Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2113 Rebellion

Chapter 2113 Rebellion
Watching the growing dusk outside the window, he called a servant:
"Have all the masters arrived?"

"Waiting in the garden."

"Where are you gentlemen?"

"They're all waiting behind."

"Yeah." He nodded, stroked his beard, and looked at himself in the Australian crystal mirror.

Xiong Wencan in the mirror has already removed his loose robe and changed into a military uniform.

He nodded, and the two servants immediately put on the armor for him - this is just a very ordinary armor, only slightly better than that worn by ordinary soldiers and servants.

Dressed neatly, he nodded slightly, and a servant immediately opened the door for him without carrying the lamp.The others followed him closely down the steps.

At the foot of the steps was already kneeling a servant in a green coat and a cap.When he came out, he kowtowed immediately.

"Xiong Yi, it's your hard work this time."

"Master's words are serious, and the young one will definitely live up to his mission."

"You just need to maintain it until dawn, and you don't need to ask more about the future. Find a way out." Xiong Wencan said in a low voice, "I will take care of your family, so there is no need to worry about freezing and starvation; if this battle ends, you and I You still have the bond of master and servant, you go back to Yongningwei old house, and you will be settled there."

Xiong Yi kowtowed again.Xiong Wencan didn't say a word, and went to the back with his own people.

It was twilight, and the aides who had spent the night in panic gathered in the front hall of the yamen's office without being ordered to gather.Almost all of them put on their luggage, ready to follow Xiong Du to break through.

They probably knew that the number of thieves besieging the city was limited, and apart from controlling the water points of the Xijiang and Guijiang, the blockade on land was not comprehensive. As long as there were enough men and horses to cover and fast horses, it would not be a problem to rush out.

Although Xiong Wencan has a big goal, he is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. He has a supervisor with him, and there are more than a hundred soldiers and servants. At that time, even if there are piles of heads, Xiong Du must be piled out. They will break through the siege and escape alive. At least eighty-nine percent.

However, Xiong Du has not shown up until now.Only his personal servant Xiong Yi appeared from time to time, ordering the people to prepare items.

Xiong Yi is here, and Xiong Du should be there too.

Someone who was acquainted with Xiong Yi quietly asked Xiong Du "how is your body?"Xiong Yi's answer was "Master thought about the strategy last night, and talked to several masters. He didn't go to sleep until four o'clock. He is sleeping soundly."

The prefect of Wuzhou and the county magistrate of Cangwu were mournful, barely coping with the various demands of the staff and staff of the Governor's Mansion—they were the only ones who could escape.After the city was broken, they either committed suicide or "resigned".

The governor's yamen had opened breakfast as usual, and a group of people were chatting and picking their teeth with tea bowls in their hands. Suddenly, there was another booming sound outside. Xiong Wencan's staff and magistrates, who hadn't seen Xiong Wencan, couldn't help but feel a little commotion—could there be some commotion in Xiong Wencan's staff at this time? With such a big heart, he still can't sleep when he hears the sound of gunfire?
In a private house in the city, Luo Yangming listened attentively to the sound of the guns, with a smile on his lips.

His wife walked up and down the room in panic, twisting the handkerchief with both hands.Since the siege of the city, she hasn't applied makeup, and even her hair bun is hastily done.

Seeing the smile on her husband's mouth, Ding Atao felt that her husband was probably going crazy.A few days ago, the merchants of each brand called together to "reward the army". This was originally a matter of apportioning some money to each household, and they couldn't avoid paying a few taels of money.The husband of the family not only paid the money, but also specially bought wine and meat, and went to the city with Pai Jia to deliver food and drinks to Qiu Baye, and spent a few taels of silver during the period.This kind of thing of stretching his neck to be beheaded and smiling when he came back made Ding Atao feel for the first time that her husband might be going crazy.

In the past few days, he didn't know what kind of nerves he had, and hooked up with the head of the strong squad in the city-Ding Atao always kept this kind of public people at arm's length. People don't spit out bones.Although my husband used to socialize with the people in the yamen, they were all doing business for the sake of safety. They just maintained a good relationship and did not have close friendships.But at this moment, for some reason, through Wen Tietou's relationship, he won over this dry person regardless of the cost, and gave them ten taels to dozens of taels of vain money.Don't know what to draw? !

This money has been accumulated penny by penny over the years, and her husband gave it away so lavishly, she didn't say anything, but felt very bitter in her heart.

She was deeply taught by "Three Obediences and Four Virtues" since she was a child, and she never dared to interfere in her husband's affairs, but she really didn't see any need for these matters.If the city is really going to be destroyed and chaos ensues, what is the use of these strong yamen servants who usually pretend to be powerful?
He said he was going crazy, but it was normal to see him doing things and talking.But every time he heard the sound of gunfire and other people panicked, he always smiled——Ding Atao couldn't help crying secretly again at night: why is his life so hard!A few years had passed since Ansheng's life, and he was in turmoil again. Just when he had to rely on a man, the man showed signs of losing his mind again.

Really going crazy, what about her orphan and widow? !

After Luo Yangming sent the information on the city wall, his mind was settled.Although he didn't know what measures the chiefs would take, but since the elders had received the news, they would definitely take measures, and Xiong Wencan's trick would not succeed.And he himself was active in the city.

His activities are actually to win over the armed forces in the city who instigated rebellion.The focus is on Wuzhou's local strong squads and guard troops.

The composition of the personnel of both of them is from the same township, especially the "Min Zhuang" in the Zhuang class, almost all are from Cangwu County, at most they are from the suburbs.Most of the family members and relatives are in the city or the suburbs, so they dare not do everything.Moreover, after the influx of a large number of guest troops, these people have actually become "marginal". Not only can the supply of food and wages not be guaranteed, but they have also been bullied by the strong "guest army", and the contradictions between them are very deep.

Once Xiong Wencan sets fire, Wuzhou will be destroyed, and their families, houses and property will also be destroyed.In terms of emotion and reason, they are the people who are least willing to burn the city.Therefore, it is also the key object of his struggle.

The channel for him to instigate rebellion is through Wen Tietou.Wen Tietou rushed into the city to warn his "brother-in-law" that day, but unexpectedly, he was imprisoned in the city instead, and could only temporarily stay at Luo's house, becoming his excellent assistant.

Wen Tietou is the leader on the pier, and all the gods have to deal with it. He knows everyone in the yamen very well, and he also has contacts with the officers and soldiers of the local a suitable channel.

But I can't openly say that I am a spy of the Kun Bandit. First, others dare not believe it easily, and second, these people have always been shameless and have no faith at all.When he said it face to face, he moved the world, his righteousness was so great, and he swore and swore; when he turned around, he would denounce someone without frowning.

Luo Yangming thought over and over again, and decided to go to the leader of the Rice Industry Guild first.

Wholesale of grain in Wuzhou is a big business, and the leader was already worried about the siege of the war.After Luo Yangming came to the door and expressed his concern that "the officers and soldiers will be unfavorable in the war, Wuzhou may be destroyed." The leader immediately understood what Luo Yangming meant.

This kind of understanding is not only common among businessmen, but also among the big gentry in the city.

In the defense of the city in the medieval society, the support of the big gentry in the city was crucial.They not only control a large amount of social and material resources, but also have a great voice.It is very effective in mobilizing the people.In the Ming Dynasty, the several extremely difficult and dangerous city defense battles were able to persist in the end, and the local gentry all made great efforts.

But on the other hand, if the strength of the two sides is very different, the enemy will secretly surrender.These people are likely to sacrifice their city and surrender to the enemy in order to save their lives.

The kun thieves are powerful in Guangdong and Guangxi, and they have always been known as "combining leniency and strictness" on weekdays. Naturally, the big gentry in the city are unwilling to accompany Xiong Wencan to kowtow to the kun thieves.They all know all kinds of legends about the thieves in the past. The Australians never slaughtered and looted cities that could be surrendered in time.However, if there is a fierce resistance, although the city will not be slaughtered and looted after the city is broken, the big gentry in charge will have no good end.

"What you said is true!" the leader whispered, "I also think so, the people of Wuzhou and Hecheng can't just fill the ditch for nothing."

"I just don't know..." Luo Yangming pretended to be timid and cautious.

"Here, you can rest assured," the leader narrowed his eyes slightly, "all the sages in the city understand. It's just—" His voice became so low that it was only a whisper, "Why do you want to talk about this, brother?" ? Could it be..."

Luo Yangming is only a middle-level businessman in the guild, and he is not very active in the guild on weekdays.Suddenly coming to talk to him about such a topic was obviously instigated by someone.

"Exactly." Luo Yangming knew that if he didn't show some trump cards at this time, the other party would not easily believe him, "I usually sell grain in Guangdong, and I have a lot of contacts with Dachang, and I have a good relationship with some of the shopkeepers. cooked."

Dachang is an Australian industry. This is not a secret in Guangdong, but it is well known in Wuzhou. As an important grain market in Guangdong and Guangxi, Wuzhou has many rice companies that have traded with Dachang.The leader nodded slightly.

"...Before Wuzhou was besieged, some people from Dachang came to the city and talked with me in my house," Luo Yangming said, "He said that if there is a war, Wuzhou is the key to Guangdong and Guangxi, and there will inevitably be a fierce battle. Wouldn't it be a great disaster if jade and stone were burned together."

The head of the meeting nodded and said: "You are right." He sighed, "If other people are in charge of the city, it would be easier to say. Now Master Xiong is guarding the city in person - in the current situation, he must have saved the city With the mind of fighting to the death, there are so many guest troops in the city, and several respected masters are hiding in the cottage, and now the gentry in the city don't have such a big face, even if they are willing to speak out, I'm afraid it will be of little use."

The next update will be Volume 318 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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