Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2117 Out of the City

Chapter 2117 Out of the City
He called Zhu Quanxing, the commander of the third battalion in charge of the main attack, and asked:

"How long will it take to take Wuzhou?"

"It depends on when it is dawn." Zhu Quanxing said.

"What about after dawn?"

"The entire city can be occupied within an hour including artillery preparations." Zhu Quanxing looked at his watch, "All troops have been deployed. Now they are taking turns to rest."

"Okay, you wait for my order. Depending on the situation, we have to attack tonight."

"It is difficult to coordinate the troops at night, and it is a bit risky to operate with large troops."

"I'm afraid we can't let us slow down this matter." Zhu Mingxia handed him the information gathered by the intelligence officers' prisoner interrogation, "Xiong Wencan is likely to come and die--he really made it so that we have nothing but to retreat law."

"Okay, I'll go back and make preparations." Zhu Quanxing said, "However, the risk of attacking at night is very high, and these days are crescent moons, and the brightness at night is extremely low, so it will be very difficult to observe and shoot. Be careful. Otherwise, the attack will start in the early morning.”

It is very risky to organize a large force to move and fight at night.Even for the number one "elite soldier" in this time and space like the Fubo Army, there will always be unpredictable situations every time they organize night combat exercises, and getting lost is the most common situation.

Zhu Mingxia weighed it over and over again, but still couldn't make up his mind.To be honest, taking Wuzhou at night is indeed a big risk. It is easy to enter the city, but it becomes a problem when you arrive in the city: the streets are dark, there are no street signs, and the troops lack lighting equipment. Sex is great.Only the maps provided by the Intelligence Bureau can be used for reference.It is difficult to identify the enemy and the enemy at night, and there are a large number of routs in the city...

If Xiong Wencan seized this opportunity to set fire, it would be too late to escape.

Zhu Mingxia was hesitating, when suddenly the correspondent came to report: The scouts discovered that the enemies of Wuzhou had dug open the east-west gates.

"What? Are you planning to break out?"

Although the strategy of killing all the big households with banquets failed, the deportation of women, children, and children has begun.The defenders began to drive the people from house to house, following the orders of the superiors in advance: the young and the strong were driven to one side, and the women, children, old and weak were driven to the east and west gates.

In the beginning, young men were assigned, but later, the officers and soldiers who carried out the expulsion work deliberately took advantage of the opportunity to plunder, and completely ignored these "little things".Because men were worried about the safety of their wives, children, and parents, they did not dare to take care of their belongings, so they walked out together in the crowd.

Expelling the people out of the city was just an excuse for the guest army to take the opportunity to loot, so the order soon became chaotic.Some took the opportunity to rape prostitutes, and some killed people for the purpose of robbing property.Many civilians brought soft things with them, but they were all stopped and searched by the rebels.Some people find it troublesome, so they stick their double knives in the street and call the people passing by out of the city to "present treasure".Those who refused to take out their belongings were stabbed in the street, and when they met young women, they were dragged behind and raped in the street.The crying on the street was loud, and it was sympathetic to hear it.

The governor's yamen was already empty at this time, and when all the staff members learned that Governor Xiong had already left the city, they immediately dispersed.The servant scribes who were abandoned in the government office plundered property in the government office to find their own way of life.At the entrance of the gate of the government office, rebels and city foxes and rats openly came in and out, looting the few remaining property.

Only a part of the city still maintains order, and the street fences have been closed and guarded by strong men.No one is allowed to pass, no matter whether you are an official, a civilian or an army, as long as you get close to the street fence, you will immediately attract a burst of arrows.Bloody heads poked randomly on the street gate, warning all strangers who tried to approach.

Outside several official warehouses and government offices, the strong squad of the city, the Wuzhou naval battalion, and the guards formed a vigilant circle to drive out the mob who intended to loot.
Most of the soldiers in the Wuzhou Naval Battalion were from Wuzhou, and many families even lived in Wuzhou City. When women and children left the city, many families of the soldiers from the Naval Battalion were among them.Since the start of the war, Chang Qingyun, who knew that the Wuzhou navy had no chance of winning, suggested that all the warships of the navy battalion be scuttled at the mouth of the Guijiang River with sand and stones, leaving only a few ships to transport grain and fodder from Guilin.As a result, the Wuzhou Navy Battalion suddenly became nameless and was driven as an infantry.

In Wuzhou City, Xiong Wencan relied on the guest army transferred from Guangxi, especially the wolf soldiers who had always had bad military discipline were the most important.Local defenders were instead deemed "useless".Not to mention the meager pay, they were often sent to do laborious work as handymen.Therefore, the host-object conflict between the Wuzhou defenders has always been fierce, and fire incidents between the main army and the guest army have occurred from time to time, and the two sides can be said to be like fire and water.This expulsion of the old and the weak out of the city directly harmed their families, and instantly ignited the extreme tension between the two parties.The two sides continued to clash in various parts of the city.

The resistance of the local garrisons was fully utilized by the local tycoons and became the main force of the "anyway" planned by the big tycoons in Wuzhou. With these garrisons, order was barely maintained in many places in the city, and the people were not expelled.Some places that were "reminded" by Luo Yangming that Australians will definitely want them: public buildings such as prefectural government offices and official warehouses have also been protected.It was not looted by the rebels.

Yi Haoran walked on the street with more than a dozen family members and soldiers, with their knives out of their sheaths and guns loaded, no one dared to make noise along the way.Seeing the chaos in the city, I felt a dull pain in my heart.But at this moment, he was helpless.The officialdom in the city has collapsed, and no one is in charge of guarding the city anymore. It is heard that the magistrate of Cangwu County has hanged himself from a beam in the lobby in despair, and the whereabouts of the prefect of Wuzhou is unknown.Many mansions, monasteries and temples were looted by rebels and mobs.He is just a master of the staff, except for Jiang Suo and a dozen people around him, there is no one to use.

Right now, there is nothing to do but get out of town as quickly as possible.Chang Qingyun had already taken a step ahead, so he could only run away quickly.

The expelled people crowded from Xijiangmen along the street all the way to the Longevity Palace in the center of the city. Yi Haoran knew that if this was not handled properly, stampede accidents would easily occur. When he was in Liaodong in the past, he had seen fleeing crowds several times He ran away in a hurry, trampled to death and injured many people.But at this moment, he has no ability to maintain order at all.I can only tell my subordinates to walk along the wall so as not to be scattered by the crowd.

The rebels on the street stared at the team with red eyes one by one, to see if there was any oil or water to fish for.Although Yi Haoran was dressed in shabby clothes, he had Ding Husong, a soldier by his side, who was very "attractive". Relying on Ding, who threatened the rebels with swords and muskets to make way, he was not pulled out to "present treasures" in the street.

The crowd walked very slowly, step by step, and slowly passed through the city gate that was only half opened.Nearly [-] people walked for about an hour and a half before they all walked out of the city gate.Seeing that everyone had left the city, the guards immediately closed the city gate.

Some of the people who went out of the city had relatives in the suburbs and the countryside who could go to them, so they scattered away.But many people have nowhere to go, especially many women and children, who have never traveled far, not to mention the city at night, or even the house.At this moment, he was driven out of the city in the middle of the night, surrounded by darkness, and he could not tell the north from the south. He also heard that there were many thieves outside the city, and some were separated from their husbands, fathers and brothers.As soon as the cold wind blows at night, there will be children crying, and the crying in the city is loud.

The defenders on the city saw many people stranded outside the Xijiang Gate, probably thousands of people, and refused to leave for a long time, so a thousand generals shouted down the city.

"Listen, people below the city, leave the city gate quickly, or you will shoot arrows."

After shouting several times, the crowd was still indifferent, and a dozen archers shot a round towards the city. The people in the city immediately killed and injured several people, and then slowly dispersed amidst the wailing and crying that filled the sky.

The observation post set up on Bangshan saw this scene through night vision binoculars.It was found that more than 1 people left the city from Xijiangmen.These old, weak, women and children are now homeless refugees, forming a one-kilometer-long queue under the west wall of Wuzhou on the banks of the Guijiang River.The pontoon bridge leading to the other side of the Guijiang River was destroyed by the artillery fire of the Fubo Army long ago, and the trestle bridge on the moat in the south of the city was also demolished before the war. The refugees had nowhere to cross the river and had to go north.

"Battalion Commander, there is a situation." A soldier who was confronting the Ming army outside the Dayun Gate noticed something strange on the opposite side, and immediately ran to report to Zhu Quanxing.

Seeing the dark crowd through the binoculars, Zhu Quanxing was very nervous at first. The dense crowd frightened him. The Ming army would not have used their brains to take the initiative to attack them.When I looked at it clearly, I found that this group of people were all unarmed ordinary people, and they were all old and weak women and children.Looking carefully at the number of people, Zhu Quanxing did not know the exact number of this group of people, but he made a rough estimate that there were at least 1 people.

Although Zhu Quanxing hadn't made up his mind on how to deal with them, the troops deployed near Dayun Gate couldn't deal with these refugees, and he also had to consider whether the Ming army might pretend to be among the refugees and wait for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

"Send the signal immediately and call the battalion reserve team!" Zhu Quanxing issued an order, "At the same time, point forward and report!"

When will Dr. Zhong light up the technology tree of the radio station? He really needs a radio station now.

Compared with Zhu Quanxing who was at a loss in the north of the city, although Zhu Mingxia didn't see the dark crowd, he soon learned of the news that a large number of refugees had left the city.

He was able to get the news from the forward sentries so quickly, all thanks to the communication efficiency of the communication soldiers.

On the Wuzhou battlefield, the Fubo Army experimented with many new tactics and tactics.Battlefield communication is one of the important subjects.

Although the veterans can boast that they have the communication technology of Zentraedi Technology, but in actual use, the things brought by these other time and space are too precious, and it is very difficult to replicate technically.Therefore, in addition to the slightly extravagant navy of the Fubo Army, and the fact that the capital ships can distribute radio stations, the army's communication has basically relied on walking and shouting for a long time.

The next update will be Volume 322 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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