Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2111 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 2111 Escape from the Dead
Many of the family members were wearing armor, no matter whether it was iron armor or cotton armor, once they entered the water, they were extremely heavy. Many people fell into the water in a panic and couldn't get up again, and were dragged by the armor and sank to the bottom of the water.

Jiang Suo didn't wear any armor, not even an iron helmet. Apart from carrying a Nanyang-style rifle on his back, he only wore ordinary uniforms, just like an ordinary soldier.During the days of working with Jiang Suo, Song Ming often joked about Jiang Suo's pretending, saying that he was safe in fighting like this, but no one listened to him when he gave orders.He has been persuading Jiang Suo to wear armor when he goes into battle—in Jiang Suo's current position, it is no problem to get a passable armor.But Jiang Suo always refused because he was "unaccustomed to wearing clothes".Most of the servants he commanded who used Nanyang rifles did not wear armor.

Song Ming didn't realize the burden of his armor until he ran for his life.

It was not the first time for him to escape on the battlefield, but he never disliked that the armor was too heavy - under normal circumstances, he always rode a horse, but the enemy used swords, guns, bows and arrows, and he had a better chance of surviving when escaping with armor.It is more appropriate to wait until you are in a safe place and then "abandon your armor and flee".

Jiang Suo walked lightly and ran far away in a few strokes. Song Ming was wearing a battle armor and no horse. He ran all the way to the bridge and was exhausted.Jiang Suo yelled to Song Ming behind him: "Mr. Song Qian, if you want to survive, take off everything you can!" While cutting off the tether of the armor on his side, he tried to take off the armor on his body.

It's a pity that it was too late. The next wave of shells from the Australians was extremely accurate. A row of shells cut across the river, and one shell directly hit the floating bridge. The surface of the river was instantly stained red with blood.The floating bridge was also broken.On the bridge, the soldiers of the Ming army slipped and fell into the water with violent shaking.

Song Ming, who had just taken off his upper armor, was also knocked down by a shell that fell directly in front of him. As soon as he lost his balance, he immediately fell into the water.Although Song Ming knew how to swim, his heavy armor made him sink very quickly, and he was exhausted from fighting all day long.Even the struggle became weaker and weaker, he began to suffocate, and then slowly had hallucinations, his life was constantly replaying in his mind, his father began to teach him martial arts at the age of six, and he went to the school for the first time at the age of 16. "School"; marriage, children born one after another; battle in Chengmai...

Song Ming's consciousness began to slowly disappear, and he seemed to feel that someone was pulling him up desperately, but this feeling also disappeared slowly, and then Song Ming felt his eyes go dark, and then he was nothing knew.

Jiang Suo reached the other side smoothly, crawled on the beach and panted heavily. He had never panted like this in his life. His lungs heaved involuntarily, and his mouth was filled with the smell of blood.He turned around and saw Song Ming lying motionless on the shoal like a dead man, with half of his body still submerged in the water. No matter how good the water quality was, it was not easy to tear off the armor underwater. Although he tried his best to finally drag Song Ming to the shore, he looked lifeless now.He wanted to drag him to the shore to control the water, but his whole body was limp and he had no strength at all.

He survived after all. Although the pontoon bridge was broken, most of the surviving Bangshan defenders escaped across the river.In the end, many people braved the gunfire and gunmen's rifles to swim across the river desperately. Now that they reached the bank, they felt safe, and they all collapsed on the rocky beach, panting.Even if shells and guns are flying around his head, he can't care about it.

The number of people who can escape is very small.None of the servants he trained with his own armor were wearing armor. Looking carefully, there were only twenty or thirty survivors on the river beach.Jiang Suo was sad for a while, seeing that none of the new troops he brought to Bangshan could not help but feel sour, and his heart was infinitely sad, why did so many people die?
From time to time, the artillery shells of the bandits flew across the river and landed on the river beach. The soldiers who had been paralyzed on the river beach hurriedly fled to the city again.

He wanted to call some people to carry Song Ming—whether he was dead or alive, he had to be taken to the city.However, the passing soldiers turned a deaf ear to each of them and walked by completely ignoring them.Jiang Suo was dressed like a big soldier at this time, so no one listened to his orders.

It took a while before they met some of Song Ming's personal soldiers who had escaped from death.They braved the artillery fire and searched by the river beach, and finally found Song Ming——Jiang Suo only then remembered what Master Yi had said to him: You still need a few personal soldiers to be reliable in battle.

At night, the cannons ceased.Before dark, Zhu Quanxing took the 3rd Battalion to occupy Beishan in the east of the city, and then came to the north of the city to confront the Ming army. Apart from sporadic firefights along the way, he successfully completed the set combat objectives.

After the occupation of Bangshan, only a small number of troops were left to garrison, and the engineers opened and repaired the road overnight so that the artillery company could be stationed in Bangshan after dawn.Guijiang was firmly in the hands of the First Mixed Brigade.

Except for some guard posts, most of the soldiers of the Fubo Army had fallen asleep. At this time, Zhu Mingxia had just finished inspecting the troops in the south of the city, and made another special trip to Bangshan.

The report of the Bangshan battle had been sent to him half an hour ago. In the Bangshan battle, the Fubo army and civilians accompanying the army killed 19 people, injured 67 people, left more than 400 dead bodies of officers and soldiers, and captured more than [-] people.From this ratio of casualties alone, it is insignificant-this still does not count the number of Ming army casualties during the bombardment of the Guijiang pontoon bridge.

The seizure report was completely meaningless to him. The various firearms discarded by the Ming army were useless to the army except for returning them to the Planning Institute, and there was not much food stored on Bangshan.

In general: I gnawed a hard bone and there is no meat.

However, Zhu Mingxia had to pay attention to the Ming army's tactics in defending Bangshan.He and Xu Xu personally went up to Bangshan, and carefully observed the fortifications and discarded weapons left by the Ming army.He also specifically questioned several captives, and called officers and soldiers who participated in the war to hold a small meeting to learn about first-hand materials on the battlefield.

Judging from the remains of the battlefield, the Ming army on Bangshan is clearly divided into two parts, one is the traditional Ming army, with armor and some without armor; the other does not wear armor, and wears much shorter uniforms. , more fit.The body has ammunition canvas ammunition equipment similar to that used by the Fubo Army.They carry flash caps and ammunition wrapped in paper, and there are generally Nanyang rifles left nearby.

This is probably what the intelligence personnel said, the "new army" of the Ming army trained by "spies".

Xu Xu is taking pictures and drawings with his assistants on the Bangshan position, and the Military Intelligence Bureau is collecting relevant information.Especially collecting Nanyang style rifles.Every Nanyang rifle left on the battlefield will be picked up regardless of whether it is damaged or not, and the damaged ones must be pieced together so that they can determine how many Nanyang rifles the enemy has used.From the gun number on the gun body, you can roughly check the date of manufacture and sales.

Regarding the export of Nanyang rifles, there has been controversy in the Senate.Whether it is the sale of quark to Southeast Asian states, or the sale of quark to various Ming armies in Shandong, it has aroused controversy.After all, the guns sold don't have eyes.But this kind of trade is not only extremely profitable, but also has a strong market demand.So arguments are arguments, sales never stop.The export in Shandong has also received the firm support of the Huaxia Society-the Huaxia Society believes that because the Senate and the Manchus do business, it is necessary to make the necessary "trade balance" for the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Mingxia was not very interested in the Nanyang rifle. Although the number of this rifle was sold abroad, it was limited by the ammunition. It was difficult for any hostile force to equip troops with this rifle on a large scale.

Instead, he was interested in those firearms in this time and space.The number of firearms abandoned by the Ming army collected on the battlefield is extremely large.There are more than 100 turtledove guns alone-this thing is what Xu Guangqi said is a "sharp weapon" that costs nine taels of silver, and Xiong Wencan is really willing to invest in it!
Judging from today's combat situation, the Ming army made full use of the existing firearms in their hands to fight: the firearms left over from the battlefield show that they used a large number of turtledove guns and Franco cannons of various sizes, especially a large number of small Francois. Lang cannon - in fact, it is almost the same as a heavy arquebus such as the turtledove gun.Weapons such as bird guns and three-eyed guns that were often seen in the Battle of Chengmai and the Battle of the Pearl River Estuary were not found.Obviously, the commanders of the Ming army realized the shortcomings of these two commonly used firearms: the power of the birdcrack was too small, and the range accuracy of the fire door gun was too poor; they began to try to use heavy-duty arquebus guns, which had a longer range and more powerful firearms.Although they cannot be used by individual soldiers, they are not a big problem in position defense warfare.In the battle, it also played an effective role in obstructing and delaying the attack of the Fubo army.

The Hongyi cannons, which had been regarded as artifacts by the Ming army in the past, were nowhere to be seen. Instead, there were quite a few tiger crouching cannons that had a killing effect at close range, and they were all placed on the top of the traffic trenches to block the trenches.It can be seen that the commander fully considered the actual combat effect of firearms.

Enemies are progressing fast!

Looking at Wuzhou City from the top of Bangshan Mountain, he thought to himself.

From the layout of the bastion, to the construction of the trenches, the use of projectile weapons to hinder the advance of the Fubo army from digging trenches, and the battle in the trenches.The artillery transport and close shooting and the active use of new firearms... all revealed that the enemy not only began to understand the combat mode of the Fubo Army, but also began to figure out how to deal with it.

From the mopan gun mounts on the small Three Gorges, the fire attack ship to the Bangshan position, all reflect the technological and tactical innovation within the Ming army.This kind of groping and trying still seems very clumsy. On the one hand, their technical level is not enough, and on the other hand, it may be a system problem.But it's clear that the enemy is trying to learn how to fight them.It is different from the officers and soldiers who were completely ignorant and went into battle in Chengmai and the Pearl River Estuary.

The next update will be Volume 316 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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