Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2108 Breaking into the Position

Chapter 2108 Breaking into the Position
The 12-pound mountain grenade bombarded the deer village slowly and rhythmically. The deer village erected outside the trench was slowly torn and destroyed under the bombardment of the shells, and several large openings appeared soon.

While the artillery bombarded, the trench continued to extend forward.Song Ming knew that these openings must be the breakthrough of the gangsters, and immediately ordered the recoil team to stand by in the nearby ditch.

At this time, the communication trench of the Fubo Army had advanced to only seven or eighty meters away from the position of the Ming Army in Bangshan. The distance was so close that Jiang Suo could even hear the sound of shovels and panting by the soldiers and civilians digging in the trench.

Jiang Suo quietly cleaned up.Song Ming immediately raised a banner to the sky.The three hundred archers who were on standby in the ditch behind drew their bows and raised their arrows at the same time, raised their heads to the sky and fired the first row of feathered arrows down the hillside.

The thrown feather arrows are quite lethal at a distance of less than 100 meters.Although most of the feathered arrows shot outside the trench without aiming, some of them fell into the trench. The engineers and civilians who were digging the trench were caught off guard, and many arrows were hit.Some arrows hit the engineers' heads and were bounced off by the helmets. Only a few engineers were injured by the arrows. The civilians did not have helmets, and many of them were hit by arrows. Suddenly panic spread, some turned their heads and ran, and some left behind. The tools crawled out of the ditch and fled, but another round of arrows immediately knocked them down on the edge of the ditch.

The peasants suddenly became chaotic. They scrambled to drop their tools and huddled together in the ditch, pushing each other desperately trying to escape along the ditch.The engineers and soldiers couldn't hold back the bullets, and they were crushed by the civilian husbands.In the chaos, someone was pushed down and screamed as they were trampled.

The company commander of the light infantry company covering in the front immediately led the soldiers to maintain order. There was no talk of "fish and water" on the front line. The light infantrymen flashed their bayonets, and the company commander fired three shots into the sky with his revolver, roaring viciously. Said: "Don't escape! Go back to me!"

When the peasants heard this, they panicked and stopped running away, but they refused to go back to work. They didn't know who was the first to cry, and they all burst into tears.

"Master, please let us live!"

"We are here to work, not to die! Please let us go!"

"Master Jun! We all have seniors and juniors, so please let us live!"

"You can work with peace of mind. If you die, Da Song will help you support your family. If you are disabled, Da Song will provide for you. If you are injured, Da Song will have a pension." Then a cold sentence was spat out: "Those who leave the battlefield without permission , shoot to kill!"

Under the threat of "shoot to kill", the peasants turned back and continued to dig soil on the working surface.

"Call the health team, and quickly transport the wounded and corpses. The reserve team took off the helmets and sent them to the front for civilian husbands to wear!" Yang Zeng had already seen the actions of the Ming army, and he was somewhat surprised: they were organized and organized.That is to say, they did not rush out to fight in waves regardless of life and death, nor did they fire guns indiscriminately.Instead, bow and arrow projectiles are used to disrupt earthworks.

"Prepare some door panels and send them up to block the arrows!" Yang Zeng continued to order.

The order was carried out quickly, the door panel was prepared long ago, and the things were sent up as soon as the order was given.

Feathered arrows were shot down wave after wave, among which were mixed with burning rockets and poisonous smoke arrows. However, due to the cover of the helmet and door panels, the rain of arrows could not cause many casualties.

Soon, the civilian husbands and engineers had advanced the assault trench to only more than 50 meters away from the first line of the Ming army.Song Ming ordered: "Prepare ten thousand enemies!"

The soldiers quickly brought out several large wooden frames, which contained a large black mud ball.

Jiang Suo asked: "What is this?"

"The enemy of all people."

Wandi is a kind of incendiary firearm. Its shape is probably a large hollow mud ball with small holes around the ball.The interior is filled with gunpowder and various toxic substances.When the enemy is attacking the city, light the fuze and throw it under the city, and the flames will spray in all directions and rotate continuously, burning the enemy.It was a weapon commonly used by the defending army at that time.


With an order, several big mud balls were pushed out from the Ming army's position. The Ming army did not dare to show their heads, and several people worked together to push the big mud ball out of their own position with the door panel.The big mud balls all carried ignited fuses, and the fuses quickly ignited the big mud balls. The big mud balls ignited and spun immediately, turning into big fireballs, pouring flames around and rolling down the hillside.

"[-] enemies!" A light infantry was the first to sound the alarm. Shi Zhiqi's marines were hit when they attacked Sanliang City. This typical case was reported to the whole army. Awesome, especially in tight terrain.

The troops have plans for the possible use of similar explosive and incendiary firearms against the enemy.Although this thing is very powerful, its effect is completely affected by the terrain.The outer side of the trench faced the direction of the Ming army, and a higher parapet was specially built with soil piled high. In this way, it would be difficult for the ten thousand enemies to roll into the trench as expected, and spray fire along the trench to kill the enemy.

Some of the more than [-] enemies thrown were blocked by the parapet, spraying flames and poisonous smoke in vain outside the trench;

The main components of the poisonous smoke are some poisonous Chinese herbal medicines. Although they are poisonous when burned, they cannot reach the lethal concentration. Even if the wind blows on the open ground, the effect of tear gas can not be achieved.

Only a few tens of thousands of enemies fell into the trenches. The soldiers and civilians quickly hid in the side trenches after receiving the alarm. Only a few people could not escape and were burned by the flames.

Although a series of attacks by the Ming army delayed the soil work, forcing the troops to stop construction and suspend the entry of troops more than once.But before 30:[-] p.m., the trench still extended to a distance of more than [-] meters from Luzhai.At this distance, apart from the continuous throwing of bows and arrows, the Ming army has no real attack.The firepower of the light infantry has completely blocked the front, and basically they will die if they show up.

Because there are not many mountain pomegranates that can be used, Yang Zeng ordered the light infantry to make rifles for calibration shooting.Each soldier dug a small earthen platform that could support a gun, and made the earthen platform solid.Repeated test shots followed to ensure coverage of enemy trenches.When attacking, use the maximum rate of fire output of the rifle to suppress the possible counterattack of the enemy.

The three 12-pound mountain grenades used to support the breakthrough battle have all raised their cannons at this moment.It can be fired at a large elevation angle, and the artillery uses the method of building an earthen platform to increase the firing angle of the artillery, which can temporarily act as a mortar.

"One by one, bayonet!" The platoon leaders yelled in a low voice, while checking the equipment of each soldier along the trench and the pedals used to climb out of the trench.

"Signal! Attack!" Yang Zeng picked up the binoculars and gave the order to attack.

Three red signal rockets rose suddenly, and Jiang Ming whispered: "Here we come!" As he spoke, he pulled Song Ming into the shelter next to the ditch.

The three mountain grenades fired at the same time, and the shrapnel shells exploded one after another above the trench, covering the trench like raindrops. The archers and gunmen gathered in the first trench were caught off guard, their bodies were torn and pierced by the bullets, blood Fog was sprayed, and there were terrible sounds of wailing and screaming everywhere.

What followed were the grenades for the grenadiers, and each grenadier was allocated ten grenades, although because they were used for offense, they were filled with compressed black powder grenades with less power--the army jokingly called "shock grenades" .Although the effect of killing and destroying is mediocre, the advantage is that it is easy to use. When thrown together, it can quickly form a powerful firepower, which can often destroy the enemy's battle formation in an instant and make its will collapse.

Four or five hundred grenades were thrown into the trenches within a few minutes, and the smoke and explosions continued.The defenders who hadn't lost their casualties under the shelling collapsed instantly under the attack of the grenade rain.Hundreds of defeated soldiers fled back along the traffic trench.

In the past, Song Ming would have to bring his own soldiers and servants to stop the defeated soldiers, but Jiang Suo had already told him that there was no need to stop them.Just let them retreat to the back along the traffic trench to reorganize.The place in the trench is narrow, and rushing to stop the rout soldiers will cause traffic jams in the trench and cause chaos.

"Tell everyone to prepare matchlocks and caps, the Australians are about to rush into the trench!" Jiang Suo said.

Song Ming told the soldiers around him to blow the conch, and the low sound of the horn echoed on Bangshan.

Almost at the same time, in the trenches of the Fubo Army, the company platoon leaders blew their horns and pulled out their command knives. Under the leadership of the officers, the grenadiers climbed out of the trenches, raised their bayonets and launched a charge .

"Extended artillery fire!"

Following the order of the artillery commander, the elevation angle of the three mountain grenades was slightly lowered, focusing on covering the main trenches and traffic trenches around the breakthrough site, preventing enemy reinforcements and retreats.

The grenadiers attacked at an extremely fast speed, rushing across an open field of more than 30 meters in an instant, and some soldiers continued to drop bombs into the trench while charging, suppressing the possible remaining firepower in the trench.In a blink of an eye, the first soldiers of the commando had entered the breach and jumped into the trench.A green rocket soared into the sky.

The mountain pomegranate further lowered the shooting angle and covered it in depth, quickly forming a blockade effect on several traffic trenches. The servants gathered in the traffic trenches to prepare for recoil suffered heavy casualties. Jiang Suo saw his well-trained servants being concentrated in the trench by shells , Falling down in batches, unknowingly their eyes are cracked.

Originally, he was not too enthusiastic about fighting for the Ming army, just to understand the happy knot.However, at this moment, seeing the humble and tragic death of Pao Ze, who was with him day and night, under the gunfire of the thieves, he couldn't help but think of himself and his old team leader in Sanliang. In helplessness and fear, I watched the innocent senior sister being executed by the Australians.

"You will never be allowed to be so rampant!" Jiang Ming picked up the rifle at hand and put on the cap.

The next update will be Volume 313 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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