Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2091

Chapter 2091

The superior artillery fire is Zhu Mingxia's biggest reliance. In previous battles, the artillery shooting often caused the enemy troops who were not determined to fight to retreat quickly;

The only thing to worry about is getting into a street fight with the defenders.There are also examples of street fighting after breaking the city in history.Especially when the army is in a desperate situation, it will often fight to the death under the leadership of an officer who takes the lead.This is the last thing he wants to see—street fighting will not only hurt innocent people and destroy public and private property, but also make it impossible for the Fubo Army to exert its superiority in firepower and increase casualties.

However, in ancient siege battles, breaking the city most of the time meant the end of the battle.Organized large-scale street fighting is rare.

For the sake of caution, his staff members are making a simple street sand table model based on the city map sent by the intelligence department, so as to deal with street fighting.

In Wuzhou City, more than 20 kilometers away, Xiong Wencan had just received a report from Tangma in the state office. The Australian army had already arrived in Fengchuan City, and they were preparing their horses and soldiers, and they would approach the city in a short time.

"Have the Australian gunboats ever crossed New Beach?"

In the previous battles, the inland river gunships left a deep impression on them, not only because they could go upstream without wind, but more importantly, the "big guns" on them: the loud noise during shelling, the thick smoke ejected , The roar of the explosion often makes the officers and soldiers frightened.

"The biggest one stayed in Zhaoqing and didn't go up." Tang Ma replied, "The two big water ships are moored outside Fengchuan City."

Xiong Wencan waved his hand, turned Tang Ma away, and ordered the servants to invite all the staff.He sat on the grand teacher's chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind.The Kun thief caught up so quickly, which did not surprise him: it is not the style of the Australians to dawdle. These people are fast and decisive in everything, and now they are fighting smoothly. Naturally, they will not be delayed on the road. They must be along the river. And go straight to Wuzhou!

Anyone who has a little understanding of the military geography of Guangdong and Guangxi knows that Wuzhou is the key between Guangdong and Guangxi.This is the land that the Australians must seize, and naturally it is also the land that he must defend.

If this city is not guarded, not only will the gates of Guangxi be opened, but the imperial court will counterattack Guangdong in the future, which will be like climbing the road to Shu!In this way, the emperor is determined not to spare himself!Xiong Wencan is well aware that the current emperor has a bad temper and kills ministers at every turn.He had no choice but to commit suicide and die in the city with his body.

Thinking of this, Xiong Wencan broke into a cold sweat—the time left for him is running out, and he must come up with a solution as soon as possible!
Ever since the Kun bandits seized Guangzhou, he has sent people to the capital for activities, throwing large sums of gold and silver at the big bosses of the imperial court, firstly to buy time for himself—it would be best if he could be transferred, and secondly, to find out the identity of the Kun bandits in the court. manner.Is there any resistance to my own "care bureau".

This matter has already cost him a lot of money—he is not a money-hungry person, he has received huge bribes from Zheng Zhilong when he was the governor of Fujian alone—but compared with his black hat and life, money is nothing .If the black yarn is not lost, the gold and silver treasures will naturally flow in.

Xiong Wencan does not want to fight, nor is he good at fighting.When he was the governor of Fujian, he recruited Zheng Zhilong, and later he was promoted to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. The court also pointed out that he could recruit Liu Xiang and those thieves who were entrenched in Lingao.The imperial court regarded Xiong Wencan as a capable minister who could calm Fujian, Guangdong and Yangzhou, but this matter was far beyond Xiong Wencan's ability.

For the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Zhilong, Liu Xiang, and even those Franji people, these pirates who ran rampant in Fujian and Guangdong, were nothing more than a disease of mustard moss-this judgment is not wrong, because the plot of these few families is only "Wealth"; while the Australians and their ilk are "enemy countries" who built their own country like slaves.

Recruitment has always been based on the premise of strength. Xiong Wencan was able to recruit Zheng Zhilong relying on the financial resources of the entire Fujian. Even though Zheng Zhilong ran rampant in Fujian and Guangdong, he did not have the strength to bring down the entire Fujian Province.Accepting appeasement became his wisest choice.So Zheng Zhilong became Xiong Wencan's pawn and a thug with peace of mind, defending the border and guarding the soil for Xiong Wencan, and Xiong Wencan was also happy to create momentum for this thug.

He was able to win over Zheng Zhilong back then, but he couldn't win over the Australians.Australians are not born in the middle of the country, that is, they have no love for homeland, and no friendship with the country party, so they cannot use the love of the country to win over them; when it comes to wealth, they have long been wealthy, even if it is the wealth of Guangdong and Guangxi. No match for it.In terms of tacitly allowing them to occupy land, their appetite is much greater than that of Zheng Zhilong, who can be satisfied with Zhangzhou Bay.

What kind of price can Xiong Wencan offer to make these Australians feel at ease?

The only thing that can make the thieves sit down to negotiate is a victory.

But this victory is easier said than done!He is very clear: no matter whether they are fighting in the wild or defending against the city, officers and soldiers are not opponents of thieves.Even though I have many soldiers and generals, I don't have much chance of winning.

Quite a few of his staff, officials and generals are optimistic, thinking that Wuzhou City has enough food, and there are more than 1 soldiers guarding it. A year and a half is not a problem.Another part of the staff firmly opposed to defending the city: because Guangzhou also had "a lot of strong soldiers" back then, and there were many forts set up along the river above Humen.Their idea is to abandon Wuzhou immediately and retreat to Guilin.

He felt that these two arguments were not very reliable.

"Sir, the gentlemen are here..." His entourage whispered in his ear, "They are waiting for orders."

Xiong Wencan opened his eyes and said, "Please!"

There are many people behind him, but this time he is discussing the masters of the military and the country. Naturally, some of the fun-loving princes will not be present, and all of them are staff members with political and military talents.

When the staff entered the hall, they had to greet each other. Xiong Wencan coughed, waved his hands and said:
"Now that the battle is dangerous, gentlemen don't need to be too polite. They all sat down and said that the business is important."


The aides sat down on both sides in sequence, and Xiong Wencan relayed the news from the Tangma newspaper several times recently, saying:
"I see that the thieves attacked Wuzhou. It's only a few days ago. I don't know if the gentlemen have a countermeasure?"

A group of staff members looked left and right, silently.Xiong Wencan has seen this kind of scene a lot.In fact, even if they really come to offer their speeches, there will be nothing new: the staff will either suffer from Australia-phobia and turn pale when they hear about Australia;So Xiong Wencan's ears were filled with two voices, one was: "We can't beat the Australians, let's run away, my lord!" The other was: "My lord is wise and powerful, the Australians will definitely be defeated by the city of Wuzhou."

Only Chang Qingyun is a little reliable, at least he can explain clearly how powerful the Australians are, and he can also provide some reliable strategies: Xiong Wencan originally wanted to stick to Zhaoqing, but Chang Qingyun bluntly said that Zhaoqing is not a place to stick to, but In Lingyang Gorge, there is a certain opportunity to use fire to attack the Australian fleet; and he suggested to Xiong Wencan early on: deploy Yao Dongshan and Xishan Generals to garrison Wuzhou.Finally, he had a considerable and capable core force in Wuzhou City.

Therefore, he set his eyes on Chang Qingyun's face again.

Chang Qingyun seemed to have known this a long time ago. He waited for a while and saw that no one came forward to offer advice, and then he cupped his hands and said, "My lord, the student has a recommendation—he has a plan to defeat the thief."

"Oh?" Xiong Wencan suddenly regained his spirits, and the staff were all stunned, "Who is it? Please invite him to see me."

"This gentleman's surname is Chang, his name is Pu, and his style name is Junbin. He is from Nanzhi, and he can be regarded as the same family as the students." Chang Qingyun said, "He used to be the magistrate of Enping County, and he fled here after breaking the city. Now there is a plan to break the bandits. , I would like to dedicate it to the adults."

Xiong Wencan knew the name of Changpu—Enping County is a county under Zhaoqing Prefecture—but he was not familiar with it.In the Ming Dynasty, the governors and governors basically only cared about the military, and people-friendly officials like county magistrates were under the jurisdiction of the chief envoy and had no relationship with him.

As a county magistrate, this person lost the city but neither died in battle, nor would he commit suicide, and now he came to offer advice.Xiong Wencan couldn't help secretly contemptuous.

However, contempt is contempt, right now he is in a hurry to go to the doctor.Regardless of what tricks the county magistrate has, it doesn't cost much to call him to hear what he has to say, and he immediately agreed: "Okay, please hurry up!"

That afternoon, the news that the Fubo army was about to approach the city spread throughout Wuzhou City.Up and down the city of Wuzhou, everyone was uneasy: the soldiers of the Ming army who were stationed had heard about the combat power of the Fubo army for a long time, and they were unavoidably afraid of the fierce battle they were about to face; most of the people in Wuzhou city had heard that the Fubo army had strict military discipline, but As long as there is a war, the common people will inevitably suffer disaster.As for the officials, they are even more anxious all day long.

There is a grain store in Guanxiang outside Wuzhou City, and it is a business of transshipment of rice and grain from Guangxi to Guangdong.Sitting upright in the cabinet room is the store manager of the shop, named Luo Yangming.He is from Sanshui, and he came to Wuzhou to run a rice grain business a few years ago-this is a common thing in the local area.I have been doing business for several years, and the business has improved quite a bit. I earned money to build a storehouse and build a mansion. I brought my family members from my hometown in Sanshui, and took a concubine in the local area. I have settled down here.

Everyone only knows that he is a grain merchant, but in fact Luo Yangming is an intelligence officer of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau. He was ordered to lurk in Wuzhou City under the command of the "Shan Hai Liang Lu" intelligence system.

His job is only two points: [-]. To operate the grain trade and transship grain for Lingao; [-]. To collect intelligence on the spot, develop the intelligence network, and make intelligence preparations for the Northern Expedition of the Senate.

The first job is not difficult for him: he is the son of a merchant, and his family originally opened a rice shop in Sanshui County.He is quite familiar with the grain trade business and has many acquaintances, so it is easy to start work.As for the second point, it's not too difficult. The anti-interference awareness in the medieval society was not strong, and the technology was even more backward. For those who have received intelligence training, it is not difficult to lurk or detect.

(End of this chapter)

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