Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2059 Temporary Workout

Chapter 2059 Temporary Workout
"Ambassador Ku's errand is very fat. I remember he will take care of the mine."

"Yes." Wang Qiyi drank his saliva and continued, "I am afraid that the Liang family's assets in the local area are not small. We can start from here to attack from the root. We also have an advantage: Foshan will soon become The Senate's 'governance model area', the eyes of the entire Senate will be fixed on it - it is much more convenient for us to coordinate various local forces."

"Governance model? Not even a veteran county magistrate, how can you master this spirit." Zhang Xiaoqi wondered.

"You don't know about that." Ai Zhixin said, "You didn't go to the last district meeting to convey the documents, and the report said that young elders over the age of [-] will be arranged to take up positions soon-the place is in Foshan. "

"So that's it! Such a luxurious lineup!" Zhang Xiaoqi said in surprise.

"That's right, ultra-luxury plastic surgery. This can be regarded as cultivating the third echelon."

"Isn't it a little rash to let such a group of children go down to the grassroots to take temporary positions? It can't be what Chairman Qian meant." Zhang Xiaoqi didn't quite agree.

"He must have meant it. But everyone has this idea." Ai Zhixin said, "By the way, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Ju, your family's daughter is going to Foshan for a second job, and the notice will probably be sent soon. "

Zhang Xiaoqi murmured: "Is this appropriate? I always feel a little weird."

"What's inappropriate." Wang Qiyi's face was happy, "Mu Qing is not young anymore, it's time to come out and practice in practice—he will be a successor in the future!"

"I also don't think there is anything inappropriate. How old is Xiao Zhang when he came to Guangzhou? Maybe eighteen. Now he is the principal of the Guangzhou Cadre School, and he has done a good job."

Zhang Xiaoqi was worried: "She's still young—and she's a girl, so I'm worried about being sent to the public security area..." As he said that, he got up and went to get the telegram book.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Wang Qiyi stopped his wife.

"Go and send a telegram to the general office, saying that I don't agree with Xiao Qing's coming to Foshan for a second job—even if he wants to take a second job, he has to arrange it in Guangzhou."

"Everyone goes, but she doesn't go alone, it's not appropriate..."

"I don't care, Xiaoqing can't go to Foshan to take a second job anyway!"

Wang Qiyi quickly persuaded, saying, "This is the unified arrangement of the Senate, and it is too special and inappropriate."However, Zhang Xiaoqi's attitude is very firm, saying that this matter is not negotiable: if you want to take a second job, you can, but you must be in Guangzhou.

"If Bureau Zhang really insists so much, I think he might as well join our Finance and Taxation Bureau." Ai Zhixin persuaded, "I have the qualifications for secondment. And the work of the Finance and Taxation Bureau is also very heavy—we are handling a big case again. , Let Xiao Qing also use his name to participate."

Wang Qiyi glared at Ai Zhixin, and secretly scolded you for disturbing the muddy water!It would be of no benefit to Wang Muqing's future development if he really had to arrange it with the Finance and Taxation Bureau.

However, this suggestion obviously touched Zhang Xiaoqi's heart. She hesitated and said, "The Finance and Taxation Bureau is the department where we are in the leadership position. This is not appropriate."

"A virtuous person does not avoid relatives!" Ai Zhixin said, "Chairman Qian's daughter became the first secretary of the Yuanqing League, and he didn't say it was inappropriate. He also actively participated in the activities of the Yuanqing League to give his daughter a platform. Besides, The seat of the senator is hereditary, no matter where it is arranged, it is for training for future leadership positions, what is there to worry about?"

These words made Wang Qiyi speechless.Indeed, he is not a "civil servant" working for the government, but the "government" himself.From this point of view, Ai Zhixin is right.

Ai Zhixin became more energetic now. "Besides, Director Zhang, you are the pillar of our bureau. My daughter must be worried about going to Foshan, and she must not be able to work well. This may have a great impact on the work of our Finance and Taxation Bureau..."

Seeing that his wife was about to be fooled by Ai Zhixin, Wang Qiyi quickly interrupted: "I think we must respect our daughter's opinion on this matter! Sister Zhang, haven't you always followed this education policy? Let the children decide for themselves Let them decide for themselves, and parents should not interfere and make more arrangements."

This can be regarded as an anti-command to Zhang Xiaoqi's army. Seeing his wife thinking about it, Wang Qiyi resorted to the law of delay: "The matter of temporary training does not start right away. Let's go back and discuss it carefully, and ask Xiaoqing's own opinion." Opinion, do you think this is good?"

After being told by him, Zhang Xiaoqi also felt that the matter of generating electricity that he was going to generate soon was a little too much, so he stopped and prepared to go back and "make a good calculation".Wang Qiyi yelled secretly, "It's dangerous!".This time, the crisis was postponed for the time being. As for how to persuade his wife next, Director Wang has naturally practiced like a fire. Even if he is not very sure, he will still be able to succeed.

"It's all little veterans who are on hold. Someone must be in charge, right?" Zhang Xiaoqi continued to ask.

"Of course there are benefits. I read the documents. One is that Ye Mengyan accompanied us all the way. Xiaoye, you know that although he is of the same generation as us, his actual age is not a few years older than the children." Wang Qiyi said, "He was also a military cadre. He will certainly have no problem leading the team to keep the kids safe. Administratively, someone else will be at the helm."


"Jiang Yuanzhi. He is now the administrative commissioner of the Guangzhou area. He leads a team of about 20 people. He is responsible for patrolling the prefectures and counties in the Guangzhou area that do not have senior county magistrates." Wang Qiyi explained.

"Jiang Yuanzhi—he used to teach in the Vocational Education Department of Fangcaodi, and he also taught finance and abacus calculation in our taxation class..." Zhang Xiaoqi and Jiang Yuanzhi obviously knew him better after being colleagues
"Abacus? He can make abacus?" Ai Zhixin was a little surprised.

"Why not? He won an award in abacus calculation when he was young. Otherwise, I wouldn't invite him to teach."

"No wonder he is as thin as an abacus. Since we are familiar, it will be easy to handle. We went to Foshan to handle the case, which happened to be the time when the little veteran came to take up his post. We can let them mix in a little bit, so that the strength will be stronger. Hmm, policy steps can be made bigger..."

As soon as Wang Qiyi heard it, he knew that he was going to use the little veteran as a shield-the little veteran went down to take up his post, and the tolerance of the Senate would naturally be much higher.

"We still try our best to grasp this according to the policy."

"Boss Zhang, I'll have to bother you two for specifics at that time."

Hearing what Ai Zhixin said, Zhang Xiaoqi also politely said, "Hehe, it's fine. Who asked you to put him in the position of team leader..."

"Zhang Ju, you are humble. I see that no one in this team is more suitable than Wang Ju. I agree with what you said! Let's start from Foshan. I will contact Jiang Yuanzhi tomorrow morning."

"You can pull it down..." Wang Qiyi didn't think I didn't know what you were thinking, "No one is more suitable than me. There are only three people in this room..."


Now that things at work have settled down, the three of them naturally feel more relaxed.Ai Zhixin habitually joked with Wang Qiyi and his wife, "How is the effect of the 'breeding class' that you two have set up now?"

The breeding class is Ai Zhixin's joking name for the recent after-school training of the Finance and Taxation Bureau.This proposal was put forward by Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi.The truth is, many of the single naturalized civilian cadres who were born as students in Fangcaodi are around 20 years old. In Ming Dynasty, both men and women are considered to be completely late married.Once this young man is not bound, his mind will be unstable, not to mention the lessons learned by Han Yue.

Du Yibin and Wang Jun's group wedding gave them an idea - since the Senate can "arrange marriages", it can also promote "free love" and give young men and women more opportunities to meet.

So Wang Qiyi recently not only reduced the frequency of after-school training to give them time to go shopping, but also only talked about halftime in each class.After that, those who have a family can go home, and single cadres continue to study by themselves.Wang Qiyi didn't stay in the classroom and watch, but closed the door and let them make trouble.At the beginning, these young people were still nervous and honestly reading books there. Later, they found out that Chief Wang would not come back at all. It was very lively.

After more than a month, according to Ai Zhixin and Wang Qiyi's observations, there were at least three couples within the Finance and Taxation Bureau. Of course, whether they can get married in the end is another matter, but at least they have made a good start.During a meal, Ai Zhixin boasted to the other veterans at the table. Given the ratio of male to female among the naturalized civilian cadres, many people wanted to find a wife for their subordinates at the Finance and Taxation Bureau where there were many girls.So first Mu Min took the lead, and then everyone encouraged Wang Qiyi to take the lead, and organized "training" for single naturalized cadres within the municipal government and various units stationed in Guangzhou according to the model of the Finance and Taxation Bureau.

"You are the breeding station." Zhang Xiaoqi sat down next to Wang Qiyi with a cup, not annoyed, "Your brother Wang is the leading cadre who really cares about comrades..."

"Let's go..." Wang Qiyi's face was not as good as his wife's, "I'm miserable now. Do you know how many people are there? There are more than 100 people in the early stage. Liu Xiang is still pretending to be stupid, screaming non-stop, They are bragging about promoting experience. What else is there to train, just change Zhang Yunmi’s cadre school into a blind date corner.”

"That's different, Yun Mi is still a big girl..." Ai Zhixin's eyelids twitched when Zhang Yunmi was mentioned.

"Don't talk about this, why are the others different"

"Here, this is study. Can things between classmates be called blind dates?" Thinking about the situation of Wang Qiyi and his wife, Ai Zhixin waved to him and said, "You don't just do it, where are you?" It’s not that if you feel that the business is not good, you can just use the big class outline compiled by Liu Xiang before and make nonsense. Then grab a few strong men from various departments.”

"Too many people... Let's do it in batches, each time no more than 40 people." Wang Qiyi expressed his surrender
"It's all right, anyway, I haven't done the job of introducing someone to someone, hahaha, old Wang, it's too much work for you two capable people."
Next update: Volume 172 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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