Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2093

Chapter 2093

wrong!He thought that if Xiong Wencan was going to defend Wuzhou to the death, he would never transport food outside the city—food is the lifeblood of defending the city.If it is said that he is going to escape, Wuzhou is the key point in Guangdong and Guangxi. If Xiong Wencan loses Wuzhou, he can only commit suicide and apologize or be beheaded by the court.A governor who has reached this point, even if he knows that there is no hope of defending the city, he will stick to it, so as to gain the reputation of being a martyr in the city, so as not to affect his family.

Calling Ah Chun to ask, it turned out that not only food was transported away, but also a lot of officers and soldiers stationed inside and outside the city.

"There are rumors in the city that Xiong Du is going to abandon the city and retreat to Guilin." Ah Chun said vividly.

This made Luo Yangming feel unbelievable. When did Xiong Wencan become so bold?His head can be kept until now, the court is extremely magnanimous.

"Go back and rest first." Luo Yangming couldn't figure it out. Since ancient times, "abnormality is a monster", Xiong Wencan suddenly made such an unreasonable arrangement, there must be some kind of conspiracy hidden.

If he wants to inquire, he has acquaintances in Wuzhou Prefecture and Cangwu County Yamen, but at this time when the military power is dangerous, rushing to inquire about news will inevitably arouse suspicion.Moreover, Xiong Wencan's plan is likely to be known only by his own shogunate—the Governor's Yamen of Guangdong and Guangxi migrated from Zhaoqing, and he has no acquaintances in one of them.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door outside, Luo Yangming froze, wondering who would come to him at this moment!
After a while, the clerk came to report, "Uncle is here."

"Please come in."

This uncle is not the wife's brother, but the brother of his concubine in Wuzhou, who works as a small leader and a ground stick in the local wharf.In marrying his sister as a concubine, Luo Yangming actually considered using him, a person who "can eat well on the ground".

"Uncle" is surnamed Wen and nicknamed Tietou.It is said that when he was fighting for the pier, he was cut on the head with a knife, bleeding profusely, and he continued to fight with a stick, earning his own fortune from then on.Now there are more than 30 porters under him, and he has become one of the "bachelors" in Wuzhou city.

Wen Tietou was a small man who had spent many years hanging out on the pier, and he had developed a good physique. He came in a hurry, and the jacket on his body was covered with dust and straw.

Luo Yangming asked him to sit down, Wen Tietou shook his head, and only asked for tea.

"Ah Chun, make tea!" Luo Yangming hurriedly ordered.

"No need!" Wen Tietou shook his head hastily, "I'm very thirsty, and I can't drink hot tea. You have warm tea for servants at home, and you can pour a big bowl of it."

Immediately poured a big bowl of tea, Wen Tietou hurriedly took it and drank it clean, looked around and saw that there was no one in the room, so he whispered:
"Brother-in-law, disaster happened!"

Luo Yangming was taken aback by him, and hurriedly asked, "What?!"

Wen Tietou lowered his voice very low, and whispered: "Brother-in-law, do you know that the wharf is rushing to transport food and money these days? I heard that in addition to the official warehouse, there are also the family property of officials, big and small?"

Luo Yangming nodded and said: "I know that, I heard that they will all be transported to Guilin Mansion..."

Wen Tietou shook his head and said: "You don't know about this. The family property of the officials is of course shipped to Guilin, but the grain and cloth in the official warehouse are all shipped to Teng County."

Luo Yangming was startled: Teng County is a sub-county of Wuzhou. It is just in the upper reaches of the Xijiang River. It is not a place to defend. If Xiong Wencan wants to abandon Wuzhou and flee to Teng County, what can he do?If you are not prepared to stick to Teng County, what is the solution to transporting the grain and cloth in the treasury to Teng County?

Wen Tietou said: "I've always wondered, what is the plan of Mr. Xiong?" He slapped his thigh fiercely, "I just found out today!"

"What abacus?" Luo Yangming asked quickly.

"Burn Wuzhou!"

"What?!" Luo Yangming almost screamed.

Like most cities in the 17th century, Wuzhou City was mainly built with wood. Except for rich people and government offices and temples, the roofs were mostly covered with straw, and the partition walls were mostly made of bamboo strips. All of them were flammable materials. Fire will spread.It is not uncommon for a fire to destroy more than a dozen or even hundreds of houses, so fire prevention is the most important thing on weekdays.

Now Xiong Wencan is actually planning to burn Wuzhou? !In an instant, Luo Yangming's body was icy cold: This Wuzhou City is a prefecture with tens of thousands of households!How many people will die in this fire, how many families will be displaced, and the loss of houses and property is even more immeasurable...

"Is this true?!" He looked nervously at his "uncle".

"Really!" Wen Tietou whispered, "You are my brother-in-law, what did I do to lie to you! To tell you the truth, I only found out this morning."

It turns out that these days, while the government transported food and money out of the city, it also transported straw and many clay pots into the city.It made the porters on the pier feel strange, not knowing what kind of medicine Xiong Wencan sold in the gourd.

"I inquired quietly and found out that the jars were filled with gunpowder and sulfur—ordinarily, they were all used for defending the city, nothing rare, but the officers and soldiers in this city looked like they were about to run away, even the cannons After transporting several statues, what are you doing transporting these things into the city? Adding in the straw brought in one after another, I thought, this damn thing is going to be set on fire!"

Luo Yangming nodded, Wen Tietou's speculation is very reasonable, no wonder people say that bachelors have more eyes.

"...Because of this matter, I was also interested in it. You know, I have some friendship with Liu Shuban of the military room of the county government, so I went to ask him about it. At first, the old bastard was still hesitant. Said, I was forced to leave a sentence: 'A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall'. I ran to the alley behind the yamen to inquire: Many small officials and officials in the yamen ran away from family to family. Damn it, it’s completely hidden from the common people!” He said and took a breath, “I’m just here to tell you, take the whole family to the countryside to take shelter while the city gate is still open. , so as not to be trapped in this city, when the time comes, a fire will be set off, and the whole day will not respond, and the earth will not work!"

After Wen Tietou was sent away, Luo Yangming went around a dozen circles in the account room. There was no doubt that Xiong Wencan was planning a big conspiracy.Judging from the description of "Uncle", Xiong Wencan probably did not hesitate to use Wuzhou as a trap to lure the Fubo army into the city, and then set fire to the city.

This method of warfare has existed since ancient times, and it is not surprising that Xiong Wencan thought of this strategy when he was desperate.

But in this way, the Fubo army is very dangerous!

This information must be sent out as soon as possible!
His intelligence transmission was in charge of the traffic officer. Since Wuzhou was not an important intelligence-gathering area, in the past, the intelligence agent only came to meet him once a month, and changed it to once a week after the attack on Guangdong.

It's only been three days since the traffic crew arrived last time.And once the army approaches the city, the city gate will be closed, and the traffic personnel will not be able to enter.He wasn't even sure if the trafficman would come four days later.

Now the only option is to leave the city as soon as Wen Tietou said.As long as he stayed outside the city, he would have the opportunity to go directly to the Fubo army and report his intelligence to the chief in person.

That is to say, if you want to go out of the city, you must have a place to stay.Luo Yangming has no farm outside the city.Wen Tietou's family lived outside the city, but unfortunately it was on the pier.It is also a dangerous place for soldiers and wars.After thinking about it, the person in charge of the shop lived in a mountain twenty miles north of the city, and he had temporarily dismissed all the local employees a few days ago.Now it is better to take his family and go to him.

Having made up his mind, he immediately opened the door and was about to call for someone to come, when suddenly there were loud footsteps and panic screams from the street outside, as if a pot had been boiled suddenly.

Before he could call someone to inquire, a clerk stumbled in and yelled, "It's not good! The gangsters are coming!"

Yang Yi was standing guard on the gate tower of Xunmen in the south of Wuzhou City.

Yang Yi is an ordinary soldier under the jurisdiction of Wuzhou Defending Thousand Households.Although the soldiers in the guard station spent much more time in the field than in combat drills, and he held a spear like he was holding a hoe, but he had seen battles and fought in the stockade—although he was only following the soldiers There are miscellaneous soldiers with heavy supplies in the back.

The long gun is not easy, and this thing is too old!Yang Yi looked at the thing in his hand: the barrel of the gun is new, but the head of the gun is full of rust, obviously it was in stock many years ago.I don't know if it will be reliable if it is used for war.

Of course, whether it is reliable or not, it has nothing to do with him, because Yang Yi has already made up his mind that as soon as the officer disappears, he will run away immediately-whoever wants to serve the country loyally will go, anyway, he will not go.I can't get a few grains and wages all year round, and I can't get enough food and clothing after working so hard, so Idiots go to work hard!

God damn it!Looking at the dark night outside the city, he cursed secretly, if they hadn't come to commit the crime, he would probably be sleeping at home right now, and when he got up early tomorrow morning to pick up his hoe to tidy up his fields, he would have been arrested In war, you have to stand guard in the middle of the night.

Although Yang Yi had followed the team to fight various "Yaodongs", he followed behind the team like an idiot and waved flags and shouted.The purpose of coming to Wuzhou City to defend the city this time is purely to collect people's heads.

When he came, he was arranged to watch the night on the tower of Nanxun Gate, which had been going on for several days.So far no one has come to replace them.

Look at those unlucky bastards standing guard with him, god damn officials!Yang Yi cursed again in his heart.

Yang Yi was very sleepy, his eyelids seemed to be on the verge of death, and the other soldiers on duty at night had ignored them, and fell asleep leaning against the female wall and leaning on their spears.Yang Yi didn't dare to sleep, because last night, Lord Baihu suddenly came to patrol the city and captured Yang Yi who was sleeping soundly on the spot. It was said that he was about to behead him. The scared people knelt down and kowtowed and begged bitterly, so they changed to beat him four times. Ten army sticks.Up to now, the buttocks are still tingling, like being burned by fire.

God damn official, Yang Yi cursed inwardly again.

Chapter 298 of Volume [-] Guangzhou Raiders will be updated tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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