Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2116

Chapter 2116
"But if you do this, the Taiwan makers will lose the hearts of the people!"

"If the people don't have the hearts of the people, what's the use now?!" Chang Qingyun stood up abruptly, and said loudly, "In this Wuzhou city, there is an undercurrent surging, and families, big and small, probably have prepared blue cloth and red paper, incense burners and wax sticks. Get ready to welcome the heavenly soldiers into the city, and wait to become obedient citizens of the Great Song Dynasty!"

Yi Haoran said: "You are right. However, the sages have said: the king treats his ministers like dirt, but the ministers regard the king as a bandit. Since the officers and soldiers entered the city, the military discipline has deteriorated. Every day, when they go to the big family of the gentry, Down to the people of Li and common people, they will not be harmed every day! It is better to say that they came to protect the people in the Weicheng City, but they are here to harm the people! Isn't today's situation, is it not their own fault?!"

Chang Qingyun kept a straight face, but did not interrupt him.It wasn't until he finished speaking that he said: "Since that's the case, what trick does Master Yi have?"

With this question, Yi Haoran was at a loss for words.All available methods have been exhausted, and Wuzhou City has really reached the end of the mountain and the end of the road.

If there is any way to save the city and the people, then only Kaesong surrendered.

Yi Haoran was at a loss, he couldn't say the word "surrender".

Chang Qingyun didn't answer, got up and paced in the room: "Changzhou and Bangshan are lost, traffic inside and outside Wuzhou has been cut off, grain and fodder from Guilin and Nanning can't be brought in, and the soldiers in the whole city can only run out of food in an instant! If we don’t confiscate the stored food, are we waiting for them to mutiny? That is to say, to seize the people’s stored food, and if we don’t organize the young and strong in the city into a brave team to monitor them at all times, we won’t be afraid that some spies will come out of them and open the door to welcome the enemy into the city like Guangzhou ? Leave those women, children, old and weak in the city, waiting for them to starve to death in this dangerous city, or wait for them to be burned to death when the city is broken?"

"But there may not be food outside the city. How much food can be provided to help the common people because the bandits work hard on their expeditions?"

"Isn't it said that Australians are always benevolent and righteous?" Chang Qingyun sneered, "Even if the common people drink porridge, the thieves have to consume a lot of food. Even if they can capture Wuzhou, they still can't have enough to eat. No matter how powerful the thieves are, they will be invincible You can stay in Wuzhou, so Guangxi can be safe!"

Yi Haoran took a breath, his mind went blank.After a while, he came back to his senses and said loudly, "We still want to burn the city?!"

"For today's plan, the only way is to burn jade and stone together!" Chang Qingyun said, "If I can't keep it, the gangsters can't even think about it!"

"I want to see Xiong Zuotai!"

Chang Qingyun said: "Xiong Zhitai is no longer in the city."


"Mr. Yi, don't be impatient." Chang Qingyun's attitude is very peaceful, "Xiong Du is the strategy of the two provinces. What's the use of defending Wuzhou? Naturally, he has to go out and preside over the overall situation."

Yi Haoran was a little bit disappointed, he was in charge of the training of the new army in the past few months, he was like a celebrity in Xiong Wencan's curtain, he didn't expect this boss to leave him without a word and run away!This is also too ruthless.What hit him even more was that since he didn't bring himself when he went out of the city, it was obvious that he was not important in Xiong Wencan's eyes.

Fortunately, Chang Qingyun was also in the city, which somewhat calmed his mood.

"Master Yi, isn't he going to stick to Wuzhou? Chang is now going to share adversity with you, live and die together. Hahaha, hahaha." Chang Qingyun let out a series of weird laughter and said, "Come on, let's go with Chang first With tea..."

On the other hand, Luo Yangming was already in a state of confusion, and the other big households who were notified to attend the banquet were even more anxious. Not to mention the food storage, his family members would also suffer hardships, and he would be trapped to death here.At this time, there were screams from a distance. Luo Yangming knew that it was the Ming army who were robbing each household of food. It was obvious that the food stored in the houses of the starry people was better than nothing, and the officers and soldiers were beating the big households like them. idea.Right now the situation is not completely out of control, but the reins of the rebels are getting looser and looser, and a catastrophe for the people is imminent!

He and Master Qiao discussed secretly with the leaders of various guilds in Qiao's house, and after discussion, everyone reached a consensus: First, you must not go to the banquet. Go - nine times out of ten, you will be burned to death inside; second, the strong men of the Zongjia must be well controlled, and the officers and soldiers must not be dragged away; third, the water in various parts of the city will Equipment must be prepared, once a fire breaks out, it will be dispatched to put out the fire immediately, and the strong team will accompany it for protection; fourth, be prepared to use force with officers and soldiers.

Don't look at the big households who fight openly and secretly for business on weekdays, but they are willing to contribute at this juncture: after all, Wuzhou City is related to their wealth and life.Therefore, he raised [-] taels of silver without any trouble, and donated them to the soldiers, squads and squads of the guards in the city to ensure that they would be able to work hard at that time—or at least not participate in the looting.At the same time, I made a wish to the generals and lieutenants who led the team, as long as Wuzhou is safely handed over to the Australians, the big family will give other thanks afterwards.

At this time, someone came to report that the officers and soldiers were driving the strong men at the gates of the east and west cities to dig open the gates. It seemed that they were planning to drive the people out of the city at night.

"Actually, once the city gate is dug open, the heavenly soldiers can take advantage of the situation to enter the city. It's just that it's getting late, and the heavenly soldiers may not take advantage of the opportunity to attack the city because they may be tricked."

"It would be great if someone could go out of the city to contact the Heavenly Soldiers!" Someone suggested.

This suggestion is very appropriate, but all the big households looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to respond.It is not difficult to go out of the city to contact, as long as they are willing to pay, there must be someone willing to risk their lives to contact.However, in order to win the trust of the Australians, there must be some evidence in hand, and letters are a must.If it falls into the hands of officers and soldiers, it will be a catastrophe in an instant!
"I'll take care of this!" Now, Luo Yangming can only stand up by himself, "I have dealt with the Australian rice merchant Dachang, and I heard that it is Dachang who handles the Australian military supplies this time-I am with them Old business."

Someone stepped forward, and all the big households breathed a sigh of relief, and they all patted their chests and said, "Don't worry about your wife, I will support myself."At this time, Luo Yangming didn't care whether these people were sincere or not, he hurriedly resigned from Qiao Dahu's house, and led his servants to walk all the way back through alleys, alleys, and lonely places.

The city was full of panic and restlessness. On the street, many houses and shops had been smashed open. From time to time, dead people could be seen lying on the street, and there were howls and cries everywhere.

Luo Yangming didn't care so much, he hurried back to his shop, and his old shopkeepers Li Wensheng and Wen Tietou had been waiting for a long time.When they saw him come back, they couldn't help being overjoyed.Li Wensheng is already sixty years old, and he belongs to his old family.Immediately tears welled up in his eyes, and he said immediately: "Master, the officers and soldiers have robbed all the rice in our shop! I didn't keep a single grain of rice!"

Wen Tietou was also a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "There are many officers and soldiers, and there are swords and guns. I am alone and weak..."

The rice store operated by Luo Yangming is strictly the property of the Senate. Even so, as a rice merchant on the board, Luo Yangming still feels very sad when he throws away so much rice all at once.But now is not the time to care about, he comforted:

"Let them take the rice if they want it. These soldiers and bandits can't eat rice for a few days! As long as they are safe, they can talk about anything." He told Wen Tietou to go to the back house to take care of his family, and asked Li Wensheng to go to the back house to take care of his family. Go to the study.

Li Wensheng was originally a clerk at Luo Yangming's rice shop when he was in Sanshui. Later, the rice shop was seized and Li Wensheng was also displaced.When Luo Yangming went to Wuzhou to work as an intelligence officer, he met Li Wensheng who was unemployed and impoverished at home in Sanshui, and recruited him to help him open a rice store in Wuzhou.Although he never disclosed any details of his intelligence work to Li Wensheng, and even refused to talk about his experience in Lingao, Luo Yangming still trusted this old man who had watched him grow up, and now the old shopkeeper.

He is very old and looks like a very old man, so it is not a problem to mix in when expelling the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and his body is actually quite strong, and he can do things like crossing mountains and mountains.

Luo Yangming wrote a letter in secret language, and told Li Wensheng that when he left the city, he must definitely hand over this letter to the Australian officials.

"If they refuse to let you see the Australian chief, you can say that you have information to give to the Australian chief. If it doesn't work, you can say that you were sent by a lone wolf. I just want to say one thing, you must remember it." Luo Yangming exhorted.

"Boss, this old man will definitely fulfill his mission. It's just that we will see each other again tomorrow." The loyal shopkeeper said tearfully.

"See you later."

In the evening, the governor’s yamen hosted a banquet for merchants in the city. Few of the big households and chief executives who were supposed to come came, only Qiao Dahu. They blocked the gate of the yamen to petition, and only said that they didn't know which rumors were spreading, saying that Mr. Xiong was going to burn the city, and he brought all the men, women, old and young in the city to burn together.The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled knelt down and wailed in the street together, asking Mr. Xiong to "take the common people in the world as his heart, and open the city without blood as the top priority."

The news spread very quickly, and within half an hour the city was full of uproar, the whole city of Wuzhou was in a state of turmoil, and the streets were full of people wandering around like headless chickens.

The noise and commotion in the city attracted the attention of the Fubo Army reconnaissance team outside the city, but they couldn't judge what happened in the city.From the testimonials of the officers and soldiers cast down from the city in the past few days, they probably know that the situation in the city is unstable and the order is chaotic, but what kind of chaos is it inside? What, the soldiers know very little.

However, from the confession of the surrender, Zhu Mingxia probably knew that the officers and soldiers were likely to set fire to the city when it was broken.This worried him very much.Once the officers and soldiers burn the city, not only Wuzhou is likely to be destroyed, but the food in Wuzhou that was originally planned to be used on the spot will also be reduced to ashes.So after capturing Bangshan, he immediately mobilized his troops to prepare for the attack and take Wuzhou as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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