Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2064 "Heshengcheng" paper line

Chapter 2064 "Heshengcheng" paper line

The two of them spoke again, and suddenly there was another roar from the next door:

"Chu Xiaoran, my old mother Throwing Thunder!!!"

"What's the matter? Plague cows. Did you say that you are a hero and a woman?!"

"The banknote I received a few days ago is fake! Chu Xiaoran, who rushed to the street, let the person surnamed Shi go away! Fortunately, the person surnamed Lin didn't escape! Otherwise, the banknote I received newly may also be fake. Already!"

"Is the newly received one real or fake..."

"Really! The bank says there are very few counterfeit banknotes. You can spot them at a glance during the day, and it's easy to be fooled when it's dark. But I still taught my wife carefully how to distinguish the real from the fake."

"Ah, will you? Show me these tickets."

"It's easy to say, let me have a look. This one, here, here, here... well, it's all true... Okay, okay, shopkeeper, you can rest assured, you are lucky, these photos are all true !"

"Oh, I'm so thankful. This is yesterday's business money. My small business only costs a few yuan a day! If one day I really find out that the banknotes are all fake, I will have to hang myself like Chu Xiaoran. "

"It would be better if Australians didn't pay bills, but only used silver dollars."

"You can't say that. Tickets are still more convenient than silver dollars. If one day you don't need to carry banknotes and silver dollars when you travel far, it will be more convenient..."

"There will never be a day like this. For example, big households never bring money with them when they go out, and they can pay their bills everywhere..."

"That's also a well-known shop! He can pay for the noodle seller on the street? He knows who you are! Besides, we are not a big business."

"Come on, maybe one day you can spend money without bringing money when you go out, haha."

"Which family's Qingqiu dream did you send..."

"Come on, have another cup of kvass, I can't drink enough..."

"I don't want to drink this sweet water! Come and see my bottle of fruit wine—the best thing is, it's the genuine Australian product from Lingao!"

The plague cow had already drank a lot of kvass and fruit wine. After mixing the two wines, he became drunk not long after. Seeing that it was getting late, he still missed his home, so he left alone.

The plague cow's home was in Nancheng, and when he came out of the restaurant, he was blown by the wind from the river, and his drowsy head became a little clearer, but his feet were weak, and he would inevitably stumble when he walked.He stopped and walked, and finally reached the intersection of Zhixing Street, when one of them was unsteady and bumped into a passing sedan chair.

The servant beside the sedan chair grabbed Fa Wenniu's skirt and scolded, "You don't have eyes! How can you walk?" The two bearers also made a gesture to grab their sleeves and wanted to argue.

As soon as the plague cow saw this momentum, he knew that the other party was probably a "master". In the past, let alone he didn't take advantage of it, even if he took advantage of it, he would have to beg for mercy.It's different now, there are police officers all over the streets in Australia, if they are caught by hand and taken to the police station, no master will be of any use--now the big gentry don't dare to have disputes with people on the street.What's more, he is also a "public opinion guide" who "has votes", and he can be regarded as half of the Australians.He drank again, he was strong and cowardly, and he wanted to make a noise, so he stuck his neck and said forcefully: "Everyone can walk on a big road, why don't you take a look at the road when you are sitting in a sedan chair."

The two servants accompanying the sedan chair were annoyed, and they wanted to "teach" the plague cow, but a man's voice came from inside the sedan chair: "He drank too much, you don't want to argue with him, just leave."

The head of the family spoke, and the servants let go of the plague bull, and lifted the sedan chair resentfully and left.The plague cow exclaimed triumphantly, "The world of Guangzhou is not yours anymore..."

The owner of the sedan chair didn't hear the guy who sent out the plague cow. The sedan chair moved forward briskly in the night, entered Zhixing Street, and was quickly carried to the door of a shop.

This is called "Paper Street", and it was famous for gathering "Paper Street" in the past.However, since the Australians dumped a large number of "Lingao paper" to Guangzhou, the local paper has been severely impacted.There is not a single piece of paper here, and the rest are either distributed for Australians or made for special purposes.So the street is very deserted.

This store has a small front, and the signboard hanging is also "Paper Bank".The sky has already ended, and the guys are busy going to the door to pick up the cover.Seeing the sedan chairs approaching, they stood respectfully one by one.The manager took a few steps from the shop to meet him, and said, "Master..."

The person in the sedan chair didn't speak, but nodded.The sedan chair was carried directly into a gate next to the shop.

The sedan chair landed in the yard, and shopkeeper Hao got out of the sedan chair. He was about forty years old, handsome and elegant.Because of Xinger, everyone called him "Hao Er" and "Hao Erye".On the industrial and commercial tax register of Guangzhou, Hao Er is the boss of this "Heshengcheng" paper shop.

He didn't exchange greetings with the shopkeeper or the shopkeeper, but went into the backyard of the paper shop on his own, followed only by his personal servants.

The backyard is his residence, but there is no family member here——Hao Er's family members are said to all live in the farm in the countryside, and there are only "daily-used" "tongfang girls" here.

Seeing him coming in, the Tongfang girl rushed out to welcome him, and gave him a blessing:

"Hold the lamp." Hao Er said, "Go and prepare a table of food. Send it to the study later."

"Yes, sir."

"After the food is delivered, you can eat and rest on your own, and you don't need to serve here."

He comes here seven or eight times a month, almost every time.The Tongfang girl didn't think it was strange, so she responded.

After Hao Er finished giving his orders, he and his two personal servants entered the courtyard where the study was located.From this moment on, no one can enter this courtyard except the housemaid who will come to deliver food later.

A servant walked into the study before him, and lit the "Australian oil lamp" inside.In an instant, the dark house shone brightly.

"It's too bright, turn it down." He ordered, "Hao Ping, you stay here and watch." After that, he took another servant to the back of the study.

Behind the study is a small courtyard dotted with rockery trees.There is a hole in the rockery, but when you walk in, it is decorated elegantly: there are stone paving on all sides, a stone table in the center, four stone shelves, and some exquisite furnishings.He nodded, and Hao An, who was in charge of the lamp, put down the lantern and moved a stone plinth away, revealing an iron ring underneath.

Hao An grabbed the iron ring and pulled it up, a stone slab was thrown up by him.A gust of cold and damp air came over the face, and under the light of the lantern, one could vaguely see stone steps leading down.

A master and a servant quietly walked down the stone steps.After descending more than a dozen steps, they reached the bottom. The two of them continued to walk forward. Not far away, there was a murmuring sound of water in the distance, but in front of them was an underground ditch with a small boat tied to the water.

This is a branch of Liumaiqu.At this moment, the master and servant of the Hao family are under the street of Zhixing Street—this underground canal is quite old, and it is a relic of the Song Dynasty.In Guangzhou, except for the sudden death of Wang Da Niao, no one knows that there is such an underground canal.

Hao An supported the bamboo pole, and the boat slowly moved forward in the sewage.The dark channel is completely illuminated by the lanterns hanging on the bow.

Dim lanterns illuminated the dirty and damp channels, and in the light of the lantern candles, the stains left by years on the walls could be seen.Sometimes the whiskers and ant nests of some tree roots are exposed.The boat floated slowly on the sewage.

The water surface of the channel is very wide-this place was originally a natural river. Hundreds of years ago, it was a thoroughfare in the city that could be used by boats.Over time, the drainage and sewage became dirty and silted before being covered and turned into underground drains.In the early years, the culvert was regularly dredged by people, but later on, no one cared about it for a long time, and the garbage piled up in the river that had not been cleared for many years. Sometimes the boat could barely go around the pile of garbage and feces emerging from the water, and sometimes it simply ran aground On top of the garbage and sludge, I had to use pennies to get out of trouble.

Swarms of rats roamed among the garbage and sewage looking for food. The corpses of various animals were bitten and corroded into shapeless shapes. Occasionally, human remains were seen, some of which fell to death in the river and drifted into the channel. Yes, most of them died unexpectedly, and the corpses were thrown into the channel.

Needless to say, the foul smell and foul air, both of them were wearing masks with medicines to avoid pollution and detoxify inside, even so, it still made people feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.If it weren't for the fresh air coming in from the bright sewage outlet from time to time, it would be really suffocating and suffocate people to death.

The boat stopped beside a stone step, and Hao An walked ahead holding a lantern and bowing his head, looking back from time to time.Hao Er followed behind with his hands behind his back.After turning a few corners, the master and servant came to the end.A blackened wooden door appeared in front of the two of them.Hao An gave way, and Hao Er took out a delicate key from his sleeve, and opened the "Australian style" lock on the wooden door.

Pushing open the wooden door, the backs of a group of cabinets were exposed outside.Pushing open the cabinet, the two entered a utility room.Stepping on the creaking wooden stairs, Hao An pushed off the wooden cover covering the stairs.This place seems to be a warehouse, the shelves are full of reprinted books, framed calligraphy and paintings.

"Master, there's no one outside." Hao An said with certainty after blowing out the lantern and looking out through the crack of the door.

Hao Er nodded and pushed open the warehouse door.

This is a very ordinary courtyard. A few decades-old trees cover the courtyard so that it is difficult for a ray of sunlight to shine through.It was even darker at night.To the east of the courtyard is a row of pulping and paper making workshops.On the opposite side of the workshop is a shelf where the paper that is not yet dry is drying.To the south is the mounting shop facing the street. In addition to mounting calligraphy and paintings for customers, it also sells some celebrity works.

To the north of the courtyard is a row of stone-walled houses, where the stewards and craftsmen lived.The master and servant went straight into the main room and turned into the ear room on the east side.

Hao An pushed open a dilapidated cupboard, revealing a wooden door with an iron ring.Pull up the iron ring, and the door is exposed in front of the two of them.
Next update: Volume 177 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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