Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2110 Escape

Chapter 2110 Escape
As the sound of gunfire on Bangshan became more and more intense, dusk began to fall, and he could hardly see anything clearly. Few of the pond horses sent out could return, and those who were lucky enough to swim back from the river were only Can report some vague words such as "there is a fierce battle", "the guns of the gangsters are flying across the sky, and they can't rush over"... and so on.

On the hillside in the distance, in the twilight, he began to clearly see the fire when the artillery was fired. From time to time, the rocket dragged its red tail across the sky and hit the ground, splashing sparks.

Although Yi Haoran didn't get the news, from the intensity of the artillery fire and the light from the guns moving up the mountain, it can be seen that the officers and soldiers are retreating step by step, and the bandits are attacking upwards step by step.

In a few hours, Bangshan will completely fall!Yi Haoran's heart sank.Jiang Suo and the new army are the biggest capital for him to settle down in Xiong Wencan's shogunate.Of course it's nothing to Xiong Du if this money is spent, but it's very important to him!

Immediately notify Jiang Suo to withdraw his troops!

Yi Haoran knew that Jiang Suo had a knot in his heart, and he wanted to die when he went to the battlefield.He is likely to lead those servants to fight to the death on the mountain to the end.

It doesn't matter if the three hundred family members live or die, and it doesn't matter if all the Nanyang rifles are lost. As long as Governor Xiong is in power, he can continue to train the new army and buy weapons. Only this Jiang Suo, although he is just a small bandit school, is indeed on hand. If the person who knows the most about "kunqing" dies, there will be no second person to replace him.What's even more rare is that although Jiang Suo was born as a performer in the Jianghu, he is not greedy for money and sex. He is extremely strict with himself, and he is well-organized in speaking and doing things.It can also be regarded as his half "confidant".

Fortunately, Xiong Wencan allowed him to make up his own mind on the battle of Bangshan, but at the time he didn't take it seriously, but now it seems that Xiong Du's knowledge and thoughts are indeed far superior to his own.

Seeing that the sound of artillery on the mountain changed from dense to sparse, I knew that the defenders on the mountain were exhausted and could not last long.He immediately called two confidant servants and told them in a low voice to cross the river immediately, and sent an order to Bangshan to tell Jiang Suo and others to withdraw their troops immediately.

These two servants have followed him since Liaodong, and have lived and died with him for many years.As soon as he gave an order, the two servants went down from the tower and went to Bangshan.

He called another servant and ordered him to take people to the pontoon bridge immediately: in order to meet the defenders of Bangshan, a pontoon bridge had been built on the river under his auspices in advance.He also sent hundreds of soldiers to guard him. The water here was shallow and the waterway was blocked in advance. The gangster's sailors were afraid of running aground and also worried about the red cannons on the city wall, so he was not too worried about the safety of the pontoon on the river— On the contrary, they are afraid that the thieves will cut off the pontoon bridge from the land.

Several servants brought out two boxes.

"There are 1000 taels of silver in the box. Distribute it to the bridge guards as soon as you get there, and you must stabilize their hearts!"

"Yes, sir!"

"go quickly!"

Several servants took orders and went.Yi Haoran looked at Bangshan again, worried: "Jiang Suo, you can't die!"

Jiang Suo and Song Ming had regrouped the troops who had retreated to the second ditch.After a chaotic battle, there were not many troops left. Except for the 200 new troops, there were only more than [-] soldiers left. The others were either killed or injured or fled.The firearms have almost been consumed.

At this moment, both Jiang Suo and Song Ming knew that Bangshan was in danger.The Kun bandits have temporarily ceased fire, and they must be mobilizing artillery troops, preparing to launch a final general attack and take down Bangshan in one fell swoop.

"Bangshan can't be defended anymore. Before the pontoon bridge is broken, you take the troops and leave quickly." Jiang Suo had already decided to stay in the rear.

"If you want to run or run together." Song Ming said, "How can I go alone first? Besides, we can fight again!" This is not because he is pretending. Middle and low-level officers in the Ming Dynasty often chose to die in battle when the battle was unfavorable. The battlefield, in order to keep their own hereditary fame and land,

He can save his life by running away now, but Jiang Suo is Yi Haoran's "popular man", and Yi Haoran is Xiong Du's "popular man".Once Jiang Suo was killed and the entire new army was annihilated, he would have no good fruit to eat. Even if Xiong Du didn't pursue him, he would be reduced to a "disused general".This is nothing less than a disaster for the general family.

However, Fubo Jun didn't give them much time to communicate.Leading by the dozens of rockets fired from the nearby hills, followed by the intensive shooting of mountain grenades, the defenders who were finally rectified were thrown into chaos in an instant.

With the sound of the bugle, which symbolized the start of the attack of the Fubo Army, a company of infantrymen began a hand-to-hand assault. While they were responding to the attacks of these two companies, the flank was hit by another company.

Song Ming stopped arguing with Jiang Suo about who should leave first, and he ordered without hesitation: "The whole army goes down the mountain, cross the bridge and enter the city!"

With this order, like a snow mountain avalanche, the surrounding officers and soldiers scattered, only the remaining new troops gathered around them.

Relatively speaking, the training level of the new army is quite high. Under Song Ming's command, they fought and retreated in an orderly manner, unlike other troops that immediately became defeated.Seeing that Jiang Suo had no intention of retreating, he took a few soldiers and continued to reload and aim and shoot without paying attention, thinking: "This guy doesn't want to die here, does he?"

For his own sake, Jiang Suo is determined not to die
So Song Ming retreated all the way to Jiang Suo, shouting: "You don't want to die, you can't win this battle, retreat quickly!"

"Mr. Song Qian, you withdraw first, and I will stay in the queen."

"The Queen of the Palace is death. I don't know why you want to die, but it's a pity that these servants die here with you! If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. As long as you live, are you afraid that you won't have the chance to fight the gangsters? !"

Jiang Suo shook his head and said, "I have decided to settle the matter with the Kun thief here."

Song Ming was at a loss for what to do when suddenly someone came to report: Mr. Yi sent someone from the city!

The soldier brought the servant who had been sent. He was drenched in water and had flowers hanging on his body.Panting like a cow.Seeing that Jiang Suo didn't care to catch his breath, he said in a hoarse voice: "Master... called... you... hurry... go..."

Just as Jiang Suo was about to speak, the servant said again: "The master... said, doesn't matter if you die alone, and these brothers in the new army..."

Hearing this, Jiang Suo looked around, thinking that he had been with these new troops day and night in the past two years, and with the love of robes, Jiang Suo couldn't bear to let them die for him for his own personal enmity.

"Get out!" Jiang Suo ordered.

A group of people retreated along the hillside, but the flank retreat was surrounded by the light infantry of the thieves. Guns were fired indiscriminately, and people in the queue kept falling.Seeing that the retreat was about to be cut off.Song Ming was very quick-witted, and led a few people to push a loaded Francois machine gun from among the dead, lit the matchlock, and tore a hole in the sparse skirmish line of the light infantry with one shot, and then rushed out .

The light infantry continued to pursue, but was desperately resisted by the servants in the rear.Although the light infantry has an advantage in firepower, it is difficult to divide troops to pursue them due to the small number of people.He watched helplessly as Song Ming and the others retreated to the foot of the mountain.

"Report to the battalion commander, the enemy has broken through the outflanking of the light infantry, and fled to the northeast to the pontoon bridge at the foot of the mountain! We are short of troops, please support!" The messenger sent by the commander of the light infantry company reported to Yang Zeng.

"Don't chase the poor, let them live a little longer." Yang Zeng said.

However, Yang Zeng did not intend to let the Ming army go. He called the messenger and asked, "Has the artillery team arranged the artillery properly?"

"Report to the battalion commander, the mountain pomegranate has been arranged, and the rockets are being transported to it. I will wait for your order."

"Fire on the pontoon!"

For a while, he couldn't deploy troops to cut off the pontoon bridge, but it was no problem to block it with artillery fire.

The orderly flew off to give the order.Now that the task of occupying Bangshan has been completed, it doesn't matter if some of the Ming troops escaped. When the battle came to an end, Yang Zeng ordered the artillery to be strengthened to stop firing, firstly to save ammunition and secondly to cool down the barrel.As soon as the battle on the top of the hill was over, the artillerymen and civilians began to move the artillery and rockets to the top of the hill.Now the Ming army is preparing to cross the river through the pontoon bridge, which happens to be a ready-made live target.

The Ming army who was rushing to the pontoon bridge without armor and armor would not know this, and those who were fleeing did not pay attention to it-Song Ming and Jiang Suo were no exception.At this time, the two of them had successfully run onto the pontoon bridge and reached the center of the river in one breath.Both of them were panting and exhausted, but they dared not stop to rest for fear that the Australians would chase them up.

Seeing that they would reach the opposite bank after running for a while, and then burn the pontoon bridge, both of them breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help slowing down their pace.Song Ming sighed: "It's another narrow escape!" Jiang Suo felt a little dazed. Originally, he wanted to fight to the death on Bangshan, and it would be over, but now he was trying to survive again.

Jiang Suo didn't know what to say, so he nodded Nuonuo.

Song Ming thought he was still upset about the failure, so he comforted him:

"It's nothing to lose a battle, as long as you have your life! The so-called keeping the green mountains..." Song Ming just finished speaking, a shell roared through the air and landed on the river less than two or three feet away from them , The splash of water splashed them all over.Song Ming was taken aback, then started to run wildly again. Before leaving, he uttered two words: "Run!"

With the sound of the cannon, more shells flew from Bangshan, followed by rockets, and a group of more than a dozen fell towards the river. Although the accuracy was not good, most of them fell into the river, but this The horror of the rockets falling towards the heads one after another made the broken soldiers who were crossing the bridge into chaos.The crowd squeezed forward desperately, and a dozen people fell into the water unexpectedly by the bridge. They struggled in the water crying and howling, those who knew how to swim desperately swam over, those who didn’t struggled a few times before losing their voice, and sank slowly. go down.

The next update will be Volume 315 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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