Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2061

Chapter 2061

How can I be "one of my own"?

It is naturally best to do business in partnership - but it depends on the opportunity, such as the Zhang family who sells walnut cakes;What about subscribing to shares in Senate Enterprises?Not to mention that this opportunity does not come at any time, but if there is such an opportunity, with his "containment", it is simply not his turn-the upstart group headed by Gao Ju has already privately divided the stock subscription.

What's more, even if you subscribe to the shares of the Senate, you can't be regarded as the "own people" of the Senate.For the Senate, being rich is just a good customer and a good taxpayer. It will pay generous dividends, but it will not treat you as "one of its own".What's more, although He Weiwei's family is rich, it is far from being "rich".Although there are [-] mu of farmland in the countryside, there are only a few rented houses in the city.However, in Guangzhou, where there are as many big families as hair, he can only be regarded as an insignificant one.If it weren't for the two auras of Juren and Shawan He, I'm afraid they wouldn't be ranked at all.

To be "one of your own", you have to join the small circle of the Senate.

If it was in Daming, even if it is a mud-legged person, as long as he can pass the imperial examination, he can also "become a farmer in the morning and enter the Tianzitang in the evening".If you can get the fame of a lifetime member, even if you have status in the local area, the officials should be more polite.If you win the Juren, you will be among the first-class gentry.It can be regarded as "entering the circle".

What about the Great Song Dynasty Senate that came out of nowhere?Obviously, the "Civil Service Examination" held in Guangzhou is not an imperial examination—at least it is quite different from the imperial examination in Ming Dynasty.

The difference at this level is not simply the difference between "officials" and "officials", but at the examination level:

The Guangzhou Civil Service Examination is not conducted by the "Senate", but by the "Guangzhou Municipal Government".Although the host Liu Xiang is a veteran, his position is only the governor of Guangzhou.The candidates who passed the exam were also arranged for the positions of local cadres in Guangzhou.It can be seen that the civil service examination is "local".

In contrast, almost without exception, those who are truly trusted by the elders are cadres from Fangcaodi.Although they are young and most of their positions are not high, their status among the naturalized people is beyond doubt.

He Weiwang inquired a lot of news in Lingao, especially the news about Fangcaodi - he had already heard the name of this school: most of the young cadres who use things are born here.He is an out-and-out "student of the Son of Heaven".

With the wisdom of He Juren, it is natural to understand that this is the "Guozijian" of the Australians-in fact, it is more noble than the Guozijian-after all, the halo of the Guozijian students in the late Ming Dynasty has faded a lot, and they donated money to the prison There are too many people.

As long as one enters Fangcaodi, one is a "student of the Senate" - He Weiwei has seen this saying repeatedly in newspapers.Obviously——to become a member of the Senate, the fastest way right now is to go to Fangcaodi to study.

He Weiwang thought it over and over again, and made up his mind: send the child to Fangcaodi to study!
Fortunately, Fangcaodi is an "open-door school". As long as you are willing to pay tuition and living expenses, and your family background is qualified, you will be accepted.

Although the Senate has a natural sense of distrust towards the old scholars, it does not exclude their children from entering school-it may not be possible to reform the old scholars, but there is still a lot to be done if the reform is too small.

So He Weiwang's tentative inquiry received an immediate response.Zheng Shangjie said that the children of members of the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce must be "priority admissions."

He Weiwang got the letter of approval, so he considered which children to send to study at home.

When it comes to children, although there are no three wives or four concubines in his family, there is one wife and one concubine, and two house maids also gave birth to him.In total, there are seven surviving concubines and concubines, all of whom are minors.

According to the Australians, it is best to enter school at the age of six or seven, but at this age, you can't take servants to serve you. The second daughter went to Fangcaodi to go to school.

Compared with other big families sending distant relatives and nephews, at most the children of concubines, to Australian schools, He Juren's move was a groundbreaking move in Guangzhou.But it is also in line with Director Zheng's wishes.Especially when I visited Director Zheng that day, it happened that Chief Du, who came from Lingao, was also in the office. After listening to Director Zheng's introduction of his children's schooling, Chief Du was very happy to praise himself as "an enlightened and progressive Father".

He Juren really doesn't understand why it is "enlightened" to send girls to school, let alone where the "progress" lies.The reason why he sent his second daughter to study was that he could take care of his younger brother, and he heard that Australians are obsessed with women's education, even to the point of "insane".As long as he hears that parents are willing to let their daughters study, they will definitely be praised-this is a kind of favorable attitude of him.

Hearing Chief Du's remarks, it was as expected!Although He Weiwang didn't understand what it meant, it's good for Australians to be happy!

When I got home, I asked the servants to pack up and prepare to send the children to school.

On the contrary, the second aunt heard that her daughter not only did not bind her feet, but also wore a "school uniform" that exposed her arms and calves, and sat in a room with a group of men. She ran to her and cried for half a month, saying that she would not be able to marry after her daughter's reputation was ruined. Not annoying.

However, since then, Director Zheng has also gotten closer in words, and even "reminded" himself to avoid the "stamp duty case".He Juren reciprocated, not only "corporate" the industry in the city according to the requirements of the Australians, but also merged the tenanted land outside the city into the company to set up a farm, and hired Tiandihui to manage it - saving worry and effort.

Of course, this is not what He Juren really thinks.All of the above are just for the sake of settling down and continuing the family.As a noble family, he knows the importance of power. Regardless of whether the current emperor's surname is Zhu or Zhao, no one in the court is a fat pig no matter how big their family business is, and they don't even have a chance to become big.Now that Australians don't want to share the world with "scholar-bureaucrats" and only trust the "students of the Son of Heaven" they have cultivated, wouldn't it be logical to send their offspring to Australian schools to learn Australian knowledge and become Australian "cadres"?From now on, this will be the backing of my He family's new dynasty.

It was Monday. After work, Zeng Juan took his team member Mei Fazhi to the tax collection hall as usual to get a copy of last week's taxpayer's declaration and tax-paid inventory.The collection period is coming to an end, the hall is relatively empty, and a group of girls are worrying about having nothing to talk about. Seeing that this person is the hero of the "stamp tax case" that is now known all over the city, it is inevitable to crowd around and make fun of it.

"Where there is, it all depends on the guidance of the chiefs, and everyone's support for the task force. I just obey orders, and it's not worth mentioning."

"Team leader Zeng is indeed educated, and he even said polite words so politely..."

"Leader Zeng, I heard that the news about Luo's family was first revealed to you by our sister Nan. Do you have to thank our sister Nan..."

"Yes, yes, this is natural." Zeng Juan habitually wanted to bow his hands but found it inappropriate, so he imitated the appearance of a naturalized citizen in Lingao, bowed slightly to Nan Wan'er and nodded, "Director Nan , if you hadn't reminded me of Luo's stamp duty, how could there be follow-ups..."

"Leader Zeng, don't say that, it's all my own job..." Nan Wan'er responded lightly.

"Sister Nan... I think you are more polite than Team Leader Zeng." Liu Cuihua knelt on the stool and wrapped her arms around Nan Wan'er's neck from behind, pouted at Zeng, "Group Leader Zeng, the chief will give you credit soon Yes. What an honor, our Finance and Taxation Bureau opened the first one. If you want me to say that you have to treat our sister Nan to a meal, you can say it. There is no class tonight~"

"Cuihua don't make trouble, go down." Nan Wan'er opened Liu Cuihua's arm, "Group Leader Zeng, you don't have to listen to her, she's just a child..."


"A Juan" team member Mei Fazhi posted it on Zeng Juan's ear, "I also think Director Nan has helped you a lot, and you didn't say you couldn't justify it."

Zeng Juan calmed down and thought, Mei Fazhi was right, it was a bit inappropriate to just say thank you lightly, and immediately said that he would invite Nan Wan'er to dinner to express his gratitude.Seeing that she couldn't evade it, Nan Wan'er simply glanced at the girls around her: "Team leader Zeng treats guests, who will go?"

"Sister Nan, Team Leader Renzeng invited you. What are you calling us for, aren't you?"

"Although the Australian light bulb is bright, it cannot be lit anytime and anywhere."

"Hahahaha." Nan Wan'er blushed, provoked by laughter in the room.

"Team Leader Zeng, I have accepted my wish, but I still can't pass it..."

"Don't, Sister Nan, I'll accompany you to the head office. Team leader Zeng doesn't care about the many people who are looting." Nan Wan'er was about to refuse, when Liu Cuihua suddenly jumped out again.

"..." Nan Wan'er thought to herself, you glutton!But now Zeng Juan took up the conversation
"That can't be better. Director Nan, if there is nothing special tonight, let's make it so."

The sun was still far from setting, and Zeng Juan arrived at the hotel early.Although he had never been to this place, but he could catch Zhang Yu's eyes, so it wouldn't be too bad.This restaurant was originally the largest in the Lin family's business: "Zhanxianglou".The restaurant is built along the water, not only the carved beams and paintings, but also a part protruding from the water, shaped like a water pavilion. In autumn, when the wine is facing the wind, the water flows under your feet, just like a fairy.

After Lin Zunxiu and his son were hanged, it was taken over by Ziminglou. Not only did the name change from the elegant "Zhanxianglou" to the down-to-earth "Mixiangju", but the price also dropped by more than half. Those who eat food can set a good table even if they bite their teeth.Besides, Ziminglou's reputation is really a bit inappropriate for people with official status like them.And if this "Mixiangju" hadn't been involved in the Finance and Taxation Bureau and knew some inside information, I'm afraid that like others, it would only think that it was the property of the Guangzhou government officials.
Next update: Volume 174 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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