Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2090 Zhu Mingxia's Combat Determination

Chapter 2090 Zhu Mingxia's Combat Determination
Zhaoqing prefecture governs Deqing Prefecture, Gaoyao, Sihui, Xinxing, Yangjiang, Yangchun, Guangning, Gaoming and Enping, a total of 1 prefecture and 8 counties.There is also Luoding Zhili Prefecture on the side of the Xijiang River. Although it is not under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing, it is actually within the scope of Zhaoqing Prefecture.Not only does it have a large jurisdiction and many mountainous areas, but there are Yaodongs in counties, and the Han-Yao conflicts in some remote counties have never subsided.Internal and external security pressure is enormous.Especially in Luoding Prefecture, because of the Yao chaos, the Ming army set up East and West Mountains to guard against Yao generals here, with nearly 5000 troops stationed here.If they don't have enough vigilante forces to take on the defense, the whole area will quickly be thrown into chaos.

The number of the national army who came to take over from the Guangzhou area was extremely limited, and it was impossible to control such a large area.

Now that Zhaoqing has fallen, and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi has fled, if the battalions or guards stationed in "Fangyao" in various places collapse immediately, the already precarious public security situation will explode in an instant.

Zhu Mingxia looked at the Ming army's garrisons and city fortifications marked on the map. These defense lines should not only prevent them from disintegrating, but also try to maintain their stability as much as possible.Even if they are corrupt and incompetent, at least in history they have maintained the basic defense zone.

As long as the garrison of the guard can keep its garrison point, which is often a key location for local traffic, then the Fubo Army can be used as a mobile force to carry out rapid fixed-point strikes.His troops were extremely limited. In addition to dealing with the Yao people's riots that might break out at any time, he also had to be alert to the Ming army's counterattack from Guangxi.

Although the Fubo army has great advantages in equipment, too few troops is always a fatal injury.Therefore, Zhu Mingxia's first priority is not to march into Wuzhou, but to settle down the local troops.

Zhu Mingxia's staff officer took out a large stack of kraft paper envelopes from his briefcase.

"This is a complaint from the Senate of the Great Song Dynasty," Zhu Mingxia said, "I am now appointing you as Zhaoqing Xuanfu envoys of the Great Song Dynasty, and will go to various places in the Zhaoqing mansion to recruit troops from the puppet Ming Dynasty. You should inform the generals and officials everywhere, as long as you accept the seal sincerely Those who surrender will be given to the officials of the Great Song Dynasty to sue."

These complaints are all the official titles of "Temporary X Brigade Captain, Deputy Brigade Leader, and Squadron Leader of the Guangdong Corps of the National Army".

Even if it is tofu residue, it has to continue to be blocked in various vital places.Buy some more time for the Senate.

The faces of the demoted officials are all shining. Although it is a little risky to recruit and surrender, if they succeed, they will benefit a lot.In particular, most of the officers in the local villages are related to each other, even if they fail to surrender, they will not lose their lives.

"Anyone who is willing to surrender must hand in the fake seal letter and write an oath of allegiance to the Senate!"

"Here, the humble rank knows!"

After sending these "Xuan Fu envoys" out, Zhu Mingxia summoned Lan Rutian and others non-stop, asking him to find a guide immediately so that he could send people to take over the states and counties under Zhaoqing Prefecture as soon as possible.According to the current situation, if a small number of troops and a few local people are sent to surrender, there will be no resistance in most states and counties.Most of the county magistrates either committed suicide or abandoned their officials and fled.Although the Guihuamin cadres are not fully in place yet, in order to maintain local security, the county government of each county must be taken over as soon as possible.

He looked at the military map on the wall. He walked up the West River from Zhaoqing Prefecture, and there were several prefectures and counties such as Deqing Prefecture, Luoding Prefecture, and Fengchuan County before Wuzhou.According to the information from the brigade's long-range reconnaissance company and the military intelligence center: the Ming army's heavy troops originally stationed in these counties, especially the east and west mountain generals stationed in Luoding, and the more than 5000 battalions guarding the middle road have all retreated to Wuzhou .Those who remained in the local area were mainly the cavalry troops from the guards and villages scattered in various places.In addition, he has already sent people to surrender, so the military pressure to march is not great.The real hard bone is in Wuzhou!

It's a pity that I failed to recruit Dongxishan ginseng generals!Zhu Mingxia was a little regretful. The troops belonging to Dongxishan Fangyao General were the most effective troops in the Ming army in western Guangdong. If they could be recruited, at least he would be able to sit back and relax temporarily on Fangyao.

The informant did make an effort: but the two mountain ginseng generals and the guard in the middle road seemed to have limited understanding of the prestige of the Senate, and they were determined to be loyal to Daming, not only refused, but also beheaded the general who was sent to recruit him.

"Ask Schneider of the task force to come to me." Zhu Mingxia ordered.

On April 1635, 4, Zhu Mingxia's ship arrived in Fengchuan County.Basically the same as he estimated, the troops did not encounter large-scale resistance along the way.Luoding, Deqing and other places were waiting for the wind, and the main force of the first brigade also entered Fengchuan County on April 10.

At the moment, there are large and small ships of the Pearl River Task Force West Detachment moored on the river.This small county at the junction of Guangdong and Guangxi has so many people rushing in at once, breaking the silence of the past.Zhu Mingxia set up his headquarters on the South Gate Tower of Fengchuan County.He ordered a holy boat and looked at the rows of tents in the open space at the south gate. The soldiers of the Fubo Army were busy, and from time to time they shouted loud slogans: "Go to Wuzhou and capture Xiong Wencan alive! "

The slogans were shouted loudly, but Zhu Mingxia understood that slogans were slogans after all, and Xiong Wencan would not wait obediently in Wuzhou to be arrested. Facing the front of the Fubo Army, he might run to Guilin in no time.It is more likely that he stayed in Wuzhou to defend, and finally committed suicide by breaking the city-the death of a standard governor.

Most of the senators have an inexplicable sympathy for Xiong Wencan. They always feel that this governor who wants to appease him will have a lot of common language with the Senate. up.It would be a pity to die like this.

Zhu Mingxia wasn't very interested in capturing Xiong Wencan alive. What he was interested in was fighting a beautiful battle of annihilation in Wuzhou.Take this most important strategic node in Guangdong and Guangxi, and block the way for the Ming army to come from the east.

But it is not easy to fight a war of annihilation. There is a saying in the art of war: ten times to encircle and five times to attack, but Zhu Mingxia's troops are less than 4000 people, including the sailors on the Pearl River Task Force, there are only 5000 people.

According to intelligence, Xiong Wencan has already assembled under the city of Wuzhou, Guangdong Fangyao Dongshan Xishan General and Guangxi Xunwu Zuo General, with a total of more than [-] battalions; More than a thousand people, more than a thousand people in the Wuzhou naval battalion, counting the local guards in Wuzhou and the village braves, Xiong Wencan has more than [-] troops, and it is not as easy to deal with as before in Zhaoqing.

At present, the ratio between the enemy and the enemy is about two to one, which is not too great. The ratio of the enemy and the enemy in the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign that year reached more than three to one, and the Fubo Army still won.But the problem is that back then, the Fubo Army waited for work with leisure, but now it is the other way around. Xiong Wencan's troops of more than 1 people are nestled in Wuzhou City, and they will never "fight in wild waves" with the Fubo Army.

According to the internal intelligence of Xiong Wencan's shogunate forwarded by the intelligence center, Xiong Wencan's will to defend the city in Wuzhou is very firm-it is impossible for him not to be firm.He lost Guangzhou first, and then Zhaoqing. The court has not punished him for his crimes, but it does not mean that he has forgiven him-holding Wuzhou is his last chance to make amends.

If it was a field battle, Zhu Mingxia didn't care about Xiong Wencan's more than 1 people at all. For the first mixed brigade, there were only more than 1 dead bodies or prisoners.The problem is that Xiong Wencan now plans to refuse the city and stick to it, relying on Wuzhou's city defense and the surrounding terrain to deal with the Fubo army to the end.

Since D-Day, the Fubo army has never conducted a fortified battle against a heavily fortified city. The Pearl River Estuary invasion campaign was not aimed at capturing Guangzhou, but was only a demonstration of launching rockets; as for their advances in Hainan and Guangdong, either Either there is an internal response to open the door, or the city is not strong enough to fight and the troops are insufficient, so they are often easily captured.

Wuzhou City, more than 20 kilometers away, will be the first strong city laid down by the Fubo Army, a city guarded by a large number of troops.

But Zhu Mingxia couldn't tell how much he would have to pay to take down Wuzhou City. Originally, the brigade commander of the first mixed brigade was Youhuo, but the South China Army Headquarters considered Youhuo to be brave, but it was still too reckless, fearing that he would suffer under Wuzhou city , just temporarily changed the generals, swapping Zhu Mingxia and You Huhu.What the South China Army Headquarters considers is not whether or not Wuzhou City can be defeated, but to minimize the loss of Wuzhou City as much as possible.

Since ancient times, in any battle of fortification, the defensive side has the best ground. No matter how powerful the attacking side's army is, it will inevitably be ashamed in front of a heavily fortified city.In this time and space, the Guanning Army relied on the cities and fortresses centered on Shanhaiguan, Ningyuan, and Jinzhou in the Liaoxi Corridor to block the wild boar skin for many years.Facing a strong city, if it cannot be conquered quickly, a long siege will not only cause more losses, but also restrain a large number of viable forces.This is also the last place the South China Army wants to see.

He carefully studied the terrain of Wuzhou.From the map point of view: Wuzhou's terrain is not complicated.The city is backed by mountains and rivers. Another name given to Wuzhou by Wuzhou people is "Mountain City".There are many mountains around, and it is likely to have developed from the village at the foot of the mountain.From Fengchuan, you can go directly to the current urban area by waterway.This terrain is really difficult to form a siege in the era of cold weapons, especially it is difficult to siege Wuzhou to death.However, the long-range firepower of the Fubo Army has a great advantage. Find a shoal to land, and then seize a hill, and set up artillery to pour firepower into the city.It is not easy to completely block the city, but breaking the city is not difficult at all. The thing to pay attention to is to control the river branch.

It's a pity that because of the shoal of Xintan, the two submersible heavy artillery ships of the Xijiang Squadron could not reach Fengchuan, and only those gunboats could reach Wuzhou.But gunboats are enough to block the river.As for the heavy artillery used in sieges, mortars can be transported by large boats.

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
 Chapter 296 of Volume [-]*Guangzhou Governance will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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