Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2107 Zigzag

Chapter 2107 Zigzag

The blasting of sappers caused a commotion among the defenders.The low roar and the shaking of the ground caused the defenders to be somewhat commotional.Some of them know that the guns of the Kun bandits are powerful and they have many powerful firearms, but they don't know what the hell they are doing at this time.

Song Ming has led troops for many years, and he has experience in how to suppress and appease soldiers. He immediately led his soldiers to patrol along the trenches, focusing on checking for veterans who were noisy and shaken the morale of the soldiers.These people are not good at fighting, and their escape skills are very high-in order to escape more easily, they often incite other soldiers to run away together.

He was patrolling along the ditch with a human helmet and armor, and the soldiers drew their swords out of their sheaths, all of them murderous, and immediately shocked the wavering soldiers.

Jiang Suo was extremely nervous. He hid in the sandbag fortification of the Fort Protrude, and stared at the movements of the Australians not far away with a telescope.The Australians climbed halfway up the mountain, and then stopped about half a mile away from the Bangshan position, just outside the range of Nanyang style, matchlock guns and bows.

The Australians did not launch an attack. After the dull explosion, these people began to dig on the ground. Jiang Suo knew that the Fubo Army had started soil work.

Even in the Marine Corps, soil work is an important training subject, and Jiang Suo, who is a training pacesetter, is no stranger to it.Obviously, the Fubo army was deeply impressed by the several shots fired by the officers and soldiers, so they are not going to directly attack the fort now.Instead, prepare to use earthworks for close-in attacks.

Jiang Suo is not good at commanding battles, but he knows the tactics of the Fubo Army very well-his title of training pacesetter is not for nothing.

"What is the thief planning to do?" Song Ming came to his side and picked up the binoculars.

Through the telescope, you can see the Australians digging on the ground.He heard the rumbling of the Australian artillery and the dust flying on the hillside, and thought that the attack was about to begin. Unexpectedly, the Australians did not charge, but dug a trench. Could it be that they wanted to dig another long trench outside the Bangshan position? The Ming army on Bangshan was besieged?But after thinking about it, it seems unnecessary.Bangshan is actually a desperate place, and the defenders could not hold on for a long time. Yi Haoran set up an formation here, in fact, he judged that the Kun bandits would definitely attack quickly, instead of adopting a strategy of long siege.

In the telescope, the trenches dug by the Australians were very simple, without the parapets, artillery forts, and salient forts he had seen in the Battle of Chengmai.And the strangest thing is that the trenches of the Australians were not parallel to the trenches dug by the Ming army, but were obliquely approaching the trenches of the Ming army.

The trench dug by the Australians was getting closer and closer to the Ming army's position, and then turned a corner at about [-] feet. The trench that was originally pointing obliquely to the northeast is now pointing to the southeast.

"This is the zigzag trench." Jiang Suo said, "The one dug obliquely is approaching, and when the distance is enough, it will charge at once."

"The Kun thief is really insidious and cunning!" Song Ming cursed, with lingering fears - the shadow of his narrow escape in Chengmai was still deep in his heart.

Although Song Ming didn't understand modern tactics, his many years of military experience made him understand the role of zigzag trenches at a glance. The Australians didn't want to block them. The Australians' plan was to shorten the attack distance as much as possible to avoid unnecessary casualties.The army of the thieves can approach step by step under the cover of the trench.The large number of firearms and bows and arrows they had prepared were ineffective against the enemy troops in the trench.

Jiang Suo proposed to use trenches to deal with the gun thieves' firearm advantage.In an instant, their advantage was broken again.

The best way to deal with these Aussies who are sneaking around to repair the fortifications is to drive the Aussies out of the trench one at a time with a sharp and fast charge.But Song Ming didn't have much hope for the hand-to-hand combat ability and fighting will of his subordinates.

"I'll take a team of archers out and rain arrows on them first!" Song Ming said.

Take a team of archers to take advantage of the Australians digging the trenches, and condescendingly throw a rain of arrows to the Australians in the trenches-although they may not be able to shoot many enemies, but at least they can slow down the enemy's trenching speed.

"No, archers can't go out, it's useless once they go out." Jiang Suo shook his head, "If you want to shoot arrows, you have to be in the trench, and you must not show your head."

Although the Nanyang style is very powerful according to the views of the officers and soldiers, in the hands of the Australians, it is nothing more than a weapon equipped with irregular troops such as the security forces.The Fubo army is equipped with Mini rifles, which are much more powerful than the Nanyang style in terms of range and power, and are very accurate.

"...That's not to mention, the Australians have another renju rifle, which I used when I was in the navy. The range, power, and accuracy of the renju rifle are comparable to Mini's, but the rate of fire is faster—faster than a bow and arrow. Hurry up." Jiang Suo said, "Even if these thieves don't have renju rifles, even miniguns are not something we can deal with."

Going out rashly and archers can't take any advantage. No matter the range, power or accuracy, compared with the rifles equipped by the Australians, they are all far behind.It’s easy to say in the trench, the bullets of the thieves can’t turn, and the archers don’t need to show their heads when they shoot. If you look at the direction and cover the shots, you can always catch a few.At the very least, it can damage the morale of the Kun bandits - they are all unarmored.

"Each battalion of the thieves has a team of light infantry, all of whom are sharpshooters who can shoot and shoot. They specialize in sniping and ambush to take the lead. If you go out with archers, if you can't get to a place where bows and arrows can hurt Australians, you will be abandoned. Pour a large piece." As he spoke, Jiang Suo picked up a dummy with a full armor that had been prepared by the soldiers in advance, and slowly erected it on the fortress.

Before the dummy showed half of its body, a series of clear gunshots unique to the Minigun sounded outside, and the helmet was directly lifted off the dummy's head.

Jiang Suo took back the dummy, except that half of his head was knocked off, and his arm and left shoulder were pierced by bullets.Song Ming couldn't help but whispered - he probably heard seven or eight gunshots, and at this distance, three bullets hit him!The accuracy is also incredible.

"No matter what the thieves do, we must not leave the trench unless it is absolutely necessary." Jiang Suo said.

Although it is extremely passive to do this, facing the Australians with superior firepower, they just wait in the trenches and wait for the Australians to appear within their range, and when they charge over, pouring ammunition and feather arrows at them counts The only viable tactic.

"Master, the bandits have pulled up the cannon!" An observation post came to report.

The two immediately raised their binoculars.Sure enough, at the bend of the zigzag trench being dug, the Australians began to dig a short and wide trench.The cannon baskets made of wicker were brought in, and the peasants were filling them with soil.Apparently the Kun bandits are going to set up cannons here.

The two were concentrating on watching, but they didn't find that 200 meters away, a light infantryman raised his rifle and carefully aimed at the gap between the sandbags-the reflection from time to time indicated that important figures of officers and soldiers were moving. The instructor said, the flash It may be observing with a telescope, or it may be a piece of high-grade armor worn by the general.

"Bah——" the bullet hit the sandbags on the parapet with a sharp whistling sound, and the sand splashed everywhere.Song Ming trembled all over and almost collapsed to the ground.It was Jiang Suo who was a little more experienced. He immediately squatted down and hid his whole body in the trench.

"What the hell?!" Song Ming was still in shock.I and Jiang Suo were here to observe the enemy's situation, completely hiding behind the chest of the sandbag, without showing their bodies at all.How did the thief know he was here?
"It's light infantry." Jiang Suo said.Cautiously sticking his head out, he looked out through the gap in the sandbag, "This place can't stay anymore, let's change it!"

The two changed to another place and observed the movement of Fubo Army again.Through binoculars, they saw Australians transporting artillery to emplacements through trenches.

The artillery brought up was small in size, and Jiang Suo knew that it was a 12-pound mountain howitzer commonly used by the navy.Small size and light weight.It is a sharp weapon for fighting in mountainous and paddy fields.The Fubo army took a lot of trouble to transport it to the mountain, probably to use its firepower to open a breakthrough.

From the binoculars, it can be seen that civilians and soldiers are transporting ammunition, and the gun covers of the three howitzers have been taken off.An officer was observing the front position with an instrument, as if he was calculating something.

Jiang Suo estimated that the Kun bandits would soon use howitzers to destroy the deer villages set up on the periphery of the position and open a breakthrough.Because they don't have many artillery pieces, it is likely that they will focus on firing at one point and quickly open the breakthrough—just like they did during the exercise.

At this time, the trench of the Fubo Army changed direction again, and continued to extend towards the trench of the Ming Army at an angle.Song Ming noticed that the zigzag-shaped trench has now changed from one to three and extended forward at the same time-it seems that the Kun bandits are likely to divide their troops into three groups and attack the defenders' positions at the same time.

He immediately summoned his officers, divided the combat soldiers and servants into three teams, and appointed competent personnel to lead them respectively.

"As soon as the Kun bandits rushed into the trench, each team immediately followed my banner and fought at the same time. Each team was in charge of its own enemy—the Kun bandits must be killed and retreated." Song Ming took care, "Kill the Kun bandits back, every day People reward five taels of silver! The sentinels are doubled!"

He glanced at everyone, and said with a smile: "Everyone must understand that this place is a Jedi! If the Kun bandits are killed, we have nowhere to go even if we want to escape! There is not much water. If the Kun bandits are trapped on the mountain Then there is only a life of thirst—don’t even think about slipping your feet to save your life, everyone is a grasshopper on a thread, and no one should even think about running away.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a puff of white smoke rose from the bandit's position at the foot of the hill, and the muffled sound of artillery came rumbling over.

The next update will be Volume 312 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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