Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2109 The first trench

Chapter 2109 The First Trench

All the grenades of the grenadiers were thrown, and the smoke had not dissipated. In less than a few minutes, the grenadiers had entered the trench of the Ming army and started hand-to-hand combat with the Ming army guarding the first trench.

The smoke and dust were billowing, and the Ming army's vision was blurred. After firing a few shots indiscriminately.The grenadier companies of the Fubo Army have all rushed into the first trench.

After the baptism of grenades, the trench was a mess.The sword and shield soldiers preparing to counter-attack in the traffic trench lost heavy casualties and completely lost their combat effectiveness. The Ming army in the first trench had no fighting intentions, and only a little desire to survive was left to support their desperate counterattack-this It was too late to escape.

The assault platoon of the grenadier company was the first to rush into the trench while taking advantage of the thick smoke—considering that it was not easy to use bayonet-mounted rifles in the trench, the first batch of commando grenadiers who were responsible for throwing grenades used double Fire a shotgun: After jumping into the trench, use the shotgun to fire the furnace, and then the sappers shovel to clear the battlefield.

The engineer shovel is short in size, has a sharp edge, and has considerable toughness and weight. It has advantages in close-range melee.The engineers cut one shovel left and one shovel right.It was all chopping, stabbing and hacking, and the remaining officers and soldiers retreated, their limbs and heads were chopped off directly, and blood spurted out from the carotid artery one or two meters high, scarlet and scarlet, throwing Fu Bo who was fighting Jun was stained with blood all over his body and face, like evil spirits who had escaped from hell.

Wails, gasps, roars, and the impact of weapons were all in chaos, and the screams of the dying were heard from time to time.In an instant the trenches were filled with corpses.

The officers and soldiers quickly ran across the board, and then turned into a rout, but the commando completely occupied the first trench in 10 minutes.

Jiang Suo ordered all firearms to fire freely, trying to take advantage of the stalemate in the first trench to suppress the bandits who jumped out of the trench and charged.However, the trench launched by the assault was less than 50 meters away from the first trench of the Ming army. This point was within a few times of firing the firearms. The light infantry following the grenadiers occupied the sandbags piled up by the Ming army outside the first trench. Relying on the cover of sandbags, they quickly fired to suppress the firepower of the servants.

The infantry quickly wiped out the resistance of the remaining Ming troops in the trenches.The grenadiers followed the routed soldiers who had fled along the traffic trenches and chased them all the way, preparing to rush into the second trench in one go.

The fierce attack of the Australians made Song Ming unable to react for a while, or in other words, he had no time to react. He completed the soil work and advanced in an hour, fired a hundred guns, and threw grenades together. The first ditch fell in the blink of an eye after a charge. .He was hiding in the shelter of the second ditch at the moment, and saw that the bandits' troops were entering the first ditch continuously, and there were hundreds of them in a blink of an eye.

The preparations gathered in the traffic trenches and the knife and shield hands of the bandits who entered the trenches for melee recoil did not work at all. Instead, they were killed and injured by the shells fired in depth. It will be filled with bloody, mutilated corpses and screaming wounds.If it weren't for the fact that the Kun bandits didn't have many cannons, none of the soldiers in these trenches would have survived.

The archers collapsed at the first touch, but there were not many casualties, and now they are rectifying behind.But these people's fighting spirit is not strong, and it's okay to shoot arrows and cannons from a long distance, but it's not enough to fight the gangsters face to face.

He saw Jiang Suo carrying a Nanyang blunderbuss, walking along the side of the trench and peeping, and couldn't help but ask, "What should we do next?"

However, looking at it again, I secretly complained in my heart. It turned out that this "Jiang coach" was in a trance, and he seemed to be insane.Song Ming was worried: he trained hundreds of gunners by himself, what would he do if he really went crazy?
After busy calling him a few more words, Jiang Suo turned around and answered, which made Song Ming feel relieved.

"The thief is coming up!"

"It doesn't matter, all the entrances of the longitudinal traffic trenches are equipped with tiger squatting guns, and a few guns can seal the trenches. There are also turtledove guns and light Francois machine guns. It is enough to block these openings and prevent the thieves from coming along the trenches." !"

In the smoke of gunpowder, the grenadiers had rushed over along the trenches, their tall bodies and pointed military caps dangling between the trenches.

"Quick! Fire the gun!" Song Ming shouted.

Several tiger squat cannons pre-arranged in the fortifications at the end of the traffic trench were ignited at the same time. With a few bangs, the tiger squat cannons jumped up, and the cannons were sprayed out along the trench with thick smoke, instantly knocking down several assaulters in front. The Grenadier.

"The Gunner!"

Song Ming screamed, the tiger crouching cannon was too late to reload, and the gunner of the turtledove gun who was on standby near the traffic trench quickly put down the stand, blew on the matchlock, and pulled the trigger.The heavy arquebus roared in a low voice, spewing lead bullets along the traffic trench.

The gunners of the Ming army still follow the traditional "three-row fight" method and take turns shooting in the tunnel.Intensive longitudinal fire was formed in the communication trench, and the approaching grenadiers were quickly repelled.

A few grenadiers crawled out of the ditch, trying to outflank the ground, but were immediately knocked down by a salvo of Nanyang musketeers arranged along the second ditch.

In the second trench, in addition to the [-] new troops, a lot of tiger squatting guns and Francophones were also deployed. Now these weapons are being fired. Although they may not hit any targets, the flying shrapnel and thick smoke are hindering Infantry maneuvers during the attack.Forcing the battle infantry who had already rushed out of the first trench to retreat back.

Song Ming didn't care about the stinging eyes from the gunpowder smoke, and tried his best to look at the situation in the traffic trench with his eyes wide open. When he saw the blurry figure starting to recede, he slapped the sandbag happily—the thief has retreated!
Although this so-called victory is insignificant - it's hard to say whether it is a victory or not, but at least it proves that the Kun thief is not a heavenly soldier, not invulnerable, and invincible.As long as you can use the right strategy, you can also make them retreat.

"Drop the bomb!" The commanding platoon leader shouted with red eyes.Several grenadiers immediately approached to drop bombs, but the Francois machine guns and turtledove guns of the officers and soldiers fired almost continuously, and there were projectiles and gunpowder smoke flying everywhere in the traffic trench. None of the grenadiers could break into the bombing distance along the traffic trench , Instead, several people were killed or injured in vain.

The company commander of the grenadier company hastily ordered the troops to withdraw—the casualties in such a blind attack were too great, and within 10 minutes of breaking into the traffic trench, the entire company had already suffered more than ten casualties.

"Indicate the target to the artillery!" The company commander ordered loudly.

Yellow signal rockets flew up from time to time, drawing trails in the smoke.The mountain howitzer adjusted the shooting direction of the artillery according to the trajectory of the rocket.The artillery shells began to extend towards the end of the traffic trench, and fell towards the defensive position at the entrance of the tunnel from far to near
The infantry who entered the first trench turned the sandbags and quickly built a parapet. The light infantry and battle infantry hid behind the sandbags and fired row after row, pouring out firepower regardless of cost.The firepower of the Fran's cannon and the turtledove gun was quickly suppressed.

Jiang Suo knew that the Fubo Army especially emphasized the use of superior firepower in combat.Even if the supply may be cut off at any time, the ammunition is not stingy in combat, and the morale of the enemy is destroyed with absolute firepower superiority.The current rifle volley and mountain grenade are just the beginning, followed by more powerful firepower assaults.

Jiang Suo originally wanted to launch a counterattack when the Australians were blocked and the troops fell into a brief period of chaos-not to recapture the first trench, at least it could disrupt the attack rhythm of the bandits and delay the time for the next attack.However, the Kun thief's reaction was much faster than he expected. Although the assault was once repelled by the officers and soldiers, he was able to organize a firepower counterattack soon.It won't be long before their artillery fire will cover the blocking positions of the traffic trenches.

The dense bullets roared overhead, and the gunners suffered constant casualties. At this time, they had completely stopped shooting and curled up in the ditch.Although this servant-dominated force has not yet collapsed, it is only a matter of time.

It won't be long before Bangshan will fall, and I may die on this Bangshan.

"Senior sister, I will come to accompany you soon!" Jiang Suo said silently in his heart.

In Wuzhou City, Yi Haoran, who was watching the battle of Bangshan nervously from the top of the city tower, had already forgotten the time and the rumbling artillery fire outside the city.Regardless of the repeated persuasion of the soldiers around him, he was always on the top of the tower, looking at Bangshan.

In fact, standing on the tower, you can't see the battle situation of Bangshan, what you can barely see is the fireworks and flags on the mountain.From the approaching dusk, the sound of cannons, blunderbuss and bursts of shouts and killings continued to come from Bangshan.However, I don't know how the battle is going.

At the beginning, Tang Ma was still able to pass on news continuously. He probably knew that the Kun bandits were approaching the defender Luzhai on Bangshan with trenches against trenches, and there were sporadic exchanges of fire between the two sides.

Yi Haoran learned a lot about the characteristics of Kun bandits' battles from officers and soldiers Zuo Bing Ding and Jiang Suo: Kun bandits usually don't attack rashly, and often take a steady and steady approach.To fight, you must first build a position and a deer village.As evidence of advance and retreat.It takes a long time to prepare for an attack.Sometimes it can even be said to be quite slow.

However, once the attack starts, there will be super firepower projection.The destruction of firearms can often cause the collapse of the enemy army, and then the infantry will attack, and the battle can be resolved in an instant, with minimal casualties.

The sporadic exchange of fire showed that the Kun bandits were still preparing for the final blow.Yi Haoran couldn't help worrying secretly, whether Song Ming and Jiang Suo could withstand the fatal blow of the Kun thief?
Up to now, no group of people can withstand the thunderous blow of the gangster.

Can Jiang Suo and the new army trained by him do it?

From Xiong Du's point of view, as long as it is not a "miserable defeat", it is considered a "victory".Even sacrificing all the new army is not hesitating.However, Yi Haoran doesn't want to win this kind of "victory" - he still hopes to keep the city of Wuzhou, a city of Li and Shu from the bloody disaster of the military chaos.

The next update will be Volume 314 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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