Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2102 Attack

Chapter 2102 Attack
Although the joint logistics has set up a military depot in Fengchuan County and hoarded arms and ammunition, the transfer of these things not only has the problem of joint logistics capacity, but also has troubles in safety.The stability of black powder is far inferior to that of various explosives.Therefore, the method of transshipment is multiple and small, and the replenishment is even slower.

If the first onslaught cannot be taken down, the artillery fire they can rely on for the second assault will be greatly reduced.Soldiers can only fight by delivering explosives and hand-to-hand assaults.

While the 3rd Battalion and the siege artillery company landed in the south of Wuzhou City to build fortifications, Yang Zeng's 8th Battalion landed at the foot of Zhushan on the west bank of the Guijiang River.

Although they were ready to fight, the Ming army on the nearby hills did not take advantage of their landing time to launch an attack. Only some soldiers approached to observe, and the light infantry in charge of peripheral security shot and immediately left the casualties and fled.

The 8th Battalion had already had lunch in advance and slept well for two hours. It was the time when they were most energetic.According to the scheduled battle plan, the first shot in the siege of Wuzhou will be fired by the 8th Battalion. At this moment, the soldiers are all gearing up and fighting with high spirits.

According to the report provided by the reconnaissance company of the brigade, the Zhushan Wuming Army guards are only equipped with a small number of outpost personnel and have no fortifications.To the north is Bangshan, where the Ming army was heavily stationed.The highest altitude of Zhushan is only about 11 meters, and the highest altitude of Bangshan is only about 38 meters.Even if the army with cold weapons is fighting, Bangshan is one of the important support points outside Wuzhou City.

According to the report of the brigade reconnaissance team, there are about 1000 Ming army groups defending Bangshan and its surrounding areas. The combat effectiveness is not low, especially the "new army" with Xiong Wencan inside, equipped with Nanyang-style rifles, and the firepower of the users is good. , The shooting is accurate, and the timing of firing is better than the Ming army they have encountered in the past.

In addition, this Ming army also mixed a large number of light Franco cannons-this light Franco machine gun is not so much a "cannon" as a heavy matchlock gun. The performance is good. If the infantry breaks into the range, this thing can kill the infantry a lot.

As usual, the Ming army also mixed a large number of various firearms. The power of these things varies, but as long as they are fired at the right time, they can still cause considerable damage to the attacking troops.Judging from the several tentative reconnaissances conducted by the scouts, the Ming army in Bangshan is more "stable" than the various armed forces they have encountered in the past. They rarely fire at will, and every time they fire, they can form a large amount of firepower projection in an instant. At close range, it can often overwhelm the firepower of light infantry at once.Most importantly, the Ming army built trenches and fortifications.

It is not a new technique for the Ming army to "build fortifications and dig ditches" in battle. In the battle between the late Ming Dynasty and Houjin, in order to deal with the impact of Houjin's heavy cavalry, they often used the tactics of building camps in the field and defending with firearms. .The Eight Banners often waited until the Ming army's gunpowder and projectiles had been used up before launching an attack.

Yang Zeng set up a temporary command post on Zhushan, and he carefully observed the Ming army's position on the opposite side with a telescope.The trenches of the Ming army were built along the mountain, roughly in the shape of an irregular quadrilateral, with two floors.What Yang Zeng saw was one of the sharp corners of this quadrilateral fortification. Yang Zeng sighed, this spy is really an expert, and the Fubo Army has learned the methods and ideas of building trenches and other field fortifications.

The east, west, and north sides of Bangshan are steep, and only the south side is relatively gentle. The longest sharp corner of Bangshan position is located on the south slope.To attack this sharp corner, attack from the front. Although the slope is relatively gentle, you have to face all the firepower on both sides of the sharp corner. If you attack from the side, the slope is too high and it is easy to hit.

The 8th Battalion must attack Bangshan from their backs. In addition to shrapnel, the cannons and howitzers of the brigade artillery supporting them are difficult to effectively attack the Ming army hiding in the trench on the top of Bangshan, instead of falling in the trench. The grenade inside the Ming army can only be said to be better than nothing to kill the Ming army.The low-tech means of trenches were considered an effective means of defense against artillery fire.

Of course, there is no way to attack trenches, and that is to use mortars-the predecessor of this mortar has a curved trajectory and is very effective in attacking trenches.But because the mortar is heavy, the range is short.Except for the large-caliber mortars in the siege artillery, the field artillery was completely unarmed.I can't wait for the rear to be dispatched at half past one.

If it was in the past, Yang Zeng would not hesitate to order his subordinates to charge with bayonets and directly defeat the Ming army nestled in the trench.But judging from the reconnaissance report, the Ming army not only has the same strength as the 8th Battalion, but also is equipped with a lot of firearms, bows and arrows.The Ming army hid in the trenches, the targets were extremely small, and the light infantry covering the charge of the large troops could hardly hit anything.And once the enemy fires in the trench, no matter whether it is a salvo of firearms or a bow and arrow, it can cause serious damage to the charging infantry.

Judging from the reports of the scouts, the Ming army had a good will to fight, the officers commanded effectively, and the training was methodical.In the past, the conventional assault-style charge of the whole army may not necessarily fail, but it will definitely pay a lot of casualties.

Although the chiefs have repeatedly emphasized that there is no need to worry too much about casualties in wars, and they must decisively invest in troops when necessary.But Yang Zeng is an old man in the Fubo Army, and he knows that it was not easy for the leader to build the army with his own hands.This "capital" is used by the chief executive to conquer the world, so that one less death is better.

He put down the binoculars and returned to the battalion headquarters. The staff of the battalion headquarters had already made a simple sand table diagram.Several company commanders pointed around the sand table.Plans of attack were discussed.Yang Zeng decided not to deploy a specific combat plan, but to listen to the opinions of the company commanders.

Yang Erdong has been the servant of Mr. Xiong Wencan for more than two years. He eats good food and gets a good salary. His family thinks that he will get a good job.But food, clothing and treatment are much better than ordinary soldiers.

These days, there are a lot of people who are willing to risk their lives in exchange for food and clothing. It is great luck to be the head of Governor Xiong's household—they are treated like servants. Compared with the servants around generals, they have less chance of fighting. Not much, so Yang Erdong is very satisfied with his current situation.

It's a pity that Yang Erdong's luck is now at an end.Xiong Wencan wants to "show the outcome" with the Kun bandits in Wuzhou, and their family members must "work together" to do their best.Everyone murmured: This time, I probably have to risk my life this time.

Although there was a danger of death, not many people ran away.Running away means losing their jobs. For this group of Qiu Ba who are used to eating ready-made clothes, it is not good to go to work and do hard work, if it is said to be a thief.This business is not easy to do.It's better to take a gamble.In case of saving their lives, even if Xiong Du is dismissed by the court and interrogated, they still have a way out-at least they can get a few taels of dismissal money.

Finally, Yang Erdong's ancestors showed signs of life. He was not assigned to Bangshan outside the city, where he did not have to bear the brunt of the battle with the Australians. Instead, he was assigned to Master Chang along with nine other shotgunners, waiting for his errands.

Chang Qingyun took the command arrow given to him by Xiong Wencan, rode a tall horse with a sword hanging on his waist, followed by ten servants of Xiong's mansion with shotguns on their backs, and walked through the city of Wuzhou, looking very majestic.Xiong Wencan asked Chang Qingyun to perform his duties of inspecting the various armies and suppressing military discipline. Chang Qingyun felt very honored and worked very hard.

This made Yang Erdong miserable. Chang Qingyun rode a horse and galloped at every turn, while the soldiers could only trot along behind them on foot, and they were out of breath after a while. When they ran to the south of Wuzhou City, they were already Can't run anymore.

"Master Chang, you have to give us a rest, right? Brothers can't run anymore, let us rest for a while, drink some water, and continue patrolling the city later, okay?" Yang Erdong said boldly.

Hearing this, Chang Qingyun gritted his teeth and said viciously: "You don't know how powerful the Australians are. If you don't maintain good military discipline, when the Australians hit the artillery, you don't know how many people will scatter around."

"But Master Chang, the brothers really can't run anymore, so don't rest for a long time, just for a while." Yang Erdong said.

"Yes, Master Chang, let's take a break!" Several other servants echoed.

"Daming is because there are too many of you people who are paid and do nothing, so Jiannu invades the bandits every year, thieves are everywhere, and the thieves are in chaos!" After finishing speaking, he picked up the whip and beat Yang Erdong.

Yang Erdong flinched and slipped aside, the whip fell to nothing.

Just when Chang Qingyun took back his whip and was about to whip again, he heard the sound of cannons in the distance, like a huge thunder after thousands of lightning flashes. Almost in an instant, the city wall above Chang Qingyun's head collapsed. A brick half the size of a human fell straight down not far away, breaking into several pieces of varying sizes.

Chang Qingyun's car was startled suddenly, neighing for a while, and jumped up with two front legs, and it was about to go crazy.Fortunately, Chang Qingyun grasped the reins tightly and stepped on the stirrups, so that he was not thrown off the horse.Yang Erdong had raised horses for others before, so he had a little understanding of horse nature. He stepped forward and grabbed the reins, hissed a few times, and patted the horse's neck a few times, finally calming the horse down.

Chang Qingyun was still in shock, so he didn't dare to ride his horse anymore, so he dismounted in a hurry and ran towards the city wall—this was the only way to defend against the artillery. He said to Yang Erdong: "You have made up for it, and I will spare you first!"

Before the words fell, there was another cannon fire, and then another, the cannon sound fluctuated and continued.The south wall of Wuzhou City was coaxed to fly bricks and stones, and there was almost no intact place.Chang Qingyun knew that the Australians' cannons were powerful, but they didn't know how powerful they were. The walls of Wuzhou City were so thick, but they were almost vulnerable to the Australians' cannons like playthings made of mud.

Next time I will update Volume 307 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


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(End of this chapter)

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