Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2115 Three City Defense Strategies

Chapter 2115 Three City Defense Strategies

As soon as Yi Haoran walked out the door, he saw a row of common people kneeling in the courtyard.

Although they are all ordinary people without fame, they are actually "respectable" people among the common people: most of them are well-to-do merchants in the city, and there are also some "old and virtuous" old people.

The leader is none other than Master Qiao, the leader of the Rice Grain Association.

Master Qiao is usually pampered and pampered, with the air of a doughty rich man, but at this moment he is actually wearing a commoner garment, kneeling under the stone steps like a mourning concubine.As soon as he came out, he opened his voice and began to howl.

"Master Yi, you have to save the people in this city..."

With his number, the group of people kneeling behind all started to wail, making Yi Haoran's yard look like he was doing something trivial.

Yi Haoran hurriedly bowed and cupped his fists and said, "Don't dare! Don't dare! Fellow folks, please stand up and talk, so Yi can't afford it, can't afford it!" He secretly wondered: It seems that most of the people who come here are local merchants , There are also a few chief executives, although they are not considered "Ji Gentlemen", they are also people who can speak in the city's prefecture and county yamen.
In the governor's shogunate, he was originally just a "cooker". In terms of status, he can't even compare to the gentleman who made fun of Mr. Xiong during meals.It was because of the formation and training of the new army that he became a "popular man" in the shogunate, as if he meant the "martial arts team" of the shogunate.However, just because of the "wu" character, most of the people who come to make friends are Qiuba and local civil servants from all walks of life.Local wealthy gentry seldom come to socialize with him.

Now that this group of "representatives of public opinion" came to him, it goes without saying that it must be for the defense of the city.

But Master Qiao refused to get up, and continued to shout on the ground: "Master Yi, you have to save all the people in Wuzhou City..."

"What's the matter? Please, Mr. Qiao, get up and talk, get up and talk. As long as someone from me, Yi, can help, I will do my best." Yi Haoran saw that the rich man was crying, obviously not all pretentious, and his heart tightened: Could it be? The guest army looted in the city again?Although the city is chaotic, the general order is still maintained.Xiong Wencan's supervisors and servants are still patrolling the streets.

Master Qiao saw that the fire was almost ready, so he got up, wiped his tears and said: "Master Yi! Since Governor Xiong brought Guangdong officials and generals to this county, everyone in Wuzhou has done their best to serve you. The rewards of wine and meat, Silver; the food and grass needed by the army, which time is not properly handled. Even though the villain is only a rice dealer, he also paid 500 taels of silver, [-] shi rice. There are still [-] shi rice to be requisitioned As military rations, up to now, only one-third of the food payment has been given—the little ones dare not say 'no'."

When he said this, all the people who followed him sighed.Some said that the soldiers came to the store to pick up things, and they never gave money, and they didn't dare to ask for it; Some soldiers forced women to "wash clothes" and sent their own maidservants away, but they actually wanted to pull the family's female relatives, and it took money to count as "exemption".

Yi Haoran was extremely annoyed by this faction's "crying" one after another - he knew a lot about these bad things, and of course, to the "village sages", these were nothing more than saying that he was "worthy" of the government officers and soldiers.Pave the way for the next requirements.

He hurriedly said loudly: "Master Xiong also knows about these things. It's just that the military situation is urgent, and military discipline can't be taken care of for a while. Brothers work hard on expeditions, and they are living a life of licking blood with knives, so I don't want to disturb you. Please, elders, please Forgive me." After finishing speaking, he whispered to Master Qiao: "What's the matter?"

"Today, Mr. Chang in the governor's yamen sent people around to deliver stickers, saying that governor Xiong is going to entertain the city's merchants tonight. Let's discuss the plan to keep the city."

Yi Haoran nodded and said, "I've heard about it."

"If it's to defend the city, you guys will naturally go there. It's just that there is news from the inside that Master Chang offered three poisonous tricks to Xiong Du—these three poisonous schemes can certainly hurt the gangsters, but they are harmful to the city. As far as the common people are concerned, it is a desperate strategy to injure five hundred enemies and three thousand themselves!"

Yi Haoran was shocked: The plan to burn the city has always been a secret, not many people know about it.Although most of the gentry in the city had escaped out of the city, either ran far away to Nanning, Guilin and other places, or hid in the cottages, there are still many people in the city who have achieved fame and reputation.A big fire will definitely burn a lot of people.If you really want to make a fuss, although you can plant it on the thieves and push the blame to the wolf soldiers, but if someone really takes the opportunity to make a fuss, it is not easy to deal with it.

He hurriedly said: "How can this matter..."

Speaking of which, he realized that he had slipped his tongue. Mr. Qiao hadn't said what these three poisonous tricks were!

Sure enough, he saw a flash of light in Master Qiao's tearful eyes.

broken!The old fox found it!

Yi Haoran hurriedly said: "Master Chang is a kind person, he won't do any evil tricks, this is a rumor..."

When he said this, he felt his face burn.

Master Qiao said: "It is said that Master Chang proposed to Xiong Zhitai: Confiscate the food stored by the people in the city, organize the young and strong in the city into the brave team, and drive the old, weak, women and children out of the city-these three strategies are considered inappropriate by villains. !"

When he heard that there was no plan to burn the city, Yi Haoran couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that these three plans might be true.

As long as we don't burn the city, we can finally leave some vitality for Wuzhou.Although it was cruel to drive women and children out of the city, it at least gave them a way out—the gangsters were known as "benevolent", and they would not slaughter the people, and there might be relief.

However, it was "folks and elders" who came, so he had to appease him to some extent.

Before he could open his mouth, Master Qiao said again: "If the stored food is taken away, the hearts of the people in the city will be lost; although it is possible for Ding Zhuang to be included in the defense of the city, most of them are people who have not fought in battle, and going to battle is just filling the ditch; Those who drive women, children, old and weak out of the city, how can the young men in the city risk their lives to defend the city?"

"What Master Qiao said is very true, but it's just a rumor after all." Yi Haoran thought to himself that you can't come up with evidence anyway, as long as he insists that it's a rumor, Master Qiao can't say anything.

"Master Yi still says it's just a rumor!" Master Qiao said, "Now the soldiers have gone to the streets and are searching for food from house to house—they say they are searching for food, and they are taking the opportunity to loot!"

As if to confirm what he said, there was an extremely shrill scream from a distance, and then it stopped abruptly.Shocked everyone trembled.

"Master Yi! Now that the Kun bandits have not yet entered the city, this Wuzhou is about to become a hell on earth."

Yi Haoran's eyes almost burst into flames, he didn't expect the matter to develop to this point.He shouted loudly: "Jiang Suo!"

Jiang Suo responded.

"Hurry up and take the brothers here to the streets to repress them! Don't allow looting!" He shouted, "The Governor's order arrow is in the study, you take it!"

After finishing the order, he turned his head to Master Qiao and said, "I don't know about this matter yet. As for the looting by the soldiers outside, I don't know if it was ordered by Shangfeng. Please stay safe, I will go to the governor's yamen right now See Xiong Du! We must ask for an explanation."

"Thank you, Mr. Yi." A group of people were about to kneel down again, and Yi Haoran no longer had the heart to deal with them.

Seeing Yi Haoran leading a dozen servants and soldiers galloping away on horseback, all the "village sages" who came to "cry and complain" hurriedly went home—the family may have changed.Only Master Qiao and Luo Yangming who were among the crowd were not in a hurry.

"Brother, you are right." Master Qiao's face showed a mixture of horror and viciousness, "These gang of officials are really no fun! They are red-faced and black-hearted!"

Luo Yangming was both happy and worried. The happy thing was that Master Qiao believed his words completely, but the worry was that there was not much time left for him.He made a worried expression and said: "It's up to now, I don't know..."

"He is not kind, I am not righteous." Master Qiao said, "It is no big deal for an Australian to be emperor."

"It doesn't matter whether the Australians come to be the emperor, the current situation..."

"You go back with me. Let's discuss again!"

Yi Haoran galloped to the governor's office, and the order on the street was really messed up.Many rebels along the street carried some on their shoulders and some carried them around their waists. There were bags and bags of food, as well as various kinds of soft food.Some soldiers pulled the women's hair, and dragged the beaten and bruised women away.

On weekdays, Yi Haoran would have to scold and stop him, but at this moment he couldn't care less.He rushed to the yamen in one breath, jumped off his horse, dropped the reins, and rushed in.

He is the "popular man" of the shogunate, and the servants and soldiers didn't stop him, so Yi Haoran broke into the signing room at the back in one breath.But he didn't see the governor, only saw Chang Qingyun drinking tea in the flower hall outside with a calm expression.

Yi Haoran didn't care about politeness, and asked:
"Where is Mr. Xiong? I want to meet immediately."

"Master Xiong is in a state of discord and is resting." Chang Qingyun said, "What's the matter with you, brother, it's the same with me."

Chang Qingyun has always been at odds with Yi Haoran, but Chang Qingyun's status in the shogunate is much higher than Yi Haoran.To see Xiong Wencan, you really have to pass him.

Yi Haoran had no choice but to suppress his urgency, and asked, "I'm going to invite the big households in the city to a banquet in the evening to discuss the plan of defending the city. Is there any such thing?"

"That's true."

"It is said that three strategies for defending the city will be announced at the meeting, and the big household Zongjia will follow them as a whole..."

"There is also this matter."

"That is to say, it is true to collect all the food stored in the city, drive all the young and strong into soldiers, and expel women, children, old and weak out of the city!"

Chang Qingyun was startled, then nodded again: "This is true."

"So, the plan offered by Master Chang of Enping County is useless?"

Chang Qingyun put down the teacup and said: "Master Yi, these three strategies are all strategies to defend the city, isn't it in line with your wishes?"

Yi Haoran was startled, this is indeed a good statement.Only those who defend the city will use these three strategies, otherwise it will be set on fire, what are you going to do all this effort for?
The next update will be Volume 320 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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