Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2112

Chapter 2112
This kind of change, on the one hand, may have been brought about by what the intelligence personnel called "spies", on the other hand, it also shows that not all the high-ranking officials and generals in power are incompetent people.

Unexpectedly, Xiong Wencan is quite capable.Zhu Mingxia thought.

Originally, he was not very interested in capturing Xiong Wencan, but now he suddenly has a desire to capture Xiong Wencan alive to exchange ideas.See what top figures in 17th century China like him think of the Senate.

Over the past few years, the elders have come into contact with many natives of this time and space, but most of them are the people at the bottom.There are very few senior officials and intellectuals.Although Zhao Yingong hooked up with Fushe in Hangzhou, the relationship between the princes of Fushe and him has always been superficial. Although there have been many in-depth cooperations in private, there is not much progress in personal relationships— — It is difficult for the elders to truly integrate into this circle.

After Gao Shunqin was kidnapped to Lingao, he was kept under house arrest.Over the years, the Senate has regarded him as a living specimen of understanding the traditional high-level bureaucratic thinking of the Ming Dynasty, and made audio recordings of his conversations for specific analysis.

However, Gao Shunqin was just a patrol censor, and his level was completely different from local officials like Xiong Wencan.Although Xiong Wencan was criticized in later generations, he was considered one of the capable officials in the late Ming Dynasty.What such a man thought of the Senate had always been a question of interest to both the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Great Library.

Zhu Mingxia couldn't help but think of what the director of a certain county office said to him during the Qiongnan Raiders.

"Commander Zhu, have you watched the BBC's "Walking with Ancient Humans"? At the end of the last episode, the host hugged a Homo sapiens baby and said, 'If I take her back to modern society and raise her as a daughter Great, she is no different from my biological daughter, both psychologically and physically'. The difference between us and the natives is not the difference between Homo sapiens and apes, nor the difference between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. The difference between modern people and ancient people after a century of technological development and social development. We can despise and laugh at their backwardness not because we are so smart, but because we stand on the accumulation of hundreds of years of human scientific knowledge explosion. Many people I feel that we can easily become masters with hundreds of years of accumulation. But masters are not so easy. Aboriginals are not apes, and aboriginals can learn. Many times we have to turn to aboriginals Learning. In fact, we are now living on our laurels, using the achievements of our predecessors to decorate ourselves, without any real development and innovation at all. And now many people are not even active in plagiarism, and they are just passing by. , still thinking that he is invincible in the world. This kind of self-sufficient mentality is undesirable, and if it goes on like this for a long time, one day it will suffer."

Since the Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders, Zhu Mingxia has a deeper sense of identity with what he said at the beginning: the enemy is learning, although it is obviously very clumsy, but it still brings a lot of trouble to the Fubo army.On the contrary, we are all a bit complacent.He thought of the many proposals for newer weapons that were constantly being rejected, and he felt a little uncomfortable.But thinking about the consumption of the army, I feel that the decision of the Government Affairs Council is not unreasonable.

Perhaps, a more difficult battle would be more beneficial to the growth of the troops.Zhu Mingxia feels that the Senate now has a kind of honey confidence in war. Many people think that leading troops to fight is just like "Age of Empires". and loss.

It has developed to the present, let alone a large casualty loss, even a slight setback in combat, there will always be veterans who want to ask the teacher on the BBS, thinking that it is "poor command", and many people even doubt the naturalized military officers. His ability has risen to the level of negating the command of veteran officers.

This kind of perfectionist requirement for war, and "inquiry meetings" and "hearings" have to be held for trivial matters, which has formed a big rebound among the officer class of the Fubo Army. Not only the veteran officers are very dissatisfied with this, The officers of the Huamin army also discussed in private: they believed that the chiefs "know how expensive they are if they are not in charge of the family" and "picky".

Zhu Mingxia knows very well that there are too many uncontrollable factors in wars, and there is no such thing as a [-]% planned battle. Even in this time and space, they have absolute technical and organizational advantages, and they can be said to win every battle. The loss was very small, but every post-war review still found many omissions and places that were not implemented properly.

"Everything must be carried out according to the plan, and it is too difficult to win with zero casualties and zero losses." Zhu Mingxia said to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Xu Xu just walked over and asked.

"It's nothing." Zhu Mingxia coughed, "How's the investigation going?"

"Old Xiong is really a fool!" Li Ke said with an emphasis, "There are 51 Nanyang rifles abandoned on the battlefield in the preliminary count. Including the ones we didn't find and the ones taken away by the defeated army, there are at least 100 Nanyang rifles in this army. The corpses There is also a lot of ammunition found on the board, and it is estimated that each person was issued at least forty rounds of ammunition."

"Any other discoveries?"

"There are no other important discoveries." Ke Xu lit a cigar and said, "It can be seen that the Ming army has made progress."

"I feel the same way." Zhu Mingxia nodded, "He played very well."

"It seems that the intelligence officer's statement that there are spies is probably true." Xu said, "This person has probably served in our army. You see, the construction of this trench was not trained by us. It may have been dug like this—it is quite professional to arrange firing points at the traffic trenches.”

"But we have no reports of missing officers."

"It may be a soldier or a sergeant." Xu said, "It may also be a fake death. Things on the battlefield are ever-changing, and it is impossible to be [-]% sure."

"You're right." Zhu Mingxia was silent for a while, "It looks like the enemy is getting stronger..."

"It's a good thing for me to think that the enemy is getting stronger. Now the army is fighting too smoothly, and it always fights security wars. The army will degenerate." Xu said, "Think about it, the army has not been as real as it is now for several years. Have you pulled a large team to fight?"

"Since Shandong, there hasn't been a decent war." Zhu Mingxia understood what he meant.The crushing public security warfare with long-term technology generation gap is actually very harmful to the combat development of troops.

"So the battle is more complicated, more difficult, and I think it is acceptable to have more casualties. Including deliberately launching some complicated battle tactics-some people may think it's unnecessary, but I think it's okay-just treat it as a real knife and a real gun Practice."

Zhu Mingxia laughed, he didn't expect that Lian, an intelligence officer from the navy, would have so much resonance with him.He nodded: "You are right."

He remembered that Xu Xu was very unhappy in the Senate. In the past, he was rejected by many elders because of some political opinions. Although he did his favorite military intelligence work, he was the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the General Staff in his title. In fact, he was almost in the leather bag company. As a polished commander, a lot of business is done by the Foreign Intelligence Agency, and he is considered an unknown figure among the veterans.

However, his work is quite good. The key is that every time there is a battle, permission will be sent to the front line. From the intelligence preparation before the war to the battlefield survey after the war, and the interrogation of prisoners, he will personally participate as long as possible.

But this line of work seldom gets honors, and if something goes wrong, it is quickly spotted by others—probably also the characteristic of secret work.

"You really can endure loneliness in this line of work." Zhu Mingxia said involuntarily, "There are not many benefits, but there are many opportunities to be criticized."

"The "Book of Changes" says, don't use the nine potential dragons. Now is the time for me to hide my strength and bide my time. The organization will remember me. Some people just like to spit, especially the so-called soy sauce party, who always like to have nothing to do with themselves. I am not afraid of offending people. Many people are depressed in the old time and space. Do you think they can make a fortune after time travel? No, no, I stayed in the unit and found that no matter what In any unit, the ones who have no future are those who like to chew their tongues. Those people are always talking about other people's faults, but they always don't know. There is no way to make mistakes in real things. They are always afraid of making mistakes in the old time and space. , always timid, how can you not achieve nothing? This kind of thinking also brings the old time and space, so no wonder they have soy sauce. Look at those who dare to be the first, which one has not already taken charge of one side?"

In Wuzhou City, although it was late at night, the city was very tense.The fall of Bangshan announced that the Guijiang River, another main channel from Wuzhou to the outside world, was blocked, and the roads leading to He County, Zhongshan, and Mengshan were cut off.Changzhou Island on the Xijiang waterway on the only way to Tengxian County has long been occupied by Kun thieves.As a result, the defenders of Wuzhou fell into a desperate situation.

At this moment, the defenders and officials of all sizes in the city are in a state of panic all day long. There are not many defenders in Wuzhou City-since the plan to burn the city was set, the elites including the generals of the East and West Mountains and the defenders of the middle road have retreated to Tengzhou. County and He County.

The bombardment during the day and the fall of Bangshan both declared that Wuzhou would eventually fail to defend.Although it was late at night, the officials and soldiers were all busy packing up and preparing to escape.The order in the city was gradually getting out of control, and the noise of rioting soldiers and the crying of the people could be heard from time to time.

In the besieged and endangered city of Wuzhou, Xiong Wencan was not panicked. His loss of Bangshan was expected, and the plan to burn the city had already been prepared.He still has hundreds of elites at hand, enough to cover his escape from the encirclement by land.Most of the food and wealth in the city have been sent out, and the main force has also left Wuzhou.At present, the officials, soldiers and civilians staying in the city, the number of casualties is irrelevant to the overall situation.

The next update will be Volume 317 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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