Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2065

Chapter 2065
Behind the wooden door is an ordinary courtyard. Judging from the shape of the house, it seems that it used to be a temple palace in the past, but now it has been changed into a workshop.The yard was dark, with no light at all.By the moonlight, I vaguely saw a large water tank in the yard, a stone mortar for pounding pulp, and a stone mill like ingots...

Hao Er brought Hao An to the door of the main room, and before he could knock on the door, the door opened with a "squeak", revealing the head of a small, wretched man. Seeing that it was Hao Er, he shrank his head back.

There was no conversation between the two sides, Hao Er walked in on his own, but Hao An stayed outside the door and just closed the door.

When Hao Er entered the room, it was still pitch black.He vaguely saw another door in front of him, with a thick curtain hanging on it. The person who answered him raised the curtain, and his eyes lit up instantly, almost making him unable to open his eyes.

He closed his eyes for a long time before he got used to the strong light inside, and carried him inside. The inside was originally a palace, tall and empty, but now it has been converted into a workshop."Australian oil lamps" hung on the beams and pillars, illuminating the whole palace brightly.

Thick black cloths were hung on the windows and fans of the temple, covering them airtightly, and there was a strange smell in the air.There is not only the scorched smell of burning oil, but also the smell of fermented products, paper, ink, paste...

The palace is divided into several areas, each with craftsmen busy.In the middle of the hall, there is an oversized wooden long table—a circle larger than the largest painting table.There is another long table next to the table, which is full of various tools and scrolls.A few craftsmen were concentrating on doing something around the table.The four walls of the temple are covered with various calligraphy and paintings, and if you look closely, you will find that there are as few as three or four of the same calligraphy and painting, and as many as five or six.

Hao Er coughed lightly, and a steward who was patrolling the field immediately greeted him, and at the same time whispered: "Master is here!"

Hearing the sound, all the craftsmen got up and stood with their hands down.

Hao Erye nodded, indicating that there is no need to be polite.He asked the steward, "How is it? Is everything going well?"

"Returning to the old man, the daily things are going well, but there is still not much progress in that matter."

"It's been a few months, and there is still no progress?" Hao Er showed a disappointed expression on his face, "Call Master Zhang!"

The master surnamed Zhang is about forty years old. He has been stuck with paper for many years, and his hands are full of calluses.Seeing the summons from the owner, I came over in a hurry.

"Master Zhang, how is it? Have you made a sample?"

"Master! It's's done...but..." Master Zhang handed over two rectangular pieces of paper, about ten centimeters long.Hao Erye took it and looked at it.

The piece of paper was full of complicated and chaotic patterns, fine and cumbersome patterns, and on the top was written "Silver Dollar Reserve Bank of the Central Reserve Bank of the Ministry of Finance" in neat characters.There are also a few slightly larger characters below: "One Yuan in exchange for silver".

"Master! This is the sample you gave me." Old Zhang pointed to one of them, and then pointed to the other one, "This is the most similar one our brothers have made in the past few days. But..." After finishing speaking , Master Zhang shook his head, obviously not satisfied.

Hao Yuanwai carefully identified the pieces of paper in his two hands, compared them from time to time, and sometimes shook them lightly a few times to find the sound of "噗噗".

"I think it's okay, right? Except...the paper is a bit soft, without that crisp texture. But it's already pretty good!"

But Master Zhang smiled and shook his head again and again: "No, no! This is hand-painted by my brothers and sisters for two days! Old Wang's head was also made old, otherwise it would not be real at all. If it is like this Painting, not only can’t draw a picture in a few days, but the eyes are too tired to bear it!”

"Since it can be drawn, can't it be engraved?" Officer Hao looked at the busy craftsmen at the workbench, "Since it can be drawn..."

"Old Qian!" Master Zhang greeted, "Bring your newly carved plate to show the master!"

The man named Master Qian responded, and quickly came over with a big wooden board, and placed it respectfully in front of Second Master Hao.

On this wooden board, there are several different engraving plates. Although the size is the same, the patterns on them are completely different.

"My lord, look..."

Erye Hao leaned his head closer to look at the wooden board carefully, and the steward next to him hurriedly brought an Australian oil lamp in front of his eyes.

While watching, he scratched a few times with the iron needle handed over by Lao Zhang.

"Huh...the carving is really good!"

There are a total of four carved wood blocks, each with extremely fine patterns and complex styles, twisting and twisting, as if vines are twisted together.The complexity of the pattern is second, the key is that the size is extremely small, and in some places, the carved lines are only slightly thicker than the hair.

Even the well-informed Erye Hao couldn't help admiring this skill, "Old Qian, you really deserve to be the best in this industry!"

"Oh, unfortunately, I'm beyond my powers. I can't make many delicate details. I can only hope that people's eyesight is poor." Master Qian sighed, "If the Australian banknotes are really engraved... I can only say Not carved by mortals."

"How about it, have you tried printing?"

"It's printed." Master Zhang said as he took out a paper book protector from a drawer beside him, "It's not until it's printed."

Erye Hao picked up the banknotes in the paper protector. At first glance, the size, color and pattern were roughly the same, but when he held it in his hand, he felt wrong. Not to mention the texture of the paper, the pattern of the banknotes instantly changed "Show off".

"... If you want to say what's wrong, you have to look closely, but just looking at it like this makes it pale in comparison." Master Qian said with a wry smile.

Hao Erye also felt the same way. Compared with the real one, this fake ticket has a "sense of inferiority".I can't say which one is wrong specifically, but when put together, everything is wrong.It seems that the lines of real tickets are more delicate and delicate, and the patterns are also smaller.Especially the color, the color of the counterfeit bill is completely dull, without excessive and light and dark changes.Makes the whole bill appear dull.

"It's really difficult!" Second Master Hao also had to admit that this matter is difficult!
He has been busy for several months for this counterfeit tax invoice. Although he stopped halfway and used the manpower and material resources here to make a batch of fake tax invoices, the manpower and material resources invested during this period are countless.The results so far have been minimal.

He couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and fell silent.

Seeing his owner's expression of hesitation, Master Qian hurriedly said, "My lord! It's not that you don't have to think about it. It's because the patterns of the Australian 'treasure banknotes' are too...complicated! Not only are the lines extremely thin and dense , and the colors are constantly changing. Although only blue and black are used on this note, if you count it carefully, there are probably three or four different shades of colors in the surrounding pattern alone! Some of them are even shiny. More Not to mention there are all kinds of changing patterns. Each of them needs to be specially made. If it is said to be made completely according to its pattern, one color can be set in one plate, not to mention whether we can adjust the color, it is just a plate. There must be more than ten woodblocks to be carved! They must be carefully aligned, and if one of the blocks is a little crooked, the print will be useless."

Traditional engraving and color printing, limited by materials and technology, cannot use too many colors, and the printed effect is dull, mostly color blocks, and cannot make gradual changes in depth and light and shade.No matter how skillful Master Qian is, even if he can carve out the engravings perfectly, the original shape will be revealed as soon as the paint is applied.

"Old Zhang, I think Lao Qian's craftsmanship is still not enough." Hao Erye took Master Qian away, and then whispered to Lao Zhang, "This line is too thick. It needs to be carved more finely." Row."

"Master, it's not his fault." Master Zhang hurriedly explained to his old partner, "The lines are really thin! Even if old money has this skill, it can't be carved on wood."

Traditional engraving is very particular about wood, which requires hard wood and fine texture. Not only is it easy to shape and ink, but it also takes a long time to use.Therefore, fruit trees are mostly used, especially pear trees and jujube trees.This time to make counterfeit banknotes, Hao Erye naturally chose high-quality wood for their engraving.

However, the texture fibers of the wood itself make it impossible to carve overly delicate engraving patterns on it.They also thought about other materials: there are many good ivory carvers in Guangzhou City, and the masters are even able to carve various patterns and even characters on tiny ivory pendants and ivory balls, and they can be seen clearly.But ivory cannot be inked, nor is it of such a size that an engraving of a suitable size can be cut out.

"Old Zhang!" Hao Erye looked up at the roof, looking extremely far away, as if he could see through the roof, "This is different from making fake calligraphy and paintings and horse cards. This time, if it can be done Well, the crimes we committed in the past are not only completely exonerated, but the government can also promote us to rank and rank! We can even avenge Jian'er and your family's Xiangming!"

"You said the government also..."

Mr. Hao nodded: "Shi Weng already knew about this. He knew about it and said that we couldn't do it this way, so he specially invited the world-renowned 'King of Engraving' and 'Liu Luanbi' from Suzhou. It is estimated that it will arrive in a few days.”

"Old...Master, you mean...the imitation version can be confused with the real 'King of Engraving'? There is also the 'Grandfather Liu' whose imitation handwriting and signature can't even be recognized by myself? Oh! These two are..."

Hao Erye smiled slightly: "That's right. It is indeed these two senior masters of the urban 'Suzhou Film'. But not only them, it is said that the 'Gongzhi' Lin family and the 'Mozhong Master' Meng family also sent people— ―These two are not well-known in our fake painting industry, but their craftsmanship is useful to us..."

Since they started to make counterfeit coins, apart from the big hurdle of plate making, the problems of commonly used consumables, paper, and printing ink have not been completely solved, and they can only barely make do at the moment.Several people thought hard, but they still couldn't understand it.
Next update: Volume 178 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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