Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2092 An Abnormal Phenomenon

Chapter 2092 An Abnormal Phenomenon

He has been lurking in Wuzhou for many years, and the focus of his work has always been selling food.A steady supply of Lingao.

The content of intelligence collection is complex. The first is to collect and sort out Wuzhou's "business intelligence" over the years, including the number of stores, business content, price fluctuations, cargo throughput, and the number of ships calling in and out of the port every month... He has no use for such information. I know, but every month he will organize it into a book and send it back to Guangzhou by Qiwei's ship.

The second is to collect the social environment of Wuzhou, including very complicated content.The key point is to collect information on local "influential" figures: from the gentry, to the three religions and nine streams, everything is included.

In terms of military and political intelligence, it can only be regarded as incidental work.It also does not contain much confidential content: annual reports of local bureaucratic personnel changes; army transfers and armaments.These things are easy to get with a little human connection.

The most "risky" work he has carried out in these years is that he once took a mysterious visitor sent by the "Center" to walk through the streets of Wuzhou and carried out a secret surveying and mapping work, based on which he drew a detailed map. Map of Wuzhou Fucheng.

Luo Yangming's work is excellent, he has the shrewdness and care of a businessman.More determined to do the job well.

Luo Yangming's father was wronged and imprisoned because he offended a nobleman in the county.Although the person came out after a lawsuit, he exhausted his family wealth and borrowed a lot of debts.After repeated interrogation and torture in the cell, his father died shortly after he came out.In order to pay off debts and pay for funerals, he had to sell the rice shop and house again.

Luo Yangming and his family fled to Guangzhou overnight because of rumors that the enemy's family wanted to "cut the weeds and eradicate the roots."Along the way, the family was separated from each other, and only one old mother was born in Guangzhou, and she was infected with the epidemic again, and her life was in danger.When Luo Yangming was desperate, he was lucky enough to be taken in by the Guangzhou Station, which was looking for manpower everywhere. His mother was cured, and the mother and son settled down in Lingao.

Luo Yangming was literate, had studied for several years, and helped his father manage the rice shop. He was favored by several departments as soon as he came out of the quarantine camp.In the end, Luo Yangming was selected to work in the Foreign Business Committee for a year, and his business talent was shown in the Foreign Business Committee, which was highly praised by Skaide, Li Mei and others.But Luo Yang Mingzhi is not here, he only wants to take revenge, and he is constantly brainwashed by the transmigration group, which makes him full of hatred for the Daming government.By chance, he learned that the Foreign Intelligence Bureau was recruiting interns. In order to return to the mainland and avenge the corrupt Ming government, he resolutely gave up his career in the Foreign Business Committee and submitted an application to the Foreign Intelligence Bureau.

In the training class, he studied hard and trained hard, and his grades were always among the best. He was one of the outstanding graduates among the interns of the Intelligence Bureau.After graduation, Jiang Shan wanted Luo Yangming to stay and work in the headquarters, but Luo Yangming refused and applied for a front-line job.

Before setting off, Jiang Shan asked him: "The work on the front line is very dangerous. If you are arrested, you will definitely be executed as a spy. The center will not have time to save you. Have you thought it through?"

"Think clearly, I want to serve the Senate where it needs me most." Luo Yangming said.

So Luo Yangming was dispatched to Wuzhou, under the cover of a Guangzhou businessman, and lurked in Wuzhou City.In order to facilitate his work, with the help of Qiwei, the Intelligence Bureau successively helped him find his wife and sister who were sold on the road.It's just that the son was sold to a passing merchant at the beginning, but now he can't find it anymore.

He took his family back to Wuzhou and opened a grain store.Jiang Shan did not provide him with a special assistant.His instructions to Luo Yangming were simple: "Be self-sufficient like a real businessman."Except for the traffic staff who come every month, he has no interaction with the "center".In addition to a start-up fund, the "center" no longer provides financial support and activity funds.Just allow him to keep the profits from the grain trade for his own use

During the few years in Wuzhou, Luo Yangming made friends with the government and established good business relationships with many businessmen in Wuzhou City. With the help of these networks, he collected a lot of information about Wuzhou and even the entire Guangxi Province, and continuously passed it back to Lin through the transportation network. high.Because of his achievements in intelligence work, Luo Yangming received a commendation order from the Foreign Intelligence Service.

More than ten days ago, he had received an instruction from the traffic officer: the Fubo army was about to launch an attack on Wuzhou, and he was asked to pay attention to safety.And the instructions said: If the situation is urgent, you can retreat from Wuzhou to take shelter outside the city.After Wuzhou was recovered, he returned to the city to join the joint logistics department of the Fubo Army, and supplied the grain stored in the grain store to the Fubo Army as military rations-this was his last job in Wuzhou.

He doesn't intend to leave the city. After all, he has his property and home here. If he goes out of the city to escape, there will be no ruffians who will take the opportunity to rob and rob during the capture of the city. The loss is too great and he can't explain it to the "center"; secondly, his family Most of them are women and children, and there is no suitable place to stay outside the city. Instead, they are in danger of being robbed by rural bandits.

The Fubo army rarely besieged the city, and it took half a day to capture the city. All I had to do was wait for them to enter the city with peace of mind.

He checked the accounts for a while, calculated the receivables and payables, and checked the amount of money and food stored on the cabinet.Although this grain store has been in operation for many years, it is the property of the Senate. In ten days or so, he will return it to the Senate in its entirety.

My wife, concubine and younger sister probably don't know that this family business is not my own.Thinking of the surprise expression on the wife's face when she saw that she had "earned" the family business after the husband and wife had brought their wife back and wept together—if she knew that the business was not mine, what kind of expression would she have? Woolen cloth?

As for what to do after handing it back, Luo Yangming never thought about it.Maybe go back to the commercial sector.He is very clear about the employment principle of the intelligence department: An intelligence officer who has been used once will not be used a second time even if his identity is not revealed.

At this time, there was a female voice at the door of the locker room softly said: "Master! Master!"

Listening to the voice is his wife.Luo Yangming said: "What's the matter? Come in and talk."

A 27-year-old young woman came in, dressed in a bun, with a thin layer of makeup on her face, and wearing a

The lotus color narrow-sleeved beige, a plain long skirt with flowers, is already half worn.Her appearance is not outstanding, but her facial features are correct, her skin is fair, and she has a bit of beauty.

His wife's surname is Ding, and her nickname is A Tao.Her natal family is a small businessman in Sanshui, but unfortunately her natal family has long since fallen.When fleeing, Luo Yangming pawned her to a big family as a concubine because he didn't have enough money on the way. Although he redeemed her later, his wife had already given birth to a child in that family.

According to the rules, the children born to such wives and concubines belong to the Dian family, and the pawned women cannot be taken away when they expire or are redeemed.

Not only did she miss the child she had when she was a pawn concubine, but because of the "shame" of being possessed by another man, she always had a melancholy look on her face, as if she had something heavy on her brow.

"Why, are the doors closed?"

"It's all closed," A Tao said. Like the young woman from the "Scholarly Family", she was gentle and quiet, and never spoke loudly. "The guys have added door bars to the doors and piled straw bags according to your instructions. It was blocked with stones, and now there is only one side door left, and a door bar has been added."

Without waiting for him to ask, A Tao said again: "I have also seen the food at home, rice, of course it is enough; there are a lot of pickled vegetables and salted fish, but there is less firewood."

Luo Yangming nodded and asked, "Is Ah Chun back?"

Ah Chun is a boy in his family, an orphan adopted by him, only 15 years old.Do errands around his house and warehouse.Early this morning, Luo Yangming sent him out to inquire about news.

Because of the approach of the "Kun Thieves", the atmosphere in Wuzhou City was very tense, and places like grain stacks were more likely to become the targets of the government and the mob during the war.So from a few days ago, Luo Yangming took care not to open the door again—fortunately, the grain store was engaged in bulk sales business, not a rice shop for the common people, and the closure of the store would not easily cause panic among the common people.

"just came back."

"Any news from the street?"

A Tao shook her head sadly, and said, "I heard that only the north and south gates were opened today, and the other gates were not opened. Some people also said that the fast boat of the Kun thief has already set off from Fengchuan..."

She sat down and sighed: "How can we survive in such a world! Our family has managed to live a stable life for a few years, and this goddamn thief came again! Occupying a Qiongzhou mansion is not enough, and even Guangdong is not enough." Hit it!"

She gritted her teeth and cursed the thief, Luo Yangming smiled slightly, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, everyone says that Australians love their people like their own sons, have strict military discipline, and never burn, kill and loot. This Wuzhou is probably not in the way." of."

"Even if the Kun thief is as good as you said, you run a rice shop, and what you need in war is food. What if the government comes to collect food? What if the city is besieged and those mobs come to grab food... Sigh..." The woman frowned Lock, can't go on.

Her worry is naturally justified, but for Luo Yangming, this is not a problem. He comforted: "Don't worry, the Australians attack the city very fast, and it will probably become the world of the Song Dynasty in three to five days." .”

"But, I'm always worried... Ah Chun said: Today, many rich families left the city with their families."

"Probably hide in a village in the countryside."

"However, many people have left in the yamen, and the granary in the city is also transporting grain outside. It is possible that Mr. Xiong will abandon the city and flee..."

Luo Yangming shuddered and said, "What did you say?"

"Ah Chun said that the officers and soldiers were transporting food outside the city, and the pier was piled up everywhere..."

"Call him here, I will ask him personally!"

(End of this chapter)

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