Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2060 The Dust Settles

Chapter 2060 The Dust Settles
He Juren sat behind the table in the study, looking at the paper in his hand with a blank face, but he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

Is this what the "important notice" for Australians looks like?It's just a few lines of small words on a thin piece of white paper. To be honest, even Haizhun's documents are not so shabby.Shabby is shabby, but since "Invitation Letter" is written in the middle of the header, at least it should be packed with a booklet.It seems that this group of rough blanks really lost all etiquette.

"Only this one?" He Juren raised his eyebrows, and looked at the steward He Si who was holding his hands and holding his breath.

"Master, it's really only this one. After I got it, I dawdled around in the room on purpose. I saw that all the housekeepers got this thin paper, and there was nothing else. Even the steward Yan of Gao's house is also like this."

"If there are no other documents, does the book office of the Federation of Industry and Commerce have any other verbal explanations?"

"Go back to the master, but there is nothing else. Don't worry, the master, you won't be confused about this kind of thing. When I entered the room, I was led to line up at the table. Everyone got a paper and signed on a notebook. The book office is young, and apart from asking the master's name, he didn't say anything superfluous."

After listening to He Si's report, He Juren picked up the paper again and looked at it in noncommittal.There are only a few words on the paper, but it is not a big deal.It just means that after five days, the yamen in Guangzhou, no, the court, will hear the "stamp tax case" not long ago. Welcome to attend and so on.

It's an "invitation letter" rather than a "notification letter"—yes, a "notification letter"!He Juren thought of this "new vocabulary".Everything about Australians is so cold, without politeness.

As for the case, the case is not uncommon. This is what has been rumored in the streets and alleys recently.Not only was it published in the "Yangcheng Express", but it was also wildly rumored by countless people in the teahouse, especially Chu Xiaoran's suicide, which added a bit of legendary color to this case.

Of course, as a "literate person" who is literate, He Juren disdains to listen to this interpretation of after-dinner conversation. Australian newsprint is his favorite to read during this time.

Although He Wei is just a juren, he is a member of the famous Shawan He family in Guangzhou.Speaking of this family, it can be called "like a thunderbolt" in Guangzhou and even Guangdong.Since the Song Dynasty, he has been the wealthiest and most powerful clan landlord in the Pearl River Delta region. Thanks to the benefits gained from the extensive development of Shatian, his sons' imperial examinations were very prosperous, which further consolidated the power and cohesion of the He family in Shawan.In the Ming and Qing dynasties, most of the officials of the Shawan Inspection Department were monopolized by the surname He.

However, it was precisely because the family's reputation was too prominent that He Wei felt uneasy.

The Australians are fine and strict under the control, and practice the rule of legalists.Most of the clans that monopolize local power will not have a good face.It's nice to be the emperor of a local tyrant, but being liquidated by the real emperor is a disaster of ruining the family!So he is always studying the movements of the Australians, not only for himself, but also for the family to avoid disaster.

He Wei and Liu Dalin have an old relationship.So at the beginning of the year, he specially went to Lingao to visit Liu Dalin.After returning, He Juren gradually understood the meaning behind the newspaper article, and felt that this Australian was really interesting, and this kind of "temple calculation" thing actually wanted to be "publicized".The only thing Mr. Zhao couldn't understand was the last sentence of the "invitation letter", "Institutions and individuals who have received the notice, if they decide to participate in the court hearing, please go to the Guangzhou City Court to register within three days."

He Juren can read Newspeak well now, but he can't figure out the minds of Australians.Combined with the previous "public trial conference", is it possible that inviting people to sit in is the law of judging cases in Australia?Or are you going to kill a few "chickens" to let them see the blood?

Seeing the master nodding his head slightly, He Si took another half step forward and said in a low voice: "Master, do you want the younger one to go to the court to register first?"

"No hurry." He Juren put down the notice, took a sip of the teacup, and then said slowly, "Just now you said you saw Guan Shi? Didn't you ask Master Gao how to deal with this?"

"Go back to the master, I just asked about it. The Gao family is not coping, it's just flattering, and Yan Guan does not shy away from others. He yelled loudly and went to the court to register when he left the door of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Master, do you think we are right?" and also……"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Hearing this, He Juren opened the folding fan with a smile on his eyes and shook it gently, "It won't be too late for you to go tomorrow."

He Juren did not guess wrong at all. Although He Si delayed registering with the court until the next afternoon, he still got a relatively high position in the queue.On the day of the trial, there were almost no people in the auditorium except those who were "invited".This is not because the citizens of Guangzhou have lost interest in the trial of the Senate, but because even if the trial is scheduled for the weekend, the naturalized migrant workers who work in two shifts and the naturalized migrant cadres who are always on holidays have no time to go. The natives of Guangzhou, who have just gotten rid of the situation of not working and not eating, have no concept of weekends at all, not to mention that this is not a public trial, but a trial in a yamen. Many people are habitually afraid, so how dare they join in the fun? .

Due to the clear facts and the fact that the main members of the Lin family confessed to the crime, the trial process was basically a formality. Although it took a lot of evidence to read the evidence and witnesses to testify, the trial process was very smooth and there were no extra problems.

The final verdict was both reasonable and unexpected.It is reasonable that when the sentence was pronounced, Chief Liang said that the Lin family had a huge amount of tax evasion and had a bad social impact. After the implementation of the collection and management measures, they still did not stop, and deliberately concealed assets, made false declarations, and committed the crime of tax evasion. Therefore, Lin Yigong, Four people including Lin Zunxiu, Lin Er, and Lin Sui were sentenced to death, and their illegal gains were confiscated and fined; 31 people including Lin Zunjing, Lin Zunde, Cai Kun, Sun Rang, and Huo Bingnian were sentenced to exile.The place of exile can be chosen from Hongji in Vietnam, Kaohsiung in Taiwan, or Jeju Island.Confiscation of illegal gains and fines.Unexpectedly, many close relatives of the Lin family were acquitted, and none of the women's family members were sold off. Even the family members of the criminals allowed them to leave some property and shelter. Prevent.

Due to the large number of people involved in the tax case, the trial lasted until the afternoon. When Liang Xinhu's gavel was struck and the trial was announced to be over, when the crowd dispersed, He Wei's legs went numb.He could only limped out of the courtroom with his numb legs—the Australians were not used to sitting on the bench, and he didn't dare to move around after sitting down in the morning. It's gone, but I can only grit my teeth and persist, but fortunately, it seems that the other masters are not much better, and this not-so-high master is also walking slowly beside him.

Seeing the master coming out, all the housekeepers and personal servants waiting outside the gate rushed up.

"Master, are you alright?" He Si helped He Juren to avoid the crowd, sat on the chairs and stools that had been prepared, and presented a cup of warm tea.A servant hurriedly knelt down and beat his leg.

"It's not in the way." He Juren didn't care about his appearance at this moment, and stretched his legs comfortably, "I just realized after hearing this morning that the Senate is really different from Daming."

Unlike ordinary people in the market who talk about Luo and Shi's "rebellious crimes", He Juren and Mr. Gao are more concerned about the handling of the Lin family.The historians of the Luo family have long been doomed to death, and the "public prosecution" and "defense" of the Australians are nothing more than eye-catching "jobs". .But the Lin family is different. Although they do not pay the royal grain and state taxes, they should be punished. The fines for confiscation of the house are all in line with the king's law, but this is the king's law for dealing with mud legs.Scholars naturally have the king's law of scholars.

It's a pity that the public prosecution of the "stamp duty case" that started first in the morning made him terrified.Listening to the tone of the Australian cadres in the morning, I thought that Mr. Lin would spend money to buy peace, and I was afraid that it would not work.

He didn't expect that two cadres who looked like young Australians could strip such a big family like the Lin family so clean.Those activities are all ins and outs, the ins and outs, and they are clearly explained, as if they have done it by hand, and they are very capable of senior officials.But who hasn't done these things in Guangzhou?Even he himself is familiar with the way.

He Juren breathed a sigh of relief and looked around, and found that apart from Zhang Yuzhi, all the old acquaintances in the past, including Mr. Gao, had gloomy faces.If the people involved in the witchcraft case and the clean-up of the Guandi Temple after the city was broken were ignorant, they deserved the crime for touching the "Ni Lin".Obviously, what the Lin family committed today is really a bit of a "big fuss" in the eyes of everyone.Everyone is unavoidably panicked, for fear that the Australians will be involved in the crime.

Thinking of this, He Juren is more and more grateful that he went to Lingao to visit Liu Jinshi.If Liu Dalin's words hadn't awakened the dreamer, I'm afraid there would be his name on the documents in the hands of the two young men today.

What's more, Liu Jinshi said more than that, which is why he can sit here today without any disturbances and even a little bit of joy watching other people's faces full of sadness.Because he has already understood that for Australians, the only things he can count on are the business in the city and the land in the countryside. Australians don't recognize anything about raising people or aristocratic families.Even buying and selling land, you have to be law-abiding and obedient people to hold it. Otherwise, a "law" is the day when the house is destroyed.As for the official matter, He Juren couldn't help but laugh when he recalled that when the Federation of Industry and Commerce was established, he held high the state of deliberate profiteering.After all, Director Zheng is just a girl, so why do you have to think of yourself as your father-in-law, Mr. Gao?Can't you see why this Australian is so indifferent to people like you and me?

In fact, He Juren didn't see it at the beginning, but after returning from Lingao, he realized that no matter how hard he tried to please him, he could not be the "one of us" of the Australians.But how can such a small matter be difficult for He Juren?
Next update: Volume 173 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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