Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2063 Words from the Wall

Chapter 2063 Words from the Wall
"Then no one told you: Is it enough for these songs to have a loud voice?"

"Yes, yes, Director Nan is indeed a senior."

"Leader Zeng was joking," Nan Wan'er held up her teacup with both hands and sipped it lightly. "Although I don't understand the rhythm, I have not been taught by the chief for a long time. But I have lived in Lingao for a long time." In fact, not all the songs of the chief executives are like this: I have listened to some of them with Chief Zhang before, and they are very comfortable and pleasant to listen to. For example: "The long years want to say that I was so confused...there are not many stories, just like a normal song...'"

Nan Wan'er hummed softly to herself.After a busy day, the bun at the back of her head has loosened a bit, and a few loose strands of hair hang softly by her ears.She held her chin and turned out of the window, staring fixedly at the water downstairs.When the summer night wind blew, Nan Wan'er narrowed her eyes, and the light in the room cast a faint halo on her side face.Zeng Juan watched quietly, watching a few gleaming tears fall from her eyes.

Nan Wan'er sniffed her nose vigorously, turned her face and smiled at Zeng Juan, with tears still hanging on her eyelashes, looking very forced.

"I'm sorry, Team Leader Zeng, I thought of something from the past."

"It doesn't matter." Zeng Juan paused for a moment and thought for a while, "Director Nan, when I went to the household census with Chief Wang, I heard him say that whenever you feel uncomfortable, you must speak it out and keep it in your heart Small things can become big things, and it is easy to get a disease called "depression."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Chief Wang said yes. It is said that there are quite a few people suffering from this disease in Australia, probably because the elders are overthinking. But who hasn't had a heart disease? Like me..." Thinking of the days before, Zeng Juan I also feel a lot lower. "I'm not afraid of your jokes, Director Nan. Before the recovery of Guangzhou, a few good brothers and I liked Australian things very much. We often skipped school to watch "Macao films". Later, by chance, Zhang Yu, you know Zhang Ji Walnut Shop He became a special supplier to the Senate. One of the other two brothers went to the police station and the other directly learned painting from the elders in Lingao. And I..."

Zeng Juan shook his head, and found that Nan Wan'er was staring at him intently, he couldn't help but blushed, picked up the teapot and filled Nan Wan'er's bottomed cup with water.

"Oh, no need...thank you." Nan Wan'er bowed up like a conditioned reflex. She has been serving others instinctively for more than ten years, and Zeng Juan added water for herself, which made her a little flustered.

"I had no idea at the time. I went to the police station with my brother to take the exam and was rejected." Zeng Juan put down the teapot and continued to say to himself, "It is impossible for my family's incense and candle shop to be seen by the elders. No, even reading, I can't read well. Seeing that the four brothers, everyone else's life is getting better and better, it's just me, nestled in the teahouse, reading newsprint to those tea drinkers, making a fool of myself. It’s just that the brothers still have to chat with them happily. If I hadn’t been admitted to the Finance and Taxation Bureau in the end, I’m afraid I’d be “depressed” like Chief Wang said, hehehe.”

"Group leader Zeng's family should have lived in Guangfu." Nan Wan'er did not continue Zeng Juan's words.

"It is."

"That's it. Chief Zhang once told me that there is a saying in Australia that happiness comes from comparison, and so does pain. This Lingnan, this Jiangnan, even under the rule of Zhuanming, although the roads are not uncommon, they are still regarded as the best in the world. A safe and prosperous place. Does Team Leader Zeng know what the north is like?"

"Hungry everywhere?"

"It would be better if you just starve to death. Look..." Nan Wan'er seemed to suddenly remember something, she stopped talking, and just lowered her head and covered her mouth.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." It took her a long time to raise her face, and casually brushed the hair on both sides, "Since I followed the chief, I feel that I am really a human again."

"Yes, I have the same feeling. I used to read the books of sages and sages, but I only found them obscure and difficult to understand. At that time, I thought I was not good at reading, and I was too lazy to understand. I didn't realize until I saw the real Australian books in the reading room of the bureau. It turns out that the truth can be said so straightforwardly and plainly, how can there be countless wonders in this world..." Zeng Juan did not lie, he spent time in the reading room whenever he had free time, the whole situation, including the three veterans Ai Wangzhang Know.

"It's just... tsk tsk" Zeng Juan seemed to be recalling the feeling of studying in the reading room, he couldn't help smacking his lips, and suddenly realized that the person sitting opposite was Nan Wan'er, and was immediately embarrassed.

"Hehe, Team Leader Zeng doesn't have to be so cautious." Nan Wan'er saw Zeng Juan's embarrassment, and put on an air of listening attentively, "Just what?"

"It's just that there are too few books. According to my opinion, the knowledge of the chiefs is far beyond these books."

"It's natural. Guangzhou was first built, and many things haven't had time to be done." Nan Wan'er saw Zeng Juan's appearance as a bookworm, and she thought it was very cute, and her eyes were also bent. She comforted him and said, "In Lingao, there are many things to do." It is a very large library, and it is said that there are hundreds of thousands of Australian books in it."


"Really. Chiefs attach great importance to books. I went there during the training class. You don't have to worry. I heard Chief Zhang mention that a Chief Huang is coming to Guangzhou to set up a library. But..." Nan Wan Picking up the cup, he took a sip, "I think the most important thing about the Senate is not just the things in these books. For example, although I was adopted by a kind person, I was no different from a rough envoy in the past. The teachers are happy, I also praised me a few words; if the teachers are not happy, they will be blamed at every turn. Beating and scolding are indispensable. Every day, I look at people's faces and listen to others' orders. I can only bear how others arrange. Even so, I don’t think there’s anything wrong. But now, I don’t have to worry about getting scolded and beaten. I can also buy what I like, go where I want to go, and don’t have to look at anyone’s face when I go out for dinner today... Well, How should I put it..." Nan Wan'er looked out the window and thought for a while, "Chief Zhang said that this is what a person should be like, right?"

What should a person look like?Zeng Juan didn't understand it very well, and he had read books of sages and sages since he was a child, but he never thought about it.To study and become an official is to be a man. If you are not good at your studies, you are also a man to guard the incense and candle shop to look after the family business. Now you wear a uniform to serve the Senate and the people. It is also a man. , how can there be any 'should look'? "

Zeng Juan looked at Nan Wan'er suspiciously, but saw that there seemed to be a fire beating in her eyes.

Just as he was about to say something, loud chatter and laughter came from the box next door. At first, he didn't care - after all, this box is all made of wooden partitions, and the sound insulation is generally very good.But the words "Chu Xiaoran" vaguely contained the word "Chu Xiaoran", and she couldn't help but startled. Looking at Nan Wan'er again, she seemed to have heard it too, and the two of them listened in unison.


"Because Chu Xiaoran received some kindness from Smith when he was in distress, when Smith was about to be punished for seriously violating the laws of the Song Dynasty, he tipped off the news in an attempt to make the historian escape legal sanctions..."

"Ahem... This kind of behavior is putting personal feelings above public welfare. Smith and his accomplices forged invoices in an attempt to evade taxes. If thousands of businesses in Guangzhou make money, don't they all go Fill in the loopholes made by Smith and others. It is said to be evading Australian taxes, but it is actually robbing merchants of profits. The timely detection of this case depends on the correct leadership of the Senate..."

"Okay, don't read the following official articles, is there any new news?"

"I heard that this historian is also involved in the case of fake money."

"You are talking nonsense again. You convict him of something that is not in the newspaper?"

"Alas, this is inside news! I have an old friend who works in the mission office, and I heard that a lot of fake money was made from the historian's account..."

"Why hasn't this been mentioned in the newspaper?"

"How dare the newspapers say this! Let the common people know that there are fake silver dollar coupons in the market, and there must be a riot!"

Zeng Juan and Nan Wan'er looked at each other in surprise.Because not many people know about the fact that historians speculated on fake money.Of course, there is no "many counterfeit money", there are only two counterfeit banknotes in total, and the production is very rough and not difficult to identify.

Counterfeit new currency notes have appeared more than once in Guangzhou, but the number is very small. Less than ten pieces were seized, and they are rough and easy to distinguish. Therefore, it is not the current focus of the Finance and Taxation Bureau. This work is temporarily carried out by the police station. Tube.

"There aren't many silver dollar coupons out there. I've seen patterned paper, and it's extremely hard to imitate..."

Then there was another noise, the voice gradually became lower, and someone said:

"Speaking of which, this Chu Xiaoran is still a chivalrous woman, she is affectionate and righteous."

"Plague cow, are you going to die?"

"It's the same in the first place! Letting the benefactor go is merciful, and committing suicide is righteous. Australians dare to write, why don't I dare to say it?"

"Flag cow, still blowing water?! Your wife just came back, crying all the way, you still don't go back and take a look? Don't tell me something happened!"

"This stupid woman, what can happen to deposit money in the bank... I'll go home and have a look, and the bosses will take it easy."

"Okay, okay, send the plague cow back to take care of the housework, let's continue to listen to the newspaper."

Listening to the discussion in the box next to them, Nan and Zeng felt mixed feelings.Although several bureau chiefs handled Chu Xiaoran's case lightly, everyone in the Finance and Taxation Bureau felt agitated.

There are those who hate her for being "stupid", those who regret her, and those who pity her children.For a while, the atmosphere in the bureau was very gloomy.It wasn't until the Lin case was thoroughly handled that the haze was swept away.Unexpectedly, I heard other people's comments here.

Nan Wan'er sighed slightly, Zeng Juan said: "Sister Nan, what happened to Sister Chu is over, don't you want to be sad - this is everyone's fate!"

"I'm not sorry for her, I just feel that luck has made people..." Nan Wan'er whispered.

Next update: Volume 176 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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