Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2062 Mi Xiangju

Chapter 2062 Mi Xiangju

Of course, there are obviously many people in Guangzhou who think the same as him. Since the "Mixiangju" changed owners, the business has been booming day by day, and the store simply canceled the reservation.As a newly promoted cadre of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, Zeng Juan's strings have been tense all the time. Naturally, he dare not reserve a table for the store "greeting", but he is not helpless.For example, today, as the team leader, I signed an unnecessary registration application for myself as soon as I went to work in the afternoon, in order to come early and queue up to book a table.

The door is still the boy from Zhanxianglou back then, very smart, and he can tell at a glance that the person who just stepped into the store is a cadre with an Australian job, so he is more enthusiastic.

After entrusting Ziminglou to operate, Mi Xiangju established a "salary system" in accordance with the management system of a "state-owned commercial enterprise".Veterans, regardless of their domestic or foreign backgrounds, hated the "tipping" system. Naturally, it was abolished, and changed to a system of paying wages according to the position and working years plus employee stock dividends at the end of the year, which fully stimulated the enthusiasm of most employees. A "Gold Medal Enterprise Hall" was dissatisfied with this and intended to join forces to cause trouble. Being directly fired by Pei Lixiu was not counted, and it was also included in the "employment blacklist" of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce-anyone in the catering service industry in Guangzhou is not allowed to hire.It made a group of high-level employees who were originally "caring for the old master" tremble with fear.

After this struggle, Pei Lixiu has completely mastered Mixiangju. In order to distinguish it from Ziminglou, she has used her brains a lot. In order to appear as official as possible, some places simply copied the "Number One" from various places in the old time and space. A guest house" style.With such a design, boxes of various sizes are filled, and there are almost no tables in the lobby.

Zeng Juan was led up to the second floor by the staff. Most of the four-person boxes were empty, so he chose a good seat near the water and by the window. Although the minimum consumption was a bit more expensive, most of the money had already been spent, so he didn't care That's it.It was still early, and Zeng Juan had nowhere to go, so he ordered a pot of tea and sat there looking out the window and drinking it himself.

Since Director Nan agreed to his invitation in the morning, Zeng Juan has been in a hurry today for some reason.In the morning, I did the whole day's affairs neatly, and in the afternoon, I almost trotted all the way on the transfer road, and the house registration was even more hastily finished, for fear that I would not be able to book a room if I missed the time.Now that I am suddenly free, my heart is still empty.

It has been a full year since I worked with Director Nan, and I have a lot of work contacts.Although he had an inexplicable affection for this woman a few years older than himself from the beginning, this affection turned into admiration as time went by.However, he never dared to get in touch with the other party too much: after all, he is a small clerk, so naturally he cannot sit on an equal footing with the director and is too familiar; besides, Director Nan is an authentic "cadre going north", even if he is not Fangcaodi Born, and also a confidant of the elders - there was a rumor in the bureau at one time: Director Nan was going to be "hired" by the Wang Bureau.Although there was no further information on this matter later, Director Nan's status in the minds of several bureau chiefs is self-evident.

So he pays attention to the difference between up and down and inside and outside when talking on weekdays, and he dare not make fun of her.Had it not been for the directors Wang and Zhang who had repeatedly expressed that they wanted her to consider a lot of "personal issues", Zeng Juan would not have dared to ask her out for dinner.

I don't know if this evening meal should still be called "Director Nan" and have a "official meal".

Thinking of this, Zeng Juan felt that something was blocked in his heart, and he was very unhappy.

"Director Nan." Zeng Juan turned the cup in his hand, watching the tea leaves floating on it shake, "Nan... Nan Wan'er, Nan-wan-er." After reading these three words, the corners of his mouth Followed up.

"Why are you in a daze?!" Just when Zeng Juan's mind was full of thoughts, he trembled in fright with a loud noise at the door of the box, and the tea in his hand spilled all over his body.

"You're a killer! Throw..." Zeng Juan turned his head and saw Mei Fazhi standing there with a smirk on his face, just about to greet his family, when he saw Liu Cuihua coming in behind with Nan Wan'er on his arm, he abruptly put down He swallowed half a sentence back.

"Please come in, please come in." He hastily swept the tea on his body with his hands, while standing up and beckoning everyone to take their seats.Of course, he didn't forget to give Mei Fazhi a fierce look and said in a low voice, "You bum, can't you be more conscious?"

"Oh, this Cengfan is really embarrassing!" Mei Fazhi pretended to be surprised, and yelled, "Cuihua, let's go. Team leader Zeng looks down on Cengfan people the most. They invited Director Nan. We were not invited."

"Don't, don't, I'm wrong, it's okay if I'm wrong. I'm going to invite you and Liu Cuihua to dinner today."

"That's more or less the same." Mei Fazhi put on a satisfied look, and together with Zeng Juan, he greeted Nan Wan'er and Liu Cuihua to sit down.After his fuss, the originally alienated atmosphere became warmer, and Nan Wan'er felt less uncomfortable when she first entered the door.

The dishes are ordered when they first arrive, and Qitang will deliver the dishes as soon as everyone arrives.Pei Lixiu also improved the dishes of Mixiangju. The number of dishes is similar to that of Ziminglou. One is to reduce the size of dishes.Dishes in traditional restaurants are often served on chi-two plates, and the amount of dishes is extremely large. After the banquet, the remaining half of a plate is the minimum.The improvement is to greatly reduce the size of the dishes; the second is to reduce the types of dishes with whole chicken, whole duck and large pieces of meat, and make more fried dishes such as "slices, shreds, balls, and powder" to shorten the serving time. Also reduce costs.

In this way, the profit of Mixiangju's dishes has increased even though the price has dropped by one-third.

Zeng Juan ordered today's dish after careful consideration. First, it should not be too luxurious, which will give people the impression of spending money loosely; second, it must be suitable for girls' tastes. Strong flavors and thick ingredients are not suitable. It's... a lot of thought.

As soon as the dishes were served, Cuihua's throat twitched and she swallowed, but she was not allowed to take a few mouthfuls.Mei Fazhi took her to visit Guihuayuan East Street.

"What are you in a hurry for? After dinner, just go for a walk to digest food." Cuihua was quite dissatisfied, and complained, "Why go shopping on an empty stomach?"

"There are many delicious and interesting things in Guihuayuan," Mei Fazhi said, "Will you worry about eating and drinking after going there?"

"There is a table of dishes here..."

Mei Fazhi glared at Cuihua, who suddenly understood, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I'm not hungry now. Just go shopping and eat."

She got up quickly: "Don't waste such a table of dishes." Liu Cuihua turned her head and winked at the two of them.

It may be that Nan Wan'er is not as reserved as she seems, or it may be the effect of Gvass, the cold silence and embarrassment that Zeng Juan expected did not appear, and after a few polite words, the two chatted more openly than when they were four.

Nowadays, the most popular drink in banquets in Guangzhou is neither local wine nor Zichengji's flagship product Guoshi Wushuang, but kvass.

Kvass, a mildly alcoholic drink, has always been a "national drink" in Lingao because it was highly praised by the elders. Even after the light industry sector produced soft drinks of various flavors, including the original version of "Coke", it did not waver. its status.

The local aborigines, including the "new civil servants" who came in from Kao Gong, will naturally buy Guoshi Wushuang if they are rich, and local wine if they have no money.When Kvass first came in, it was generally considered "not strong enough, sissy" and "children's drink", so it was difficult to get on the table.However, with the arrival of a large number of Hainan naturalized cadres and veterans, this atmosphere has quietly changed.

Firstly, the taste of the ruler will always affect the whole society, since ancient times there have been people who follow the trend; secondly, the Senate hates the "wine table culture" of the old time and space. They are extremely vigilant, so it is expressly stipulated that in addition to fruit wine at high-end banquets, ordinary entertainment only uses kvass for official banquets; even the private banquets of veterans and naturalized cadres rarely use strong alcohol-drinking is a mistake. In the old time and space, the veterans saw too much. As for the third, it is also related to the new fashion: that is, there are more and more female naturalized civilian cadres who come to Guangzhou to work. They use their work ability to win respect for themselves. Naturally, their hobbies It also affects society.The combination of several factors made this national drink "noble".The folks naturally followed suit, and soft drinks like kvass became the new favorite of the wine bureau.

The conversation between the two also started from Kvass on the table. The more they talked, the more speculative they became, and the more they talked, the bolder they became. For some reason, it turned to the chiefs.

"Ever since I followed the chief, I realized that this world is so big, and the things in this matter are so wonderful. Not to mention, let's just talk about this, the song sung by the chief... oh, the song is something I have never thought of before." matter."

"Oh? The song of the chiefs? You mean "Unity is Strength"?" Nan Wan'er blushed slightly, leaning forward to support the table with her arms, her tone raised, "Or "We Workers Have Power"?"

"Huh?...haha" Zeng Juan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed "I also understand", "No, no, no, that's not what I said. I was training in the cadre school earlier and taught us to sing " We are walking on the road", the instructor asked me to lead everyone to read the words first. When I read these words and sentences that day, I really felt that they were extremely vulgar, and I felt ashamed to blush just after reading them."

Nan Wan'er giggled when she heard this, but waited for Zeng Juan to continue without saying a word.

"But it's not like that when singing." Zeng Juan picked up the cup and took a long sip, as if reminiscing the feeling at that time, "especially when everyone learned it later, when everyone stood on the playground and sang in unison, I really felt my chest surging It seems that there are thousands of troops and horses, and the phrase "if a scholar has thousands of households" is just moaning."

Next update: Volume 175 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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