Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2101 Hybrid Strategy

Chapter 2101 Hybrid Strategy

I, Jiang Suo, and Song Ming exhausted all their efforts, and the army trained at the expense of tens of thousands may not be able to play a decisive role.

However, Xiong Du also told him that he does not want to "win", as long as it is not a "miserable defeat", inflicting more damage to the Kun bandits is "victory".

"As long as you can let the thief know that no one is mine!" Xiong Wencan said, "You are doing a great job. Even if all these servants are killed, I will not hesitate."

Yi Haoran was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, he thought that Xiong Wencan summoned him to give him a secret "strategy", and there must be "Baoxin Army" instigation.Since the establishment of this team, tens of thousands of taels of silver have been spent. Xiong Wencan must regard it as a treasure and ask him to "use it carefully" when fighting.

Yi Haoran couldn't help secretly admiring him.Unexpectedly, this senior official who he has been secretly slandering for "recruiting security as his ability" has such courage.

"A lowly position must fulfill its mission!"

Yi Haoran considered again and again, and decided to deploy his troops in Bangshan, which is an important place to control the Guijiang River and an important support point outside Wuzhou City.Once the Kun bandits occupy this place, they will form a posture of overlooking Wuzhou.To give full play to their superior artillery fire, this place must be attacked.

In addition to the 500 new troops stationed at Bangshan, Xiong Wencan allocated another [-] people to his Chinese army supervisor, also under the command of Song Ming.

The strength of a thousand warriors was a great force in the late Ming Dynasty.The combat power that many general soldiers in the late Ming Dynasty could rely on was actually no more than 3000 to [-].Xiong Wencan invested so much capital here, Yi Haoran had no other thought but to urge the soldiers to "fight to the death".

Seeing that it was getting twilight outside, his servant came to report: Everything is ready, do you want to leave the city immediately?
"Let's go now!"

Xiong Wencan woke up very early, the sky had just dawned.Xiong Wencan hadn't had a solid sleep since the Australian invasion, falling asleep very late and waking up very early.In fact, since taking over as governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the mess left by Wang Zunde has been making Xiong Wencan restless.

The most reasonable and cheapest way to deal with pirates is to appease them.Encourage a family, support a family, "attack a thief with a thief", no matter who wins or loses, it is only good for the government. Back then, after Zheng Zhilong was recruited as a guerrilla general in this way, with the support of Xiong Wencan, he cleaned up Fujian, which was a headache for the court. Pirates along the coast.Zheng Zhilong's military exploits made his family keep rising, and his official career was bright.

Being promoted to governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, it is expected that the Holy Majesty also wants to make new achievements in Guangdong, where the situation is more complicated.However, the Australians have a huge appetite, and the price offered by Qiongya's deputy commander in the Piyun Tower did not impress the Australians.Now the posture of the Australians is obviously at least the rhythm of cracking the soil and becoming the king!

Losing Guangzhou first, and then losing Zhaoqing, it is hard to say whether the deputy general of Chaoshan can hold the line of defense-but Xiong Wencan thinks it is unlikely.

If he lost Wuzhou again, it would be easier for him to throw himself into the ring, and save himself from being taken to Beijing by the Jin Yiwei lock and then cut him off.

In order to ensure that he can continue to mess around, Wuzhou has to defend.He has now taken a two-pronged approach.

On the one hand, it is the suggestion of Changpu, the magistrate of Enping County: burn the city and fortify the wall to clear the country.Changpu's strategy is as follows: the southern city faces the Xijiang River, and the Australians who come by boat will definitely choose to launch the main attack in the relatively open southern city.So sell a loophole to the Australians in the southern city, lure them into the city, and then set fires around the city, taking advantage of the opportunity to attack them when they are in chaos.If the attack under the fire does not work, break out from Beiyunmen, leaving the Australians with a Wuzhou city with no food left, forcing them to withdraw from Wuzhou.

This is a very vicious strategy. Even if the Australians can take Wuzhou, it will be an empty city full of scorched earth, with no food, grass, or money.After the chaos, the people in the city will inevitably be killed and injured. When the plague comes together, and tens of thousands of refugees need relief,
Although Wuzhou is an important water transport town on the Xijiang River, from Sanshui to the west, most of the way is not a grain-producing area, and there are Yaodong, which has been withdrawn from East and West Mountain Ginseng Generals and is out of control-Xiong Wencan knows that these Lidongs have long been in chaos. Withdrawal will inevitably lead to large-scale chaos.The Australians have to transport food upstream and suppress them along the way, so their strength will be very tight.At that time, there is no other way but to retreat.

The other side is Yi Haoran's strategy of defending the city. He believes that setting fire to the city, not to mention whether it will be useful to the Australians, with the organizational level of the Wuzhou city defenders, once the fire burns, the Australians will be chaotic before they mess up. .At that time, I'm afraid it will be a thousand miles away.

Yi Haoran's opinion is that relying on Wuzhou's terrain and city defense, as long as it is properly arranged, it will not be a big problem to defend the city for a few months.

Wuzhou, where the two rivers meet, has sufficient grain reserves. Except for the small open land in the south of the city, it is surrounded by either rivers or hills. It can also rely on the Guijiang and Xunjiang rivers to continuously transport grain from the upstream agricultural areas.Unless the Fubo army takes Wuzhou in one go, if it is besieged for a long time, it may not be able to trap the city to death.

Outside the customs, facing an army of tens of thousands of slaves, it is common for a lonely city to stand alone for half a year or even a year or two.No matter how strong the Australians are, facing a strong city, if they want to quickly overcome the city, they have to obediently climb the wall.Australian soldiers cannot afford to spend less, and are extremely dependent on logistics.From Jiang Suo's mouth, he knew that the Australians spent a lot of money in combat. Generally, after one or two major battles, the stocks of bullets and ammunition would be exhausted.

After weighing again and again, Xiong Wencan's strategy is mixed.Set up trenches on the north of Dayunmen and Bangshan to defend against the artillery fire of the Australians, deployed heavy garrisons, and scuttled some ships filled with sandbags in the shallow water of the Guijiang River to prevent the Australian fleet from entering the Guijiang River.

At the same time, he also made preparations to burn the city, stored food outside the city, and sent heavy troops to guard it.Except for a small number of elite guarding key points in the city, most of the troops retreated to various key points outside the city. safety.

At 4 o'clock in the morning on April 13, more than a dozen transport ships sailed from Changzhou Island to the north bank of the Xijiang River in the south of Wuzhou City.At the same time, the large and small ships of the West Detachment of the Pearl River Task Force fired rhythmically at the south wall of Wuzhou, suppressing the firepower at the top of the wall and covering the landing troops ashore.

The landing force consisted of Zhu Quanxing's 3rd Battalion and Zhang Dapao's siege artillery company.The landing site was busy, and the army soldiers waded to the shore from the transport ship; the sailors used the crane to unload the barrels and gun mounts of various cannons loaded on the ship from the ship, loaded them on inflatable rafts, and then transferred them to the shallows disembark.The artillerymen assembled a simple crane on the shore and assembled the artillery. Not far away in the middle of the river, three cooking boats were waving cooking smoke and preparing lunch for the landing troops.

Zhu Quanxing temporarily handed over the 3rd Battalion to Zhang Dapao for use, demolished the houses that blocked the line of sight, dug trenches, and built simple artillery fortifications with sandbags.Since the residents in the south of the city heard of the arrival of the Fubo Army, most of them had already fled.

According to Zhu Quanxing's order, houses were not to be demolished as long as they did not interfere with the shooting and assault routes. The troops demolished a large number of warehouses and private houses along the Xijiang River.The goods and property that were left behind were sealed and sealed, and the original owner came to claim them after the war.In order to speed up the progress of the project, the affiliated engineering company of the 3rd Battalion used explosives, only to hear a rumbling sound, and the original houses and warehouses turned into bricks and tiles in an instant.

By twelve o'clock at noon, the soldiers who were working hard in the south of Wuzhou City were already sweating and hungry.At this time, the cooking boat blew its whistle, and the lunch boxes were delivered to the soldiers in small boats.

Because it is going to war, the food is more abundant than in the past.It goes without saying that the dishes are "chowder", cooked with various "dried meats", "dehydrated vegetables", and solid "sauces".There are very few things that can be obtained on the spot here, only a small amount of vegetables and eggs, which are also added and cooked together-all the eggs are stirred into egg flowers.

In addition, there is a bottle of salt soda to quench the heat and thirst, and three cigarettes for refreshing.While distributing lunch boxes, the cooking soldiers tapped the soup, rice or fried rice noodles with big spoons and shouted: "Everyone, eat more, there is not enough food here, just enough, eat enough to win a big battle." Oh!"

After eating and drinking enough, the soldiers became more motivated, and the project originally scheduled to be completed at 01:30 pm was completed at 24:12 pm.The mortar of the siege artillery, the 130-pound howitzer of the brigade artillery, the [-]-pound cannon, and three [-]mm caliber Dager cannons dismantled from the warship were placed on the fort. .

Zhu Quanxing and Zhang Dapao inspected the positions of the Fubo Army. Zhu Quanxing had the illusion that the Ark of the Covenant that brought down the walls of Jericho was not as powerful as these cannons.Looking at these beloved cannons, Zhang Dapao’s eyes seem to be shining. Zhang Dapao likes cannons, and also likes the sound of cannons roaring. The explosion produced by the shells hitting the target makes him fascinated. Cannons are his life and value. , His eyes are the fired shells, which have the power to destroy everything!

How could the cannons that had been transported so hard to land be used? The gunners were already gearing up, ready to use their artillery skills to blast Wuzhou City into ruins.

However, the army's ammunition reserves were insufficient.Especially the howitzers used for mortars, each gun has only six rounds. As for the naval artillery, there are even fewer ammunition. When attacking Zhaoqing, the navy consumed most of the shells on board, and a few shots under the city of Wuzhou consumed some of them. .In contrast, most of the army's artillery is rarely fired, and each artillery has at least one base.

From Sanshui to Xijiang, the joint logistics along the way has been transferred layer by layer, and the logistics supply has begun to show signs of fatigue.Especially for civilian ships to make up for the requisition of transport capacity, due to the lack of sufficient tugboats, they must rely on manpower and wind to go upstream, and they are almost as slow as a snail under heavy load conditions.

Lingao Qiming Book Fan Base

braggart's news board;
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Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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