangzhou city, the Lin family almost occupied half of the high-end ones, and the Lin family had many houses, so naturally they were in the housing rental market in Guangzhou city. He also has the right to speak, and the high rent obviously seriously affected Zheng Shangjie's plan to invigorate private small capital.

"No, you have a loophole here. If those temporary deposits are not claimed by the creditor in the end, they should still belong to the Lin family and cannot be directly transferred to the national treasury." Ai Zhixin struggled.

"Then what if everyone is gone?" Zhang Xiaoqi looked at the account book without looking up.

"Zhang Bureau, you are..."

"Yes, kill them."

Zhang Xiaoqi's words were so straightforward that Ai Zhixin almost choked the tea up his nose.Seeing this, Wang Qiyi quickly changed the subject. "These three families are actually easy to deal with. It's a matter of degree. Besides, there's no need to take people's lives. They can go to work in Fu Youdi, or arrange to go to Jeju or Taiwan's colonial settlements. Let's talk about the Liang family. Let's talk about it." Just sit on the wall and watch?"

"Going to work at Fu Youdi is no different from the death penalty. It would be better to go directly to the gallows. There are many ways to deal with them if they really want to save their lives. For the time being, this is the only way to go." Ai Zhixin was short of breath, "This guy is really ruthless in order to pick himself clean. I think that master definitely didn't commit suicide. Even if he did, he was committed suicide."

Sighing lightly, Ai Zhixin was still a little unwilling to let this big fish of the Liang family go, "Should we just sit and wait for news from the Political Security Bureau? I have an idea, let's see if it makes sense In terms of interrogation and arrest, we are not as good as political security or the police, but doing bad things, especially big bad things, costs money, and the bigger the bad things are, the more money is spent. This is our strength. Put a rope around his neck. This is the foundation of their family. If he jumps, he is eager to die. If he doesn’t jump, he is waiting to die. I want to see how he jumps.”

"Ai Ju, just now I was still thinking about how to push away the land tax we discussed earlier. Hearing what you said gave me an idea." Wang Qiyi patted Ai Zhixin's flattery calmly, It can be regarded as smoothing things over for my wife.

"Brother, tell me quickly."

The reason why the land tax in Wang Qiyi's mouth is called such a nondescript name, rather than land use tax or land ownership tax, is entirely because the Senate has not torn out a clue about the issue of land ownership until now, which has passed through eight years.Every year at the senate meeting, the question of land always caused a general melee.

Although the consensus reached by the Senate is that "the land is state-owned", there are various articles on the form and name of the current private land to confirm the right, whether the land transfer is property right, permanent property right or use right. "On the Internet, I was quarreled excruciatingly.For many people, this is a "national" issue, and they must not make concessions.Naturally, Wang Qiyi can hide as far as he can on this.

Although the land tax has not yet been implemented in the mainland, it has been fully rolled out in the entire Hainan region. As October approaches, the land tax with a collection period of one year will also enter the collection period.The land tax of the Senate simply and rudely avoids various multi-layer subcontracting issues, and directly forces the first owner to be levied.The land that was originally aboriginal is naturally the first owner, that is, the object of artificial expropriation recorded in the title deed; the land allocated by the Senate to the aboriginal or naturalized people is naturally the object of artificial expropriation of the allocated land-this is mainly for future colonization Make policy preparations.Land is divided into agricultural land and urban land, and the nature of the land is determined by the local county-level (or above) government.

For agricultural land, the annual output recognized by the local government is used as the basis for tax calculation, and the land area (deducting homestead) is used as the classification standard. The progressive tax rate is implemented. The larger the area, the higher the tax rate. The highest level is 10%, and the highest level is 40%. There is no longer a separate tax on agricultural products.For tidal flats, swamps and other terrains, the expropriation will be halved, and the reclaimed wasteland will be exempted from expropriation within 5 years and will not be included in the holding area.This tax rate is determined after comprehensive consideration of various factors. It can basically guarantee that in the case of the same land area and the same degree of fatness, the loss of using the old farming method is relatively large, and the service and technology of Tiandihui can have a significant increase in profit. And it can also widen the gap with the income of State Farm.

The reason for this progressive tax rate is nothing more than the fact that in the Senate about the distribution of land, especially rural land, there is a lot of fighting between left and right, but at present, generally speaking, everyone is not satisfied with Wu Nanhai's proposal to suppress land annexation and attack tenant landlords. There are relatively few controversies about the idea of ​​supporting commercial landlords, and the Ministry of Finance and Economics will temporarily make plans based on this idea.

For urban land, the implementation of fixed quota collection.It is divided into grades one, two and three. The lowest grade is 5 points per [-] square meters per year, and each grade increases in turn. Those less than [-] square meters will not be levied.At the same time, it is stipulated that regardless of the nature of the land, if multiple landholders are registered under the same family, the combined area is taxed.

With the land tax, it is inevitable to levy real estate tax, which is relatively easy. It can be directly collected on an annual basis at 0.5% of the general fair total value of the same type of real estate in the same location, and it will be approved every 5 years or upon application.As a result, in Ai Zhixin's property tax, the two major items of real estate are separately listed as tax items, and the rest are all floating wealth, production tools and other miscellaneous items, which are directly classified into the "other" category. .There are profound reasons for such a regulation. Firstly, the property tax is the first tax type that Director Ai decided to design when he took office. It is too shameful to be "taken down" so quickly.The second is of course the continuity of the policy. Less than two years after the Senate liberated Guangzhou, how can it be justified to change tax types day and night, and the tax increase items are much more concealed.Third, there is still a huge amount of silver in the hands of the landlord Laocai that has been hidden and does not participate in circulation. Although the Finance and Taxation Bureau has jointly planned a plan called "Pull the Carrot" with the Guangzhou Municipal Government, at least in Dahu Tibetan Bank. In the case of general reduction, hastily abolishing taxation on assets other than real estate will obviously result in a loss of tax revenue.What's more, if this article is abolished, it may be difficult for everyone in the Finance and Taxation Bureau to put the Lin family on the street.

In order to cooperate with the reform of property tax, the Finance and Taxation Bureau also initially drafted the real estate and land value-added tax as a backstop. This tax is mainly to combat the hoarding and speculation of land and real estate. The time is not urgent, so it is planned to be implemented in 37 or 38.This type of tax takes the value-added amount of land or real estate transactions as the tax object, and the value-added rate is used as a classification standard, and the progressive tax rate is adopted. Considering the financial cost of New Space-time, the threshold is tentatively set at 25% value-added rate .If the value-added rate is more than 25% but less than 50%, the value-added part is taxed at 30%, if it is more than 50% but less than 75%, it is 50%, and so on.Anything over 100% will be levied at 80%.

Once the tax category has been determined, the next step is naturally the issue of collection.It is easy in the city, but difficult outside the city.How to collect this agricultural tax also made the three of the Finance and Taxation Bureau exhausted their brains.Facing the vast countryside, it was solid, but the manpower was insufficient and extensive, and the Senate refused to agree.After thinking about it, we still adopt a hierarchical management model, and divide the entire Senate into three levels: the newly occupied area, the advancing area, and the stable area according to the degree of control over the grassroots.

The newly occupied areas refer to those areas that have just been brought under the rule of the Senate or where the Senate regime is difficult to actually control the grassroots.For this part of the region, the Finance and Taxation Bureau in principle assigns two cadres as members of the local military control committee or government, under the dual leadership of the local government and the Finance and Taxation Bureau, who are responsible for finance and taxation respectively.Taxes are “reasonably borne” regardless of whether they are in the city or outside the city, and the taxation in rural areas can retain the current model of relying on the “Dachang Rice Bank”, a public-private joint venture with the Senate, to collect taxes on their behalf.

The stable area refers to the area where the Senate has realized "power to the countryside", and the most representative ones are the counties (cities) in the Hainan region.Thanks to the good reputation of the Senate, the high purchase price and the effective disaster relief and prevention system in this part of the area, no matter how much land they own, the common people have generally formed the habit of going to Delong to sell grain.According to field surveys conducted by Tiandihui and the Ministry of Civil Affairs in the past two years, the amount of surplus grain stored by farmers, including those who own large tracts of land, has dropped sharply.In view of this, and considering its own shortage of manpower, the Finance and Taxation Bureau proposed a collection method of implementing an improved version of "unified purchase" in stable areas.
Next update: Volume 170 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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