Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2131 New Missions

Chapter 2131 New Missions
Xu Xu nodded: A Tao was pawned as a concubine back then, it was not an honorable thing, and it was inevitable that some people would bring up old stories again when they returned to the hometown where they were all acquaintances, which was embarrassing.

"I still want to stay in Wuzhou and continue to work for the Senate." Luo Yangming said, "I have been doing business and living here for many years, and Wuzhou can be regarded as my second hometown. I have learned a lot about the situation in the place and I know everyone well. As for the arrangement Whether I do public work or continue to open the rice shop, it depends on the arrangement of the chief.”

Xu nodded and said, "Since your identity in Wuzhou has not been exposed, then continue to lurk and continue to serve the Senate as the shopkeeper of Mipu."

Luo Yangming nodded: "Yes!" He thought for a while and then said worriedly: "It's just that the rice shop's inventory has been confiscated by the government, and the shop has lost a lot..."

"This rice shop was funded by the Intelligence Bureau, right?"


"I remember that the Intelligence Bureau didn't give you any more funding for your activities. Over the years, you have used this capital to operate to the present situation."

"It's all thanks to the blessings of the Senate..."

"Whether you are lucky or not, let's not discuss it for now. It is a matter of course that you use the money generated by this shop to engage in intelligence activities. Therefore, the bureau will not care about your profit and loss-of course, it is best not to lose money." Capital." Xu Xu smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the Senate will not be so picky. If you are upright, you will not be afraid of the shadow. If you act upright, you will naturally stand firm."

"Yes, thank you for your understanding, Chief."

"Are you having difficulty in continuing to operate now?" Xu Xu asked, "You bring it up, and I will try my best to arrange it."

"Yes, but I can handle it for the time being." Luo Yangming said.

Li Ke nodded and handed him an envelope.

"The specific contact information is in this envelope." He said seriously, "From now on, you will be under the dual leadership of the 'Center' and the 'Political Security Bureau'. But it doesn't matter, your job remains the same: collect intelligence .”

Specifically, he changed from an "intelligence officer" of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau to a "hidden cadre" of the Political Security Bureau.The reason for the "dual leadership" is mainly because Wuzhou is still a "front-line city" and the intelligence work against the enemy is still heavy.Therefore, while monitoring the situation in the city, he must also pay attention to collecting and transferring information from the Daming ruled area and the Yao area.

When Luo Yangming returned to the city, it was already noon. He was very hungry, but he was in a very happy mood, as if all the years of accumulation had disappeared.Especially the comment made by Chief Xu today that "the contribution to Wuzhou will be remembered and praised even if it is decades or hundreds of years", it is even more exciting for him.The chief often said: "Serve the Senate and the people." In the past, he couldn't fully understand why the word "people" should be added. Now he fully understands: If the capture of Wuzhou was just to expand the territory of the Senate, then he tried his best to Saving Wuzhou from the disaster of Zhurong is the real "serving the people".

Luo Yangming traveled all the way, and saw that the order in and outside the city had been roughly restored. Soldiers from the Fubo Army, local government servants, and strong men patrolled the streets, and porridge sheds were set up in front of several temples and government offices to supply refugees with porridge and boiled water.Some people have already begun to clean up the ruins of their own homes. Although the shops have not yet opened, the tense and terrifying atmosphere in the city has been swept away.

When he returned home, the family even Wen Tietou was looking forward to it.Seeing him come back safely, he was relieved.The wives and concubines hurried up to sweep his clothes and wash his face, and upon closer inspection, they both had tears on their faces.Luo Yangming's heart warmed up, and he said with a smile, "I'm not going to a tiger's lair or a wolf's lair, I'm so worried?"

Seeing his relaxed expression and smiling face, everyone knew that going to see "Kun Thief" went well and nothing bad happened.It takes one stone to let go completely.Wen Tietou said: "Master! The Rehabilitation Bureau sent someone just now, saying that after lunch, I would go to the military control committee meeting. I told him that the master was called by the... Australians, and I don't know if I can go there in time..."

Ding Atao worried: "I've been there before, and I'm going again, and I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd..."

"It's okay," Luo Yangming drank the tea brought by his concubine, "this is what it should mean, after all, I'm also a member of the aftermath bureau."

"In my opinion, it's better for the master to dismiss this job. We are not a big business like Master Joe, and there is no good in it. Australians must be recruiting men and grain, and it is a difficult job. If you don't go against your conscience, you can't do it—offend people." Ding Atao urged the maidservant to bring the food, then packed the food with her own hands and brought it over to persuade him.

Luo Yangming smiled, took the job and started to eat.Wen Tietou saw that the "mother" had stopped talking, so he said, "Madam, don't say that. All the directors in the aftermath bureau are good people who have accumulated years of experience. The master is just following things. After the sky falls, there are these eldest sons." Come on, master, what is there to be afraid of? Besides, the aftermath bureau is run by the government. Although the master is only a small director of the bureau, he is also a half-official figure. There is an official sign, what do you do? Is the business not easy?"

Ding Atao said: "For a small family like ours, it's best to stick to this family business and live on - this time it can be regarded as being robbed..."

She felt sorry for the hundreds of shimmi that were forcibly confiscated by the government.Luo Yangming said: "These hundreds of shimi will be gone when they are gone. Fortunately, our whole family is safe and sound, and the wealth is gone, and everyone is happy! By the way, is shopkeeper Li back?"

He thought of Li Wensheng, who hadn't heard from him since he left the city.However, since Chief Xu specifically asked him to meet him, he probably arrived outside the city safely.

"He's back." Ding Atao said, "He's an old man, he's been tossing all night, he's tired and sleepy, I let him go back to his room to rest—he's probably still asleep."

"Let him rest, shopkeeper Li is..." Luo Yangming blurted out excitedly for a moment, and suddenly he realized that it was inappropriate.Not only that he sent Li Wensheng to contact the chief cannot be said casually, but even Li Wensheng himself has to agree with him.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, everyone was puzzled.Wen Tietou had a lot of thoughts, thinking of expelling the people out of the city on the eve of the city's destruction, Li Wensheng could hide in the shop, but somehow followed the refugees out of the city-there must be something strange here.

Luo Yangming didn't say much, after lunch, he got up and went to the military control committee.A Tao was worried, and told Wen Tietou to follow.Luo Yangming waved his hand: "It's useless for him to go with him - besides, he has a group of brothers on the pier who need to take care of him. It's better to let him go back soon." After that, he called the accountant again and sent a few hundred The catty of rice was raised for Wen Tietou:
"The shop has just been attacked by officials and bandits, and it won't be able to move around for a while. You go and distribute these rice to your brothers, and let them deal with it for a while."

Wen Tietou was overjoyed. He is a small leader on the pier, and his brothers have to take care of food and clothing according to the rules. Originally, he wanted to ask his "brother-in-law" to help him, but this time the war disaster "brother-in-law" shop also suffered a lot. Some genuine "uncles" can't say this.Immediately said: "Thank you, master, for your help! This rice, even if I borrowed it, I will return it when the market is ready!"

"They are all relatives of my own family, so don't be polite." Seeing his wife's boss' reluctance, Luo Yangming knew that she loved money, but he didn't want to comfort him now, so he went straight out to the government office.

The board directors of the aftermath bureau have gathered in the meeting room of the military control committee in Wuzhou area - the former Fuya flower hall.

This place was originally the place where the magistrate met guests and had banquets, and most of the directors of the bureau were local "village sages", so they were no strangers to this place.

Although the decorative furniture in the original flower hall was not gorgeous, it was quite graceful and elegant.Now it is a mess: During yesterday's turmoil, some rebels rushed into various government offices to loot, and the government office was not spared.Calligraphy and painting display, furniture and seats were all swept up and destroyed.Even the casements were broken several times, and many messy knife marks were left on the pillars.

The chairs in the meeting room are all improvised, appearing disorganized.Even tea bowls and tea cups don't match.Luo Yangming noticed that there were three large maps hanging on the wall, namely the map of Wuzhou area, the map of Cangwu County and the map of Wuzhou city.I couldn't help but feel very kind—he was responsible for secretly receiving and arranging the staff who came to survey and draw the map.

As for the other bureau directors, they naturally don't understand the mystery of this map.However, when the Australians first arrived, they already knew the situation in Wuzhou Prefecture well, which still surprised them secretly.

The newly appointed "Prefect of Wuzhou in the Great Song Dynasty" is a young man—according to the standards of officials and gentry of the Ming Dynasty, Australians can be regarded as young people regardless of whether they are "real Kun" or "fake Kun".

Xie Erren first made a self-introduction, and then a small local official who surrendered made an introduction, introducing all the township sages of the aftermath bureau one by one.

Most of the directors of the Aftermath Bureau are big local businessmen in Wuzhou.Some of them are Migu merchants and the other part is "Pingmai".

This flat code line is actually a tooth line.However, the Pingma shop in Wuzhou is slightly different from other places where "eating sellers and buyers" and relying on dental stickers to bully dealers - it is more of an "agency bank" nature.

This business form is related to Wuzhou's geographical environment.Wuzhou is located at the meeting point of the Xijiang River and the Guijiang River, and the collection and distribution of local specialties inside and outside the province are frequently traded in Wuzhou.Whether it is rice grain shipped from Guangxi or salt shipped from Guangdong, most of the trade is delivered in Wuzhou.As a result, a kind of parallel shop that specializes in valet trading and relies on commission income to serve Shangxiahe merchants has emerged.

Pingma Co., Ltd. mainly accepts the entrustment of incoming customers to sell local products at market prices, and also purchases local products on behalf of purchasers.In order to show the honesty of the intermediary, the buying and selling are fair, and both parties are satisfied, it is as unbiased as using a balance to weigh silver, so it is called a flat yard.


Next update: Volume 336 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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