Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2114 Self-help

Chapter 2114 Self-help
"What Master Qiao said is true. It's just that there is another dangerous incident now. I wonder if the master has heard of it?"

"Appreciate further details!"

"I'm afraid that if Wuzhou doesn't guard, the officers and soldiers will do something unbearable in a hurry!" Luo Yangming said, telling him what Wen Tietou had seen and heard.

"There is such a thing!" Leader Qiao's face turned pale. He didn't doubt it, but instead stood up and walked around the hall a few times, saying to himself, "So that's it!"

Luo Yangming knew that he must have noticed those unreasonable actions.It's just that they didn't look as carefully as Wen Tietou's eyeliner on the pier.It is still impossible to draw the conclusion that Xiong Wencan may burn the city.

"It's unbelievable!" The leader murmured, "This is a city of people!"

"With Xiong Du's current situation, it's not surprising to do such a thing."

He nodded his head, expressing his understanding.

"In this case, it is impossible to convince Xiong Du."

"Exactly." Luo Yangming nodded, "He is at the end of his rope now. Why would he listen to my advice?"

The head of the meeting nodded slightly. Although the two were not familiar with each other, they already understood each other.

"Some things, it's inconvenient for me to come forward. It's easier for Master Luo to do things." Qiao Huishou whispered a few words to the valet, and the valet left immediately, and after a while, he came out with a tray.

"This is my name card. You take it now." The leader lowered his voice, "You go to pay a visit first—"

On the second day after the fall of Bangshan, the city of Wuzhou in the daytime had become a dead city, with every house closed and locked.Except for the stragglers in twos and threes on the streets, they are the people who were conscripted to defend the city.People don't go to the streets as long as there is no imminent matter, so as not to be looted or even killed by the rebels.Street gates were closed everywhere, rich people not only blocked the gates, but also distributed knives and guns to servants and servants.

The guest army in the city was already extremely anxious and frantic at this time-the fall of the city was already in sight.About to realize that the end is coming, and the only remaining military discipline has disappeared.Even the generals of the guest army could not completely control the troops.Incidents of guest troops looting and killing civilians continued on the streets, and conflicts with the local garrison also occurred from time to time.If it weren't for Xiong Wencan's family team who kept patrolling the city and suppressed the rebels from time to time, the city would have already been in chaos.

In this tense atmosphere, bad news came: it was said that Xiong Wencan did not show up until noon, and only sent a personal servant to say that "the body violated the peace".This immediately caused everyone to panic—after all, Xiong Wencan is the only high official in charge in Wuzhou City.If he really "falls ill", the only people below him are the prefect of Wuzhou and the county magistrate of Cangwu.In their identities, commanding the rebellious generals of the guest army is simply a dream.

While panicking, there were rumors that Xiong Wencan had committed suicide in Houya, and there were also rumors that Xiong Wencan had fled overnight.Just when everyone was panicking.But Chang Qingyun, his confidant and aide, came forward and sent people to distribute invitations everywhere, saying that he was going to have a banquet for the officials, gentry and merchants in the city in the evening to "discuss the matter of defending the city".

Chang Qingyun is here, and Yi Haoran, who is in charge of leading Xiong Wencan's family, is also leading his family to suppress the rebels on the street—these two are the "popular people" around Governor Xiong recently.Moreover, the staff members in the Xiongmu were also there, so the theory of Xiong Wencan's escape seemed to be self-defeating.

However, the shattering of this rumor has caused uneasiness among the "invited" merchants in the city-this is the rhythm of the weasel giving the chicken New Year's greetings.

However, in the face of the school captains and soldiers who came to "please" eagerly, they couldn't say no, even if they pretended to be sick, they had to "carry them away".

Although Luo Yangming is not a big family member, he is also one of the directors of the Rice Grain Association, and he is also within the scope of invitation.His wives and concubines were worried, and they were all worried that they would lose their money.Luo Yangming's expression was much more solemn.

Xiong Wencan's banquet is naturally a Hongmen banquet, but what is more worrying is his plan to burn the city.

Once it is really set on fire, it is not a matter of losing money, but the lives of the whole family!

His recent activities are all aimed at thwarting the plan to burn the city. With his hard work and running around, the strong squad and some of the guards in the city have expressed their position that once the Australians start attacking the city, they will open the city gate immediately. meet.If someone wants to set fire to it, he will try his best to stop it.

But whether the words of these people are reliable, whether they can stand up to the rogue soldiers like wolves or tigers, or whether they will simply become rebellious soldiers is another matter.

The area where he lives is mostly well-off shops, and once there is chaos in the city, it will be the first place to bear the brunt.It's really hard to say whether the safety of the neighbors can be protected only by street fences and strong guards.

He called Wen Tietou and took care of him in a low voice.

"I leave the family affairs to you."

"Don't worry! I will keep everyone safe." Wen Tietou slapped his chest loudly, "It's a pity that my brother on the pier is not in the city!"

"Everything in the house doesn't matter, as long as everyone is safe and sound!" Luo Yangming repeatedly urged, then got up and went out with a few servants.

It was too early to go to the banquet now, not to mention that he had not yet made up his mind whether to go to the banquet or not.Luo Yangming hasn't figured out Xiong Wencan's mind until now—since he wants to set fire to the city, he has no intention of guarding it at all, so why bother holding a banquet to ask everyone to "help defend the city"?
After thinking about it, this so-called banquet should be just a plan to delay the attack!

He thought that Xiong Wencan hadn't shown up since the morning, first he said that he went to bed late at night, and at noon he said that "the body violated the harmony".All of a sudden, everyone was invited to a banquet...

Luo Yangming suddenly realized that Xiong Wencan probably escaped from the city last night.Today's series of tricks is nothing more than delaying time.Let the officials, gentry and people in the city think that he is still "presiding over the big plan" in the city.

If he doesn't show up at the banquet at night, this empty plan will definitely be shattered...

Luo Yangming suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: Could it be that the banquet was going to be set on fire when it started? !

Thinking about it again, the people attending the banquet this time are all "village sages" in the city. Although there are no gentry-level figures, most of them are people with some strength and appeal in Wuzhou City.Especially among the strong men gathered to defend the city, they all have a certain appeal.

If they want to surrender, it is still possible to fight against the guest troops Xiong Wencan left in the city who set fire and looted.

So Xiong Wencan wants to set up such a game!Luo Yangming thought, maybe, once they enter, the door will be locked, and then a "fire" trick will be used to burn all these "village sages" to death—or at least burn them out of their wits. Unable to organize against the rioters.

Luo Yangming felt cold all over.Your own plan must be launched immediately!
Thinking of this, he said to his servants: "Quick! Take me to Master Qiao's house!"

Master Qiao is not only the leader of the Rice and Grain Association, but also the leader of Wuzhou South City.Although he has no fame or fame, he is a "village sage" who can call the wind and call the rain in Wuzhou Prefecture.He can not only affect the local strong team, but also affect the movement of the strong team recruited in Nancheng.

As long as he can change his position immediately, the gates of Dezheng and Nanxun in Nancheng can be taken down with confidence!
Thinking of this, he quickened his pace even more.

Although Yi Haoran also went to the governor's yamen early in the morning, he heard that Xiong Wencan could not receive guests for a while, so he went back to his subordinates.Unlike other staff members, he did not intend to follow the governor to flee for his life.Life and death are no longer the most important thing to Yi Haoran.With the enemy in front of him, he was not in the mood to drink tea and chat with a group of staff in the flower hall of the governor's office.

But Yi Haoran was not idle, he spread out the paper and ink when he returned to the next place, and began to write letters.

What he wrote was not so much a letter, but a summary of a series of battles since Zhaoqing.Although he did not personally experience most of these battles, he had carefully collected the experiences of the officers and soldiers who participated in the battles.Especially in the battle of Bangshan yesterday, he asked Jiang Suo carefully about the whole process, especially the steps of attacking the Australians.

After writing a few pages, I asked the servants around me to copy a few copies.He prepared to hand over these letters to the messenger who presented Xiong Wencan's memorial to the capital, and sent them to several teachers and friends respectively—most of them were behind the official government office, and it would be better if more people knew the details of the thieves. .

Jiang Suo stood aside absent-mindedly. He was exhausted from the battle yesterday.I slept until noon and didn't get up. , got up and ran to Yi Haoran, wanting to ask for an errand to be stationed outside the Dayun Gate.Yi Haoran didn't agree, he said: "You almost put your life on Bangshan, now you want to continue to put your life outside Dayunmen?"

"Jiang is only willing to be loyal to the country!"

"Don't lie to me. You are just asking for death! Even though you don't say it, I can still guess that you must have a deep hatred with the gangster. It's nothing to hate the country, but it's wrong to just ask for death! You are still young Light, always feel that friendship is greater than the sky - if you have seen a real change, you will find that life is better than anything else!"

As he spoke, he was overwhelmed, seeing what Jiang Suo had to say, and said:

"Don't say any more. You will take the rest of the new army to patrol the streets in a while and maintain good military discipline. The streets are already in disarray. Go down and rest first."

After all, Yuan Chongde asked Jiang Suo to step down.He was not surprised that Xiong Wencan's "physical disobedience"--Xiong Du's situation was at the end of his rope.Even if the boy came to report that Xiong Wencan had committed suicide, he wouldn't be surprised.

But what about Wuzhou?Yi Haoran thought of Chang Puxian's plan to burn down the city, although it was also a strategy for the survival of the desperate, but it was too vicious, it was an out-of-the-box plan.

Seeing that the sun was already setting, he was about to go out to walk around the city gates, when a servant pushed the door and entered, whispered a few words, Yi Haoran suddenly turned pale, got up and rushed out the door.

The next update will be Volume 319 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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