Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2106 Combat Deployment

Chapter 2106 Combat Deployment
Compared with the common shovel and hoe, the 32-year style is short and exquisite. Although it is obviously not as powerful as the ordinary shovel and hoe, the 32-year style obviously has smaller targets and is more suitable for the needs of the battlefield.The engineers of the Fubo Army have been trained to use the 32-year-style engineering shovel very smoothly. In addition to using it to dig around and shovel, it is also easy to use it to cut off the enemy's head.

Originally, the engineering shovel was prepared to be equipped for each infantry, but cost considerations made it only equipped to the engineering company.

It was based on his trust in the professional capabilities and combat capabilities of the Fubo Army engineers that Yang Zeng made up his mind to make the decision to rely on traffic trenches.Yang Zeng felt that he was using what he had learned. Before the expedition, the commanders of large and small army battalions and companies participated in the training organized by the training director department. One of the lessons was how to deal with fixed fortifications. The method of advancing with traffic trenches was from there. I learned it back from the class.

After seeing that the troops were almost assembled, Yang Zeng temporarily left the command post on Mount Zhu, went to the front finger of the 8th Battalion assembled on the west side of Bangshan, summoned all the company-level officers of the battalion, and began to deploy for battle: "Comrades, now It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the task of our 8th Battalion was to capture Bangshan before dark, and it was expected to get dark at six o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be completely dark at 06:30, so we had three and a half hours to attack Bangshan."

"The battalion belongs to the artillery team. It uses artillery shells to open several openings in the deer village set up by the enemy to open the attack channel for the troops."

"Engineering company, you are limited to two hours to dig the attack tunnel and advance to 30 meters away from the enemy's trench."

"The light infantry company is covering the soil work of the engineers. If the Ming army dares to show up, I will blow his head off."

"The grenadier company is the commando. I will equip you with the grenades of the whole battalion. A total of 1000 grenades are enough for them to drink a pot. You follow the engineers closely. After the engineers complete their work, they wait for the signal. The attack signal is three Send out red rockets. Throw all the grenades into the trenches of the Ming army within 5 minutes after the signal is issued, and then launch a hand-to-hand charge. After occupying the first trench, shoot a green rocket as a signal."

After the signal was sent out, the grenadier company broke into the depth, and each company followed up from the breakthrough to clean up the remaining enemy troops.The sixth company covered and assisted the mountain grenade unit to accompany the attack.

"...The Eighth Infantry Company is the battalion reserve."

Arranged properly, Yang Zeng glanced at the company and platoon leaders in the headquarters, and said in a deep voice: "We have always fought with tigers and sheep. No matter how weak the enemy is, we must use our utmost strength. Fighting for a surprise attack will kill the enemy. Get down, don't look forward and backward and worry about losses. Use the most courageous fighting spirit of our Fubo army to teach the Ming army how to fight, and beat them to hell!"

Yang Zeng watched the troops ready to go in front of the southern slope of Bangshan Mountain.In addition to the heavily armed troops, more than 300 civilians were conscripted after sweeping Changzhou Island yesterday afternoon. These civilians were not equipped with weapons and all carried poles. Shells from a 12-pounder mountain howitzer and some Hale rockets.

The civilians were not told what was in these boxes. These standard wooden boxes of the Fubo Army contained ammunition for 12-pound guns, grenades, and the big killer of engineers-compressed black powder.These civilian men have to carry these dangerous explosives up the mountain. After reaching the top of the mountain, they have to help the engineers and soldiers, help dig traffic trenches, and are mainly responsible for transporting earthwork.

The peasants were a little nervous. Since ancient times, sieges would often drive captives and civilians to "go up first", consume the defenders' arrows and artillery stones, and fill up the trenches with corpses.So when recruiting civilian husbands, no one was willing to come, and in the end, more than 300 people were "recruited" with half force and half lure.

In order to stabilize their emotions, Yang Zeng took care of the civilian husbands and soldiers with the same food-the morale will naturally be high if they are full and full.During the meal, they promised that each person could take a bag of rice home after finishing their work today, and that they would be given compensation as appropriate for those who were injured or killed in battle.And it's halfway through.

At this moment, the folk husbands have lost the worry they had when they were conscripted. As long as they don’t go to “first board” to die, it doesn’t matter what they do.

Yang Zeng's plan was to advance the soil work to about 30 meters from the Ming army's position, use the gap between our army throwing grenades at the opponent to cause confusion and generate a lot of smoke, and use the white-knife charge to defeat the troops in the first trench of the Ming army. One suppressed the firepower in the second trench of the Ming army, and the other detoured to a closer location for an assault.

However, before this project is launched, the first step is to climb the mountain. Although the southern slope of Bangshan is relatively gentle, it is necessary to climb a steep slope to reach the gentler ridgeline.However, the Ming Army's position left a large open area on the south side of the top of Bangshan Mountain, as a place for its own firepower, and planned to turn this place into a bloody slaughterhouse.

"Start action!" Yang Zeng gave an order, and the whole battalion moved immediately. The light infantry was in the front and was responsible for fighting the vanguard, using firepower to suppress the Ming army's small troops trying to prevent or harass the 8th Battalion from climbing the mountain; the engineering company followed.After arriving at the designated location, they will start digging traffic trenches non-stop; then other companies as the reserve team and civilian men carrying standard wooden boxes; and finally the grenadier company, 1st company and 2nd company as commandos , They took their time, conserved their physical strength, and prepared to be the first to rush to the enemy.

The climb went smoothly. There were no large troops from the Ming army who came to snipe. There were only a few sporadic attempts to harass them with cold shots and arrows, but they were quickly discovered by light infantry and wiped out one by one with bullets.Regardless of dissuasion, Yang Zeng gave up his command post in Mount Zhu and climbed the mountain with the troops. Even though he has become a battalion commander, Yang Zeng is still used to taking the lead.Yang Zeng knew that the chief officer could greatly boost the morale of his subordinates by following his troops.

Yang Zeng was not afraid of the possible fierce resistance of the Ming army - he was considered an old man of the Fubo army, and he had fought dangerous battles several times, but each time he was never in danger.Although I was wounded in battle a few times when I was the company platoon leader, but generally speaking, I didn't have the critical moment to make sure that I must die.

If there is anything to worry about, it is the newlywed wife who has just been married for less than a year.His wife was introduced by the "organization" at a blind date meeting for military officers organized by the Political Department.

It is said to be "introduction", but it is actually almost the same as the designation.The girl is a junior teacher in Fangcaodi, and they are all "official family members" under the Senate system. In terms of background, Yang Zeng is a bankrupt farmer, and his wife is from a refugee family who fled from Jiangxi. They are both poor and white.It can be called a good match.

Yang Zeng didn't like the "female cadres" under the Senate system very much, especially those from Fangcaodi—he thought they were too noisy, they were too good at spending money, they often laughed on the street, and they didn't look like women at all.The point is, according to his opinion, these girls are "too good-looking" and "too lively".As an officer himself, he lived in the barracks all year round, and from time to time he had to take the troops to training, camping and exercises--Yang Zeng saw a lot of marriage problems between officers and soldiers, so he had to be scruples.

At blind dates, he only looks at ordinary-looking women who are dressed in rustic clothes and who speak stupidly.In the end, I fell in love with this humble junior female teacher.

Both Yang Zeng and his wife are "single households" without any family members, and they have no relatives in the local area.Naturally, there is no need to make a big fuss-this is also related to the "frugal handling" advocated by the chiefs. As a public official, it is natural to set an example.So I just invite my close friends and colleagues in the army and school to have a meal, and I will be married after receiving the certificate.

After marriage, the cadres gave him a settling allowance, which was used as a down payment to buy a house—although the army provides single dormitories for married officers, this is always in the barracks, and he has to settle for a home outside.

His wife was already pregnant when he went to war, and his salary as a teacher was enough to support the family, and Yang Zeng's salary was not needed during the war.Whether it is paying the mortgage or living expenses, it is very ample.

According to the regulations of the Political Department, before departure, Yang Zeng left a suicide note as usual to make family arrangements.Yang Zeng didn't take it seriously, he just told his wife not to worry about his own sacrifice, but mainly to take good care of the child in his stomach, "bring up the child and inherit the incense of the Yang family". Might as well "remarry".When writing this, Yang Zeng felt a bit tired of eating flies, but the Senate hated widows to keep their chastity, and this suicide note was to be handed over to the Political Office—he dared not mention the word "sacrifice".

However, he was not too worried that he would sacrifice himself. If he was really unlucky, his wife and children were "martyrs", so naturally the Senate would take care of them.Except that his wife will probably remarry in the future, which makes him a little unwilling, there is nothing to worry about.

Still, it's better to be alive.He, Yang Zeng, is still waiting to be a founding hero and seal his wife and son.

After 20 minutes, the 8th Battalion reached the predetermined altitude, and if it moved forward, it would be exposed to the sight of the Ming army guarding the mountain, so the 8th Battalion lay prone on the spot and made some repairs.At this time, the trade union soldiers had already blasted several gaps on the hillside with compressed black kilns as the starting point for excavating traffic trenches. After a 10-minute rest, the laborers began to transport the earthwork.The engineers knelt down and dug a tunnel that could accommodate two people side by side and the height of one person on the hillside that had been blown loose by the explosives. The excavated soil was transported away by the peasants except for a part of the excavated soil to build up the parapets on both sides of the trench.

As the engineers advanced, the light infantry followed closely along the trenches. Some of them were outside the trenches, using the grass to cover them and slowly approaching. The black muzzles were aimed at the front, holding their breath, and their eyes were searching for the appearance of the enemy. Let them send rounds to the enemy.

The next update will be Volume 311 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


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(End of this chapter)

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